Since nukes seem to be a hot topic as of late, I came up with an idea for a vortex centrifuge that can be made at home. Here’s how it works. Tell me what you think of this.
There’s a thick marble container with a syringe at the top that is filled with just the right amount of hydrogen gas to inject inside the tapering tube containing the UF6 gas, that is connected to the back of it using a screwable gas jet nozzle.
At the front is a hypodermic syringe needle connected to a spinney mechanism that’s connected to a glass jug of water to collect the U235. When it spins, the spinney, which is separated from the glass to prevent breakage, spins around on the outside while the syringe collects the gas from the tapering tube in through a short piece off a rubber hose.
The machine used to spin it is like a conveyor belt spinning device. It uses either a conveyor belt or two iron hands which grab around the tube and spins it at the speed of light to separate the heavier gas from the lighter one, so that the heavier U238 goes to the back of the tube while the lighter U235 goes through the hole into the jug of water for collection.
While it might not be 100% pure, just remember that the purity levels of U235 for the Little Boy bomb was 80-something percent. I believe the purest levels of Uranium used in any bomb was 88%. So it doesn’t have to be 100% pure U235 even if there are some impurities.
Since digging for natural Uranium ore would require a lot of resources and would be almost impossible to do without anyone noticing, you could either buy some pitchblende online from sources that sell ores for collectors or scour mining sites, rivers and lakes for some with your Geiger Counter.
Whether or not this works is a bit irrelevant, since this is only a hypothetical. Any thoughts?
I came up with an even better idea in where you’ll take two machines with thin needles that go into both ends and will both inject the hydrogen gas, spin it around at the right speed, and collect the U235 gas and transfer it to a jug of water.
Joshua Bennett
Leave us alone Feds. We just want to shitpost in peace.
Hunter Peterson
If a fed wants to show Zig Forums how to make fissable materials because he's trying to goad us into building homemade nukes, why would you complain about that? That's the opposite of good false flag or entrapment. A good false flag throws away unimportant people to achieve a larger narrative, and a good entrapment tricks a patsy into doing something illegal in a controlled sting that demonstrates he had intent. Teaching Zig Forums how to make nukes in their garages is neither of those things. Stop whining for once and enjoy the flames.
How would you make it release the gas into the jug on each rotation? This makes no sense whatsoever, you're just adding more complexity for no benefit.
Guy the best centrifuges in existence don't concentrate beyond 1%, this is why hundreds of centrifuges are connected in series to achieve enough concentration for any usefulness.
Thomas Lee
Those are some high quality technical schematics pardner.
Chase Howard
Well, a regular centrifuge spins at 1,500 revolutions per second (90,000 RPM). Think of how some electric toothbrushes might spin at 31,000 strokes per minute. I know you wouldn’t be able to spin it at the speed of light, due to it being angular velocity instead of linear. I was trying to emulate the Helikon vortex separation method, which is where I got the speed of light from rotating it in a straight path (linear velocity) instead of around (angular velocity).
Tyler Roberts
Oh yes, and as for how I would get it to separate would be by shaking it so fast that it’s traveling at the speed of light, so that the heavier gases (U238) would separate to the back while the lighter gases (U235) will go to the front.
Camden Phillips
Instead of using a conveyor belt, I could just scrap the conveyor belt/claw idea and instead fume compressed air inside the tube, so that it travels inside a vacuum at the speed of light.
Lincoln Sanchez
Here’s a picture to show you. I was trying to combine the traditional gas centrifuge with this and it wouldn’t work. In this new model, you take a vacuum cleaner hose, some airline tubing, and something big enough to clog up the vacuum hose (like a cork) and feed the thin tubing through. It’s fed through the side of the tapering tube at the middle to separate the gases.
So you want to make a large hardon collider just to refine uranium? That's insane.
Easton Cooper
OP, you're obviously very interested in this topic, and I'm guessing that this isn't your first thread on nuclear power/nuclear weapons, and I'm guessing that you're young-ish. So I'm going to try to be gentle: please stop. Stop trying to come up with your own designs on how to do this sort of thing until you have learned more about the science of how these processes work. If you really want to do this sort of work I strongly suggest that you consider studying engineering. You can wait until you go to university if you want, but the sooner you start, the better off you'll be.
I'm attaching a copy of the current 4 year plan for the ME program for my university. The BSEE and other engineering programs are pretty similar in the first 2 years.
I am also including some links for you to check out. Don't just passively watch the videos; when the video starts, pause it and copy the problem shown so you can try it first, then watch the video to see if you got it right or where you went wrong. Khan Academy even has some online quizzes that let you track your progress in a subject. It's not all subjects and they're not really a replacement for a class but they're better than nothing.
I'm also including a link to some free textbooks. These are university-level books that are about on par with the $500 unbound stacks of paper I was required to buy for most of my classes. I even had a biology class that used one of these books. Start reading and do some of the problems at the end of each chapter.
I'm not trying to discourage you, really. I just think it would be better for you to learn how this stuff works beyond what you read in a wiki article before you try handling materials that can poison even without direct physical contact.
Carter Foster
Why not just put everything in a plastic bag tied to a string then spin it around your head for a bit?
