Friendly reminder Vikings that made contact with Muslims all converted to Islam. Zig Forums eventually do the same because Nazis got along with jihadists. There a reason why Varg never burnt a single mosque.
Friendly reminder Vikings that made contact with Muslims all converted to Islam...
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Eh, I don't think so.
Just because they both only care for power and pleasure it doesn't mean they'll get along.
I have come across a fair number of Zig Forumsacks who made the switch to Islam. They generally go Sunni. I suppose because they want traditional values, and see Chrisitianity responsible for the troubles in the West, when really it is Secularism that caused the problem.
Zig Forums never worth saving. They spawn Zig Forums and help voted a Zionist in office.
Buddhist statues have also been found in Viking burials. They must also have all been buddhists too.
The Vikings were basically seatiggers who produced nothing of cultural worth or sophistication.
what has the christian society produced instead? a lot of wars and pollution is cultural sophistication?
Have you ever opened a history textbook?
What? How do you figure?
yes you?
read what happened in uk during 1700-1800
About as true as the "allah" embroidered in the vikang robe.
Your punishment for your lies shall be the removal of your foreskin under the hokey pretense of masturbation prevention.
This meme again
Neopagans confirmed literal tiggers
Countless works of art, literature and architecture and countless advances in philosophy and science. All of which surpass even the pinnacle of any non-Christian civilization.
> a lot of wars and pollution is cultural sophistication?
You're really reaching if you're going to blame war and pollution on Christianity. I guess wars almost never happened before Christianity. And I never knew that non-Christian civilizations, like China and Japan, have no hand in pollution or harming the environment at all.
When did that happen?
as in, which time period do you consider the most "golden aged" for Christianity in that regard.
There was no singular golden age. The entirety of the Christian Era was marked major achievements in those regards. Even the so called "dark ages".
The murdering thieving rapists admired a murdering thieving rapist? Shocking.
Daily reminder you got your cock sucked by a rabbi.
I would rather the entire white race convert to Islam and for every christian church, bible, and priest to be burned than for christian tiggers to impregnate european women like you cucks want
so you're gonna take a step into heaven, see all the blacks and asians and mixed-race people, and then jump to hell?
doesn't exist
no such thing
and to answer your question, it wouldn't be heaven if there were shitskins there, so sure. all righteous men would end up in "hell" anyway for defying (((YHWH)))
Read what happened in Europe 0-2000 you idiot.
even if you agree with his logic, that supports deism, not necessarily christianity. christianity relies on the supposed resurrection of jesus of which no physical evidence exists
Big if true.
You know how we can tell you've never studied history?
Firearms are not primarily meant for killing another person, you psycho. They're used to defend yourself against wild animals and protect yourself in the wilderness. Of course being a racist keyboard warrior who stays indoors all day you wouldn't know such a thing.
you have to go back
Again, go back to philosophy. The Evidence you keep asking For. That people have already been showing. Historical Eye witness, Archeological, Oral etc. Is Already there. It's your Philosophy that's the issue. It's just Like Mr. Lewis said on his writings of Miracles, if even we were to see a physical appearance, of even a living saint, Ghostly figure etc. Ie, The five sense, it goes back to philosophy, cause if we come to the table that miracles don't exist then we will never believe in them. And we see that would be a miracles would just be written off as an, illusion, Hallucination, or the modern day approach aliens. Good vid on this. You've already most likely judging from your post determined that the resurrection has never happened, not because of their not being boatloads of evidence, but due to a philosophy that says, im assuming that miracles can never happen. Or maybe just a personal grudge that it could never happen. But in Philosophy if you do like hume did and take the approach he did with miracles. You're just running in a circle at that point.
One other thing, is the concept as the orthodox call it Ancestral Sin, that being man is fallen. And this is the problem that the protestants, and even Catholics have. Is that they assume man, is like this Neutral being. Where he could just start our neutral and determine the evidence in a courtroom setting. This, is another philosopher Jay dyer, who lays down the transcendental argument well here.
there is no physical evidence of the resurrection and thus no reason to believe it occurred and thus no reason to believe that christianity is true
Use, the links man. The material. You missed my whole point it seems. Take it back to basics man. That's my advice, along with question your atheism.
Racism is antithetical to Christianity.
and that's why I hate christianity
why would you worship a god that would put us on the same planet as all these disgusting subhuman races and then command us to let them destroy us? if it were true, then that god would be pure evil and not deserving of worship
Oh no. How ever will Christianity recover? Without you whatever will we do? D:
give your daughters to christian tiggers, probably
Depends on what you mean by "Racism", prejudges isn't Christian, but Racial realism is.
Sounds about right.
How many of you Looking forward to getting drafted to die for Israel when trump demands it?
Also here's another Vid related to my point. And Ip, Ip, is ok. But he's not Orthodox in his theology. But he gets this particular point down pretty well. But really get reading. Time to start doing the legwork if you're interested in the truth. And not just shitposting, and fishing for (yous).
I would not comply and I am not a blumpftard
and islam is unironically a less shitty religion than christianity because at least it is based on conquest and racial/linguistic imperialism whereas christianity has this faggotish submissive morality where you help the weak instead of taking pleasure in crushing them
History revisionism isn't allowed on my watch.