Greetings everybody, I want to share with you a story, a true story, that took place long long ago.
Scientists say there are different kinds of matter in the universe including regular matter, dark matter, and antimatter. There's also a fourth kind of matter. This matter is very different from regular matter. It cannot be detected by usual scientific means. The particles that make up this kind of matter are much too fine and cannot be directly observed or measured. But it exists. It is mind. It is consciousness. And it has existed eternally alongside every other kind of matter in the universe.
Eons ago, in a distance galaxy on an unknown planet, a child was born to a mother and a father. This child went under a process of maturing and doctrinal instruction that he might faithfully follow the tenets of the religion prescribed for him. This child was sent down to another planet that his father ruled over. The child was given a fleshly body on this planet, for before he had descended to become a fleshly man on the planet he was assigned to be born on, he was a spirit child, meaning that he was one of the various chunks of the fourth kind of matter (also called “intelligences”) who was assembled together into a spirit body by his father through means of sexual reproduction whereby he was born a spirit body to his heavenly father and heavenly mother. Having been born in the flesh made of regular material atoms to his planetary parents he was awarded the name “Elohim” meaning "deities", for his parents knew that he would be a faithful child and would produce many millions of gods by his own seed. Elohim was very strong in his faith, and exceed through the ranks of his religion. He offered the utmost worship to his heavenly father as his god. After living a mortal life on his planet, and completing the plan of salvation, Elohim died in the flesh because sin had plagued his planet. His spirit body was taken into the highest degree of heaven after the death of his fleshly body, and on the day of resurrection he was resurrected by his heavenly father, his god, and, along with his wife, they were given immortal bodies and became gods of their own.
After Elohim's resurrection he settled on a planet named Kolob in an unknown part of the Milky Way galaxy. Together with his wife, over many millions of years, he produced trillions upon trillions of spirit children with her. One by one they were born. But the first spirit child ever born, and Elohim's most favorite child, was “Jehovah”, which means "He who exists", for Elohim would assign him to be God over a unique planet he was going to create. The second spirit child of Elohim and Heavenly Mother was “Lucifer”. which means "morning star". after the planet Venus which Elohim had created and would intended to be the morning star of the planet he was going to create. The third spirit child born was named “Michael”, meaning "Who is like God?", for Elohim was going to make Michael a symbol of his might and power over the children. Many billions and trillions of more spirit children were produced by Elohim and Heavenly Mother.
It was decided that there was going to be three who would be the gods over this new planet that Elohim was going to make, and these three alone would rule it and to receive alone receive worship from its inhabitants as their gods. These three were Elohim the Heavenly Father of the spirits, his first born Son Jehovah, and the Holy Ghost who was a spirit body produced not through sexual reproduction as a child of Elohim but rather through a special organization of intelligent matter into a spirit body by Elohim to be a distinct from the other spirit bodies of the children of Elohim which could not take on flesh but serve the sole purpose as being God for Earth.
So the three, being the heads over the Council of gods which they had organized, with Elohim being president, Jehovah being vice president, and the Holy Ghost being chief bishop, formed the highest degree over the Council of the gods. The Qumrom of the twelve apostles formed the second degree of the Council of gods to be direct ministers to the Godhead, these included Peter, head of the Qumrom, John, Thomas, James the Greater, Matthew, Jude, Philip, Nathanael, James the Lesser, Andrew, Simon, and Judas. The third degree of the Council of gods included the Qumrom of the seventy. Among the Qumrom of the seventy included numerous children of Elohim such as Lucifer, head of the Qumrom, Michael, Gabriel, the fourth born child of Elohim, and numerous other gods all sons of Elohim.