Anyone not Catholic, Orthodox, or Baptist

Is there anyone on this board who isn't Catholic, Orthodox, or Baptist? Also, general ecumenism thread

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Some Assyrian guy, few Lutherans and Presbyterians, and lately one pretty outspoken Calvinist.
Anglicanism is a meme but I recall some High Church/Catholic Anglican being on here, oh and some Eastern catholics.
Still, lots of orthos, Lots of Caths and lots of Andersons.

Where are my reformed brethren at?

Presbyterians are Calvinist assuming they're not liberals, of course, but not all Calvinists are Presbyterians (ex: Theopneustos Man).

Wat up? I’m backslidden as hell, but I can’t forget my Reformed roots.

Get to praying and reading Scripture, m8.
We can't have you out of the game yet.

this. read scripture.


Soon this board will be apostolic only. The mods are slowly moving in that direction.

Everyone here will call me protestant but I'm just non-denominational.

thats protestant.. do you believe in sola scriptura, sola fide etc etc how the hell are you not protestant

I am none of those, but it makes sense that those 3 denominations are the most prolific.

Hence why I made the differentiation.

I have no idea what I am. I was raised non-denominational, I currently go to a Baptist church, but I've been drifting towards Orthodox theology.

Anglo-Catholic (part of the "continuing Anglican movement") here. All jokes about Henry VIII aside, I consider it probably the closest to a "Western Orthodox" church you can find without it being Russian or Antiochian LARP rites.

I lean towards Calvinism but I'm not Catholic, Orthodox, or Baptist.

Let's be honest, "non-denominational" could mean anything.
Are there Protestants who happen to be non-denominational? Sure.
But I promise you not every non-denominational Christian qualifies as Protestant.

I'm beginning to lean toward Calvinism myself, but I'm a Papist.

I was one of those, I think there where like three of us at one point. I converted to Catholicism though.

ACNA is growing so fast, it's amazing. I'm AC as well but leaning high church the more I read.

Go through the Nicene Creed line by line word by word, and see where you agree/disagree. If you don't understand something, research it.

I've never seen the appeal in being Continuing Anglican. Why do you remain Anglican? Is it due to Anglo cultural identity?

Orthodox claiming they're not schismatics is the funniest thing. If they didn't like the filoque they should've called for an ecumenical council to resolve the dispute like what happened over the past thousand years, but instead they threw a shitfit and "excommunicated" the entire western church over it.

And their history is a prime example of why the Popes position of authority is needed, the Patriarchs can't get their shit together and meet up to agree about anything at all.


>'ecumenism thread'

Because the reformers were right about sanctification and justification but liturgy is an essential form of worship. Because scripture, tradition, and reason are a right view of authority. I can't be Catholic, I reject supererogation, mandatory clerical celibacy, papal infallibility, and the Immaculate Conception, and you can't use Newman's necessary development idea to get to the full set of RCC beliefs. The East is tempting for many Anglicans, who tend toward a high ecclesiology. I don't know any EO people where I am, though.

Not anymore, i realize that sola scriptura isn't correct, since there are many paths to God, but also believe that the bible is objective and vital.
Because i've never been to a protestant church, or a baptist church.

I'm non-denom, was raised by lukewarm Catholics. I have great respect for the Church, but my local ones in my area, I just can't go to because of disagreements. I like Catholicism for their long tradition and managing to outmaneuver politics for hundreds of years. And the Orthodox for even richer tradition and greater dedication to scripture. Protestants are okay, I guess?
Would chose Orthodox if I have to though.

It always was patriarchs making the right decisions, papist. What do you think the ecumenical councils were for?

There haven't been any issues dire enough for another ecumenical council - besides I'd take stasis over some guy changing doctrine on a whim any day of the week

Calvinism is more of a transdenominational thing. There is no such thing as a Calvinist church. It's just a set of doctrines that a specific denomination might hold to. Puritants, reformed Baptists and Presbyterian all believe in the Calvinist soteriology but they have their disagreements. Also, for all the papists who are leaning towards Calvinism, have you read Augustine's works on grace and free will? If so, what did you think of it.

