Pentagon To Roaches: No More F-35s For You If You Purchase S-400s, Roaches Care Less

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When will Israel cancel its own F-35 orders?

Free planes are free planes.

but they literally holocaust the pilot

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The F-35 is the most jewed military project on the planet.

Why the fuck join NATO then?


Stupid fucking mutts, lol.

They'e afraid that Turkey having business relations to Russia combined with building parts of the F-35, means Russia will end up with those F-35 plane part plans or something worse. Basically it's a case of "you're closer to Russia than to us, so don't you even LOOK at them since we can't spy on you 24/7!"

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to stop communism terror


If you look up the specs and testing results their stealth fighter is much much more capable.

B-b-but don't they need Internet Explorer? Or what about the data collection system, stealth, or body specifications that don't work? Surely the Ruskies are exactly like the Chinese and will steal anything?

Some of the tech in it might be worth it.
But then why make that tech in Turkey in the first place.
Are people in the US are actually assuming Turks won't immediately sell this to the highest bidder???
And besides are we really thinking that Russia cannot make shit similar or better to what the Turkish industry is capable of???

The whole thing is an insane hissy fit.

The whole thing reeks of insecure politicians desperately trying to save face and maintain the pretense that the F35 is the greatest thing to ever leave the ground. Is there any reason that the Turks wouldn't be better off just buying SU-57's instead?

Of course the Turks want the S-400, only a retard would think someone with us next to them would prefer buying some shitty planes over superior air-defenses. The Greek airforce is among the best out there, and the turks - who want a war with us - wouldn't stand a chance without proper AA. They're already incapable of competing with our navy, it would be a nightmare to also being incapable of dealing with our pilots.

Well not really besides the fact that Russia wouldn't sell them.

Russia has no problem exporting top of the line AA as they don't plan to invade anyone anytime soon but when it comes to more offensive weapons outside of their circle of friends (China, Algeria, India, ex-soviet states still on good terms) they don't sell top shelf.
Armenia is a key Russian ally in the transcaucasus region, Turkey isn't against finishing the genocide, so anything offensive is probably off the table.

But it's not like replacing Turkish F-4 by Su-30MKM wouldn't be a colossal improvement… for less money.


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What I'm more interested in is why the Russians are willing to sell an air defense system to a NATO country. Wouldn't waiting for the collapse of NATO (that is to say, the US falling out of it) and then cooperating with the now-free Greeks in securing the two shores of the Bosphorus be a more sensible strategy for a country with a history of claiming to be "the third Rome"?


What I hate is how the turks are applying realpolitik, Bismarck style, and is now profitting from both sides trying to court it.

Turkey controls the bosphorus. Not Greece.
Also eastern Turkey is where the US bombers need to park to bomb Russia nuclear installations.
Flipping Turkey would mean clearing a serious threat from the board. Being friends with Greece due to historical reasons while feeling nicer doesn't do much for Russia.

Do you remember the Cuban Missile Crisis? It happened as a response to the US basing missiles in Turkey. The only reason Turkey (that well known country in the North Atlantic) is in NATO is because it's very close to Russia and has the geographic capability to block the straits at Constantinople and Canakkale, effectively neutralising the Russian Black Sea fleet without sinking a single ship. If Russia can get Turkey to take a single step away from NATO that's a big strategic win for them, and Turkey is happy to have two major powers competing to have them on side too.

Being friends with us would be their greatest dream come true, but our politicians refuse to make it happen.The Russians want to freely sail in the Mediterranean and be allowed to resupply and repair their ships in our harbors/bases but we don't let them. They want to create a massive railway network that will connect Kavala and Alexandroupoli, with Bulgaria and Russia which will connect with the Moscow-Kazan railway. Yet again, we don't let them. They also want to create logistic centers in the harbors of Thessaloniki, Kavala and Alexandroupoli and build a floating LPG-LNG storage tank near Alexanfroupoli. They have offered to pay for the construction of a military resupply station in the Mediterranean to make their Syrian operations easier, yet again, we didn't let it happen. They want to rent our shipyard in the island of Syros too.

Oh, they also wanted to give us rights for the development of AK rifles, yet again we refused. So with our jewish commie politicians being THIS retarded, it is no wonder that the Russians are forced to cooperate with the Turks instead.

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Created by mutts and (((anglos))), what did you expect? Most countries with a working economy not entirely in the shitter yet intentionally underpaid every year for this sham of a project. Only retarded shitholes where their women are pimped out would actually contribute to (((NATO))).

gotta save those shekels for Ahmed and Jamal

spergkike is right for once so just for today he won't get banned


>mutt thinking that (((NATO))) isnt ferrying ahmed and jamal
Thats some respect for your fellow huwhites.

