Hey board of peace. Seeing how much Islamic terrorism frequency has been reduced since Russian and Assad curb-stomped Isis, creating a false sense of security in the west, can we share ideas with goatfuckers on how to acquire materials for and build dirty bombs in mineCraft, so that they can do some red pilling for us?
Dirty bombs and accelerationism
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Simplest way is to make a normal bomb, burglarize an oncologist or radiologist office (or just look up who dispose of their old machines) that does radiotherapy and steal the (lead) cassette of radioactive compounds. Should be easy enough, hell I'm certain that in shitholistan you can just buy that shit without any actual oversight. It's coast a lot but all those terrorist organizations live on arab "charity" aka infinite oil money.
Put on a roof of a decently tall building on a windy day and voilà.
Hell if you're candidate to go to heaven, don't bother building a bomb, take a blow torch and a strong fan (the kind to dry paint in building) will do.
Shit in radiotherapy equipment is Cobalt or Caesium, aka the worst radioactive pollutant known to men.
Considering the financial means some of the sunni terror network have it wouldn't be hard for them to set up a fake clinic and buy a bunch of the stuff legally.
Even without going that far you could scrounge enough shit from trash to make something pretty dangerous. Hell most radioactive materials you can mail order…
The idea that nuclear material is secure when today you have some in so much everyday objects is laughable.
Lucky for us making chlorine gas out of bleach is about where the chemical skills of the average arab stops.
Just damage the filters of a major citys water processing plant. Congrats you just killed 5 million people.
8/k/ is so glowpilled, hide your dog and practice being waterboarded boyos.
In terms of chemicals that kill you slowly, yes.
I'm talking about most water borne illnesses giving the affected diarrhea, because the little bugger in the intestine wants to return his kids to the water to infect the next host. Diarrhea means that no matter how much water you drink, none of it gets absorbed, so in terms of all the good the water is doing, you might as well be taking a shower while dying to death of thirst.
There are no water sources in most cities. There is no national pure water supply, and no means to transport it to an affected city. Ruining the water processing plants ozonation or filtration system is basically a death sentence for a modern city.
This is a great way to get radiation poisoning. Some Mexicans did exactly this, probably hoping to sell the very rare material for a pretty penny. They got dosed, I think most survived, but they'll get probably get cancer.
Dirty bombs are stupid. They don't kill very many people because they can't spread material very far, and the farther it's spread the less effective it will be. Look up the inverse-square law law to see what I mean. Basically the concentration of a blast, or concentration of material being dispersed by a blast, will drop off at an exponential, not linear rate over a given distance. Eventually the radioactive material is so dispersed that it can't harm a hamster.
Actual nukes would be more effective, but they're out too, because the kind of people who know not only know how to build a nuke, but also how to create the material they need in a safe and effective way, aren't psychopathic terrorists.
I had thought the whole point of a dirty bomb was not to create a fissile bomb but rather to create a small area poisoned with potent amounts of nuclear material, and denying use of the target area for civilian use.
Organomercury compounds would be far more effective for that purpose. Dirty bombs are a media invention.
Eventually someone would catch on and people would start boiling their water, but by that time the hospitals will be flooded and will need water to be trucked in. Once the damage to the public water supply is repaired the contagion will go on for a bit longer because of all the fecal matter the sewer couldn't handle spilling out onto the streets.
To boil anything close to the necessary water for a medium sized city we're talking order of magnitude like 100000 megawatt hours per day. New York uses 1100MWh per day.
Boiling water just isn't feasible, it's too energy intensive.
Hes getting at individuals boiling their water, not the cityworks doing such a thing.
Really you should be distilling your water anyway.
If you're living off of someone elses water sure. Hope you add the beneficial mineral content if you go that way.
I was talking about the same exact thing, individuals boiling their water. The energy requirements are the same though, not sure what you're talking about.
We're talking about guys that literally blow themselves up and think they go to heaven if they die for the cause, I don't think they're worried about EPA regulations…
Also the goal of terrorism is mayem and fear, not actually meaningful violence from a tactical PoV.
Having a zone contaminated, thousands if not tens of thousands that will live terrified of the big C, the whole thing amplified by 1 000 due to the media panic is exactly what you want for psychological warfare. Do this in a business center and the decontamination would take months at best, which might be enough to kill a city's economy.
Regular terror plots haven't armed anyone important since Alexander II, the target are the brains of civilians.
ISIS did this in Syria, even poisoned main aquifers to Damascus with everything toxic they could find.
Didn't do much AFAIK, I guess it could work if it's undetected but people would just stop drinking water tap and distill water or drink bottled water (which is what they do in poor countries to begin with).