For me it’s because I feel it is more natural for me as an American descended from English settlers to follow Anglicanism then either be a follower of some man I feel exercises his power beyond anything the early church demands and quite frankly (heh pun not intended) is weak willed and doesn’t defend the faith, or join an ethnic church that no matter how many accommodations they make for converts will always put either Greek, Slavic or Middle Eastern members and their concerns first.

(Also I’m HCC-AR if anyone’s wondering)

It's just that with beliefs of the reformers, if they are true, I don't see why there would be a need for traditional liturgy. If I held to protestant beliefs, I would honestly be a Baptist.

Reporting in

Presbyterian, and nice trips

Calvinism is more than Calvin's soteriology. It's all of his beliefs. Presbyterians are very close to it (the conservative ones like PCA, OPC, etc.). Baptists aren't reformed.

But there are Reformed Baptists, right?

They aren't reformed in the historical definition of the term. The only baptists around during the reformation were anabaptists who were almost heretics, and were condemned by most/all of the reformers.

what are you

The only difference between the two is in perspective. What one calls anabaptistic we call baptist. And if you were reading sources calling them anabaptist then you know it's not going to be an unbiased account, much less a sympathetic one. And that's always the giveaway.

Which church you belong to should be decided by how theologically sound it is, not by where you/your ancestors are from. I've got English, Welsh, and Scottish all from my mom's side, and German on my dad's. Deciding based on ancestry is in many cases ludicrous.

I'm not so sure it's ludicrous. There's allot in the Bible about sticking to the doctrine you've been given and not leaning on your own understanding or the philosophy of the world. I was Lutheran as a child and even though I don't think there's anything special about Lutheranism I'm thinking about returning to it for that reason. Maybe that's my fellowship, just as a born Catholic will stay Catholic, born Baptist remain Baptist, etc. Jesus Christ said he came with a sword to bring division and maybe this is what he meant. We're supposed to be separate joining with and supporting our fellow believers who first gave us the Word. There's even stuff in there about how arguing the specifics of the law are vain. Over and over it's about faith and the bonds Christians share. So much of the doctrine denom battles feel vain and earthly to me when what we should be talking about is repentance and faith.

These days there's not any real justification for the Anglicanism. The high church anglicans fit much better in the RCC and the low church anglicans fit much better in pentacostal/evangelical churches. There's a reason the church is going into decline faster than any other denomination

I've only read his Confessions and the City of God, but I'm somewhat familiar with his ideas.
As far as what I think of it, it's pretty remarkable how you have someone saying similar things to Calvin around 12 centuries before him. Then again, it's not too big of an argument against Catholics, since they can always say "but muh other Church Fathers".

Reminder that the Puritans were right.

messianic I guess.
No one in my enviorment defines a name for themself. And no one has a concrete isea what messianics are supposed to look like

There’s no place for Lutheranism either but that logic.

Baptists aren't reformed but reformed Baptists are. People get confused because of the word Baptist but Baptist and reformed Baptist are too completely different things.

I was a 'reformed baptist' and I can tell you that they aren't really reformed.

The only people who opposed paedobaptism in the reformation era were anabaptists who required converts to be baptized AGAIN which was never commanded in the bible.

I want to be Catholic but I hate the pope and I hate the people in the nuchurch for their lack of care for any tradition and support of retarded shit like abortions and transvestites (though this can be said for for almost any church in the united states). I'm so tired of it all. I wish that all of the different sects would just winnie the pooh stop sucking the cock of liberal ideology and stamping its boot on its own face destorying any kind reputaion. When I tell people this is among the worst times to live they laugh at me because we have the most food hurr and I'm not dying from ligma or something. I winnie the pooh hate how there aren't christian country's anymore. I hate how the only kings that exist anymore are corrupt pagan tiggers. I hate how there aren't white country's anymore. I hate it all. Why does it have to keep happening. Why does every side have to shit on theirselfs to the point where its impossible to look at them and call them sensable. I hate this Jewish capitalistic nightmare world. Why did Hitler have to lose? At least we would have some white christian country's left opposed to none at all in both departments. I hate being alive it never winnie the pooh ends and no one cares. Its too late to post this, I have some horrible Jewish job to work on in like 6 hours and I haven't even slept all night.

