Artist Banksy's picture frame shreds his $1.3M Artwork at Sotheby’s London auction as gavel falls

A Banksy artwork “self-destructed” at a Friday night Sotheby’s auction in London.

“Girl with a Balloon” (2006) was the final lot of the evening sale at Sotheby’s and ended things off with an impressive final price of £953,829 (~$1,251,423), or £1,042,000 with buyer’s premium (~$1,367,104). Maybe people should’ve suspected something was suspicious when the artwork sold for the exact same figure as the artist’s previous auction record in 2008.

Robert Casterline of Casterline Goodman gallery was in attendance and told Hyperallergic what happened next. He explained there was “complete confusion” and an “alarm inside the frame started going off as the gavel went down.”

“[It] sold for over a million dollars and as we sat there…the painting started moving,” he said, and added that the painting’s frame, also made by Banksy, acted as a shredder and started to cut the canvas into strips. “[It was] all out confusion then complete excitement,” he explained.

Anny Shaw of the Art Newspaper spoke to Alex Branczik, the auction house’s head of contemporary art for Europe, who seemed as surprised as anyone. “It appears we just got Banksy-ed,” he said immediately after the sale. “He is arguably the greatest British street artist, and tonight we saw a little piece of Banksy genius,” he said, adding that he was “not in on the ruse.”

Shaw also reports that there was speculation “that the elusive artist had himself pressed the button that destroyed the work.”

But is the work destroyed? Or is it transformed? Even Branczik isn’t sure. “You could argue that the work is now more valuable,” Branczik said. “It’s certainly the first piece to be spontaneously shredded as an auction ends.”

Casterline clearly thought it was all very entertaining. “Banksy did it again to the art market that he so despises,” he said about the latest prank by an artist who continues to mess with the conventions of the art world.

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Based banksy

(((branczik))) said its more valuable now

Hitler was right about “modern art”, what’s considered art today used to be the crude drawings of madman in asylums, or drafts of the perverse fantasy’s of homosexuals, and pedophiles. Do not call it art, the very act of referring to it as such is an abomination onto the subject as a whole.

Hitler was a shit painter. Shit writer too. And he lost the war. Then he killed himself.

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It makes sense as a commentary on planned obsolescence. I think it's clever. The real retardation here is that the mooks think it's funny and "possibly more valuable" in shreds. They're supposed to be pissed off and thinking "how could anybody do this? Sell a product that breaks itself? This should be a crime!" Instead it's just "aw, neato!"

You're thinking of that retard Cohen, Hitler painted landscapes.

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And he sucked at it.

It's full-on damage control. If they admit for one second that art is bullshit the whole racket goes up in smoke.

"art" especially modern art is and always will be money laundering.

Wow these pretentious faggots really don't get it.

Banksy rightly despises the art world because it is filled to the brim with talentless hacks, sellouts, money grubbing Jews, simpletons and outright frauds. The whole point of art isn't to decorate or snobbishly trade like baseball cards; real true art communicates an idea or a message. Real art makes you think about and appreciate it for its own intrinsic value.

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Yeah its sad, he's literally spitting in their face and they are too far up their own ass to see it, its usually how it is though, real artists are too busy actually creating while pretentious liberal parasites like this always latch on to them thinking they "understand" them.

dat talent

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honestly better than any modern art I've ever seen

you keep using that term but I'm not sure you know what it means and neither do i nor anyone else, really

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yea, ZZ Top would be impressed

painting nude graffiti like art on walls

shhheeeeat, i seen better in toilets Thaan Andy's

Really makes me think

He set the whole thing up. Its just another art piece itself. Just like he staged exit through the giftshop.

Modern art is piss ant boring


Modern art- Any product that is created with the intention to be bought and traded by international jews to devalue a culture's currency and/or confidence to profit.


To say Hitler wasn't a competent artist is to focus only on his failures.

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this one is very comfy, its always that jews demand "true" art be about ugly shit, pain and suffering rather than beauty and innocence

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(((Modern art))) in a nutshell

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Modern art is such a fucking joke.

Looks like a methed out Keira Knightley.

No one ever checked this extra large frame thats way heavier than a normal frame and seems to take up three times as much space?

Banksy makes "art" the same way Nathan for You makes art

That weird white triangle makes the building look like its levitating.

We're no longer in the modern art era at all. All you plebs need to go back to anime.


We know you mean child porn.

Amateurish. A middle school kid could do perspective better.

Simple things like light source really eluded him. I'd kick him out of art school too.

Hitler was in the modern art era, he just sucked at it. Banksy is a graffiti artist with no relation to modernism. So many retards in this thread.

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You are right Hitler and nazi's are modern art so is international aid, nuclear power plants, and international business deals.
I say jews you say hitler, good dog. I was talking about international jews in the present day and year, I don't care about one man who lived a long time ago. Your response is completely off topic and shows you are an immature television consumer.

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We're still well past the modern art era. I don't know what the rest of this incoherent ramble is about.