Post your best, even NATO multishit welcome, but slavic equipment preferred
Eastern/Slavic Operators
Rosgvarida gets me rock solid, except for when they wear multi-meme.
Modern day serbs spec ops.
Polish leopard 2 and bmp 1
Forgot a pic
Spetsnaz in Crimea.
Powerful image, thanks for the troops, they'll certainly save us from evil Vladolf Putler who beats gays and minorities.
Could you send the tar-black nigger rapist apes next time to damage people's trust in the US?
Such propaganda is pretty ironic given the fact he is actually a gay pedo himself (few suspicious photos with boys, that polonium-poisoned Litvinenko's info on his pedophilia, also we know from the former general prosecutor Skuratov's book KGB did blackmail putin with gay porn). And don't even get me started on Muslim minorities that bully russcucks in every way possible 24/7 since the beginning of 1990's.
Guy on the left has a flare pistol in his left hand?
That what it looks like and I'm guessing to help signal an attack.
Looks like an SP81
Ukrainian spetsnaz to be exact. Guys in flora are Russian naval infantry from Sevastopol, guys in civies are ukrainian "sokol" unit of berkut that defected.
You need someway to signal when you don't have the same radio nets as the other units.
This is what your brain on salo looks like.
He's not wrong about "national minorities" being the same in russia as are the arabs and niggers in europe though.
Touch one in self defense and it's jail for you.
>post with an actual documented PROOFS, video shooting, former General Prosecutor's and FSB officer's confessions
Commie russcucks deserve nothing but genocide. I mean, you've had a few in 1990's but there's more to come thanks to your based&redpilled daddy putin.
I'm sorry to put it to ya, but Putin's a bigger ZOGbot than Trumpstein, mon ami.
I fucking hate ukrainians.
SW? I was there too faggot.
Im sorry about our niggers.
Pot meet kettle.
This is why Russians that openly larps as "Ukrainian" deserve to be mocked.
I'll be honest I miss the clean air and the garlic sauce.
We love you, ""French""" commie asslicker.
Just mix yoghurt, mayonnaise, and pressed garlic together, you can add a bit of lemon juice, salt and pepper.
Is that a manlet in the far left? I didn’t think manlet would’ve survived kosovo.
Why are Slavs-15s so expensive? Russian made AR-15s go for 2K. What makes them so special?
They're curiosities in Russia.
Do you have measurements for that? Do you also know that you are the greatest man in all of Poland?
Custom toys for ameriboos.
Burgers have been making ARs for over 50 years, and have all the kinks worked out. Further, a big part of the burger market is high-volume sales to people on budgets. Slavs haven't been making ARs for nearly that long or in those numbers. Budget-minded people will go for an AK variant in slav land, not an AR. This means most of the slav AR market is for wealthier collectors and eccentrics, who are willing to pay extra to get that specific gun instead of a cheaper alternative.
Same reasons why AK rifles are more expensive in the US. Its because AKs control Slav territory and ARs control burger territory.
When I do a similar sauce it takes roughly 450 grams of 10% fat creme-fraiche, ~half of my grandma's pressed garlic bulb, 1 teaspoon of a nice potent mustard, 1 big pinch of salt and coriander, 2 even bigger pinches of khmeli suneli and a quarter of a lemon but not fully squeezed out. Sage for offtopic.
around 50-50 mayo and yoghurt (can be 40-60), "natural", the one without anything added to it
You can use cream too but I prefer yoghurt
as many garlic cloves as you like, use a garlic press with small holes so you have all the flavor without noticeable garlic chunks in it.
I'm going to try both when I get out of the field at the end of the month.
How much of it is taxes?
That’s a thing in Russia?
Texas probably importing most of them. They go around 3K or 4K in Texas.
Probably more tariffs than taxes.
There's a pretty active ameriboo culture in Europe, despite mainstream yuropoor faggots assuming the "backwards gun nut hillbilly lel" position. Burgerstan was perceived as the big strong man during the cold war era, and some of that sentiment carried on to today not because our 56% military is particularly good but because western Euro militaries have gotten even worse. They're not quite as cringey as weebs, the worst they do is purchase and consume peanut butter.
There is also cowboy action shooting. Remember, spaghetti western was a thing because Hollyjew forgot how to make good westerns, and it was up to the Old World to bring back the old ways. And it's also easier to get into the sport if you stick with black powder in certain countries.
AR15 is made worldwide tbh lad.
I just don't see the point, I prefer AK.
GROM 2003
Gotta love some people's delusions of adequacy.
You're slavs as far as literally the rest of the world is concerned; hey, at least you aren't Albanian turkbabies :^)