7.1 in LA, Earth Quake Weapons

MEGA Quakes like this destroy society. Roving gangs, no cops etc. What are your best guns to survive and be used during mega quakes?

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ARs are always a safe bet. But 556 could be tough to find unless you run into military, in which case grab there m16. So my money is on a semi auto mossberg in 12. You will be tripping over 12 gage ammo and odds are 12

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there are no earthquakes in our Glorious Commonwealth of Poland

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Fucking LA pussies.

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Are you having a stroke or just retarded?

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God I hope this post wasn't made by me while I was drunkposting earlier

Thank you jesus

what are you trying to say?

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The quake in LA would not be 7.1 righter. There is no richter scale for a total tectonic shift like what LA has been overdue for. Literally 40% of California would be underwater its almost a 25 m shift in altitude for the entire seaboard.

The "Big One" in California would be felt as a 5-7 richter in fucking New York and would create a tidal wave that would fuck up Japan and China.

Let's all pray for Commiefornia to sink, or at least SoCal.

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ae you sure all of it would go down? not leaving some islands? my mystical knowledge tells me there must be at least 1 of these
just imagine, 70% of worlds evils wiped in a single day.

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sorry i am retarded, drunk and cannot think

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I think that strelok meant commiefornia (and the whole west coast of NA) as well as China. Grorious Nippon would be collateral damage

Let's hope the Japanese know how to swim.
If not, the fact that those nigger soldiers in Okinawa and all those somali apes in Tokyo wouldn't stand a chance might be a decent enough motivating factor for the good Japanese folk to survive so they can live a nigger-free reality.

To those wondering what I was trying to say at 2am when I posted this… Komiefornia does not have many ARs in the LA area. Because of the stupid gun laws you are more likly to run into 12 gage ammo then 556. Its out there, but not plentiful. But yeah if you can find an AR with 556 go nuts. But chances are you will be using a hood rats glock 7 or his hi-point YEET CANNON to defend yourself. Good luck… Die Hard Reference intentional! GLOCK 7's for all!

Do you have expanding bars to keep furniture in place during earthquakes? I saw a commercial for them on the metro

This is you OP

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Japan is mountainous, autistic hermits and countryside lolis will likely survive.

I want a phased plasma rifle in 40 watt range. Any of you guys got one of those?

ar with a quiet maker on the end

Hopefully the quakes kill most of the califirnians and I don't have that much work to do

if your primary threat is humans, I assume it would be an assault rifle for close combat and a scoped rifle for sniping.

honestly though, binoculars would serve one well. better to look before you leap. they might be a gang of dumb niggers, but its better to just walk around and not let tyrone get the chance to shoot at you. recon recon recon

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i lol'd.

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just what you see pal.

No we only have G11s, EM2s and StG 44 repros.

The big one is around the corner. Stockpile your stuff.

An entry-level thermal imager wouldn't be a bad idea either.

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idk user, they MIGHT give you 2-3 rounds if your lucky, but no way they'll give you a 16
wanna know how they'll transfer it to you :^)

I know that Cali's new ammo laws will be the last thing on anyone's mind. Lol

Anyone else got any ideas for earth quake weapons? Sawed off double barrel in 12? 410 pistol. All NFA compliant of course.

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Use the balloon to float you over the quaking land. How do you shoot straight during the quake?

Just stand on a hovering F-35B during an Earthquake if you want to shoot straight so badly you homophobe.
That way you could at least gain burn victim disability cred in the unlikely event of your survival or you could do the sensible thing and give up your guns like a reasonable citizen.

I can see why Commiefornia, but why does Kami-sama hate you so much?

Internet polls, not even once

I like your funny idea mate. I think it is possible to create our own hover bikes to hover over quaking lands so we don't need the balloon to float ourselves after all.

Can you imagine that?

Kami-sama has cursed Nippon with 3 intersecting tectonic plates so the Ningen don't get uppity and think they're above the Kami.

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MILKOR 40MM Mark 1

Don't cling the negative mood. We need the technological eco-utopia future.