Have you noticed this past few years there has been a lot of "accidents" to critical facilities in russia?
It started when that millitary train carying tanks and apc's got derailed
Then that docking repar facility in the arctic sunk, supposed electricity glitch.
Then the facility for creating the shell casings for the avangard hypersonic glider caught fire, the russians tried to damage control by claiming it was an adjacent fridge factory.Normies may be hoodwinked but to me something was off… cant post the link the articles have vanished from the internet.
Then that TNT factory exploded, a critical military resource building wouldn't you agree.
And today a fire in a Moscow power plant… another critical infrustructure.
The Kremlin, it seems chooses not to notice these events or doesn't want to retaliate to worsen the situation, by now no one got killed by these events but a lot of people have been injured.
Also when that leak came about the US planting malware on russian electrical systems, the next day Argentina and Paraguay i believe it was lost power for a few hours on THE NATIONAL LEVEL.COMPLETE BLACKOUT. I believe it was a message from the russians to the americans.
Is there a shadow war with sabotage going on today between superpowers, especially in Russia, What do streloks think???
4th generational warfare-sabotage-russia
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I hope baste Putin sabotages the electrical grid enough to cause a total power outage in SoCal for at least two weeks.
Russia, China and the US are at war but they keep it to "non-kinetic warfare" (which is the term the US spin doctors came up with).
Basically it's the gayest war ever.
I think the world is boring and that these gay ops aren't fun at all. If the Jewish states of israel and Bolshevik federation want to larp as enemies then they better do it properly, using guns, missiles and tanks, not sissy computer viruses and nu-sabotage.
The US hasn't seen a proper category 4 chimpout in quite a while.
I'm pretty certain that behind every democrat clamoring about Trump being an evil ruskie and how spics and niggers are oppressed, agent you have a SVR case officer.
The US think tanks keep talking about their wet dream of splitting Russia in several pieces, but they forget the US society is considerably more divided than Russia and two can play the game of fostering dissent.
So Russia might be saving cartridges for a special occasion. Imagine a retardation chimpout like the last one about Brown.
Now imagine that it's summer, you have a major blackout, already chimps out of their cage burning streets down and you get no AC, no lights, no phones, no TVs, for 72H.
Well it's not hard to imagine what follows: the prequel to planet of the apes.
The "soft war" never ends. Part of the fall of western civilization is natural decline during good times, part of it is western hating people who are from the west are trying to commit suicide and are getting help from everyone who sees the west as a competitor. So we see a nonstop push to attack EVERYTHING, which in some ways makes it far worse than the best of hard wars, because society, family, individuals, morale of man and society, morality, health, it tries to commit sabotage at every level at every moment. In the Good Old Wars at least the civilians were left alone so the soldiers could fight, now the civilians are the main targets of endless waves of corruption, sabotage, subversion, undermining. We are ruining life and the world totally. Sure, in hard war people die, but in soft war we eventually destroy the way of life, quality of life, happiness, and every last good part of life to the point its all suffering all the time.
I wish the soft war would come to an end. The west needs to throw the foreigners out that are invading the west, every country needs to throw out subversives and begin to rebuild morality and fight for the well being and happiness of their people, not the toppling of everyone else. I'm tired, I'm sick of it. We destroy everything, we won't be satisfied until we've ruined the world, every aspect, because we care more about winning over our enemies than we do loving and caring for our own people. I want hard wars to come back and soft wars to die off. At least there is limitations and ends, truces, peace accords, treaties to hard war.
It all plays into neo liberal hands, though. The upper middle class, at least a small section of them who want to CONTROL the world, not rule or or have power in it, but totalitarian control, love the fact that humanity is being destroyed from the inside, bottom to top. The two sides undermining each other and subverting the populations is doing the work of turning humanity into a pile of worthless mud mush, a population of retarded zombies with no race, ethnicity, tribe, love, beliefs, family, friends, community, purpose, happiness, but rather hungry animals that react to everything, think of nothing, and can be manipulated by simple animal psychology tricks. Men who become malevolent and would rather watch their brothers die than fight to defend them against the coming evil.
Soft war, nobody ever wins. We always all lose.
Go fuck yourself. Why should I care about anyone else, let alone feel any form of obligation to help?
