The logistical quagmire of pussy delivery to active duty troops

I'm always been fascinated by the work behind supplying men with guns, food, and assorted kit although I've never explored the question of comfort women in any great detail. In ye olden days, medieval times and such, it seems pretty common that once you conquered a village or town you were free to rape and kill as you pleased.

Gradually, society civilized but the underlying animalistic urges remained. I've read about brothels and comfort houses during times of war in the 1900's but I'd be curious to read personal accounts on such places. I'd be keenly interested in accounts from the U.S. Occupation of Japan post WW2 where you had 350,000 men stationed at the end of 1945 and upwards of 60 to 70k Japanese prostitutes servicing them.

In the modern era what is the expectation of pussy availability for troops abroad? How has it changed since the industrial age?

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Russians raped German women, Americans raped Japanese women. Neither side was punished for these crimes. Is it any surprised ZOG drones behave like animals?

the whore business is stronger than ever in SEA thanks to multiple U.S. military bases being out there. the economy outside of military bases always seems to crop up the same shit, bars, tattoo shops, and whore houses. In some places the bars and the whore houses are the same building, like ye olde saloons. and yet service members (usually niggers) still get in trouble for raping the locals.

ZOGs are trained to be louth mouthed animals who call in an air strike every km at the first sight of trouble.
And why should they care. They could be allies of boshelviks one day then engage in low intensity warfare fake proxy wars, slowly abolishing their homeland and still get called the greatest goyim.

Demons dont care about silly things like morals and dignity. They have none. Their soul is as muddified as their genetics.

Like Okinawa, where niggers just can't stop raping local underage girls, and Americans, especially white ones, go out of their way to shield them from the consequences of their actions.

How can you sleep at night knowing your tax dollars are being used to ship subhuman niggers halfway across the world to rape innocent humans?

And who are so incompetent and pussyfooted they get humiliated by underfed, inbred jungle and desert niggers armed with goats and AKs.

If you weren't complete fucking cowards you'd have done what was necessary to win the war instead of liberal "hearts and minds" faggotry.

Reminder that France had military brothels up until 2003.

>The tradition of bringing "brothels to soldiers" was started during the Third Crusade by Philip II of France. He was so shocked by the extent of sodomy and rapes committed by the Crusaders, he arranged for a full boat of "girls of joy" to be sent from France.
I don't judge the French, but war really does bring out the worst in man when it goes on for too long and without rest.



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In the future, this might be one of the area where sexbots might excel.

I fear the soldiers might become too attached to sexbots even.

They should remember what their country fought for.

Modern armies don't need it as much, as porn (in all its forms) are pretty ubiquitous.

Well yeah.
In Italian "marochianare" (to act like a moroccan) still means "to rape".

Well yeah, only France acknowledge that not having enough pussy around might be a problem.
They closed down the last one on the continent in the 80's, the last ones in the colonies in the 2000's.
With so many cumrag sorry "strong women" within the ranks there is no need for them anymore.

Aren't the majority of 'strong female servicepersons' rapidly converted into the units walking STD archive?

Can't wait for the future where every soldier gets their own standard issue sexbot to sleep with.

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That's why the high turnover rate is so important.
Also the Legion kept their brothels the longest because they don't have women within their ranks. The reason why we finally closed down the last BMC in Djibouti is pure redundancy though.

Pic absolutely not related.

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It doesn't help that the Navy explicitly sends Blacks and Spics to Japan and Germany. I live in a military town and literally every fucking black or Mexican was sent to Germany or Japan while the whites (and whiter hispanics/hispanics with white names) got sent to the Philippines, Korea, or some shit hole. I knew all of one black guy who was sent to a shit hole and mysteriously enough he happened to have a white name. Statistics be damned you can't tell me it's "pure coincidence" when even the recruiter was telling me to befriend the black guys if I wanted to go to Japan back when I considered enlisting.

Looks like turkraut is going to spam this thread

To be fair though, "doing what was necessary to win" during the cold war is half the reason shit's fucked and we're still fighting now.

We're in nightmare world, user. Sex bots are coming, but it will be one sexbot per 100 soldiers and said sexbot will be of questionable cleanliness to the point where a jerk sock will still be preferable.

Soldiers in afghanistan and iraq kill themselves because no pussy in muslamic countries, the boomers had all the fun in vietnam with sex, -literally heroin- and a lotta weed, but they wont let you have it now.

Imagine being such a weak piece of shit that you can't go a couple months without having sex with a woman.

Said sex bot would still be cleaner than a woman.

and then you get back home and made to sit through 20 hours of diversity propaganda and your nigger "battle buddy" gets the promotion.

Why not have combat robots that are cute girls?

