A new survey shows 75 percent of students at US colleges have battled significant stress in the past year, leading 1 in 5 to consider suicide.
For some, it’s the best four years of their lives. For others, it’s a period of constant struggle, whether academically, socially, or both. College brings about new experiences and challenges for young adults that can be difficult to adapt to and overcome, so perhaps it’s no surprise that a new study reports high rates of stress and mental health conditions among students.
The newly-published report out of Brigham and Women’s Hospital shows that a quarter of college students received were diagnosed with a mental health condition in the past year, and a fifth have had suicidal thoughts.
Researchers looked at survey results from 67,308 students across 108 American colleges and universities during the spring of 2015. Students were questioned on the frequency of stressful events, depression or anxiety in their daily lives, and reported whether or not they’d been diagnosed with a mental health condition in the past year. Stressful events were viewed as anything that students viewed as traumatic or difficult to handle, whether academic or personal. That includes financial struggles, family problems, trouble sleeping, self-esteem issues, or health matters.
Participants were also asked whether or not they’d had suicidal thoughts or attempted to take their own lives, or if they’d tried any other form of self-harm.
It is well known that American colleges have been infiltrated by Cultural Marxists and have been brainwashing students to become unstable 'Social Justice Warriors' and turning others into homosexual 'Soy Boys.' Not only are they destroying the minds of the youth and driving people insane, but they also profit heavily from student loan racketeering, overcharging what their courses are really worth. This brings about fiscal debt slavery to the victims of their rackets.
The US Department of Justice needs to declare a national emergency and raid all the universities across America and arrest those who engage in racketeering and fraud, as well the traitors who subvert and destroy the minds of the American youth. These universities are working under foreign interests to enslave, subvert and exploit students for future communist takeovers.