Everyone for himself. Might makes right.(USER WAS BANNED FOR THIS POST)
maybe they just have shitty old equipment
I also remember a year ago some user either here on /k or was it on /pol said something like this and i quote: '' i worry about the internal security in russia, the west , especially the US and UK are preparing disruption opearations on russian soil. I dont think he was russian though, he seemed to have knowledge about glownigger shit…
Nigger, cooperation and organization has historically been the source of power. You sound like 2017 Sargon "Muh individualism".
I think you are confusing the actions of our occupants in the government with Whites in the western world. "We" don't destroy everything, ZOG does. Although you could say we help them/work for them it isn't the same as intentionally destroying peoples.
Humanity is cyclical, that is the nature of accelerationism and the war we fight. The point of our current struggle is to speed the decadence so that it isn't prolonged thus buying our enemies time. Every happening plays into our hands and theirs, anyone can play both sides of things. We can't say humanity always loses, we have been building better men just as we have worse. The survivors and real men of this day are among some of the best men to ever exist. Listen to old WLP broadcasts and Turner. His take on humanity and societal trends are easily the best since MK. Also learn about 4GW because the System has made more enemies than it can control and continues to alienate itself from the rest of the population.
What exactly are you defining as "Good Old Wars"?
Conflicts like the Thirty Years' War, where over 90% of the dead were civilians lost to disease and famine?
Wars where the armies had to supply themselves, meaning they looted and pillaged from the local civilians as they went?
Personally I worry extremely about the fact that Russia has allocated funds to refurbish and upgrade a part of the obsolete BMP-1s and T-62s stockpiles specifically to have deep reserve stockpile that has modernized comms and compatible with new ammo types.
Add the full modernization of truck fleets (which was done at very serious pace and is counted in hundreds of thousands of units) and you get a picture of a country that is seriously concerned about reinforcing their high intensity warfare capabilities.
It's one thing to say that you are concerned, it's another to put your money where your mouth is. Especially since the Russian military budget isn't the US one, they don't spend money for fun.
Does that involve rearmament? Considering the amount of systems they developed in the 90s specifically to upgrade old vehicles I can see them doing that, but they must have quite a lot of 73mm and 115mm shells laying around.
user i'm not talking about warfare in conventional military terms, i'm talking about cloak and dagger type operations. BMP's wont help with spies and sabouters. I think the russian leadership is still thinking that they can work this out through diplomacy, but the west is intent on confrontation. As for the recent explosions and fires i would advise the russians to fire all ukranians , from director to janitor, who work near high sensitive military or military-supplying installations. Kinda extreme but i would say necessary. Too high a risk from a potential azov or liberaska sabouter working there.
BMP-1 get an unnamed 30mm and kornet launchers turret and whatever upgrades from later versions can be added without a rebuild.
T-62, they just announced it last week, but they ordered several 2A20 barrel per tank (which is the last 115mm they made and is compatible with all the specialized ammo range for the BMP-3 100mm with only slight modification.
Note that they haven't AFAIK developed new AT rounds since the early 80's for them so they would probably only be armed with HE and ATGMs.
One possibility is that it's a move to return to the "ABCD divisions". A are front breakers, B are exploitation/flank, C are occupation, D are reduction/anti-partizan.
Only A and B are fully manned, C are quick reserves, D are long reserves. A would have the heavy artillery and more specialized separate brigades attached and the new gear as it comes online. B would have a bigger conscript ratio and the current up to date gear, C are the national reaction units of the "national guard" (that have up to date gear but are considerably lighter) and D are units with "old, but still useful gear if used in limited fights" that would be made of actual reservist only called in case of full mobilization.
Another possibility is that it's to add tank companies/battalions to National guard units, which is not 100% impossible. They're also "tankifying" their army, strangely enough, units that never got tanks historically are getting some (most VDV regiments/brigades are getting tank battalions too).
That's the thing, the T-62 proved very useful in both Syria and earlier in Chechnya (as they were used as a good old assault gun).
It's not impossible it's a move to equip what is technically a POLICE FORCE, the Russian national guard is the paramilitary wing of the interior ministry, it's meant to support the military in case SHTF… but it's also meant to come down like the wrath of the Kremlin to any Maidan or 1994 Chechnya scenario.
