470 residents of Somerset community chip in and raise £1MILLION to buy their beloved Packhorse Inndailymail.co.uk /news /article-5515403 /Pub-reopens-locals-raise-1MILLION-save-it.html
Brexit News for Sunday 18 Marchbrexitcentral.com /today /brexit-news-sunday-18-march /
Thousands Gather in London’s Speakers’ Corner to Hear Tommy Robinson Deliver Banned Right-Wing Activist’s Speechbreitbart.com /london /2018 /03 /18 /thousands-gather-londons-speakers-corner-hear-tommy-robinson-deliver-banned-right-wing-activists-speech /
Telford: Police Failed to Act While Shahzad Khan Made £2,000 a Night Selling Victims at ‘The Rape House’breitbart.com /london /2018 /03 /18 /telford-police-failed-act-shahzad-khan-made-2000-night-selling-grooming-victims-rape-house /
Blizzards bash all four corners of Britain with 'dangerously cold' winds, 140 Heathrow flights cancelled and up to 12 INCHES of snowdailymail.co.uk /news /article-5514827 /UK-temperatures-low-9-Mini-Beast-East-continues.html
Brazen moped gang armed with 'Samurai swords' and sledgehammers ransack Regent Street watch shop in front of terrified Sunday shoppersdailymail.co.uk /news /article-5515481 /Brazen-moped-gang-ransack-Regent-Street-watch-shop.html
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March 18, 2018 - 19:54
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March 18, 2018 - 19:56
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March 18, 2018 - 19:57
Hope it is otherwise I'm going to jail for a memi
March 18, 2018 - 19:58
Nth for the left are the real racists, and Islam stands in the way of LGBT rights, animal liberation and gender equality.
March 18, 2018 - 19:58
Look how not gay I am lads
March 18, 2018 - 19:58
He likes to live on the edge.
March 18, 2018 - 19:58
This your dog lad? looks comfy tbh
March 18, 2018 - 19:59
LARPing is a perfectly acceptable practice
Attached: ss (2018-03-18 at 07.42.40).jpg (638x850, 218.69K)
March 18, 2018 - 19:59
tbf animal testing and factory farming is evil
March 18, 2018 - 19:59
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March 18, 2018 - 20:01
Modernity it just that for humans.
March 18, 2018 - 20:01
nah it's kaysgoodcooking's son's dog Ziggeh. He's a symbol of neet suffering.
March 18, 2018 - 20:01
I wish people like that would fuck off and stay in their Thai hooker bars for good.
March 18, 2018 - 20:02
A regular man doesn't need 14 year old gooks.
March 18, 2018 - 20:03
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March 18, 2018 - 20:04
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March 18, 2018 - 20:05
Oh boy
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March 18, 2018 - 20:06
Please tell me you're a yank.
March 18, 2018 - 20:07
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March 18, 2018 - 20:07
Yeah, I can agree with most of it.
Until you start talking about animals like bees and lobsters.
March 18, 2018 - 20:08
The fuck, watching the start of Tommy Israels speech and it's just nothing amongst a mass of other rabbling voices and noise. Could they not have just got someone to shout "speech time, shush" or something so they know it's starting? Fucking disorganised mess.
March 18, 2018 - 20:08
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March 18, 2018 - 20:09
There were counter-protesters too tbf
March 18, 2018 - 20:09
I am
March 18, 2018 - 20:09
well that's not exactly hard lad.
March 18, 2018 - 20:10
I know but still. Ah it's gone quieter and can actually be heard now too tbf.
March 18, 2018 - 20:11
He was better than most men, almost all of his contemporarys.
March 18, 2018 - 20:11
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March 18, 2018 - 20:11
He was better than the whole elite political class.
March 18, 2018 - 20:12
Vaginas are unironically disgusting lad.
March 18, 2018 - 20:14
We agree that slavery is "bad." so there's no moral argument to make outside of me highlighting the fact that working class whites have less potential to find a job since there was slave labor.
March 18, 2018 - 20:14
you mean being professor of Ancient Greek at 25?
