Swedish media try to cover up gang rape of girl by ‘Muslim migrants’ – Facebook censored posts

The Swedish media thought they had successfully covered up the gang rape of a young Swedish girl inside a flat in Malmberget, situated in the municipality of Gällivare, according to news outlet Fjällsjö news.

Facebook promptly censored the posts of the family friend, in an attempt to further silence the story

Politicians in Sweden blame Swedes for not helping migrants successfully integrate in their community when the public learn of a Muslim gang-rape of a young Swedish girl.

However, an friend of the young girl’s mother learned of the rape and in her anger and shock, posted about it on Facebook:


In another post, she states:


According to SIX people who know the girl’s family, there was a large group of Muslim men involved in the horrific and brutal rape.

As the media did not report on the attack, since it was commit by Muslim migrants, the post on Facebook quickly gained attention. Facebook promptly censored the posts of the family friend, in an attempt to further silence the story.

This was likely instigated by the ‘hot line’ to Facebook that the Social Democrats have arranged with the social media giant to be able to hush stories about migrant crime.

As a result of the attention gained prior to Facebook’s censorship, the police were forced to post on their website of a “serious rape” taking place in the “Gällivare area”.


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no one cares

all these migrants are garbage
every last one
i have no problem saying that
anyone who thinks they have any value will be hung
it is only a matter of time

Nigger detected.

nope swedish men allowed this.
they allowed their womyn to take over the country and now this is the norm.
i'll say it again since you're mentally slow:
no one cares

Topjej, nigger. Post more.

Then do something, you pathetic subhumans.

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cry moar, faggot

hows that feminism working out for you?

Don't forget to sit down when you pee, cucks.

The women in Sweden pretty much asked for it by electing a feminist government.

They never had a chance thanks to Jewish media manipulation.

Smash all goat fuckers in the head. Burn down your local mosques. When you see a sand nigger in the street smash their heads in with bricks and rebar. Keep beating until their head turns into a mush and than hang them in public to send a message to all the others.

They had a chance, just like you and me.
They just decided to listen and believe instead of digging deeper.
It doesn't take much to see that feminism is full of shit and yet they decided to elect an openly feminist government.

Individualism cannot stop the destruction of manipulated masses. Those voters were indoctrinated since birth, they were conditioned to not seek out the truth and be confident with whatever been given to them. The masses only want something flashy before their eyes and would follow that instinct into their own doom.

feminism gives womyn the green light to be greedy, lustful whores.
that's why they embrace it, not because muh jooz

And who do you think promotes and funds ways for women to become feminists? Who would actually listen to a female on a delusional power trip, if Jewish money wouldn't finance platforms for just that kinda behavior? I mean don't be foolish and take my word, make your own research into the funding behind the feminist scene.

fuck off, Zig Forums
besides, if cunts are too weak to fend off propaganda, they aren't worth white knighting for, cuck

Very few humans on this planet are strong enough to withstand the combined influence of Jewish media, news, politics and marketing propaganda.

As a human you have an obligation to protect the innocent and stand up against the guilty. It is what your feeble little moral construct is build upon.

You may not want to be involved in politics or religion, but their is a group out there waging a holy war against everyone, and if you like it or not that war will reach you too.

all the more reason not to sympathize with the masses
moral weakness does not equal innocence. the strong are not obligated to support the weak. this goes against the law of nature and as a fascist you are now contradicting your own ideology big surprise
larping in mommy's basement while doing fuck all irl is not "holy war," cuck

jews literally invented feminism, you dumbass and whites were stupid enough to fall to it, I do not blame jews, I blame idiotic white men

If the men do something the feminists government will suppress them.


What is it with the rebel media shills and their creepy habit of using photos where women have duct tape over their mouths?
Remember how those creepy rebel affiliates, who was it again, "Renegade Radio"? Yeah I think it was. When they were trying to subvert Zig Forums with their "armed protest against the fed" psyop, they told everyone to gag themselves with duct tape.
Definitely some creepy BDSM kick.

The alleged rape happened overnight Oct 7. The press reported it Oct. 9. svt.se/nyheter/lokalt/norrbotten/misstankt-grov-valdtakt-i-gallivare (Not unusual given a daily deadline.)
The police made an arrest yesterday, which was reported by the press early a.m. in Sweden. svt.se/nyheter/lokalt/norrbotten/person-anhallen-for-misstankt-gruppvaldtakt

Coverup? Or fake news by anti-immigrant Euro website?

did Jews invent your inability to function in society, or was that your own fault?