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The women in chinese service are basically comfort women. Theyre hired ostensibly as real staff but in reality chinese men arent chivalrous so theres nothing stopping them from just raping the girls nonstop.

ask ur mom

Because you'd have to make them suicide units when the enemy inevitably attempts to fuck the robots. Then the international community would bitch and complain about robutt lives or how blowing up the enemy mid-coitus is a human rights violation or something.

As I understand that's pretty much how women in the US military function as well.

I was trying to figure the numbers. There have to be a least a few logistics officers whose sole duty is calculating how many pounds of pussy your average serviceman will go through in a given time frame. Pretty much all your staples; food, guns and poon, it's all part of a balanced diet.

There has to be some method of allocation and distribution down the chain. It may not be specifically referred to as "pussy corps" but there has to be SOMEONE tallying up the pussy available for the troops. Otherwise, you run the risk of encountering a pussy deficit which could put undo stress on already stressed men.

I considered that earlier when someone mentioned sexbots. My fear would be enemy combatants hacking into them and causing them to explode remotely. Even worse if they were actively being used.

Supposing they served for multiple purposes as 's post imagines, where they fulfilled the role of combat concubine and medic. That would be pretty fucking lit. She'd have a hot-swappable fleshlight vagina so you eject a spent one and insert your own (much like the magazine of a gun) do your deed, eject and clean it when you're done. She'd carry a few extra with her in case yours became damaged or otherwise unusable.

You may even have a whole platoon of combat concubines. A 5 girl fuck squad if you will, who would provide fire support, competent field medicine as well as sexual relief in the field. We're talking next-generation combat sluts here.

Make them multipurpose. They can double as barrel guard, suppressor, extra water container. Just turn it into a multi-tool.

Shit, get those pentagon boys from R&D involved and you can get that sucker to fly. It's already going to have smart tech built in since it'll connect to CC's (combat concubine) so there's no reason you can't turn it into an autonomous drone. You could have the fleshlight drones synced to your CC and it'd provide aerial reconnaissance. The tech already exists, the only limit is your imagination. That's what I'd call some killer pussy.

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When we win we need to demolish ever ww2 monument

in the us we are allowed no sex while downrange. Even porn is contraband, atleast in af cant speak for other branches.

My sides

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One day this will be an unironic sales pitch

When they'd first arrive they're wearing standard fatigues and be kitted out in factory fresh stuff. Instead of a name, they'd have a dehumanizing moniker like "B1", "B2", "C5" and so on. Very doldrum shit.

After a prolonged tour of duty, they'd be dressed up in all manner of sexy attire and the men would refer them by names that grew out of subtle nuance or inside references. Since they'd be all about preservation of human life they'd be all about hopping on grenades and dragging wounded bois outta hot zones. There'd be a least one called Hot Stuff after continuing to fight when they'd been set on fire.
>"are you okay F5?"
>the CC is still smoking, blackened face, hair all burnt at the ends "Affirmative."
>the CC marches forward and is completely unfazed by the superficial damage.

The only weird thing for me would be CC's walking around with half their face missing and the exposed exoskeleton underneath. For some /clang/ers that just makes it better. I'm not sure if they'd be referred to more charitably in general as "angels" or "semen demons" but they'd be a morale boost whenever they joined your squad.

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Statistically improbable. There should be about 50% of the population just waiting to be inseminated by superior western genes. You just gotta take them.
Problem is that the US is still on that hearts&minds BS while in a country where they haven't stopped shooting the guys two villages over for the last couple centuries.

Of course that's happening, the JewSA is on a mission to miscegenate the entire globe.

It'd be more like swapping a barrel in MG3.

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I see your point as the apparatus would have a lot of hot stuff shooting through it. I figure it would be a smooth action. (Probably a button hidden in her pooper). Her poon would pop out with a click and you take it out for cleaning. I figure she'd have a place holder or at the very least a dust cover apparatus to keep her from getting gunked up. Not that she wouldn't be capable of self cleaning but she'd expect the fellow she's servicing to remove his respective fleshlight after doing the deed.

You can't bust a nut while in the rice fields. You'll be all dozing off and shit. The best idea would be to have a bunch of hot ass chicks give the guys lap dances before sending them out. This way they'll be more energetic and aggressive. If they get a kill they get to fuck.

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I can already imagine our favourite mass shooter infiltrating some military expo and giving a speech about semen angels.

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Why can't we have such nice things?

Yes but women in US military actually want to get turned into a cumdragon by niggers and give birth to a passel of niglets, because then they can suck up that neat military welfare and chile suppor. Also they are whoresluts.

every women is a whore. every single one. even your mother. ESPECIALLY your mother

She hasn't had sex in 15 years, it's why she's so cranky.

