
Has Anarcho Capitalism ever been declared anathema by the Catholic Church? Do you think that it can be reconciled with Christianity? Why or why not?

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that's if caesar exists

No. Taxation is theft in its highest

Zig Forums pls go

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No Caesar, no problem.

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No, being ruled by corporations through symbols is not Christian. I've already said this on the pol thread. Read the thread and stay there.

you do realize that corporations are only held through subsidies right and with no subsidies they die. competitors will be able to spring up and challenge them

Look up to whom the Netflix CEO is related to. Freud and Edward bernays, all kikes.
Real freedom right there, you dumb-dumb. I know being brainwashed isn't freedom and so does the owner of the most influential corporation of the world.

Furthermore, corporations exist only due to the state.

guild systems/corporatism is better.

If you ask Tom Woods, yes, but he's a meme.
This is going to sound really borderline schizophrenic but I'm just going to give a little of my 2 very unrefined satoshis. This is very incomplete.
The current superstructure that exists (Call it Spectacle, Ideology, The Cathedral (ugh) or ZOG, what have you) is a three-part machine. It is made of the corporate, the government, and the academic. The corporate is a hierarchy starting from international central banking, down to national central banks, down to 'private' financial institutions (that are incestuously fornicating with the other two parts), down to all other debt-money industries. This bottom tier includes Monsanto, Turner Broadcasting, Walt Disney, Apple, Microsoft, Google, Coca-Cola, etc. Your average mom and pop stores aren't in on the whole hierarchy, but are rather slaves held in place by the 3 branches of the superstructure (The banks control the shop's money, the state control the shop's land and people, and the infocontrol, whether that's Channel 7 or Google's reviews, controls the shop's business and name).
The state is a entropic, democratic cancer. It ensures the territorialisation of the other two. Democratically-elected politicians make sure to do 3 things: 1) Expand their power 2) Solidify their power 3) Make 1 and 2 happen faster. To do this, they expand regulations and grasp tighter on the throats of the citizens. But obviously, people will notice that and 'vote them out'. So the infocontrol and the state are in a symbiotic relationship. The infocontrol in media will justify State actions (an anonymous source). The infocontrol will bolster the reputation of the State via the public education/academia feedback loop. The infocontrol keeps people distracted with entertainment, advertisement, and psychological optimisation. Furthermore, they want to solidify their power. To make sure that once the State has been expanded once more, that it does not shrink again. They thus support policies that increase the body politic's support for a larger State. A broken Church, a broken Family, and a broken Nation, increased migration, decreased native natality, sexual liberation, etc. Next, they want to make sure that it can happen faster and faster. So we always want more atheism, more "equality", more regulation, so that 1 and 2 can happen faster so 3 can happen faster so that and 1 and 2 can happen faster…
The last part is infocontrol. It's less organised than say the State, but it's important. It consists of public education, public media, entertainment media and pornography, Silicon Valley social media/advertising, and academia. Public education is staffed by people who came out of State Academia. Exiting the cycle, these people out of Academia enter public media. CNN, Fox, HuffPo, Buzzfeed, all filled with State Academics. Others enter entertainment, pornography, and social media which at best distract from the ideological process and at worst, control what is seen directly (Zuckerberg). Academia's theory informs the infocontrol process via psychology, theory, the Keynesian new-consensus neoliberal thinktank economics, and modern huckstering philosophy.

However, it will go.
We are witnessing the last moments of it. The brain is most active right before it dies.
China is running out of arable land, clean water for *all* purposes, women, and cheap credit to keep its bubbles inflated.
America and the West have their own demographic time bombs, more for race rather than age. The imported peoples are not paying into pensions, they are simply accelerating the accumulation of debt. They also have numerous bubbles of their own, blown by people with large noses.
India has barely held together as a country for the past few decades.
Russia and the East have low natality and stagnant economies, for the ones not playing catch-up.
Africa's exploding population, fueled by aid will need somewhere to go.
On top of all this, global warming is accelerating and those people in Africa will *really* need somewhere to go.
We're getting more people and more debt, with less food, less water, and eventually less coal, less oil, and less natural gas as the 21st century progresses.
Now, there are challengers to institutional fiat that are now emerging. Blockchain was just a proof of concept. Distributed technology backed by cryptographic technology is quickly multiplying. ETH itself rethinking contracts, Cory Wilson proving the digital force multiplier. Torrent and Blockchain were just things in the periphery for so long, but now certain people want to control it with things like Ripple. With IPFS, Sandstorm, etc. all coming out one after another, and other things coming down the pipeline, the Base can no longer shape (and maintain) the Superstructure.
3-D printing and other technologies digest the supply chain and bring manufacture to a local scale. There are many more technologies besides this as well.
Cyberspace is the ultimate exit.