I know, I meant conquering its shores, not securing it. Although wiping Turkey from the map by Greeks and Russians would pretty fucking much mean securing the Bosphorus.

Turkeys proximity to Russia is self-evident, but I thought the Russians should be more careful about who they are selling missiles and that playing a more longterm strategy might be wiser to do.

Yeah, NATO is a joke gone wrong. Only ZOG scheming could keep countries and nations with interests completely opposing each other together. One is still better off keeping up a strong and effective military force. Pulling an army out of your nations collective ass right after the main ZOG falls sounds impossible to me.


Absolutely, just the D&C is worth it.
Arguably just selling some for profit is worth it. Russia isn't the US they can't just print money and have (((bankers))) pretend nothing is happening, since buys a LOT of SAM batteries, any paying customer sales is always welcome for the state budget.
People tend to forget that the -stan countries have a fully integrated air-defense with Russia (like Canada and the US), so they get the same discount.
Scratch them and there isn't that many people buying.

So,whats stopping Russia to integrate some sort of hidden failsafe with IFF so roaches don't down another Russian plane down the line when king roach gets hissy fit again?

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I dont know anything about what happens inside America….. but its clear that US foreign policy is being led by a toddler since Reagan got shot from the grassy knoll. It is impossible for anyone above the age of thirteen (who is actually trying) to make decisions this incompetent.

Actually its "i could care less" and its dumb nigger term about leaving their baby momma. I could care less is not a statement on caring, its a fucking threat, translated it means the person saying it can take off and live their own life because they arent tied to the situation.
Internet autists like yourself are wrong and need to shut up on this topic, the statements grammar is not to blame, your reading comprehension is.

which doesn't examplain why they try to literally threaten Turkey into submission. That's an incredibly retarded approach to use in Middle East. Submitting would be a show of weakness, something no muzzie, and especially king Roach, can afford to do.

You are full of shit. "I couldn't care less" is the saying and means you don't give a crap.

It's kikes, military contractors headed by kikes, and retarded boomers caring about "muh investments" and "muh greatest ally" and "we numbah won, we da best".
It's all fucked and anyone who wants to actually try and fix things is suicided by glowniggers.
Living here and actually seeing how fucked it is will turn you into an alcoholic quickly.
Best thing to hope for in the US doing something really stupid, collapsing, and taking the rest of clownworld with it.

It's "I couldn't care less". Stop doubling down on stupidity just because you typed it.
Polite sage for off-topic castigation of a leafnigger.

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I thought that was standard practice when selling any military gear more significant than a rifle to a foreign governments. If it isn't then it should be, especially when you're selling to Turkey.

"I could care less" means you care too much, you half-breeded eskimo chink.

"I couldnt care less" doesnt make lofical sense, if you couldnt care less why are you mentioning it? I could care less at least has meaning.

Yes moron, that is exactly what it means.
Only one of the above is a rational sentence.

What the hell is it about this sentence that fucks people in the head?


We have S400 too and still got F-35s?

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SK is to China as Turkey is to Russia.

Lol no we have waaaaaay better relations with Russia than turkey ever could.

the eternal leafjeet

Jesus fuck, we should start buying Russian shit right away.

It's the same tech, but the export S-400 is the "medium" version, aka the S-350 in Russian service, more missiles, cheaper, really meant to shoot planes, perfectly fine to shoot SRBM with it.

Burgers are literally too stupid to realize it.
Seriously, they think that since Russia has a good relationship with NK and China, they HAVE to have a bad relationship with SK.
Except it's not how the worlds of adults works.

To explain to the retard trying to push his nonsense that you don't give a shit about him or his points and that he should shut the fuck up.


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dumping my F35 folder

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The F-35 is like that Pentagon Wars movie, only even more retarded and expensive.

How is it threatening to not sell a 100 million dollar suicide booth on wings to someone?
If anything, the US should threaten to steal all of Turkey's planes and replace them with F35s if they buy the S-400.


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Jesus fucking Christ. They're not even pretending this shit isn't robbery.

Custom made helmets aren't that bad of an idea, really. It's easy and relatively cheap compared to the plane, and could keep people from stealing it.

Why not just take a regular helmet and line it with that memory foam stuff?
Then give the pilot a sticker book or a basic art set to decorate it.
See, I made custom helmets for cheap.

Stealth alone could be a devastating advantage against us but it doesn't suit their style of testing the waters with constant airspace harassments.

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They can be stealthy for the handful of minutes they can close their bomb bays without either setting off the bombs or overheating the cooling fuel.

It's a very stealthy plane. Probably the stealthiest. You can't see the plane anymore if it blows up.