The problem with poisoning any area with highly radioactive material is that it won't stay radioactive for very long. Iodine-131 is one of the most screamingly radioactive isotopes that a person can encounter in a nuclear accident. It has a half-life of about 8 days. Compare that to something like Plutonium-239 that has a half-life of something like 25,000 years and you get some idea of both just how radioactive this Iodine is and how tame Plutonium is. If you contaminate an area with enough of this Iodine to immediately kill anyone who goes there in minutes, then because of the short half-life the radiation in that area will drop off by about a trillion times by the end of the year, and be completely Iodine free by the end of the second year.
Persistent radiation weapons are not very effective. Chernobyl is the perfect example of this. Most of Pripyat and the surrounding area is probably safe for long-term human habitation today because most of the radioactive material released during the explosion and meltdown has decayed away or been buried where it can't hurt anything but earthworms. More tourists flood into the exclusion zone every year without suffering any ill-effects.
First, thousands are killed every year in regular terror plots, and most of that is due to Muslim fanatics. Second, if the weapon chosen is so ineffective that it can't manage to kill anyone directly exposed to it, then the weapon will have the opposite effect. People will think that the organization responsible is ineffective and not to be taken seriously.
A dirty bomb is no more effective at area denial than a persistent chemical poison, probably less so. And they are certainly less effective than conventional bombs at causing immediate casualties. Also, because they require so much more material than an actual nuke you'd probably be better off trying to get that hodgepodge of waste to fizzle or go prompt critical than throw it away by sticking it to the outside of a dirty bomb.
Dirty bombs are stupid and mostly misinformed media hype. They're a fine MacGuffin for those shitty made-for-TV movies that sometimes play on the major networks. But if you want to create a radiation hazard there are better ways of doing it than this.
stay thirsty, plebs
what about filtering tap for yourself?
it's still water
Will this meme die already? The only thing worse than distilled water for human consumption is deionized distilled water. Distilled water has had trace minerals removed from it, leading to said water electrically ripping the magnesium/calcium/etc. out of your body in order to re-ionize when you ingest the shit. We use it for cleaning PCBs, in fog machines, etc. for a reason. You want to drink soft water where it still has enough minerals mixed in to be electrically (chemically?) stable but it isn't going to force your body to filter unnecessary ingredients. Holy shit.
Quick physics lesson for anons who never got through high school physics. There's three radioactive elements you have to watch out for (not elements like on the periodic table, just elements as in "parts").
You have α (alpha) particles which are made up of protons/neutrons and are large enough that they can't pass through skin- they will give you skin cancer but are generally not that dangerous unless ingested leading to internal cancers (which happened to be a way both the Nazis and the Commies disposed of people). Last time I checked these are your main radiation particles released by most radioactive substances.
Then you have γ (gamma) particles which aren't even really particles so much as waves but let's skim over that. It's basically just an energy wave released from nuclear material. These fuckers are extremely damaging to human life, but thankfully they are so fucking tiny and so fucking fast, that 99.99999999999% of the time they will pass right through you meaning they're only dangerous in very large quantities or over continuous exposure. They super-dose vegetables, fruits, meats, etc. with γ particles to preserve them which is why nuclear-preserved foods are some of the safest in the world and will continue to be the safest for decades.
Finally there's β (beta) particles which are bitches. β particles are from electrons let off by radioactive parts. Basically these fuckers are small enough that they pass through the skin/blood barrier, but because your body is mostly water, they end up getting trapped inside your body causing all kinds of damage. This is the shit you want to make sure your dirty bomb is releasing if you want to fuck people up. Not α or γ.
There's also X-rays but they basically work on the same principles as γ radiation.
Long story short, people always bring up iodine-131, cesium-137, cobalt-60, etc. because they release γ radiation which is a fucking bitch to stop if you're in a lab environment and trying to minimize exposure. It's extremely dangerous, but for shit to release γ radiation implies it has an extremely short half life meaning it's not going to be useful long-term. If you want to make a true dirty bomb you want to use something that releases β particles because they are lower energy (relatively speaking) meaning they'll sit in the air and not disperse, but they'll equally be more harmful to human life as we know it for much longer periods since most people don't go around wearing radiation protection. I'm not sure about how to make a bomb out of β radiation-leaking materials, but common examples of shit that releases β particles are strontium-90, carbon-14, tritium, and sulfur-35. Tritium and Sulfer-35 are particularly nice to make dirty shit out of because they're what's considered "poor penetrators/low energy." They'll still fuck someone up since they can get under the dead skin barrier, but they're also extremely hard to detect unless you're looking for them, meaning you could fuck up several areas before people would start to question why everyone is getting sick.
Hey fbi, go back to Zig Forums
We don't just want degenerate whitecuck urbanites silently die by the droves so that obscure alt-right domestic terrorists can be blamed, if that was the case we would be doing it ourselves. We need something more spectacular and scary, like ebul nuclear radiation, that will make normalfags cry and panic and ragheads Allahu their ackbars.
The frog gets it.
How the fuck are beta particles worse than standard electrocution electrons?
Hey mehmet.
Go back to >>>/mongolia/ and >>>/islam/ and discuss potential mineCraft servers, we really need your help on that one.
