What does God think about losers? The khv type. The one who sit alone and shun social interaction...

What does God think about losers? The khv type. The one who sit alone and shun social interaction. the one who watch vlogs to pretend he has a girlfriend. The one who isn't at all special. The one who doesn't create art or help a lot of people. The one who is shy and socially autistic. The one who's reputation is so deservedly poor that he gets deservadly bullied by coworkers and classmates but bullies his friends also so they don't want to talk to him anymore. The one who has a family that loves him but he is too lazy and too dumb to get a degree. The one that gets his social needs from the chan community.

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God loves all of his children.

I still don't understand why he loves us all.

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Because He is Love and we are His children

He's waiting for you to repent, attend church, and pray.

The hand has no right to say, "I should be a head." And the foot has no right to say, "I should be an arm."

Most of the vocal Christians are, as expected, extrovert Chad types that will never understand people like you or I. That's why so many of them like to push us and tell us to get out of our shells, but the monks were just as important to the development of Christendom as the missionaries.

WASPs. I'm not even trying to start a flame-war war here, but the entire spirit of WASP spirituality was eliminating all the introverted Catholic practices.

This is why you see many introverted protestants converting to Orthodox.

Confidence in God's love doesn't make one a "chad".

saints are spiritual chads

Arrogance isn’t “confidence in God’s love”, amico.

The expression means to be outgoing and charismatic, not that they're literally Chads that have sex with many women. Last I checked, becoming a Christian does not rewrite your DNA. If you have 80 or less IQ, you're unlikely to be effective as a professional debater and you'd still get trainwrecked by an atheist in public. Chances are God has another purpose for you in mind. In a similar way, I feel like fish out of water when I'm pressured into acting like a 24/7 missionary. I get that our lives are supposed to reflect Christ and that we should be ready to give an answer for our faith, but then I start stressing about how much I'm supposed to be "witnessing" - what percent of my total time should be spent actively talking up people out of the blue about Christ? Do I just go mormon mode and knock on random doors, "Hello sir do you have a moment to talk about our Lord and Savior?"

You're not supposed to understand.

In fact, I suspect this is one reason a former very, very close friend of mine who actually guided me in becoming a Christian burned out and became a literal Bernie-shilling marxist atheist leftist. He's what I would have described as a mega Chad complete with the sex partner count of one before he "came back to Christ" before I converted, and he used to pressure me a lot about that. But look now, I'm the one that still believes, that still prays, and still believes in the importance of reading the Bible and going to church while he's the one spreading satanic lies.

Ah, so redefine "chad". I see. People really need to stick to a word's definition and simply find a better word to use if it doesn't fit the conversation instead of redefining a word to suit their purpose.


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There is christian and """christian"""
I hope that I am wrong and she's actually a kind girl with a noble spirit, but the whole vlog thing is kind of a redflag.

Also stop worrying about how you are and start bettering yourself, even if it's slow and the results are tiny. This is your prerogative as a man.

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You're right. I've signed up to the gym. I need to stop watching vlogs.

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God bless user.
I'm not a very strongv or successful person either… But if you are OP, you need to know God doesn't care whether you're a loser or not, He only cares if you tries your best and even a complete faillure can still manage to follow his commandements.
We're shaped by our environnement. Avoid things that makes you miserable and develop healthy habits. In case of doubt of fear, pray.

Good luck user!

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We need to be careful when we say "God loves everyone."
Firstly, we need to define what "love" means.
If "love" is His beneficence, then yes, He loves everyone. After all, He lets his rain fall on the just and the unjust.
But if we're talking about a full love, like the love between a father and son, then no. In that sense, God does not love everyone.
There are plenty of Scripture passages that detail God's displeasure with sin and sinners.
If we get carried away with "God loves everyone unconditionally," it jettisons the idea of repentance, the need of salvation, the saving work of Christ, and logically leads into universalism.

tl;dr God loves everyone, but not in the same way or same degree

Language evolves.

He's disappointed because He wants the best for you


Don't worry about your past. Worry about what you do about your future.

Suppose you are unable to change yourself and become good. Ok, nobody can. People who think they can are deluding themselves, they are sitting on their imaginary high chair, they look at people like you and they say God, I thank you that I am not like other men (Luke 18:11)

But I'll repeat: Don't worry about your past. Worry about what you do about your future. Ask God to make a change in you and never stop to do so. If you accept your state, then and only then you become a loser, both in this and in the other life. We have some great Saints who have done great miracles and they have given the following testimony: no matter how high state one has reached, how clean he is from the sin, how many miracles he has done, if he says to himself "this is enough", then he falls and loses everything he has. Why? Because no matter how high one is, what he has is nothing in comparison with what God has prepared for us in the future. What no eye has seen, nor ear heard, nor the heart of man imagined, what God has prepared for those who love him.

Therefore, do not disregard what God has prepared for us. Ask Him to change you. Don't worry if you don't have the strength for long prayers. Do short prayers. Even the lazyest person has the strength to say the prayer "Our Father" three times a day. But don't give up! Be insistive before God and He will reward you. Ask him for justice against your adversary, the Satan.

And he told them a parable to the effect that they ought always to pray and not lose heart. He said, “In a certain city there was a judge who neither feared God nor respected man. And there was a widow in that city who kept coming to him and saying, ‘Give me justice against my adversary.’ For a while he refused, but afterward he said to himself, ‘Though I neither fear God nor respect man, yet because this widow keeps bothering me, I will give her justice, so that she will not beat me down by her continual coming.’” And the Lord said, “Hear what the unrighteous judge says. And will not God give justice to his elect, who cry to him day and night? Will he delay long over them? I tell you, he will give justice to them speedily. Nevertheless, when the Son of Man comes, will he find faith on earth?”

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You just debunked one of the biggest heresies of today.

A staircase doesn't have much use in single story house.

Some humans have forgotten to search where they're useful. So they convince themselves that they aren't useful.

Mary and Martha. The one who wanted to work was admonished; what she did will be taken away from her. The one who wanted to worship Christ was told she will forever keep what she wanted.

A loser in the eyes of the world is a saint in the eyes of God, provided he worships the True God.

oh, this thread is old