ITT we make sure that every faggot here has their shit as good as it can be with simple care and cleaning.
Here is a ye olde M-16 manual for the common grunt to make sure his shit works.
For any AR styled rifle, cleaning is your top priority, as a dirty gun will leave you out to dry. Read the manual, share it, and keep others in the know.
These few really simple tips may save your fucking life one day.
Combat Readiness and Maintenence Thread
Just noticed page 19 is missing, I'll try to find it, but if another user has it it would be appreciated if you posted it.
This pamphlet makes it sound like the entire vietnam war was just a bunch of guys lubing rifles.
But if that were really the case, no doubt America would have won.
Connie Rodd is such a hottie.
It was, but the other side didn't have to do it because they had AKs. That's why they won.
Btw lsa isn’t used anymore. It’s clp now or “break-free” and nearly all the M16 problems I’ve seen have been caused by using too much. Don’t squirt it into the ejection port.
CLP promotes carbon build up, what I used to do was use greaser for cleaning and a mix of steering fluid and mineral oil for lubricant. Apply minimally and wipe, it seen to do the job.
But Vietnam was a military loss for the commies, US only lost politically.
I’ve heard that and I’ve seen all the piston conversion kits and all but if you clean your rifle every 1000 rounds and don’t use sketchy surplus ammo carbon doesn’t affect much.
The AR was designed to be tough and cheap but some people baby the shit out of them.
War is just an extension of politics by other means, if you fail politically you fail period.
The filthy 14 kept going provided you threw lube at it once in a literal blue moon. iirc that gun is nearly at 100k now.
This is truly epic! I showed this to my granddad he loved it! He kinda regrets not saving his photo album when Hurricane Katrina hit because he lost everything. Thank you for sharing but would it be a bother to ask if you could put these files into a PDF if possible please.
Kill/Death ratio doesn't determine military victory
Is this a shitpost? It's hard to tell nowadays.
Yep, fatmericans still believe this today, despite the fact that the commies conquered all of Vietnam.
Having the reds run the Media and letting Kissinger do anything but be gassed, yeah that's a political loss given the NVA/VC were fucked when it came to anything physical. As my grandfather put it, it was like squishing ants on pavement. Should have pushed right to the chink border in '67 while the reds decided to tear themselves apart.
You misspelled "jews".
They never gave up fighting and were victorious in the end.
More like sending goyim to die while the Jewish banking and military industry became crazy rich.
Also North Vietnam wont he war, deal with it.
Only because Americans pulled out.
So is war about achieving an objective or not?
Go back when you learn the difference about tactics and strategy.
So what was the "strat" here? 50 years of lost influence in Indochina and right now playing buddies with "commies" for ???, while it is clear the gooks would not cause tension with china on behalf of muttmerica?
Tell me more.
I'm sorry but you're just wrong, there is no such military victory in Vietnam.
The US military failed to secure the first objective, which was originally to keep the French in charge of Vietnam.
They then redefined the objective to kicking the communists out, and then failed at securing that objective.
The objective was then redefined a third time to mean keeping the communists out of half the country only. And they failed at this.
The fourth time the objective was defined was pulling out all US troops, personnel, civilians and all friendly Vietnamese safely to America. That objective can at best be described as a middling success.
I don't know where you're seeing a military victory in that entire chain of events?
The entire conflict started as a way for America to prove to potential allies that NATO is a useful organization and that allying with America was a good idea because American military can protect you. Vietnam was an advertisement campaign that failed resoundingly. If Vietnam had succeeded, the USSR would have been killed by simple weight of numbers as NATO expanded to control North and South America, Africa, Europe, and half of Asia. Instead NATO was limited only to the holdings it already had since end of WWII, and even France left NATO when it became obvious American military was impotent.
based huwhite capitalist absolute united STATE.
You lost the war, absolutely. But what's the REASON you lost the war? Keep in mind that you can dominate a war, do well, win every battle, then lose the war by giving up and signing a bad treaty. The fact you gave up doesn't erase the military victories you had and the lessons to be learned. If you beat the enemy at every turn, made a fool of him, won every battle of importance, that doesn't magically disappear because you lost or gave up the war.