Swedish women are the most fun to rape, but it would be kinda hard to fuck her throat with tape over her mouth

Humanity wouldn't work without the collective power of the masses, and it's the obligation of the intelligent individual to protect and govern them.

Join Zionism and enslave the goyim then. See it this way…the masses are incapable to see danger, but they can give love, companionship, camaraderie, make you strong, support you etc. The true individual will always be a minority, but it's the masses that give him purpose.

Personal insults and your religious views aside, you should at least know what's coming your direction.


No, they will run around like headless chicken. It's once again the armed lapdogs that will be turned to march against their own countries citizens. Cops are heavily indoctrinated and in constant fear to loose their job based on wrong behavior. Being a cop means…shut up and follow orders.

You cannot make everyone turned against you an enemy. You have to learn how to defend yourself from their dangers, and better, avoid them on your path to the real enemy. They're just a dangerous distraction.

humanity can survive without the surplus of idiot cattle sucking up resources and giving nothing in return.
you are a massive cuck

Bumping real news


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So your future outlook for a world with 7.5 billion humans is mass genocide? Well good luck promoting that, lad.

Blame the victims rather than the politicians and their leaders. Classic disinfo tactics. Maybe you should help meme the treason being committed in Sweden for once?

genocide not needed. just stop supporting them and they will die naturally.
nature is great at culling the herd.

while you guys were playing video games, I met Debi, a Swedish 18 year old blue eyed blonde. Debi was from Sweden, and her family had moved to Atlanta.

She was absolutely amazingly beautiful! her body was fucking STUNNING. the only way I can really describe it is by saying her body looked like it had been airbrushed in a Playboy magazine!!!

she had the perfect hourglass figure and, with the perfect hips and the perfect waist, strong wide shoulders, perfect tits, perfect ass, perfect legs… not an ounce of fat on her entire body. she actually resembled a fantasy come true, like a Swedish ski team girl that have been created at the hands of an airbrush retouch artist the way they used to do in Playboy magazine….

she was one of THE most gorgeous women I've ever seen in my life.
(without a doubt the best body you'd ever see)

I married her. she had a 'rape fantasy's, and she'd let me LITERALLY SEXUALLY ASSAULT HER repeatedly, over and over and over again.

I'm not joking.

she got really turned on by it. I would aggressively assault her. it was both physically violent and emotionally abusive as shit!! she kept urging me to 'take it up a notch', and soon it had become almost scary.

she would take the most hardcore physical and psychological cruelty and sexual abuse, then she would look at me with this coy smile, and say, "is that all you've got?" so I would do it again, only twice as mean.

it became bizarre. I had never reached levels of depravity like that before. (and I've done some really, really fucked up shit)


how's the 'videogame'
bullshit going for you?

Attached: Screenshot_20181012-110807.png (1080x1920, 156.52K)

I find it quite remarkable at your age, you somehow managed to become History's Greatest Expert on Life and Humanity….

the most knowledgeable expert in the history of planet Earth….

and you did all of this while sitting in your little computer chair playing video games

But they were not even allowed to live naturally. Also piss off, kike slider.

….. just imagine how knowledgeable you would become if you actually experienced real life a little bit…..

…. if you somehow managed to stand up and walk away from your computer and videogames, go outside and actually interact with another human being, and maybe even find your first girlfriend…

…..you would be 'dangerous'……

speaking of your computer chair, they have new products that can be sprayed on it, and it has enzymes that will break down all of the sebum and dead skin cells, naturally deodorizing it, instead of trying to cover up the stale musty stench with fragrances….

tomorrow when your mother goes to the grocery store ask her to buy a bottle of it for you

you are the one who believes in gender quality you white knight cuck

you should also impress your Mother by policing your computer area a little bit, emptying out all the urine bottles and empty food wrappers…

…… imagine how proud mommy would be of her little Hitler if he cleaned up his area…..

lol @ you mistyping 'equality'

I guarantee a woman would be able to spell that word without making a mistake

Cool story bruh.

Stop pretending that it has anything to do with strength and not willful blindness.
You have to bury your head into the sand to fall for this shit.

