Zig Forums meta - How to get the board /loli/ removed

My dear brothers, I turn to you for a grave matter, since as you have maybe noticed /loli/ is the "Winner of the 47rd Attention-Hungry Games" and thus featured in the header - everywhere, even on Zig Forums. There are many bad boards on Zig Forums, but cartoon child rape is by far the worst.
Is there a way to petition the administration to remove the board, or at least remove it from the header? Because otherwise I see no way I can stay here, despite the great experiences I have had with you; this simply mocks my Christian morality in the worst possible way.

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Other urls found in this thread:


We can't change it. We are guests here and the other boards are not gonna change their board cultures just cause we don't like it. A lot of the boards on Zig Forums are pornographic. Either accept that or go elsewhere.

haha, get rekt you stupid christian faggot!

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Pray and meditate on the fact that do to the age we are forced to share a website with boards like that.

I'm forced to do nothing, I'm just gonna leave here for good if it doesn't get removed.

Have some faith brother, we have triumphed against unrighteousness many times already!

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smells like D&C bait thread/excuse to get boards against us

in any case, we bear no culpability for this, absolutely zero culpability for any of the dumb smut here, and we risk snuffing out our own light by "doing anything" about it.

we're a light-house among the sinners, let the sinners remove the log out of their own eyes.

The advertisement is going to be gone by the end of Sunday anyways. Just be patient.

absolutely degenerate

winnie the pooh medieval retards

If pedophile and sexually degenerate boards are not against us, then we are not true Christians.
We risk snuffing out the light of our soul by tolerating evil! What is the opinion of imageboard posters about us compared to God's opinion about us?
In terms of visibility the header is the light-house, and right now the light house contains cartoon child rape.

Creating better art. Not Loli art, but better wholesome art that's intriguing. These people didn't start liking CP from birth, they just got bored and went to racy stuff.

The header is temporary and lasts until the end of Sunday. At least wait until its gone and hold firm.

That's internet porn and most fetishes in a nutshell to be honest.

I'm learning to draw and this is my goal.

Try /loomis/

I don't get it, this is a message board, not real life. Unless you suggest hacking the admins or spamming threads telling them to repent, you're just on a big larp.

By lighthouse, I mean we should be a place of refuge for people who suddenly realize jacking off to hentai 24/7 may be jeopardizing their soul and salvation, which is actually the case.

It is not the header itself that offends me, but if not even the most minimal amount of Christian decency and compassion is respected here, how can any of us partake in good conscience?

And yet real people post. No, I'm not suggesting to raid other boards, I'm suggesting that we shouldn't care about them disliking us.
They sure will have a harder time if this place advertises cartoon child porn everywhere.

And I don't care if they dislike us either, but outside of emailing your opinions about the manner to codemonkey or Jim, there isn't much you can do in recourse.

People who seek out sin will find sin, people who seek Christ will find Christ. We're here to help the latter, and shun the former.

about the matter*

Pretty much this. Also the advert "Sinful Anime Candy" pretty much says "Sinful", so people know what they are getting into if they click that link.

Then give me their mails and I will mail them.
This is just nonsense. People just follow what's in front of their nose most of the time. There's an entire branch of study dedicated to this - it's called marketing. I would think we are there for all people, even those who have the slightest amount of good left in them.

Since you've yet to list any sensible course of action besides maybe going into the boards and complaining at them, I'm gonna have to say you're just looking for trouble. If Jim and codemonkey rebuff you, there's nothing you can do about it, or maybe they'll seriously consider your e-mail.

As for myself, even clicking on any of those boards are a near occasion of sin, or temptation itself. If you want to start trouble, do it without us.

You'll have a far easier time starting your own site than to change the culture of this one.

"Remove pedophile boards from the header." How's that insensible?
I am not tempted by pedophile boards, but insulted that something this vile would be displayed even when visiting Zig Forums. Maybe I want to recommend the site to someone?
Speak for yourself.

Everything in good time.

Unless I'm suggesting some course of action that would bring division against us, your use of the idiom is nonsense.

I've already told you to e-mail the site admins about it, what in the world do you want? What are you going to do?

Neither am I, but this site does not belong to you. So go e-mail them already.

If that's what you think, perhaps you should count yourself lucky. Also, being polemic rather than extending a hand is not going to help.

Wholesome loli art is daijoubu.

By saying Loli it makes it not wholesome. Loli is a term specifically for porn, arising from a russian pornographic novel. Are you stupid or something?

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So you want to change something that has nothing to do with you and that isn't in any way illegal, but that it hurts your feelings and offends your sensibilities? Not a chance and nor should you be allowed too. Many people find your way of life and views espoused here distasteful and distressing too, so do they get to get christian pulled too? Of course not. As long as no one is getting hurt and no laws are broken then what business of yours is it what other people do n their spare time?

It's child porn. it doesn't just offend our sensibilities, its held to be completely and utterly immoral by almost all upright people today. And who exactly finds Christianity so utterly reprehensible that they compare it to your filth? All that can perhaps be said about the board is that it is pretty racist, but that can be said of literally anything on this website. The only people who would want to take us down are probably the muslims and fetishists (though those are pretty much one and the same). Your weak-willed and amoral approach to life in general disgusts me. You probably wouldn't stop a murder occurring right in front of you.