Look, Strelok, here's how it works:

Sounds like you've got a job to do strelok.

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Can't have unlicensed CC's on the battlefield.
That's when the waifu wars begin. Dark times.

Meanwhile, the hobbyist in his basement will construct his ideal waifu with aftermarket parts and frankenstein himself the perfect waifu. Just like god intended.

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You can always swap out parts y'know.
>implying Russians and/or Iran+various black market bootleggers wouldn't have any interest in a potentially fuckhueg market for illegal military waifu or succubots

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thats pretty rich coming from an EU flag

Well then you run into Ship of Theseus question. How many parts are you going to replace? Are you willing to completely rebuild her if every part had been sullied? At that point why bother with a used model when you can get a new one.

I'm sure other countries will develop their own CC's. The Slavic ones will be rougher around the edges but they will be more or less equivocal to their western counterparts with some unique quirks that only come from Soviet engineering.
China's will be knock-offs of Western and Russian designs. They'll be very Pro-Communist and will function as another pair of ears to report dissenters within the ranks. Chinese troops will be very mum around them I think.

>despite this they'll still be fucked regularly because that's the best they can get in shitholes

I wonder what horrors India and Finland would come up with.

Wouldn't they both use imports from various other countries (as they do with jets at the moment) with India maybe producing small numbers of their own waifu bots that are definitely not 20 year old Russian/US designs with the serial numbers filed off.

To be honest, I never heard such term, but apparently the adjective "marrochinate" does exist and it's the equivalent of BLACKED applied to moroccans.

why give them any? priests are able to be celibate

So what you're saying is we need to bring back warrior priests?

vid related

Depending on how flexible you are with your definition of 'priest' absolutely.

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i guess you'e right user.

It could be a whole separate line of recruitment for women who would really like to "serve" their "cuntry"
Meanwhile, all a service member has to do is make an appointment either through an online service or over the phone (just like you would for medical). Reservists would have to pay a small fee though if they weren't activated.

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Necessary, but even with that warning you'd still get a lot of young privates falling madly in love with one particular 'servicewoman' (especially on deployment, the extra emotional pressure there would lead a lot of men to fixate on the girl who they'd come to associate with 'not feeling like complete shit') and burning out when this girl had to tell him that "look, I sleep with 50 guys a week, you're just another John".

The biggest oversight in this is chain of command. A whore corps would need to be a separate branch of the military entirely and not have to answer to any other corps (since all it would take is one woman screaming rape/"I was raped after realizing I signed up to be a whore and regretted fucking 200 guys in a month, but ONE OF THEM WAS A CO!"). Chain of command in general is the biggest logistical issue since a whore would have to fuck her superiors (unless whores were only allowed to fuck people of lower rank than them). It's more honest than women fucking their CO behind-the-scenes for a promotion but it's the same problem. Equally it's insubordination if she doesn't fuck someone, but you can see how that would go in the media, and no whore wants to fuck niggers. Unfortunately I believe civilian whores are the only way to avoid the shit-tier parts of logistical whores, and they'd bitch up a storm if they didn't get military benefits.

The comfort women were asking for it

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Holy shit, those are some ugly ass bitches.

They're Chinese, what do you expect?

All gook women are ugly without tons of makeup and expensive haircuts.

I can find better looking women on the street.

Would you have sex with beautiful deafblind girls? They can't hear and see so the secrets won't spill.

Sexbots and VR sex sound like the solution to STD-ridden war whores.

>Even generals have to call her ma'am during sex

But they are not organic.

Still better than the current options.
**>but what about reproduction++
Artificial wombs and gene construction/selection.

inb4 fucking furries and mutant doggirls

Fuck me. That's what I get for posting right after waking up.

Just buy the eggs and hire the surrogate to carry your child. This is not a rocket science to figure this out.

In your case it's a bunch of hapas left behind by amerimutts. Must be that speck of whiteness at work.

Less chance for STD tbh famalam.

That's Warhammer 40K typing style dude.

yeah, because they bought extensive plastic surgery as primary school graduation gift. (assuming he meant gook = just korean because hanguk)

It was annudah shoah, the Japanese were using industrial grade viagra made from dead chinese babies that didn't make good human lampshades or soap (^:

Buy your own fake vagina toy.

Is there any reason that they can't make fleshlights standard issue for every man (issue the most ridiculously oversized dragon dildos on the market to the women just so they don't start complaining), with several terabytes of hentai (everything from completely innocent Ecchi to the sort of material that would make /d/ feel uncomfortable - we all know that one guy who needs that kind of stuff) issued to each platoon?

it's made by evil japanese instead of greatest allies at lockheeb martin.