It's a human notion to follow the way of least resistance. They will only break out of this condition, and only for a short amount of time, if you can motivate them to do so. And they don't care about empty phrases like freedom and safety, they need a symbol, a charismatic leader, something shiny to make them move…if you give them that they will move worlds for you, they will sacrifice everything to get what you promised them. This is how humans work, this is also the biggest weakness of the masses.

Every post after that is shareblue.

Whatcha sliding, Abu?

oh, trust me, dude….. it was cool as shit

I've never gone more than two or three days tops without having a girlfriend or a wife since I was 17 years old…. when I hear guys tell me how 'they can't find a girlfriend', it always makes me laugh because obviously they don't know how to do it.

(getting a girlfriend is one of the easiest things you could ever do. it's getting rid of them that's complicated)

…….. I had been living with my girlfriend Jill for 8 years, and we finally broke up. 2 Days Later, my friend Michael asked me to go with him to a local Tavern while he bought some weed from his friend who worked there…..

I was sitting at the bar, minding my own business, kinda keeping to myself, doodling on a napkin with a ballpoint pen while I waited for Michael to get his weed

I remember I was drawing a doodle of a woman with a cat's face….

I wasn't even looking up when a girl who was walking past me brabbed my sleeve and asked, "ahh what are you drawing?" I looked up, and I had to pretend like I wasn't Blown Away, because my jaw almost hit the floor… Debi was HOT AS SHIT!!! she had the classic, chisled blue eyed blonde Swedish phenotype… fucking GORGEOUS. she was petite, just the way I like them, but she had a really big personality… she wasn't afraid of Jack Shit.

I introduced myself and without missing a beat, Debi blurted out "So, when are we going out?"

maintaining my cool, I calmly answered, "it looks like tomorrow night, right?"

she wrote down her number and as she walked away, she turned and said, "oh, and you better impress me!"

with a sneaky smile I told her, "I already did."

100% true… that's exactly how I met her, and that entire conversation took less than a minute… not joking. it probably took 30 seconds for me to seal the deal, and I never even had to try.

I picked her up from work the next afternoon around 6:00, and by 11:00 that night, I had fucked her brains out SO HARD, that she was already calling me her boyfriend.

the following morning, I called Jill and told her to come get all of the last of her shit out of my apartment.

that's the way life works

it's not like a video game

of course, Debi played a 50%
role in our initial conversation

in fact, she's the one who initiated it

but there's something important to learn about that story because it's key sealing the deal with a woman….

it was just natural. It was comfortable. it wasn't a nervous process of trying to work your way into a situation.

it just flowed……..

there was no anxiety or reluctance or fear or uncomfortable uncertainty

the way to get a girl is to feel natural and comfortable with her….

it was coy… it was fluid…. it was expeditious…. it was easy and relaxed…

and I ended up marrying a SWEDISH 18 YEAR OLD and becoming involved in one of the most deviant, hardcore sexual relationships of my life.

we have a daughter, who looks pretty much exactly like her mother…

I'm trying to find a photograph of our daughter, but I've got so many photographs I'm going to have to go digging to find it

good news!

I found this pic of our daughter.
she's a model out in California now.
she resembles her mother so much it's uncanny…

Attached: 1278969_4840218422732_1468941201_o.jpg (1156x1156, 254.48K)

and here is a book I wrote about why you can't seem to get a girl…..

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yeah, 'bruh'…….

it was cool as shit

Pretty obviously false Moshe. Despite your billions spent censoring the truth and your failure in doing so; more and more people are caring and learning about your ways.

Just like Mohammad (PBUH)

c o r r e c t i o n :

it turns out that he was right.

A: absolutely nobody

Q: who cares?

imagine how relevant you could possibly develop your own 'ways' for people to 'learn about', instead of the pathetic existence you've lazily manifested.

guess why you'll never hear
one of us Jews whining &
complaining like a little
b i t c h ?

…..because that's YOUR job……

we aren't the underdog
you Are


of course you're never going to
hear somebody cry and complain
about being the champion


that's what the loser does

idiot niggerjew, log off and kill yourself. pathetic subhuman.

lower the dose on your HRT, it is affecting your brain


imagine being mentally ill and pathetic enough to be compelled to write your fucking boring 1970s style fantasies on a dead website.

gold = garbage
dump it for something of real value

you little white people had the same amount of time, the same amount of opportunities to 'take secret control of the world' as we did…….

but you didn't do it

you say back and did nothing

and after a while, your people
actually HELPED US become
the ones in charge…….

that's not our fault……
….your people were just weak

but of course, you're mad at US
typical denial… that's the
predictable reaction
from a loser


unlike you, I'm actually very familiar with the way things work in life, and there's a silver lining around your self-imposed raincloud…..