Sure it might not help with individual sabotage (but then the FSB and GRU have been historically good enough at finding and eradicating spy networks) and the Ukrainian situation is real problem (as there are far too much Ukrainians in the highest sphere of power in Russia to actually round them up previous chief of staff and the parliament speaker, so Putin N°3, to name only two were Ukrainians).
But it seems that the Kremlin believe that letting the situation rot is the best solution.
Since the elections Ukraine "Warlordisation" or "Somalization" seems to be accelerating so I wouldn't bet against a "normalization" of Ukraine soon.
A bunch of Soviet bullshit that was barely held together with spit and bailing wire when it was new is finally breaking after decades of neglect by drunks and embezzling by oligarchs? Sabotage! There can't be any other explanation. I mean, if it were due to flawed design, shoddy craftsmanship, neglect, corruption, or some other factor then we might have to accept that a commie shithole country has some serious problems that need to be addressed before it collapses again and the balkanized remains get overrun with Chechens.
Behold this fine example of superior Soviet engineering. This jet train can carry 4 million passengers across 13 time zones in 6 minutes, runs on snow and patriotism, and is definitely not a decrepit piece of crap that was only built for show then left to rot in a field.
You mean this past few centuries in case if someone's history knowledge is at least mildly better than yours? Just one disasterous example here:
And now imagine the FSB delivering some crates with grenades, LMGs, general heavier gear, to pre-selected white nationalist groups and other assorted separatist factions during the grand chimpout.
Though an all-out deathmatch seems like a fitting end to the US.
I see my post attracted the resident clueless neocons who only spew vitriol and venom without actually saying anything of substance. Lately too the west has been up to something in Georgia and strangely enough in Mongolia, seems they think they can try the old containment strategy again.
Russia retaliates, who told you otherwise? Russia supported every group in USA, they funded the BLM and the alt right, they supported Hillary AND Trump. Not with money though, mostly with intel and pther efforts behind the scenes. I remember when the Neocohens froze all ethnic Russian bank accounts over a certain dollar value, Russia blasted the US embassies atound the world with sonic weapons and a bunch of people got sick.
Generally the US government is more petty than the Kremlin, because US government has more cash to burn on this Mickey Mouse bullshit.
Russia will step up to major koves though. Lets face it the Maidan in Ukraine was basically a western coup that intended to kick Russian navy out of Crimea. Just like Syria is largely an attempt to kick russia out of Tartus. If those two gambits worked, Russia would not have a friendly warm water port. Ask any navy captain why that is important. They would basically have to bend the knee and sign up to the abortion of EU and NATO.
But they stepped into our chain of decision and broke it to smithereens.
Oh also Spetsnaz GRU trainees break into American owned houses and apartments and rearrange the furniture.
They dont take anything, or destroy anything, just move around objects so the owner knows someone was there.
Media calls it "terrorism".
WEW, Zig Forums has really gone to shit.
It's been going on in more than just Russia, don't forget that China's supercomputer used for rocket, aircraft and nuclear development blew up a few years go.
I laughed at that more than I should.
Reminds me of a story about serial shitter.
That's why you should order an Amazon smart house today!
GRU - Special Operations and Interior Design
So alexa can detect racism and hwiteness in your voice, prompting a stealth amazon prime delivery™ squad to use it's patentened amazon backdoor™ and rearrange your furniture again?
You guy laugh, but it's real tactic the Stasi employed to make people go mad.
Violation of the sanctuary of a residence is pretty traumatic. If you don't and just "huh that's weird I though, that thing was over there" and it's done repeatedly over time, people just start questioning their own sanity. If you do realize someone has been through your things it's not a good feeling, ask anyone that has been burglarized and if it keeps happening, it's very depressing.
And if they don't take anything… paranoia sets in, because there is high chance they left spying equipment, so you need security sweeps, you pay more attention to your surroundings, to your phone calls, etc…
When it comes to fuck with people minds, security agencies have reached a crazy level of expertise our best trolls wish they had (and ours have a pretty good level).
only way to counter the GRU decorators is with CIANigger decorators.
Please no. I don't want tacky nigger garbage in my house.
I'd prefer Ivan to leave tasteful carpets on my walls.
Those are called gobelins
Watch out for the chinese and their tactical Feng-Shui !
The JSDF, in a desire to not be left out, join in and leave accurate little zen gardens in their exercises.