And if you find a sucker who will actually buy them everyone involved wins.

To be fair you could perfectly have a bunch of adjustable foams in the shell, scan the pilot head with a 3d scan (the kind they use all the time for motion capture) and 3D print the foam to a perfect fit.
The machine would be pricey, but you just buy one per logistical airbase or something.
Or you could do it old school with variously sized buffer foams, that isn't really hard, they could do it for grunts too. Properly fitted shock absorbers is a must have to reduce head trauma.

It's so stealthy you can never see it in combat as no operator is insane enough to deploy it outside of its climate-controlled hangar.

lol but just the helmet. The head in it, neck, and pilot body disintegrates. The helmet is safe though, it can eject at 600 knots and parachute down safely.

That's only because the plane is ridiculous expensive, a single of those helmets costs half a million dollars. Enemy can buy more MiG-21s than F35 can carry missiles for that price.

with force strong enough, you can fuse the brain directly with the helmet.

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>/agdg/ goes to work and the casualties drop down sharply thanks to virtual loli handholding
>unbeknownst to the gubbermint they are contacted by a strong AI in the form of an anti-semitic anime girl avatar of the late 1990s, the AI being the result of one of the first generation Pilots accidentally the admin console and transferring part of his mind to the electrosphere before (((they))) could kill him, with the fragmented portions of said mind being eaten up by random neural network social media chatbot who then gained sentience
>digital billboards in major cities across the world except North Korea and Africa because lol no Internet show verses from the book of revelation mixed in with images of a long-dead libertarian representative and the AI avatar holding a speech to her assembled memelords in full SHTF gear as F-53s accompanied by nuclear launches fly over the gatherings in perfect formation

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it was cool until

Wow, sounds like a win-win, is Russia actually trying to help western militaries are is it just that the kikes leading the US are literal room-temp IQ mongs?

Trump just calls off the sanctions.

So now CIA will get to open up the S-400 to see the magic inside.

S-400 is nothing special, tech is readily available to both major powers. The reason why America has nothing comparable to it is political and bureocratic, not technical.

Also lets be fucking honest here, Turks will get S300PMU relabeled as S400E for export. Russia wont provide up to date equipment that makes up 3/4 of their mobile long range air defense, even with S500 Gamechanger right around the corner.

2mm accuracy, if it's even as good as claimed, is pretty atrocious when you're tracking eye movement. must be nausea city in that thing.

Ah yes, the monkey model argument, so news.

No one is going to war with Russia in the first place so they can throw all these monkey models around and hype them up, no one cares.

Maybe I missed out on something, but how is a vodka powered THAAD going to be a 'gamechanger'?

THAAD is a reversed-engineered SA-12, it's designed like it's 1984 to intercept flying trashcans like the Norks not-Pershings (nobody else find it hilarious that NK has somehow access to almost all the cold war US missiles design, yet people keep saying they're Scud copies…).

S-500 is anti-ICBM, anti-hypersonic, anti-LEO defense.

I find all of your talk straight out of fucking slav tele marketing.

What do you think of the Armata?

Does it also brew coffee and iron your shirt?

I don't think you guys are understanding what the S-500.
Pic related a THAAD is a normal sized long range AA.
A S-500 is an ICBM sized missile meant to replace Gorgon and Gazelle (silo based) anti-ICBM, anti-LEO defenses.

It's completely overkill against planes and isn't meant for them.

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Yeah, m8, we will see when ONE of your S-500 slav magic are put to use.

Does this mean planes will just fly in and kill them?

Yes, the moment the S-500 out they will scrap every other AA system they have, because memes and shit.

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You have no idea what integrated air defense are. Or anything military or weapon related. Or what is English.
Please stop posting

I smell butthurt.

I straight out dislike you and your fucking slav marketing m8.

Sorry that most of Zig Forums doesn't have 2 INT like you, spergook.

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Seeing is believing.

So far there's nothing to believe in the slav missiles magic. It's just word, word and word.

What would be the most efficient way to false flag the US and Russia into direct military confrontation so we can verify the claims about Russian AA posted in this bread?

S-500 in Syria vs F-35 of Israel.

There. Game set match.

I know the agent orange fucked your brain up, but goddamn.

Well, there's no country on the globe who wants to rain ICBM on Russia right now.

Or any raining any ICBM at all.

