Feminine men??

Just clearing things up first:
1 - I believe in God
2 - I'm a good person

With that out of the way, I want to ask, why is it wrong being a feminine and weak guy? I want my body and mannerisms to be as feminine as possible to be completely honest. I really crave for that for some reason. Sometimes I even dress in women's clothes. I want to know why is that considered wrong by the conservative society? I'm not even hurting anyone. It's obvious that different people have different needs.

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we don't believe in that here

Buy a parrot. Fill a bucket of water. Take the parrot in your hand. Put the bird into the bucket and keep it there until it drowns. It's ok, the bird is a fish.

This is what you do when you pretend to be something God clearly didn't make you.

Why not?

But I mean… I'm really not fit to lead a family and stuff. Is it really that unbelievable that out of the billions of men in the world, some simply are incapable of assuming a "normal" masculine role?

Yes it is. I have seen broken and torn apart men stand up and walk again. It is unbelievable to me that you cannot be a man despite being a man.

Read Luke 18.

Some men are clearly less masculine than others and there's nothing wrong with that. What I find sickening is that the modern world tries to twist those men into believing that they should pretend to be women because of it; all the while ignoring the insanely high amount of substance abusive, depression, and suicide in the "trans" community. Don't do it brother, don't ruin yourself.

Familiar spirit making you desire feminine things, fueled by your own feelings of inferiority, there is nothing wrong with you, if you were born male then you are to grow up to be a man, it doesn't matter if women never take you seriously, stop worrying about the opinions of the world.

Call on Jesus' name to rid the evil spirit.

Read Deuteronomy 22:5

Yes, you are. Our actions affect who we are, our very being, it's the basis for Asceticism.
A man who has no control over his hunger will have less control over his sexuality, for example. And by performing feminine rituals, you are holistically making your very being more feminine which is translated to everything you do. Everything you do will have you fag touch in it, even if you don't realize it.
You don't have to be a Christian to know this, every pre-enlightenment society knew this and so does the current media and academic owners.
The only reason you think you such concepts as the "individual" even exist (they don't, the very words you use to describe the "individual" are part of the community) is because you're being convinced otherwise by the media and your clearly unhealthy lifestyle in a feedback loop.
Stop consuming media and eating food that didn't exist until the industrial revolution, it's changing who you are. For example, Edward Bernays, nephew of Freud and uncle of Netflix CEO, pushed cigarettes to feminists by equating it to penises.

God is goodness itself, so we can only channel it through Him. And very ineffectively.

This. I'm male, and I'm a feminine male. I like to cook, I clean, I'm not competitive, I love to look after babies. 'Course, I'm not a christian, so do what you will with that.

…So your wife is the breadwinner then? I don't think we should desire the opinions of non-Christians on this board to impact those seeking to live a Christian existence.

I am everything you fear. Not gay, not a murderer, not a thief, but a genuinely good person who helps others at cost to himself, and also believes that if Genesis is to be believed as anything other than fiction, Lucifer freed mankind and gave them self-determination.

Are you Jesus Christ? Because He is the only one entitled to say he's good

Lucifer did not free mankind, mankind already had free will to select, Lucifer goaded mankind into taking from the fruit because he himself was deceived into thinking that he was part of some divine process of evolution, and he was willing to allow people like yourself to walk into their own shadows and allow untold suffering throughout the world on a gamble that these possibilities that God forewarned that Man should not entertain or manifest would lead to his own ascension as a deity. Now his only consolation is to drag as many of God's children down into the drain with him. You are on the wide path.

Possible causes:
1. Mental disorder
2. Believed the propaganda
3. Abused as a child
4. Never encountered any adversity in life, so have underdeveloped amygdalae that cripple your sense of norms

In short you're not a normal male, and you should seek help, not excuses to indulge in aberrant behavior.

top lel

Because you end up seeking validation from strangers like us, and then try justifying it with insecure pre-made, passive-aggressive responses like "but it's my life and i'm not hurting anybody!" when you are corrected on it.
You have answered your own question.

1. You're not a Good person, nobody is

2. You don't necessarily have to conform or strive to some Masculine ideal, but trying to be women when you're not is a sin because God made you to be a male. But If you're just not a very masculine male I don't see any sin here.

Dont tell me your one of those with that faggot voice, man nobody likes that. At the very least dont talk like and act like a faggot and we cool. Why would you want to be like this anyhow?

Because it's a sin.

Umm…How did Lucifer get brought into this.

The spaghetti must flow user, the spaghetti must flow.

Thank you for not posting an anime picture.

Because weak and Feminine men spreads their shitty culture and turns our children into lazy, weak,outcasts like them.

Its ok if you're not the most masculine guy, but you should be striving to fulfill your God given role even if its uncomfortable.
Also it is NOT ok to actively seek to be more feminine, and cross-dressing is directly forbidden by God.

The only good human we believe in is Jesus, all the rest of us are filthy sinners.

To be a feminine man is either to be a cuckold or homosexual. Feminine men are not treated well in the world. Men dislike feminine men and women dislike feminine men. That's why nice guys finish last.

Have strength OP. Pray for it and you will receive it.

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Also this.
Don't worry about the world OP. But neither try to become feminine or do anything which God doesn't want you to do.

Someone hasnt read the bible if they can confidently post >2
But theres a reason men have testosterone and females have estrogen.
Men are the workers,the soldiers and the laborors.
Females are the social aspect,not as durable or strong.(1 timothy 2:12-14)
The things you are experiencing are part of the transgender psychological programming running rampant.(which is an abomination Deut 22:5)
And it also sounds like you are suffering from low testosterone.

And no, I’m not a good person either. I’m a sinner, so are you.

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Just for clarification.
1 peter 1:3
2 cor 5:17
We believers WERE sinners.
Now we are the rightousness of God through Christ.2 cor 5:21

We have been freed from sin,dont let it guilt you if you are currently doing so.
Dont forget where you came from though,or you may lose the spirit of thanksgiving that is valuable.


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This. Feminine men are just feminine men and masculine women are just masculine women. Not everyone can be a caricature of their gender but that doesn’t change anything, it’s just the way things are.