

I know most of you on here are probably European. You are descended from the Indo-Europeans, therefore you belong to the Aryan race. Our race began in the caucuses 6,000 years ago.

Why are you worshiping a Semitic deity? You should come back to your Indo-European roots. Yahweh should be the deity of the Jews, just as Ra should be the deity for the Egyptians, and Marduk the deity of the Chaldeans.

I know the Semitic religion you hold to happens to be a monotheistic one (a minority in the history of world religions) but it's still Semitic and not European. As Europeans you should be holding to European religion. There are many European deities and pantheons to choose from. I personally hold to the Greco-Roman pantheon and worship Zeus/Jupiter as my prime deity because he is directly derived from the original dyeus phater (sky father) of the Indo-Europeans. I also have a profound devotion to the grape harvest god Dionysus. In fact, the story of your Yahwehistic avatar Jesus is directly inspired in many ways from Dionysus.

I don't know if you guys know this but back around 1330 B.C., the Egyptian Pharaoh Akhenaten proclaimed the sun ray god "Aten" as the supreme deity of Egypt and the world. Your main founder, Moses, was an Atenist priest. After he fled to Arabia he adopted the west Arabian deity Yahweh and combined him with Aten proclaiming him to the deity of the Hebrews, which at the time was the Canaanite El. Therefore today you worship a combined Canaanite, Egyptian, and Arabian deity. Your prophet Moses was also inspired by texts from Hammurabi and certain aspects of Babylonian deity Marduk might have possibly influenced Moses to an extent.

Now my friends, return to your European roots. There are many different pantheons to choose from, from the Greek, to the Roman, to the combined Greek and Roman, to the Norse, to the Celtic, to Slavic, and etc. Our structure also is built into three classes: priest, warrior, and farmer. Which one would you like to be a part of?

Please, I urge you to come back to your European roots. A Semitic religion is damaging for you. It signifies ultimate betrayal to your race.

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He thinks there's more than one God

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Well, I mean, you basically do too as I pointed out above. Your deity is really just an amalgamation of three, possibly four, deities.

winnie the pooh off, semen slurper

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The fedora to pagan pipeline is alive and well

Also, dionysus, idol of getting crunk, inspired Jesus? Doubt.

b-b-but zeitgheist showed me otherwise…

Dying and rising gods is very common in all sorts of religions. Osiris for the Egyptians, Dionysus for the Greek, and Jesus for your Jewish sect known as Christianity.

The Aryan race is a meme. The true Aryan race, were it even real, had died long ago, as did the ancient Israelites and Egyptians, Persians, so on so forth.
Stop being a larper idiot and humble yourself in the eyes of the most gracious God of all hosts. For your own and your poor, disappointed parents' sake.

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One of the tribe :^)

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Wrong. Europeans are pure Aryans. Persians and Turks are also descended from Aryans, however they mixed with the sand tigger Arabs. Indians also messed up and mixed with tigger Dravidians. At least the Indians, though they are half breeds, retain their original Indo-European culture.

I'm not saying this in aggresiive way, and I really do wish you the best, kind gentleman, but say to this…
A Jew from the 12th century is worth more than your entire living family as a living, thinking, God fearing human baeing. What are you going to say to that, little Austrian boy?

You honestly related modern Europeans to their distant ancestors from milenia ago? Are you for real man?
You honestly think modern Turks match up to Persians of old? Might as well modern Swedes are JUST LIKE Vikings, lol.

I'm very sorry, but you summer kids are mad. Haha.


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I love my pale white skin. I will never betray my race. Europe is my homeland. Europe is my holy land. I am a priest of Zeus/Jupiter and I serve him. Just yesterday I offered him a sacrificial ox for him to consume. Zeus, Odin, and Thor are the prime gods of all Europa. :,)


Actually! No! Jesus Of Nazareth was very much a real person and anything he did was not inspired by other gods! Please watch these two videos to prove wrong this common assumption of pagans and atheists alike.

I don't doubt he was real. I believe most gods are real. Thing is, most gods just want to rule over a particular set of people. My god Jupiter only wants Aryans worshiping him since he has chosen us as the master race of all human kind.

But see, wouldn't this be illogical? If different sets of Gods are all in the same sense real to you, as i assume you are suggesting that we should all worship the gods of our ancestors, then how do you deal with contradictions in the creation stories of each culture and sets of gods? This doesn't make sense, unless you believe in "God" in a lesser sense then us Christians.

If "most gods" are real, then how do you also work with the gods of different cultures who are the god of the same thing, yet are completely different?

And if you admit our God is real.. doesn't that mean your gods aren't? Please answer all my questions. Thank you.

Creation tales were never pictures by the ancients to be literal history though. There's usually some kind of underlying meaning. And actually, many creation accounts were similar. Common themes include the separation of heaven and earth, which often times includes the dead bodies of heaven and earth being made into places of abode by their children; the battling of a sea serpent; the waters of chaos; and more. I believe all creation stories can be harmonized. Sometimes gods go under different names. Your deity Yahweh went under the name El to the Canaanites, and Aten to the Egyptians, and possibly Marduk to the Babylonians. Zeus goes under the name of Jupiter and sky father. Odin and Thor can also be identified.