It has a short half life compared to the other stuff…
But that "short" half-life is still years.
Also Half life means "years until it's half as radioactive"…
One gram of cobalt 60 is 15.4 something Sievert/h at one meter… After 5 years of decay it's 7.7.
Radiation LD50 is 4 Sievert.
Meaning you're dead if you stay 30 minutes within 1m of 1g of Co-60 past it's half-life.
It's clearly far less dangerous… NOT.
You god damn olivenigger, you can reply to multiple people in a single post, stop making dozens of replies
It didn't do much because Damascus is essentially a large village, not a real city. It has 242 people per square mile! New York state has a population of 400 people per square mile, whereas New York City has a population of 30,000 people per square mile, and Paris has over 50,000 people per square mile.
Even a medium city like Phoenix has 2000 people per square mile, and Nantes in France has 1700 people per square mile, you can't compare some dirt fucker """"""""city"""""""" with that.
In Damascus the centralized water distribution was only in the downtown area, every 100m outside that area there was a well in someones yard or an irrigation ditch for fucking crops. This isn't true for any modern western city.
I'm done noticing how dumb the people in this entire thread are. I don't even want to pay attention to the stupidity of distilling daily water intake for milions of people, it ruins my fucking day.
This is why terrorism is for cucks, they are all attention whores.
If you want to kill a man, then kill a man. Quit pussyfooting.
Sorry, 3G in the middle of nowhere and two decades old tablet, gotta post fast whenever I have the chance.
Distilled water is perfectly fine you triple niggers, it just has less minerals, meaning that if you have a shit diet that does not provide enough minerals, it'll make things worse. It doesn't pull minerals from your body, nor is it in any way harmful. Shit, rainwater is basically distilled water, with only the tiniest amount of minerals taken on through the dust in the air. If you are so scared of distilled water, dissolve three grains of salt in a cup of it or something, holy shit
Its not just unhealthy, its also impossible. Try it yourself, try distilling enough water to drink for day.
Just a drop or two is enough to seal your fate and there's pretty much nothing they can do to help you.
How about some Botulism H thrown in a water plant? Would it make for a viable bioweapon?
Where would an individual even get their hands on the H strain?
I know you can basically homebrew your own botulism with a glass jar, some dirt and meat,but I think that's just for A, B, C strain IIRC.
It's been years since I last looked into it, so I might be wrong
Actually, making David Hahn’s neutron source and reactor was demonstrably easy. To try this out, you will need:
Two lead cubes
Some Radium crystalline salts
A spool of Beryllium strips
Some Tritium wax
A drill
Thorium-232 strips
And bam, you just put it together like that. You take the strips that you got from heating the Thorium Dioxide ash you got from the mantles and the lithium from the lithium batteries inside a ball of aluminum foil inside a tin can filled with cooking oil over a bunsen burner, place them inside the lead cube that you drilled a hole through the center of to insert the Radium crystals through, as well as Beryllium strips coated in Tritium wax that you scraped off of glow-in-the-dark gun and bow sights that you can buy from sporting goods stores, place it under a lead dome to cover it up, so that gradually, the Thorium strips will become more radioactive. The Thorium-232 will convert to Thorium-233 when it absorbs a neutron in it’s nucleus. The Th233 will admit a beta particle during radioactive decay and become fissible Uranium-233, which can be used in place of Plutonium in breeder reactors as well as in nuclear bombs.
Correction, one lead cube and something to cover it with that’s also made of lead to act as a dome.
Something along the lines of spraying contaminated water from a nuclear power plant using a drone.
Or put it on a missile.
On Sunday, October 22nd, 2006, there will be seven "dirty" explosive devices detonated in seven different U.S. cities; Miami, New York City, Atlanta, Seattle, Houston, Oakland and Cleveland. The death toll will approach 100,000 from the initial blasts and countless other fatalities will later occur as result from radioactive fallout.
The bombs themselves will be delivered via trucks. These trucks will pull up to stadiums hosting NFL games in each respective city. All stadiums to be targeted are open air arenas, excluding Atlanta's Georgia Dome, the only enclosed stadium to be hit. Due to the open air, the radiological fallout will destroy those not killed in the initial explosion. The explosions will be near simultaneous, with the cities specifically chosen in different time zones to allow for multiple attacks at the same time.
The 22nd of October will mark the final day of Ramadan as it would fall in Mecca. Al-Qaida will automatically be blamed for the attacks. Later, through Al-Jazeera, Osama bin Laden will issue a video message claiming responsibility for what he dubs "America's Hiroshima".
In the aftermath civil wars will erupt across the world, both in the Middle East and within the United States. Global economies will screech to a halt. General chaos will rule.
I can’t believe nobody posted this pasta yet. I haven’t seen it in years, and yet it’s totally relevant to the OP. What the fuck Zig Forums? Are you a bunch of faggots or something?