…. one of these days, you're finally going to grow up, grab the bull by the horns, take responsibility for your own failures and shortcomings, and actually accomplish some things that give you a sense of self-worth and pride….

you'll stop making excuses and thinking the world owes you something

you'll feel so good about yourself that you'll start focusing on what you have accomplished, and stop focusing on how we Jews have secretly been in control of your life since the day you were born.

the sense of satisfaction you will eventually achieved from accomplishing something, no matter how small, will lead you on to bigger and better accomplishments….

you'll finally look in a mirror and see a man, instead of a hurt little child.

imagination is your specialty

that's why you play video games

that's why you don't have a girlfriend


your people SAT* back and did nothing

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imagine that women actually found adult males who play video games to be attractive, actually wanting to invest their lives into the life of an overgrown little child………..

imagination is the only thing you've got at this point

Alert! ICANN To Shut Down The Internet For 48 Hours To Install New Backdoors Into DNS System



Internet users be ready for a widespread network outage that could restrict users from accessing internet. Internet users across the globe are expected to face internet disruption for the next 48 hours. According to Russia Today, the internet will be disrupted for users as key domain servers undergo routine maintenance.

The report from the Russian news organization claims that Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) is preparing for maintenance work of domain servers and related network infrastructure. ICANN is planning to change cryptographic key during this maintenance work, which will result in downtime in internet activity across the globe. The planned maintenance set to be undertaken by ICANN will help protect the Domain Name System (DNS), which acts as internet’s very own address book.

Experts are already claiming the change in cryptographic key will help prove as a necessary step for internet protection. This move will help prevent cyber attacks aimed at the DNS systems in the future. The Communications Regulatory Authority (CRA) said this internet shutdown across the globe is necessary to ensure a secure, stable and resilient DNS system.

“To further clarify, some internet users might be affected if their network operators or Internet Service Providers (ISPs) have not prepared for this change. However, this impact can be avoided by enabling the appropriate system security extensions,” it added.

If you have been planning to unwind or disconnect from internet for sometime then here is a great opportunity to do, with a fact that internet might be down for maintenance. It is now confirmed that internet users will face difficulties in accessing web pages or making transactions for the next 48 hours.



take your meds

the doctor knew what she was doing when she prescribed you the atypical antipsychotics. we understand that you don't perceive yourself as having a problem, so you stop taking the medicine 8 days after getting your prescription.

that's very common with psychiatric patience, as they feel the medicine turns them into zombies…..

normally, I would agree that these medications have detrimental effects, but in your case, it's readily apparent that you would be less of a danger to yourself and others if you were indeed in a zombie state.

I don't have a doctor, I take care of myself. I don't need meds either. I eat healthy and it keeps me alive. Avoid drugs, soda, anything with too much sugar, processed foods, fast foods,anything with hormones and additives. Take vitamins to boost your immune system. Eat fresh meat [like certified non-GMO grass fed beef] that has no nitrites or preservatives or homones and you'll remain healthy.

On very seldom occasions I will have a couple glasses of whiskey and smoke my pipe, but not too often. Only keep it for times I really want to relax and enjoy myself. Otherwise it is best to stay away from liqueur and smoking.

Also as another tip, I take curcumin supplements every single day. This reduces and slows down any growth of potential cancer cells in the body.

well, well, well…..

lol while you have found the cure for cancer, I'm going to be sitting right here on the internet for the next 48 hours, telling you that you seriously need to medicate…

I'm not being mean…..

I just think that you have reached a state of mania, and now you are making erratic and irrational decisions, and if this has made you a danger to yourself.

I'm not sure if you understand exactly what 'cancer' is….

curcumin will have absolutely no effect on the genetic code which tells certain cells to divide incorrectly

No, I did not find the cure for cancer. OTHER scientists and biochemists have found the prevention for cancer. And its all documented. Do your research. Cancer CAN be prevented - and slowed down significantly if you happen to have it.