Is there also any evidence for your God in particular? Seems like to me you just worship him because of the fact it is "a part of your culture". Which in a sense is not true. The culture of Europe today despite how horrid it is becoming, mirrors Christianity much more then any form of Paganism. So it seems like you are just LARPing


Some deities are greedy, wanna get all the action.

Why do you believe in your gods? "Because it's the religion of my ancestors" isn't logical. Something isn't true because someone or a group of people believe it.

Also "some deities are greedy" makes no sense. If our God is true, he says there are no other gods before him and after him. So this is a contradiction.

I don't need evidence, just my heritage. I know it's true because I connect with Jupiter so well. When I sacrifice to him and give offerings to him in a temple I built for him I know that he is consuming my offerings into his body. He is a very very blood thirsty god. Occasionally he wants me to sacrifice little babies to him but I can't do that without breaking the law. So I do have to face punishments from his very very often for this but that's ok because it tells me he is real and watching me.

No it just means he want the attention.

Ok! thank you! so pretty much your belief is subjective, illogical, and you believe something is true because "your ancestors" believe it.

And also I really think you might need mental help based on what you said in your post on "sacrificing".

There is no basis in arguing with me or anyone on this board if you are illogical.

You need mental help for betraying your race and wanting to mix with kikes and sand tiggers.

Traditional Christianity has been so insular the various cultures adapted the depiction of Jesus and other biblical figures to look like their own kin.
Historically cults like those of Mithras and Isis were practiced cross culturally. Not that any of it matters to me since any spiritual truth is likely going to be transcendental and not isolationist

Woah bud! Might as well go considering you aren't going to convert anyone here because you're a buffoon!

So let me get this straight. I'm a "betrayer of my race" because I believe in something based on logic and truth?

It also seems like you're creating your own philosophy on life out of thin air, where do your gods say it's not okay to race mix? Hard to find away considering you have no authority, let alone recognized confirmed scripture to base your opinions on.

Fine then. The gods of Europe will consume your blood in their bodies and skull winnie the pooh your dead corpse in Hades. :) They get sexual pleasure out it, they tend to get sexual pleasure out of any form of violence or suffering that they inflict on human beings and animals. My deity Zeus one time want to rip out my intestines and strangle me to death with them so he could ejaculate better but then he realized that if he did that no more sacrifices from me. So -_(*~*)_-

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Lord have mercy you poor misguided mentally ill soul.

where the pooh are mods?

I hope our conversation today has helped you realize how clinically insane your beliefs are.

No they are 100% in line with European thought silly.

So how do you explain the plenty of intelligent pure white European Atheists and Christians?

They're traitors and are going to be raped by Hades.

Pretty sure i've never heard of an intelligent white person converting to paganism, and you've just affirmed that belief today/

But if my God is real and he said he can save me, then can't he?

Are you winnie the pooh retarded? Stop replying to the same post over and over tigger lover.

And you do realize that your beliefs hold NO ground considering they aren't logical? It's idiotic

Don't really understand what you are still trying to accomplish here, considering you are actually wrong, and that it doesn't matter if I believe in your gods to you anyway, shouldn't you worry about your own "salvation" to Zeus?

They are 100% logical. As logical as believing that a snake can talk.

Ok even though you've admitted that they aren't logical. Because they aren't based on… you know… logic….

I'm going to stop now though because this is useless, the best thing I can do is pray for you.

Guys, this is obviously bait, no one could seriously believe this fanfiction.net tier belief system op claims to

Op confirmed muslim larping as a mentally deluded pagan

WHERE THE winnie the pooh ARE THE MODS AT!?

God is not Jewish or anything. He is himself.

Aryan is not a race, it is a title.
>>>Zig Forums

The reason you have these views on Christianity is because you assume that God cannot act through multiple religions? It's a rather insane position to take when you begin to understand the history of the European peoples not just politically but religiously. Tolkien was a professor of ancient languages and had accumulated a vast amount of knowledge regarding European history and religion and realized the obvious fact that Christianity was alluded to in all these religions, that Christianity was the fulfillment of many of these religions promises, that God had operated through Europeans for millenia, I mean why wouldn't he, he is God. It's like the pagan trope "Why are you worshipping a Jew". He's God, he can take any form he wishes, at that moment he wished to save the Jews from themselves, unfortunately they rejected him and have become the Luciferian entities we see in the world today.

For 2,000 years Christians recognized their own race, only in the last few decades have Judeo-Christians such as yourself somehow twisted our beliefs to suit your views.

Are you being retarded on purpose?

Do you worship krishna, brahma and vishnu too? They are aryan Gods.

But you can have the true God instead here.

Muslims don't need to LARP to hard considering how much of Islam is based off of Arabian polytheistic beliefs