A new form of warfare develops around stealthily leaving aethetically pleasing designs.
Condition fabric is no longer just a meme.
Froggy here know whats up, they also replaced things like curtains or towels with identical but differently colored versions.
Or stole old documents from you and then contrived a reason for you to presented to some agency a few months down the line.
They did shit like swapping light-bulbs for lesser or higher powered ones too or cause shorts to make them flicker.
Just imagine the various ways you could troll someone IRL with virtually unlimited financial resources and a whole team dedicated to troll one guy.
Because that's the beauty of it, if he screams "It's a conspiracy, someone comes in my house at night and change the curtains"… everyone is gonna think: "that guy is a fucking nutjob".
Which is exactly what they wanted east-germans called this "biodegradation" (Zersetzung) because basically you rot people life.
Note that the CIA/FBI used to spike activists drinks with LSD during the same era for the same reason.
Imagine waking up, going to bathroom, and picking up toothbrush. Only its not a blue plastic toothbrush, its a white electric toothbrush.
It would scare the shit out of me if this happened on a daily basis.
Try a archive website.
The US is t ht e only superpower (for now).
What the fuck that Greek nigger deleted every post I ever made.
What the fuck is wrong with that guy?
It was an accident
It's ok I've already forgotten about it, it doesn't bother me.
Russia strikes back as predicted…
Btw whats up with the shizos or bots on this board, notice how they try to steer the conversation into nonsense…
Report them. Many times I have to read through entire threads because almost nobody reports derailment
Completely unrelated goyim, stay asleep…
I'm getting tired of these psyop memes.
Sometimes a power outage is simply a power outage.
You mean the past few centuries that were the exact same thing as the rest of the other eastern slavshits?
Get your shit together, olivenigger! From here I only have access on the webs once a week, can't afford losing posts to gyro work ethics.
I don't think you understand the point of psyop faggotry.
Whether or not something actually happened by chance or design is irrelevant, if you don't use it to cast doubt and suspicion among/about your target population then you're wasting a good opportunity to fuck with them almost free of charge.
Something new have possibly come up
Specifically this happened just as Micron was all happy to copy the US and announced an new space command and others 100% pure bullshit things about "french technology start ups" like it's 2002.
Now the Manhattan black out is probably just a black out but this is so well timed it's either proof of the existence of a mocking God or the Russians having a laugh.
Did some Orthodox madmen priests summon the wrath of God upon the sons of satan and their cattle followers?
Byzantine reconquista soon?
Extremely well said. I might have to save that snipped of your and plagiarize portions of it in potential future works of literature, i will credit you if that occurs.
This image reply is an acknowledgement, and a way to claim obscure credit for the post without violating the board rules while still have a firm trace if I ever wish to claim it. Thank you.
Looks like this guy never met a white liberal.
No it's not, or you would be living at $1 a day with a loaf of bread still costing $3. For most of humanity up until about 1890, a weeks worth of work barely got you fed to go through another week of it, and housing/shelter was a pipe dream or a lean-to. Don't fucking pretend there's no way out, don't compare yourself to the past, and quit making excuses. Nothing is cyclical.
For most of history, the vast majority of the population were farmers, not laborers, they didnt' buy bread they made it themselves. Also, if work was so damned hard in the cities, and starvation so constant, how did the population maintain itself and grow when there weren't famines? Are you insinuating nobody in a city except a few rich lived in houses, just shacks until 130 years ago, when excavations and preserved places like Pompeii say otherwise? Are you denying the fact that the Roman Empire at its height gave free bread to people in the city of Rome?
Yes, it is cyclical. People in the Golden Age of Greece lived better than the people during its Dark Ages, by leaps and bounds. People who lived during the height of the Roman Empire in the right places saw even the plebians and peasants live well and in safety. Where people better fed and richer before or after the Roman decline went into the Dark Ages?
Of course it is cyclical, it always has been. Technology might survive dark ages, sometimes not. Right now the only reason we are doing as well as we are is TECHNOLOGY, not the system itself. The system wants you to believe it is the benefit of the system, but this is horseshit. The system is heading towards collapse and decline, and the fact is there is a real possibility the next dark ages could be a technological collapse.
