Neptune News™
The following are actual text messages from Jon Fox that he sent me just a little while ago. We were discussing our concern over my son Jet Neptune's political perspectives, and his future, now that we have a complete fucking piece of shit idiot as President, and Jon summarized the truth about Trump.
"So he actually thinks Mexican immigration was one of the county's more important problems, even though we had net negative immigration, meaning more ppl every year were voluntarily returning than coming here because Mexico economy is getting way better and ours is sucking so badly."
"In Jets lifetime he will wish so badly it had been Bernie Sanders instead of Trump."
"Not to mention, very hard working american Republican Christian farmers, the last real backbone of America, we're totally against ANY immigration control because they trued super hard to find Americans to pick fruit and grapes for wine, etc., And lamented that young Americans were too lazy and would not even finish one day before quitting, so tons of American farmers who had inherited their farms from their grandparents ended up going broke because they could no longer employ Mexicans who came over during the season to work, with visas and both the farmers and workers WERE paying taxes."
"Not to mention, Trump administration did not change anything, it was the prime example of corruption, almost every single one of his original cabinet members were lobbyists, worth millions of dollars, and ex CEOs of Goldman Sachs. LMFAO. Trumps original cabinet was ALL lobbyists and big bankers, this is a fact,FACT, no opinion is allowed with a fact, a fact is a fact no matter whether u like it or not, Trump's cabinet was the opposite of draining the swamp, it was the epitome of money in politics, FACT, a bunch of Goldman Sachs and ex George bush cabinet members, so he fooled the shit out of all his supporters."
"All of his policies are super corporatist, favor corporate rights over individuals, and his tax cuts were 100 percent trickle down economics, to make the rich richer and the poor poorer, FACT- no opinion allowed. No comment about fake news allowed because you can see the tax plan yourself from the white houses own website."
"Not to mention the scariest thing about him, that he is a total expansion of big government and the military industrial complex, and actually very anti free speech. Benjamin Franklin "dissent is the highest form of liberty." Trump wanted to make it easier for rich ppl to sue anyone who said anything bad about them, the most orwellian thing ever. He is the same old same old except more of it, ppl who like him for the reasons they claim haven't even looked at his policies to see that he is doing the exact opposite of what they claim they like about him."
"If his supporters don't like fake news, why was it his administration that came up with the concept of "alternative FACTS." There is no such thing as an alternative fact, alternative opinions yes, but the definition of a fact precludes their being an alternative."
"Not to mention the most hilarious thing, which is that he claimed Obama was using fake unemployment numbers, but now he is bragging about his unemployment numbers using the EXACT same calculations."
"Also if course, rather than making America any stronger, he has allowed China and Russia and Germany and all of the EU to ramp up the speed at which they are coalescing. Strong leader???? It would have been unthinkable for the UN to laugh at an American president two years ago because the world hated is but still feared us, now they realize how dumb we are and they laugh. He is a weak pathetic little rapist piece of shit with a gross robot immigrant wife."
-Jon Fox
Oct. 3rd, 2018