As a child I Grow up thinking revelations would be like a post Apocalyptic hell scape similar to mad max

If you filled with dread. It okay. It means you are awake. The world a nightmare. What will do you with this gift?

Other urls found in this thread:

Earth is Lucifer's domain

Attached: __by_barontremaynecaple-d9wqzmo.jpg (1131x707, 103.96K)

That picture terrifying.

But not sure why.

Prison, more like.

Attached: Son of Man.jpg (500x736, 157.31K)

What country are you from?

Oh. It's much, much worse than that. Pic related.

Attached: mad society.png (937x1486, 357.49K)

Stop reshaping Revelation to fit whatever era you live in.

Is a evil society even worth saving?

I'm not saying the times of tribulations have already begun but everybody can sense it's pretty close and our society is already sick to the core. Even if the apocalypse hasn't started we can already see a prefiguration of it in all aspects of life. Do you even know about barcodes?
The prophecies of John of Jerusalem which refer to the year 2000+ are also very interesting

Society is too sick to be saved. If an apple is a bit rotten, you can cut the ill-part and eat the rest but if the whole thing is too degraded you throw it whole in the trashcan.
What you can do however, is saving yourself and the people close to you.

Attached: barcode.jpg (480x360, 13.28K)

Three sixes with a shitload of numbers in between them is not six hundred plus sixty plus six. Stop making us look like paranoid idiots.

Yes, indeed 6 8765 6 9845 6 is not litterally 666. However it's quite the big coincidence that three 6 are guarding the barcode (the 6 are called "guards" they're not actually counted in the barcode) and that they're everywhere. Pick up literally anything you bought with a barcode and see for yourself.

Now I'm not saying that satan himself designed the barcodes. And I'm not a guy who sees conspiracies everywhere. All I said is that we already have a prefiguration of the apocalypse and "this" is one of the biggest redflags.


Attached: fantasy-maps-1512359383255-Winnie the Pooh 100 Acre Wood.jpg.jpg (3200x2400, 4M)

Interface is like Digimon meets lovecraft. About society becoming more and more artificial. World is filled with Demonic artificial intelligence Entities That manifest themselves in reality. Only a very few people want to admit they are living in a nightmare. The truth can set you free. But you might go insane. Not everyone can handle the truth.


"Spectacle" for people who don't know, is Zig Forums's equivalent of "ZOG" or "Clown World". It's from Guy Debord's "Society of the Spectacle". Similar to Slavoj Zizek's "Ideology"


I've awaken, the next step is to prepare.

The artificiality of life within society has always been a prevalent horror. Recently though due to the global inter-conected-ness of the Internet this monolithic bedlam has become the individuals Goliath and will tear apart those who cannot find the rare balance between this life and real life. The loneliest places is the entrapments of our own minds, where we can torment ourselves with what MIGHT come, and the superfacial, of living outside ourselves only and not allowing for inwardness or reflection to be entertained. It is clear that things are not as they should be, but there is no evil which cannot be overcome and, if we tread carefully, we shall live a good life. The first seal has not been broken yet, and the life of a hermit is not the life of a christian. Stop living from behind that glass screen and break free from your platonic cave, go forth and live the life God gave you.

then its clear you are trapped in your mind and need to get out of your paranoia.

Always the gnostic fallacy, the devil always uses this to trick you into beleiving stupid shit like "only you know the truth" or "you're special" or other bullshit like that.

Literally millerism 2.0 in here

Is it paranoia if you know people want you dead? Is it paranoia if it keeps you safe?

So who want's you dead user?

Same people who want you dead

We aren't facing a christiain persecution so unless the bogeyman counts there's nothing to worry about.

Start putting your faith in God user, even a persecution can be borne when you trust in Him.


Hi jew.