That would be all caps between two + signs on either side. Like this:

Do you want to teach misogyny and rape to the proud soldiers warfighters of equality and democracy? M*les don't have sexual needs, it's just the patriarchy that teaches them otherwise.

But the Lockheed Mk.8 Inseminator only costs $293.7 million, and in recent testing they've managed to reduce the number of 'uncontrollable tearing' incidents to only 10% of total uses!

So mandatory castration for all servicemen? Hey, it was all the rage in China so it even wins on diversity points too!

As in instead of being a hole for soldier to fuck it's actually a dick with cum lube dispenser?
Does it also kill the soldiers who deviate ever so slightly from average like the lockheeb smart helmets?

It perfectly follows the DoD spec and 'Inclusivity: sexual orientation/gender in the modern military' guidelines.
There have been all kinds of rumours, scare stories, and fake news articles about this exciting new product. The latest (internal) studies published in Lockheeds press releases show a 6% reduction in unintended castrations and a 3.8% reduction in spontaneous anal ignition incidents. Their researchers have also stated that those HIV diagnoses among the volunteers are 'absolutely unrelated to the testing, or maybe even (very consistent) false positives'.

Not even in heathen lands. By and large medieval warfare was very small scale and neither sieges nor battles nor armies worked that way.
Castles and towns were sacked only if they refused to surrender and lost(which generally didn't happen) and pillaging was generally regarded as a measure of desperation except for in major wars between two entire kingdoms(see: England v France) where pillaging was regarded as a legitimate demoralization technique(also a way of sourcing supplies).

Most wars, however, were not between two entire kingdoms but usually between minor feudal powers within Europe - usually over land disputes. As such wanton pillaging would've been discouraged(because the new lord of the land doesn't want to be remembered as "that guy that raped our daughters and butchered our sons").
Instead, the issue of sex in medieval times was resolved in many ways like the issue of supply. Medieval armies were followed by entire caravan trains sometimes larger than the army itself which provided a variety of services ranging from merchants selling food and supplies to prostitutes.
Yes, that's right, Medieval Europe features traveling troupes of prostitutes - usually complete randoms that got together on the spot but I would not be surprised if there were celebrities in this regard too. Like porn-stars except you get a chance to catch their syphilis!

Depends on where you're stationed. By and large the current figure stands at 0% and in an active war-zone it drops to negative numbers. For one modern, professional, all volunteer armies are considerably more disciplined(see: sanctioned, regulated and micro managed) and also most of the places they've been going to haven't had good pussy since the Ottomans.

Hence the birth of the (dis)honorable combat jack, a time honored tradition of all combat units everywhere. Sometimes combined with the humble combat dump for extra disgusting.

By contrast, I understand a lot of dudes stationed in Asia go home with VD but the Corps's apparently been cracking down on such excursions as well.
All the blue-balling might actually be positive for combat effectiveness, like gelding a warhorse - see: I read somewhere that sometimes they'd take a top-tier stallion bred for war, tempt him with some hot mare ass so he'd get turbo horny and, just before getting his bone on, snips his dangles off. Made the horse super aggressive, apparently. Can't imagine why.

On a semi-related note, today often times the way horses are usually bred is a vet will jerk a horse off into a bucket then divide it into (frozen)samples to sell to the highest bidder.
I wonder if they didn't have something like that in the middle ages, some poor schmuck who's entire job was to collect horse cum and some potentially even poorer schmuck who's job would be to grab it by the handful and jam it into a female horse's cunt.
Wonder if it would've been a male or female job, our modern sense might prefer female but with Medievals you never know. They had some weird fucking customs(like having another man touch your asshole).

Pic semi related because, as a lot of people know, the second and unofficial job of females in the military is deniable prostitutability. Unfortunately they never look this good.

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I think the term for the female prostitutes following medieval armies around was "Camp Followers". They also cooked and cleaned for soldiers in exchange for pay, so it wasn't just sex they provided.

They have holes

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Lots of things have holes user.

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Beautiful, Stalker. Absolutely beautiful

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il donate my boipussy

Whores, sexbots, etc. should be used on the enemy to infect and pacify and condition them into helplessness and generally destroy their souls so they are easily defeated thereafter. Send jewesses and shitskins and the undesirable white females (the ones that are genetic fuck ups).

Sounds like the kind of shit that would break me mentally and push me on to a fourth suicide attempt. It's best I just stick to succubus instead (the original kind, a female spiritual entity).

how the fuck can one fail this many times, were you actually planning on killing yourself or what?

Are surrogates cheap yet?

I just want children but the years drag on and no fucking woman ever wants to actually settle down, not even the apparently traditional ones, fuck the churches I go to are full of 30, 40, 50+, etc. single white women who never pick a husband and settle down and yet say they want oneā€¦ and of course there's no fucking children or young people (besides myself).