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It's not a pornographic novel. Also, if you want to talk about the origins of words, you'll come to see that words don't mean what you think they mean.

Exactly what i was thinking.

Its existed along time before it won the games, but now you have a problem?

It's not even cp, it's a drawing.

Don't post whoredom here.

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loli is just fukking drawings, shitstianity is calling for the death of white civilization because muh /\/iggers have souls too. you are sooo much worse than them

Lord have mercy.

im not sure what hentai has to do with white civilization

its to make whites people peepee feel good

Where do you get your morals from? Because the vague term "white civilization" isn't a 29.99 packaged deal that comes with the morals that western civilization was built on, Christianity.

A drawing of child porn

I’m not defending lolishit but it’s literally a drawing

This site isn't a church, we're all one letter away from /d/

Generally a bad idea. Even if they remove the header, porn is just a few clicks away, including some of the most perverted stuff around. I don't think you should recommend this board to anyone not already immersed in imageboard culture. I'm glad this place is here for those already on imageboards, but it isn't for everyone.

I'll just give a friendly reminder to everyone that:

1. Board owner can remove that header by editing board's CSS. This is not against site rules. Sites rules only state that BO can't "implement CSS that makes it impossible to post". See 8ch.net/faq.html#help-the-owner-of-x-board-is-doing-something-i-dont-like-remove-him
I used to run few small boards and I was free to remove any shit hotwheels or Jim implemented without getting any trouble from them.
Persuade Tutor to do that, other than this I don't think we can do anything about it.

2. Every user can make that header invisible for himself by accessing [Options] -> Theme and adding appropriate CSS there, without having to ask or wait for anyone. It's not ideal but at least you can remove things that bother you.

just paste
in mentioned place

Of course that means anything that could be put in that header in the future will be invisible, but from my experience on this site I don't think I ever missed anything worthy of seeing.

pic unrelated

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They cannot differentiate between fiction and reality. Forgive them, for that's how they were bred. It is not their fault.

Why do you care this week when it's /loli/ but didn't care 2 weeks ago when it was /s/? This cafeteria picking and choosing needs to stop.

The board owner here could easily hide the porn headers and ads by changing the CSS.

Really? The worst? Not the gore board? Not the boards whe re people actively stalk others? It's the fantasy fetish board that's the "worst"?

Remind me what the Ten Commandments are, again.

This is a decent enough idea. Problem is you can't possibly persuade every SFW board to do that.
Like I said, I would like to recommend this site to people without risking that they be turned off by vile depictions of child rape endorsed by the administration. I wrote a mail to [email protected], everyone here should too as it will certainly help our case. I requested /loli/ and all other subsequent NSFW boards to be removed from the header.
Show your Christian charity and donate some of your time to writing a mail.

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You're just following modern social mores instead of having a principled opposition to all of this.

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You know this is what i miss from 4chan.
it wasn't reddit

I hate them all.

Do this.

I'm relatively new to 8ch so still not sure if everything here is satire, I found Zig Forums and I was definitely confused (I'm christian though so it's nice I guess?)

Some boards - including this one - started off as satire, but we're slowly taken over by those who believe. If you saw this board when it first started, you would have seen a Zig Forums 'deus vult' LARP board. It took a lot of effort and time to make it what it is now.

Just use some adblock rules to hide the advert

And we have suffered the consequence of overstepping our boundaries many times as well. Battle the conceit and haughtiness in your heart first and foremost.

If this doesn't get removed I won't be coming back here. I won't waste my time on a site that's I can't recommend to people. It's useless.

Nothing of value etc etc

Good to know what you think of your Christian brothers.

It didn't get removed. I thought you were leaving.

Leave, faggot.


there is nothing wrong with lolicon

Well, /qanon/ won this week and there won't be another games for 2 weeks.

God give us strength

>recommending an imageboard to normies

Honestly if you're bothered with that you should just find other websites. It's Zig Forums, composed of many of whom are degenerates even by 4chan standards

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It's specifically made to make Japanese people peepee feel good

Because only lolis pose a danger to his NoFap streak.

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cucks lmao, but it's good to see you fighting each other. The interracial loli thread is the most popular in that soyhole.

it's a drawing user, is a picture of christ jesus christ?

Because he's not concerned about what is sinful by God's standards, but about what is acceptable to the world, hence the focus on recommending this board to others.

Thanks but no thanks.
Age of consent has nothing to do with Christianity. If you believe so, you drank the liberal feminist Kool-Aid. I myself am a peadosexual, and there's no religious writing against me. Godspeed to /loli/, stop doing these immoral crusades.

But it’s filled with pornographic drawings of lolis engaging in sexual activity. God doesn’t condemn to hell people for merely having sexual attractions deemed deviant because they are independent from one’s will (same as wet dreams) but to engage in or promote (ex.: being pro-LGBT) sexual activity derived from said attractions is surely sinful.

The holy spirit should give any Christian a natural aversion to sexually interacting with children. You're mentally unstable and should seek help.
>inb4 b8

I can imagine a lot that are worse
There is a lot wrong with the poeple here

Mind your own business. We are not responsible for other boards, especially if you are a basic user. If the board gets bad enough, it will get shut down like /hebe/.

This has to be bait.