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And that’s your problem. Hitler was just one guy who had friends who supported him and helped him on the path to greatness. And if an apatheticist like him could rise to the top and lead Germany to greatness, imagine what you a believer in Jesus Christ could do for your country and your people. Find likeminded Catholics online and start something great.

That pic is adorably funny.

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Man this post is winnie the pooh gay. Please excuse me for writing it.

Lel, tell that to James White. Maybe your parish wasn't, but there are plenty of actually reformed Baptists. All Baptist means is one who practices credobaptism. Views of the sacraments in the reformed tradition vary quite a bit, from symbolism to "spiritual presence", credobaptism and pedobaptism, etc.

Well after all that life has thrown at me lets see, I guess I'm some sort of baptist my motto is "get along and go along and mind my business"

I don't go to churches here in FL. because they are 90% segregated and I don't feel god intended it that way, trust you don't want to get in my head it would change you I'm seriously sure of that. Peace

This. Hitler was a loser art school student who didn't care about religion. All he had were friends who supported him. If he could make Germany into a superpower, you can too. You have this. Trust in the Lord Jesus Christ and defend His sheep.

Actually, there's only one.


Yes, this is the board's one Anglo-Catholic reporting in.

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I know that feel, except I hope Hitler stays dead, we need real Christian leaders or we risk having some retarded tigger try to speak for us. And not Zionists either, in some ways I'm glad the New Atheists existed. They targeted all the faggot Zionist boomers and outed all the lukewarm morons who never think for themselves but "consider themselves Christian."

It's a good thing that life gets tough, nobody deserves to be cozy if they won't work for it, its going to take some suffering before people remember what the point of religion was. If you're too much of a brain dead liberal to understand existential angst, then its basically a sure thing that physical anguish is going to result from not paying attention to the problem.

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The best one is 'people lived until 30 durr'. And then when you explain to them that conditional on making it past 5 years (because infant mortality was very high) average life expectancy was 70 years

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Nondenominational because none of them follow the Bible correctly, too liberal and privy with the synagogue of satan.

Well there's what I'm getting to. TRUE reformed persons follow the beliefs of the reformers, mainly John Calvin of course. Paedobaptism is a requirement, because 100% of the reformers supported it.

Hitler was not of this world, the world hated him. Lucifer hated him and his pet "Jews". They went overkill on him because they feared a Christian revitalization after the age of enlightenment. There are too many redditors on this board, so the mere mentions of that evil scary man Hitler is going to send then into shock. Hence the replies. Funny how they ignore what " Jews" say about Christ, but if its about anything else they swallow it up. Hypocrites

Hitler was no Christian. He might have supported it early on for support but he did not show Christian virtues, and a huge example of this is his extremely heretical invention of "positive Christianity" which pretty much hates Paul and deems him illegitimate.

Nah, the reformed tradition is as much defined by the idea of semper reformanda as it is by Calvinistic soteriology. It is not monolithic, and never has been. By your definition there are basically no true Calvinists left because they all reject things like the perpetual virginity which Calvin and everyone else at that time believed. There's no "true" reformed theology because it's all arch-heresy anyway.


I am theologically a Presbyterian, I lean strongly towards Calvinism, although I do believe Adam had free will (but we, in our fallen state do not).

However I attend a 'evangelical' church which practices credo-baptism. Although is accepting to pedo-baptist guys like myself.

eh yeah thats about it.

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I'm probably the only Episcopalian that occasionally lurks here. I mostly browse theology threads as I'm Anglo-Catholic theologically. I tend to avoid sociopolitical threads as those threads always devolve into "hur dur, anything slightly left of my far right circlejerk isn't Christian and can't wait for them to burn in Hell."

Huh, is this some new Christian loli cult

Nah, pedo-baptist means someone who baptizes infants, as opposed to a credo-baptist, who waits until a confession of faith can be made by the individual in question.

Lollard Heretic.

It's an uncharitable term for infant baptism used by anti-catholics.

rare denom

Hey you’re not alone here. God bless you man.

I am "non-denominational" but I belong to the Calvary Chapel churches. "We are Baptists to Pentecostals and Pentecostals to Baptists." Is how people describe us, realistically though we are pretty much Lutheran's in our doctrine.

I was raised Lutheran but I'm slowly converting to Orthodoxy.