I never signed such contract.
I can tell you exactly how this went.

if you go to parties, you deserve to be raped because parties are for fucking. It is a ritual that normies have to prepare for fucking and if you expect anything less to happen at one you are retarded.

AGAIN: it's 1:35 PM, EST Oct.12th, 2018

on October 14th, 2018, I am going to have demonstrated that I never lost my internet connection at all….

willing to wager some money?

It is NOT about genetics! It is all about what you consume, what you put into your body and what you don't. For example: processed sugar causes cancer, and that is a FACT!

They have not said when it will be taken down, they said it will go down for a while, they did NOT mention exactly what time.

….which explains why the pharmaceutical manufacturers have jumped on curcumin, patenting specialized versions of it and making billions of dollars in managing people's cancer progression, right ?…

lol grow up, dude

oh, it most certainly IS about genetics, first and foremost, with environmental factors being secondary, food, the quality of water, electromagnetic radiation and other variables included.

…..uhhhhhhhhh…. yes they DID….
the article was dated October 12th, and it specifically said over the next 48 hours……

by the way, the ONLY mention of this ridiculous story can be found on an obscure eastern Indian website, and the laughable website that you posted.

Do you know that in the 1960s Harvard scientists were bribed by the Sugar Industry to cover-up the fact that sugar actually does cause cancer? Don't believe me? LOOK IT UP. Its documented. Even the mainstream news has covered this cover-up just a few years ago.

of course I am completely familiar with the history of processed sugar and the secret lobbying behind it, as well as the secret light being behind artificial sweeteners, which were manufactured by the exact same people who made the refined sugar.

yes yes yes I'm completely familiar with that story…..

you and I both know about Candida, and secret story behind high fructose corn syrup

People who have Alzheimers disease have recovered from it by cutting their sugar consumption and through heavy metal detox. This is also a fact and Big Pharma is still trying to cover it up!

You were born with it, it's called common sense and humanity does it's best to ignore it at every step they take, which is why we live in this problem-ridden, piece of shit nightmare world.

secret LOBBYING*

not 'secret light being'

I'm using speech to text and I'm cleaning debris off my front porch from the hurricane 2 days ago

there are a number of reasons for dementia and Alzheimer's, and there is a correlation between refined sugar and almost every disease known to man

I'm not the one you were responding to, but only a fool would think that he can project his own misguided philosophies and belief systems on to other people….

nobody's obligated to do shit

Well then this is only desperation on their part and they are likely ripping you off. Don't trust Big Pharma. Just get the curcumin supplements from a company that specialized in natural organic supplements. Or at a local health food store.

the de-evolution of your thread into a smattering of random disconnected arguments about sugar, cancer, and unaccomplished sissies blaming Jews for their own personal failures is fucking hilarious.

because no one cares

Johnny started that by shilling Big Pharma mind control drugs which I REFUSE to accept.

I was being sarcastic

if curcumin had any efficacy at all, the pharmaceutical manufacturers would patent a certain formulated extract, and Market it, making billions and billions of dollars by hyping it as a way to control or slow down the progression of cancer cells, as you claimed…

I've been at this since I was 11 or 12 years old, and I've seen all of the ginger and garlic miracle cures be touted and eventually laughed at….

I'm old as fuck now, and I know, just as well as you know, did it's not about curcumin… it's about a complete overhaul of your diet, from the ground up, and it's mainly about water intake more than anything.

and even if you ate the ideal diet and drink plenty of water keeping your body hydrated, there's still THE SINGLE BIGGEST FACTOR OF ALL:

your genetics

Yet you certainly are obligated to eat, drink, piss, shit and die…

Do your research anons. Have an open mind. Research the Keto diet as well. I am telling you the honest truth. There are doctors out there who DO understand this, there are scientists and biochemists that are NOT corrupted by Big Pharma and they swear by this through test results. Learn about it! CANCER IS AN INDUSTRY TO BIG PHARMA! Never forget that!

anybody who knows me and real-life realizes that I would never suggest taking psychiatric medications……….

until I read your post

lol (I'm just fucking with you dude)

Guess what? Do you know many many people have been MURDERED in cold blood for their findings?

90+ natural doctors (who refuse Big Pharma shilling) KILLED so far!


Garlic, Honey and Ginger is very very healthy for your cardiovascular system. If you want a healthy heart, now you know!