March 18, 2018 - 20:15
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March 18, 2018 - 20:15
Will Tommy get lucky tonight lads?
March 18, 2018 - 20:15
yeah but I want to put my penis in them to make babies.
March 18, 2018 - 20:17
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March 18, 2018 - 20:17
is he getting ovaries put in?
March 18, 2018 - 20:18
I reckon ttpw still lurks tbh
March 18, 2018 - 20:19
I hope he doesn't for keks, but a part of me thinks he's a meat spinner. Dunno
March 18, 2018 - 20:19
He needs involuntarily euthanised.
March 18, 2018 - 20:22
He has to, it is obvious when the mutant speaks.
March 18, 2018 - 20:23
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March 18, 2018 - 20:24
Southern's voice is similar
March 18, 2018 - 20:24
Hanging has always been effective.
March 18, 2018 - 20:24
nah, tbf southern sounds female but fucking retarded
March 18, 2018 - 20:25
Southern sounds like she's either been smoking too many fags, or shouting too much. You can still tell it is a female imo. The trap sounds like a trap though, that forced put on trap voice that makes them sound mentally ill.
March 18, 2018 - 20:26
I like the ditsy southern tank thot voice. I know burgers find it embaraasing but…….hnnnnnnnng
March 18, 2018 - 20:27
Who italicises like that except a Tory false flagger trying to make it look like a normal person?
March 18, 2018 - 20:28
>replies are all "hurr you fuck horses xDDD"twitter.com /VP /status /863182608552906755 These people are sick in the head.
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March 18, 2018 - 20:31
Get your rage hats on lads
Paedophile grandfather sold children for sex in a Telford 'rape house' where perverts queued down the stairs to abuse youngsters
dailymail.co.uk /news /article-5515579 /Paedophile-grandfather-sold-children-sex-Telford-house.html
March 18, 2018 - 20:32
asking for it with that quote tbf
March 18, 2018 - 20:32
watching black hawk down some classic 90s 56ery
March 18, 2018 - 20:33
I thought he sold his own grandkids But then that would be abusing his own race so that doesn't make sense
March 18, 2018 - 20:34
oh yeah.
I'm going to get on the comp tbh I can't stand posting here from my phone. it's too shit
March 18, 2018 - 20:34
Who /readyforedgy/ here
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March 18, 2018 - 20:34
A lot of the yank soldiers were English actors weren't they?
March 18, 2018 - 20:34
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March 18, 2018 - 20:35
has he ever made one single joke about islam
only one i recognise is tom hardy tbh
March 18, 2018 - 20:36
The last one is almost exactly a Noam Chomsky quote. Gervais and Russell Brand idolise Chomsky
March 18, 2018 - 20:36
No I mean better than a bunch of maligned characters posting on a Sri-Lankan origami website.
March 18, 2018 - 20:37
From memory, Orlando bloom is the one that falls from the helicopter and the ugly one from trainspotting is in it too
March 18, 2018 - 20:37
Smart, nihilistic, and with a wicked sense of humour. Just like me.
March 18, 2018 - 20:37
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March 18, 2018 - 20:39
You both must have voted correctly on brexit
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March 18, 2018 - 20:39
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March 18, 2018 - 20:40
Tbf the Nicholson Joker was a LAD
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March 18, 2018 - 20:43
Ths scene cracked me up
"We got a live one here hahahaha"
top bantz
March 18, 2018 - 20:46
The way they try to portray Assad as some kind of evil chemical weapon warlord makes me feel nothing but disgust for the Yids and neocons who run the show.
March 18, 2018 - 20:47
Drive the Yukon highway if you ever can.
March 18, 2018 - 20:49
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March 18, 2018 - 20:50
Some of it is useful. I don't have any better.
March 18, 2018 - 20:52
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March 18, 2018 - 20:53
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March 18, 2018 - 20:55
Putin won
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March 18, 2018 - 20:55
It includes a workout plan and dietary recommendation.
March 18, 2018 - 20:55