Let's say Gunning George goes to the bullseye shoot competition and hits nothing but X's with his revolver, is beating everyone the whole time, making them all look bad. Old George doesn't care about winning, gets sick of dominating, and purposely disqualifies himself before the last shot so that he can't win and someone who actually cares about winning gets it.
Now, old George lost, didn't he? Fair and square, absolutely, when Johnny Offshoot gets the trophy for the day we can say Johnny truly, legitimately, won. But, Johnny DID NOT OUTSHOOT GEORGE. That's ALSO a fact. Just because you won doesn't mean you are better, just because you won doesn't mean the rest of the values of the conflict, or competition, or other thing magically disappears and you can claim supremacy. Sometimes you win by luck, sometimes you win by forfeit. A true man who wins by such things acknowledges it, "I would not have won by shooting better, driving faster, running harder".
You cheat by drugging the food of a competitor at a cross country meet. Sure, you beat him, once again we can't argue that. But making your competitor sick doesn't make you a faster runner, doesn't make you any faster. You cheated yourself, in a way. A car race, your team is sucking it up and you are being beat by huge, embarrassing margins on the track, but luckily a deer ran onto the course and the faster car hit it and was DQ'd. You go on to win. You are a bad winner if you now going to claim your car is better, your team better, your car faster, especially during the entire race.
So, yes, when people say the west won the military portion of Vietnam throughout the war, they are correct. Losing the war in the end does not change that, the successful subversion of the United States at many levels doesn't change the disasters the communists suffered during the war. No matter how much shitheads like Walter Cronkite could see success in winning the war about LYING about the Tet Offensive, does not change the fact the Tet Offensive was a military FAILURE for the commies.
You really are an idiot, aren't you?
Either you win or you don't. If you lost, then everything you did was for naught. Whatever "victories" you had become meaningless if you lose overall.
So you still lost and learnt no lesson. Nice.
I can't wait for boomer fucks like you to drop dead.
The US is a shithole that fails at everything. Point me to one war the US truly won. Oh wait. You can't. Get that through your retarded, corn-syrup filled skull or just die.
Probably the same poster changing ID;s in quick succession. How sad. No refutation of my argument, and only repetition of a point I have refuted. The VC were dogshit, the NVA would never have taken South Vietnam if the US had simply kept troops there, the western victories in Vietnam did secure the country from takeover and set up a path to victory for the west in Vietnam that they threw away, and no "victory" of the commies played any role in the final decision of the west to abandon the mission.
Commies won through subversion, not military action. So, no, there is no claim of a military victory in Vietnam for the communists, the North won by subversion and western cowardice alone.
You still lost, retarded boomer.
Also, reported for being a retarded boomer.
You are a blast.
The cringes pierce my soul.
Still not refuting my points, resorting to just autistically screeching "boomer" over and over again. I'll take this to mean I won the argument.
Not an argument.
You won the "argument" alright. Just like that holohoax thread. Now be gone.
lel argumentcuck and a boomermutt to boot
The more excuses, the sadder this looks.
First of all, we have to understand what communism is. I mean, to me, real communism, the Soviet communism, is basically a mask for Bolshevism, which is a mask for Judaism.
Call a kike a red and he kvetches the same you retard.
holy shit can't you retards just stay on topic for once?
Which is why they completely overran Saigon with tanks?
When the US was there they got fucked in the asshole again and again, took them two years after the US left to crash Saigons gates. As the old man put it to me, should have smashed Hanoi after Tet and gone to the chink border given Tet set the NVA/VC back badly.
For some reason you think GI's were in Saigon and the south after '73
Never mentioned GIs, the p*le from earlier was just claiming that Vietnam was a military defeat for the north.
Again what foes fucked in the ass mean. If they captured the objective the KD ratio doesnt matter, war is about the mission and the only way KD would matter is if the mission was genocide.