Trump's EPA says a little radiation may be healthy

The Trump administration is quietly moving to weaken U.S. radiation regulations, turning to scientific outliers who argue that a bit of radiation damage is actually good for you — like a little bit of sunlight.

The government's current, decades-old guidance says that any exposure to harmful radiation is a cancer risk. And critics say the proposed change could lead to higher levels of exposure for workers at nuclear installations and oil and gas drilling sites, medical workers doing X-rays and CT scans, people living next to Superfund sites and any members of the public who one day might find themselves exposed to a radiation release.

Small level of radiations induce DNA-damage repairing mechanism so that they actually decrease overall number of errors in DNA thus slightly decreasing e.g. probability of cancerogenesis.

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Other urls found in this thread:

i radiate my brain with my phone every day

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That sounds weird but its true. There are areas on earth where the background levels of radiation are naturally high and people there live longer and healthier lives.


thats just a skin burn from sun light, x-rays and gamma rays would burn you like that clear though your entire body.

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yes, комрад, i am from chernobл and we are very hэalthy. we live long timэ.

op is a faggot, as always

How hard is it to crop a picture before posting?

So it's not just the EPA anymore. Now it's Trump's EPA so you can blame everything on Drumpf.

this is an excuse from the nuclear industry and the xray lobby not to spend a few bucks on a small piece of lead which will prevent you from the basic effects of radiation.

These people need to take atomic chemistry 101 again and read the part about alpha,gamma and beta wavelengths before they are allowed to operate plants containing atomic materials. this is dangerous.

$20 million nuclear plant, $100 piece of lead? its not too much to ask of you guys is it?

Pic related is America's future.

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Trump's going to make Duke Nukem real.

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Alpha and beta are particles, genius. Gamma is indeed an ionizing wavelength. In a process called "hormesis," small amounts of ionizing gamma radiation are found to be beneficial to human health.

Overview of Biological, Epidemiological, and Clinical Evidence of Radiation Hormesis

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trumptrads btfo

You're the beta. You soydrinking Cuckboy.

johnny neptune has brain AND ass cancer

bet yor 2nd head dies b4 u.

But your kids sure did come out fucked up.

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The bare ass is to show the contrast of white and red

Does a man's bare ass give you a cock twitch?

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That's right goy. consume don't feel.



sunlight is radiation you stupid nigs

Stay in the sun 24/7 for years and see what happens.

Totally equivalent.

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visible light is radiation, you dumb nigs

A little sunlight is good for you because it gives you natural Vitamin D!

MRI scans DO NOT give you anything but harmful radiation.

In certain amounts it is. And it can become harmful if your are routinely exposed. Same with too much sunlight, although limited sunlight actually gives you natural Vitamin D and is good for the skin. Too much is a bad thing though.

well, MRI gives you life saving medical data..

Yes, it is
That's how sunlight gives you skin cancer if you have too much of it

that the point dumbass, magnitude makes the poison

To remain healthy everyone should get about one hour of sunlight per day. Limit artificial light and computer screens to around 5 or 6 hours. Preferably less. And avoid MRI scans as much as possible unless absolutely needed!

And NEVER EVER go on chemo! Always choose the natural route via a healthy diet and plenty of extra vitamins and curcumin supplements. There have been people who kick cancer naturally but do expect the Big Pharma shills to scream their lungs out if you suggest it or go that route. I don't care about them or what they think though, if I ever get cancer I'm not doing chemo, I'm treating it naturally.

t. Steve Jobs.


chemo damages your dna so much that even if you beat it, it just comes back later.

If we just used thorium reactors we wouldn't have to worry about the damn meltdowns and radiation to follow.

It won't be pretty.

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Please don't slide legit news.

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Third World Shithole Germany: Father Arrested For Defending His Daughter From Migrant Rape

Police in Munich, Germany have filed bodily injury charges against a 42-year-old father after he punched an African migrant who sexually assaulted his 21-year-old daughter during Oktoberfest.

The sexual assault occurred at the Hackerbrücke train station and involved a drunk migrant from Eritrea putting both his hands up the skirt of a 21-year-old young woman and fondling her buttocks.

After becoming aware of the sex attack, the young woman’s father punched the migrant in the face, according to German news outlet Merkur.

While Munich police have filed sexual harassment charges against the Eritrean migrant, they have also filed charges of bodily injury against the 42-year-old father.

Breitbart reports:

Many online were outraged that police would bring charges against the father, with some asking why he should sit by and do nothing as the man sexually assaulted his daughter.

Munich federal police spokeswoman Petra Wiedmann said that it was up to police to investigate both “crimes.”

“It is up to the judiciary to assess the case. There is a suspicion that there were two crimes, one sexual harassment and the other a physical injury. The police are required by law to bring up both,” she said.

The attack occurred during Oktoberfest, Munich’s largest festival of the year which has seen a massive increase in security in recent years due to previous sex attacks at other festivals in Germany along with the growing threat of radical Islamic terrorism.

In 2016, the festival saw one of its lowest attendance recorded in years — while reported sex attacks rose –a year after the height of the migrant crisis.

Only a year later in 2017, Bavarian authorities reported a 91 percent increase in the number of migrant rape attacks with migrants making up as many as one in five suspects involved in rape cases in the region.

No, but since you probably could have found other examples without showing man ass, I'm thinking it gives yours one.

ITT: Anti-nuclear shills

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t. Mutant damage control
How the third leg doing?

sliden in seconds……. wow!


Goldman Sachs: Curing Cancer Is Not A Sustainable Business Model, Goyim!

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Indoctrination, Brainwashing and Politically Correct Stupidity Continues To Fester In US Colleges

Foreign Enemies Plan To Invade America, What You Need To Know

Massive, coordinated social media PURGE silences hundreds of conservative, libertarian channels

Wikileaks Begins To Leak Highly Confidential Internal Documents From Amazon

Geo-engineered Terrorstorm Michael Crippled Tyndall Air Force Base, F-22s Scattered Everywhere

bump for man butt

they're trying to slide this too.

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confirmed legit news