In the downturns of final thano-capital, new divisions will quickly emerge.
I picture many, many independent societies federated and controlled by artificial intelligence and global trustless technological communication networks. The governing authority for each of these micro-societies is totally privatised. All services are private, but all reconstituted commercial institutions in a micro-society is owned by the private governing authority. All within the corporation, nothing outside the corporation, nothing against the corporation. The need for Territory is lessened because of gains in agricultural technology and technologies that allow the workplace to come to you rather than the other way around.

I don't see how ancap ideas and Christianity would be mutually exclusive. I can follow God without needing to follow a state's laws and give taxes to said state. Christian morality is perfect for ancap too.


Literally the opposite.
The US defends their international banking elite but not the other way around.
Why do you think immigration laws are so flawed here? It's because these immigrants are coming from private capital. Same for Europe.

The west has turned into a weird half government half private system. I call it a McGovernment, and it is very afraid of healthy(ish) autocracies like Russia and China. No one is keeping dollars in, the japs only exist after WW2 to buy US dollars if China started selling them. The problem is Japan is also getting rid of them. Everybody knows the dollar is a sinking ship and the banks won't be able to keep it any longer.
Hopefully, the next generation will be too high on Netflix and Soundcloud rappers as to make the military incompentent when it lashes out like the cornered wounded animal it is.
Thankfully the US military has record highs for desertion in peace time even though the payings are through the roof. The average american won't die for their toaster like ancaps think humans will. Men die only for God and not for money.

The best example of the failed oligarchical system is Belarus vs Ukraine. Ukraine actually has more people with an education per capita than anywhere in Europe and it has very good land.
Yet Belarus is much better off, even though they come from the same background, because they've set up a national government instead of relying on interest money. Some kikes have written about Ukraine being New Khazaria because of their submission to the private sector.
Capitalism is a failed god, no man has ever died for his material wealth. No Christian should base his community on material wealth, but rather, on spiritual reality.

I don't really understand, but I'm sorry if I was wrong.

>Has Anarcho Capitalism ever been declared anathema by the Catholic Church? Do you think that it can be reconciled with Christianity? Why or why not?
You're like a little baby, so new and naive about how the world works …

There are drugs for that, y'know

Besides, Zig Forums is too busy fighting with Zig Forums for control of the new socialist paradise they're pretending to build.

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Belarus is a serf-state compared to Ukraine, even with Ukraine's issues and slavish betrothal to international capital.
I can walk around the cities of Belarus and see that it's little different than it was under Stalin, just fewer red flags. Oh, don't get me wrong, there are people who make money, but be assured that it isn't the common folk.
Yes, because Christianity always was a ponzi scheme for the (((wealthiest friends of the dictator))), right?

About the smartest thing you've said.

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Regular capitalism leads to liberalism, social degradation, and greed so why would hyper space capitalism be better?

I'm pretty sure half of Zig Forums already left for Rojava by now

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Ancap is basically jusy Ayn Rand's philosophy. Is Ayn Rand's philosophy Christian at all?

are you serious?

Ancap is the most satanic thing in existence.

It wants no government and give the corporation's freedom to do as they want. That means: if a company thinks that by chopping down a whole forest will give it money, it will do so because there are no ecologic laws. If a business thinks that to get a monopoly it's cheaper and easier to hire mercenaries and bring the competence down, it will do so, because there is no government nor law that forbids that.

"Oh, but a business wouldn't do that because then it would lose clients and it would be wrong" - and so today with laws and government and all there are business that burn forest to buy cheap terrain to build houses and get profit selling them, and there are business making unfair competition.

The main mistake of ancap is thinking that a company is equals as an usual-nor Al guy. But it's not. Usually a person has its conscience and tries to be useful to the community or tries to be good. But the conscience of a business is "how to grow and make money for the investors".

Without laws that protects the workers we would still be working our asses 60+hours a week. Because there would be no law that says what is the maximum per week. Man, if a business thinks that you could work on a Sunday instead of going to church, it would do it because it gets money like that.

And it still keeps all the problems of capitalism: perpetual cycle of growth-cryse, that for one people to get rich, thousands have to be poor and that it will do only the things that makes money, not the things that the people need.

Her philosophy was edgy, overly simplistic and fedora-core tier. There is nothing Christian about it.

I like you

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I'm sure there are more fa/tg/uys that are regular userbase here, than Zig Forumstards