Do you realize, if they kill off the European races, and the Japanese and a few other races, or dilute them enough with bad blood, that the people necessary to run high end technology, the human capital necessary, the political and agricultural stability needed won't be possible, that we could easily see the next dark ages fall back to 1600's style ways of living, if not inferior? The genocide of the races being targeted by neo liberals is important, because if they can kill the aforementioned races there will be no continuation of the Green Revolution and Industrial Revolution. They will burn the Library of Alexandria yet again.
If we speak purely of technology, maybe there is a linear line to be observed. But for many periods of time that tech was the same for hundreds if not thousands of years, sometimes potentially going backwards. But, if we wish to talk about humanity, stability, civilization, nations, progress, then yes it is purely cyclical. Strong States become empires, central States become corrupt and they mollify the people which further corrupts a people softened by a soft life, eventually the monolith trashes around dying for decades and centuries as it only survives because of its incredible power, only to fall away into chaos. People have to start over and rebuild, once again.
You are either a shill, or ignorant.
Wait, you are a Canadian poster.
Quality post
What scares me most is that the loss of technology and material in the impending collapse will be enough that, combined with the exhaustion of easily acquired natural resources, man will be unable to recover such that we can resume our manifest destiny towards the stars. To think the height of humanity will be a radiation bleached flag planted half a century ago is a painful thought.
Yes they were farmers, but how do you envision a farm? You think of it as one person overseeing hundreds of hectares with fucking machines. Go to eastern Europe and look up what subsistance farming looks like, it is an acre, and people subsist on it. That's called working every day to get enough food to survive until the next.
Global population didn't grow until after the middle ages, mostly because of a shift in climate, but also because of invention of new farming techniques.
Does this graph look fucking cyclical to you?
Half of that is china and india, in the coming decades it will be africa too. 2 spooky 4 me
It's called the green revolution, which is translated "white people bring the savages fertilizer and pesticides".
The point is that it's not freaking cyclical. We're actually growing faster than bacteria.
Not an acre, dipshit. Usual plots of land for a family tended to be ~30 acre, 20 acres being farmed on average per year. Historical yields change from place to place and time to time, but a safe meta average is ~10 bushels per acre per rough average, and it takes about ~20 bushels of grain for energy needs, plus the extra food beyond the grains raised. In truth, with traditional agriculture, it took around 2 acres of farmland to sustain ONE person, much less one acre sustaining a family, which is only now coming closer to being true with the best modern agriculture on the very best land in the most advanced parts of the world. So, no, people don't subsist on one acre of land in subsistence systems.
Also, leaf, did you not read YOUR OWN CHART? You know, the chart you provided that says the global population has been steadily growing for the last past 4,000 years? The fact that we are having a population explosion in the last two hundred doesn't negate the fact the global population was either steady or climbing BEFORE the Green Revolution. It also shows ups and downs, and there are REGIONAL population shifts here and there, that did indeed change with cycles of climate and disease, along with societal collapses.
What was Rome's population throughout the empire, was it always linear line up What about the Medieval warming period and the collapse afterward? How was life, stability, technology and comfort before and after the government/society cycle began and ended?
The current population climb will end probably with the end of this current cycle. It will not be a climb forever, nature has real limits, but more importantly, what I predicted will come true. This technological revolution will eventually fail because the civilization that brought and maintained it, and there is a real push to murder off the races of people who created it, and that big jump in the chart will be followed by a massive collapse back towards where the rest of the line is.
take the blackpill
That's not a blackpill.
Kikes want to make them look more imposing than what they actually are.
It is if the "population" is solely comprised of negroids, indios, and assorted bug people.
Yes since the invention of agriculture. The population is flat while we're hunter gatherers, then it slowly increases until we invent fertilizer, when it skyrockets. This is exactly what I'm saying, it's not cyclical, the situation improves massively with every good idea and it has pretty much never gone backward excepting the end of the ice age. You right now are living at the pinnacle of human achievement, it's not cyclical, no one has ever had it as good as you do right now.
The fact that people living on the equivalent of $1 a day in 1800 lived better than nomads living on equivalent of $1 a week in 5000 BCE doesn't disprove that you living on $100 a day now aren't living much better than people in the 1800s.
Its heating up goys…
The shills have definitely flagged this thread for derailment, for gods sake on a sabotage related thread they are talking about medieval agriculture!
Is there an english translation?