>Want to find uncorrupted qt Christian wife <No conservative Christian churches in the county

Wat do Zig Forums?

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Find a latina - Christian - virgin.
Hopefully you're Catholic, otherwise you'll need to bend your rules or convert her to your form of Christianity.
Learn Spanish and join a Spanish congregation from your church if you need to.

Best of prayers while wife hunting!

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I don't think you'll ever find one Unless You live near amish farm or something

No race mixing. God calls upon us to protect our differences, mixing with a mongrel is an obamination.

Go back >>>Zig Forums

Besides, I wouldn't want another Spic Fuentes running around. We need to preserve our race.

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How is race mixing biblical?

No it's not.
But if you would rather be single and cope with singleness, by all means.

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End of argument faithandheritage.com/2011/01/a-biblical-defense-of-ethno-nationalism/

I honestly am surprised by how many people have a hard time finding uncorrupted girls. Go to a large local homeschool conference or Baptist/IFB gathering. I wish I could go there; now that I've moved away from being Baptist, intellectually, at least, I can't feel like I'd date one.

What if it's a qt3.14 slav or Argentine trad Catholic? How do we know she's "white"?

Maybe its best you're single.

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Easy. Appearence, just like how you know if an apple is rotten or good to eat by how it looks, it's the same for race.


how many slavic women you know that are also latinas
asking for a friend not as a gotcha

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Wow, this board is cucked to Reddit hell. Am I on r/christian right now?

The bible is my proof that God is okay with race mixing.
The Song of Solomon was about a Judean falling in love with a black woman.

In Revelation, God gathers us all from the four winds.
If you don't want to marry a black person, or a latina or whatever - that's your choice - but don't go around claiming it's a bible principle.

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except racemixing IS bad, you winnie the poohing dumbwinnie the poohs

Actually, I meant both individually - I know an Argentine girl who looks white, and I know a slav girl, both of who attend our parish. Obviously, racially, I'm half German, half Anglo, so it could be considered race mixing. It has to be more than just "how tan you are," though.

How do you know that she was "black" Why were the Samaritans abhored and rebuked by God then? Why were Jewish priests told in Deuteronomy to kill a Jewish man and his mudshit wife for impregnating a non-Jewish woman?

Reading comprehension.

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Mmkay. It's based on poor exegesis.

No, it's because they were mixing with unbelievers. What about Ruth - she was muh mudshit Moabite.

Wait, are you seriously implying that the Samaratins were rebuked not because they had broken and distorted God's laws, but because they weren't the same race? Wow.

I'd say kill yourself for making a faggoty /r9k/ thread, but that would get me banned. So instead I'll say something something pray something something.

>>>Zig Forums

Why are we commanded to marry from our father's tribe then in Leviticus?

By the way, my virgin latina fiancee is 23 - I'm a virgin as well of an older age.
My IQ is 139 and hers is 129.
She's a bookworm and has been since she was a child.
Both of her parents Spanish speaking only.
And she cooks me food.
We have a bible reading date tonight.


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Galatians 3:28
Colossians 3:11

Thanks for keeping me humble, God.

Man, I hadn't thought of that. I totally thought that the Mosaic Covenant had been made with the Jewish covenant people, and it was a way of preserving the twelve tribes, at least until they rejected Christ as were grafted out. I'm going to have to rethink my views, now, though, and start claiming everything in the Mosaic Covenant is normative for myself, too.

Okay, first, they were the same semitic race. If you're serious retardation, I hope you have a pure phenotype and never stray from it, otherwise, you're hypocritical.

Secondly, it's almost like their entire historic division from the rest of Israel centered around their decision to declare Mount Gerizim holy and reject Jerusalem as the holy city of God.

A verse claiming all Christians to be brothers is not an advocation for race mixing

If you follow the rules of Leviticus, a white German cannot marry a white Dutch because Germans and Dutch are different "tribes". So, basically, you either inbreed or go monastic - except according to Leviticus, only Levites are permitted to go monastic.

If you truly want to follow the halachos of Leviticus, then I hope you have a sister or cousin to marry if you're not a Levite.

Yeah, it kinda is. There is literally nothing wrong with race mixing. You don't HAVE to, but doing so is perfectly fine.

I can't believe we actually have an advocate for incest and inbreeding here. The absolute state of /christian./ Pathetic people incapable of dealing with disagreement have been whining about "waaah, I feel like I'm on weddit!" for years now and they still haven't learned their lesson.

How much longer are we going to put up with this?

I never advocated for incest. If you have a 3rd grade reading comprehension, read and reread. Marrying someone who comes from the same stock as you is not incest Mistxer Reddit. I'm using your pronouns, now leave me alone.

Okay, explain it to me fellow r/christianity user. Tell me about your guilt driven views on why it's okay to winnie the pooh an 60 IQ monkey man and have half-human children.

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Read the Bible, Zig Forumsack. I have no use for you until you do that. We are all humans, one race, one people. All are one in Christ.

Your advocation of race mixing is fanatical. The amount of people typing reply after triggered reply is obnoxious, if you have nothing useful to add please leave. I can believe what I want, and it in no way goes against anything in the bible.

I've been a Christian all of my life bud. I've been reading my bible almost every day for more than a decade. Your views are influenced way too much by society. As you know, the ways of the world are foolishness. It's repeated over and over again in the bible. Do some more digging before you try judging me for being a "bigot racist" or whatever.

Pick one.

Galatians 3:28
Colossians 3:11

Are you Christian Identity or Mormon?

we're concerned for your neurological health as well as your spiritual, user. I'm against race mixing myself, but on scientific terms and for personal preference. I don't eisegete.

Yeah, it explicitly says so.

Well, by merit whites are better than other races, sorry.

Sure guy, you sound really concerned. Really showed me.

this wouldnt work at least for me
all the latinas are all "epig thicc latinx qwayn" types who watch soaps for buzzfeed.

So, you think Jesus, a Judean, was less than a European? You're on the wrong board, kid. Maybe you should lurk more, post less, and pray harder.

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Is it okay to be racist against non-christians?

Stop strawmanning all of my arguments, Reddit.

We have the relationship thread for a reason: 8ch.net/christian/res/670973.html