Isaac Thompson
Josiah Nguyen
These are not honeypot threads, agents are creating these threads to take screencaps of and show to judges when they want to get a warrant to search the servers
Alexander Ward
Friendly reminder to crop out the (you)s in your next subpoena. Also, include me in the cap for lulz.
Lincoln Lewis
>he also made the terrorist nukes thread user, you would let us know if you are you a CIAnigger, right?
This is getting spooky. The coordinates from the Exif data of OP's picture are 34°00'15.0"N 81°16'53.9"W The photo was taken in a trailer in the middle of South Carolina.
Lol “CIA trailer” when will you niggers learn that not everybody who makes a thread about nukes is a CIAnigger. Also, I don’t even live there it’s just a friend’s house I’m staying at ftm. You schizos need to take your meds.
Benjamin Russell
Yep, it sure as shit talks like a glownigger.
Sebastian Brown
What kind of glow are you talking about here? Radium? Uranyl Nitrate? Or the CIA? If it’s the last one, then you’re wrong.
Take some Uranium-233 or Uranium-235 and shove it up your ass. No, but seriously, the likelihood of building an actual nuke in a DIY setting is near zero. The gun-type may seem simple enough upon first examination until you understand more of the inner workings of it’s design. Sure, while it may be true in that all you’ll ever need for it is just a bullet and a Uranium/neutron initiator target, however things get more complicated, because you’re also not going to be able to test the fit of the bullet and target (which needs to be a tight fit) without also detonating it. Then you would have to worry about whether or not it’ll detonate if there were a plane crash, so you would need the right metals in the gun barrel (in the case of the Enola Gay, they used a 6 foot by 4” diameter bore anti-aircraft barrel that required 70,000 lbs of pressure to ram the bullet down it), then you would need a means of safely detonating it. The Enola Gay dropped it at a distance of 31,000 ft and it detonated at 1,900 ft from the ground. It used 2 - 4 AN/APS-13 radar units (which operate at 410 - 420 MHz with a receiver IF of 30 MHz with a range of 2,000 - 2,500 feet) that were modified to measure distance and a much farther range for detonation which signals were collected by Yagi antennae and was set to detonate at 2,000 feet from the ground. The Solenoid Switch timer was just as a back-up in case the proximity fuze didn’t work.
It also used exploding wires and a MK 15 electric priming system for the detonation of the Uranium bullet. The Uranium bullet was covering a metal can with a plug protruding from the back of it, with a Tungsten Carbide neutron reflector covering the rear of the bullet. It also used a Tungsten Carbide tamper plug with steel surrounding it to the front and back to absorb the neutrons and energy from the bullet and it’s impact, so that when it detonates, there’ll be a short delay before it explodes to generate more energy when the boom comes out (think of how when you masturbate and hold it in at the last minute, it’ll come out stronger). It used four silk bags of 13 - 23 kT of Cordite and 64 kg of Uranium-235 (although U233 could be used as well).
There are some more things to it as well, but they’re mostly minor details. Now, the only thing you have to do is obtain enough Uranium to actually make it. Digging it up requires a lot of resources and is almost impossible to do without anyone noticing.
Adrian Rodriguez
I also forgot to mention the impact absorbing anvil at the front of the gun, so that when the bullet hits the target, the bullet won’t shoot through the gun/bomb assembly after being propelled by literally tons of smokeless propellant. The anvil must be pretty large (like pic related) to avoid this from happening.
Btw, the MK 15 primer is the barometric fuse talked about in the pic related. The neutron initiator was a cylindrical object that the smaller U235 rings went through so that it would act as the primer and the neutron reflector as the firing pin. There was also this steel cube that went to the back of the Uranium bullet. Whether this was part of the bullet projectile itself or if it just pushed the bullet down the barrel is a bit of a mystery to me, although I would assume the former. See this pic related. The wiring was protected in these armored tubes going to the primer plug. The breech plug at the back behind the barrel was removable, and I believe it was only put in inside the plane to ensure there was no premature detonation. The four silk bags containing the Cordite were also added in behind the Uranium bullet. It also used at least 6 electrical plugs (three red, three green) which served as the arming mechanism. According to one source, the green one was to test the device’s fusing mechanism, while the red one was to act as a spare. The green ones were removed while the red ones were kept, as they allowed a detonation voltage to go from fusing to the explosive, which would set off the bullet. See next pics related.
And btw, unlike the last pic related, there were only three plug-ins with 6 plugs to go into them. You first applied the green ones to test if the fuze works, then you take them out and replace them with the red ones to arm the nuclear device. I added this picture as it’s pretty similar, but revert to first pic related to see what this plug outlet looked like.
Install IC3 mod to build nuclear reactors in minecraft
Parker Price
transmuting uranium into plutonium is far cheaper and easier than trying to enrich uranium
Adam Young
The “Baro ports” discussed in the first pic are talking about the barometric pressure sensors. Think about the ones you would find in a car. What it does is it measures the altitude. Once it reaches the desired height, it’ll go off.
In the next pics related (see above), it shows you the barometric detonator used for the Little Boy bomb. How these switches worked is they were activated by the right pressures in the atmosphere, and the casing provided measured that out to detonate the switch, which consists of a bellow that is filled with an air vacuum with a duct connecting the chamber to the switch. The chamber is what activates the switch.