There’s the fact that only 4 or so were made, the project was canceled a year ago, and it was only a PR pony show like most of Russia’s “advanced weapon systems”
Meanwhile you have a buildout of literally thousands of F-35s, because the F-35 is an actual production plane.
You also need to realize that the F-35 is the single-engine budget jet. Not a pure bred fighter plane like the F-15 or F-22.
Most people who shit on the F-35 are idiots or Russian Internet defense force. They like to bring up out-dated test plane reports, or make up a ton of argumentative bullshit, or they complain about the cost. (Which isn’t really relevant since the USA has bazinga levels of money to spend. This is why the states can buildout thousands of F-35’s while Russia struggles to hit 800 fighter aircraft even when they cost a third of the price)

The reality is the F-35 is an incremental upgrade. Not a quantum leap in raw performance like the F-22 but good enough. The problem is that the wonderful globalists at Lockheeb had the brilliant idea of spreading out production at a global scale. Of course this lead to issues like what we are seeing with Turkey. Hopefully this embarrassing drama will teach military leadership a lesson about outsourcing weapon systems.

As far as everyone else’s aircraft programs:
Recon Drones are easy to make so basically everyone has one. Won’t do much good in a fight against an actual enemy, but is good for spying on and missile-ing terrorists.
For fighter jets China is still in design phase for 5th gen. Japan is ready for production phase on 5th gen but lacks the legal means to actually start production. EU is to busy fingering their butthole to do anything involving guns. Nordic states like Sweden are in production phase of 4th gen but aren’t even in the design phase of 5th gen.
Turkey is now entering the design phase of 5th gen.
And Russia, oh dear. Russia has had a really embarrassing go with fighter planes recently. They were floating around their unicorn plane with the 57 but they had to cancel it eventually. Now they can only settle for 4th gen. So their flaming garbage fire of an aircraft program is basically is basically stuck at Sweden’s level for the foreseeable future.
In fact the reason why the F-22 was cancelled was because Russia never came up with an equivalent. Why bother with this expensive F-22 when a Tomcat still has parrity with all of Russia’s inventory? If China starts making planes that can beat a tomcat than you can expect the F-22 program to be revived. It will just be under a different name with a few updated systems. F-23 or something.
In the meantime the US will just keep refreshing the F-15 program until Russia puts their money where their mouth is and stops LARPing as a super power or if China/EU make a plane that can actually challenge the the Tomcat the same way the F-22 can.

Most people who shit on the F-35 are idiots or Russian Internet defense force. They like to bring up out-dated test plane reports, or make up a ton of argumentative bullshit, or they complain about the cost. (Which isn’t really relevant since the USA has bazinga levels of money to spend. This is why the states can buildout thousands of F-35’s while Russia struggles to hit 800 fighter aircraft even when they cost a third of the price)
This is so deluded this doesnt warrant a response. Especially when the mutt is trying to falsify existing advertisements for the shit35 being the end all plane.


Might get to see the export model this coming airshow in Dubai.

According to the МО as of five days ago they've ordered 76 of em.

I just like they repeat that the Su was canceled when that isn't the case. I wish I got paid to shill lockheed.

Aside from the production contract signed last week.
So it has the performance of a budget jet but not the price tag of one. Wow, you sure showed the haters there.

if you divide the F-35 development cost by US population you'll end up with around same average as Scam yiddizen or some other popular kikestarters

Of what, The Sukhoi-57 or the F-35?
Because neither have that number.
The F-35 has 400+ planes operational as of today and thousands more that will be produced in the future.
The SU-57 has 0 production model planes. They have ordered 1 for 2019 that may or may not get built considering the 57 has been in development since 2002. They have like 4 planes they take on air shows but doing loop-de-loops at low altitude isn’t exactly war ready.

The production contract for 1 plane. One.
It’s a meme plane, you fucking retard.
I said the plane was mediocre you illiterate.
I’m not some Lockheeb hype man.
What I pointed out was:
a) It does actually work unlike the retards ITT would have you believe.
b) It is the cheaper option compared to what the US could build.
c) None of this matters because, like I said, the US has so much money and buildout capacity that even if Russia builds let’s say 10 Memekoi-57s they will be staring down the barrel at 1000+ F-35s

The problem is thus fold: American planes are 3x more expensive than Russkie counterparts. You can thank Lockheeb and boomers for that glutonous inefficiency.
But, the USA’s buying power is 10x that of Russia’s, so even at horrible inefficiency they can still out produce Russia by 3x.

This is why RT squeal like little Jews at the price of the plane, because if they can get the Americans to think that the plane is too expensive than they can possibly get them to cut down that number of planes. So they join up with the libtards, (who also hate America’s MID) flood the media with FUD against the F-35 in hopes that the government will cut back spending.
But it doesn’t happen, the planes continue to get built, and instead I get retards ITT making up shit and probably purposely lying. I don’t even like Lockheed ffs, but y’all act like a bunch of clowns because I pointed out that, with the exception of Japan and the US, everyone else’s Air programs suck major dick.

Meant to say MIC
Military Industrial Complex