Why would God be against things that literally don't hurt anyone, like jerking off, gay sex, and smoking weed...

Why would God be against things that literally don't hurt anyone, like jerking off, gay sex, and smoking weed? I'm a millennial very confused about old values, so I decided to ask here after finding out about this board a week ago.

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I also hear that shitting on the carpet in other people's homes literally don't hurt anyone either.

This is a meme. Sin hurts your soul and puts you at odds with God.
Repent and believe in the Gospel that you may live.
Sinful because it excites lust and develops an unhealthy attachment to the flesh. (Exodus 20:14, Matthew 5: 28, 1 Corinthians 6: 13, 2 Timothy 2: 22, 1 John 2: 16)
Sodomy goes against the created order and therefore is abominable to God Almighty. (Genesis 19, Genesis 18: 20-21, Leviticus 20: 13, 1 Corinthians 6: 9-10, Romans 1 + 2, 2 Peter 2: 6-10, Jude 1: 7)
Equivalent to drunkenness, which is also reckoned as sin. (Ephesians 5: 18-19, Galatians 5: 21, 1 Peter 5: 8, 1 Corinthians 6: 9-10).

Those things hurt you. They make you more like an animal than a human because it shows your mind is controlled by your bodily urges. To be human is to place your animal instincts in submission to your higher will. Do you want to be cattle who just lives his life jerking off and indulging every time you feel an urge to fulfil some bodily function, or do you want to live like a man and place your body into submission of your mind and reach towards the transcendent truth that lies beyond the material?

It's like you fags dont even try to hide it.

Sodomy is bad for you. You can contract:

Anal fissures, gay bowel syndrome, various STDs, etc

When you stick your penis in a literal "exit only" hole you are damaging the soft tissue in that anus. You are literally doing harm to someone when you sodomize someone. On top of you harming yourself mentally.

Don't even get me started on how faggotry hurts society at large. Im so gosh darn sick of you faggots perverting everything you touch.

Leviticus 20:13 will never go away.

It's almost like stereotypes are true.

What said, plus

Doing this for a prolonged period, as well as porn, winnie the poohs with your brain and makes a dependence. You get oversexed, you develop extra fetishes. As well, statistically men are significantly less satisfied with their marriages sexually. I didn't see data for women.
Anal is the most dangerous form of sex. The cell wall in the colon is extremely thin and can tear. It transmits disease. Gay men are nearly the only thing keeping AIDS rates going and have literally thousands of lifetime partners.
There's admittedly not nearly as bad data related to weed. However it's still basically getting drunk early in the day and can be expensive. Some people say it's not a gateway drug, but any drug that someone finds agreeable and can then think "well if this wasn't that bad, then X won't be as bad as I thought" is a gateway drug.

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Even if it is bait there are many, many people out there today who seriously have this attitude and it's a good opportunity to think about why he's wrong so when you meet someone out in the wild who says "But like, why can't I just smoke weed and have gay sex, why is God such a big meanie head" you can explain to them exactly why they're wrong.

Because a god most likely does not exist. If he did why the hell would he put a tree that no one should eat from in the middle of the garden when he can predict the future? He would've known that someone eventually would eat from it and cause suffering for all of mankind.

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Just poop on their carpet and tell them, "But it didn't hurt you! Why are you such a meanie head?"

How's this relevant? dumb Zig Forumstard


That’s pretty ridiculous. Plenty of straight people have anal sex. Also, have you ever heard of lube and easing in? Just because some people jam their cock in someone’s ass, that doesn’t mean everyone is that stupid with anal.

Don’t get me wrong, sodomy in all forms is still a sin, but these are terrible arguments against it.

Bad argument imo, since taking a dump on their carpet does materially hurt them in the time it takes to clean it up and if they're decently intelligent they'll point that out. It's not really analogous to actions which have no impact on you at all. It's better to approach the issue from the perspective of the social contract, where everyone gives up a measure of their individual freedom for the betterment of society and their family. An individuals right to be a hedonistic degenerate must be weighed against the negative effects of such behavior on society. Do we want to live in a society of weed smoking homosexuals, or responsible adults?

The detrimental health effects of anal sex are some of the best arguments against it, since they're objective, based on science and not religious in nature so even fedora tippers have to concede. Some studies have shown consistent anal sex is as unhealthy as smoking. If you're trying to convince someone that it's a net negative that's a good way to go about it since generally the same people who are pro-homosexuality are also those types who hate cigarette smokers for being a burden on the health system.

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Just because straight people can do it doesn't make it any better. Anal fissures can still happen even with lube.

The point is, faggot sex is unnatural for humans. Our bodies were never designed for it. It causes harm with or without lube.

Not a defense of anal sex.
Shocking! You have to use lube to reduce damage to an orifice that was, wait for it… not designed to receive foreign objects! Meanwhile, through the magic of foreplay Adam gets Eve nice and sopping wet for him without needing any lube.
Only a retard with a vested interest in defending sodomy would claim that was a terrible argument. I'm sorry we don't appeal to retards.

Not an argument, unless you want to get into hygiene which completely destroys the argument for anal sex.
u wot bro? Shitting on someone's carpet has no impact on anybody except insofar that it's unhygienic, which again is a topic that will see anal sex utterly destroyed.
SJWs would blow you the winnie out on that one.


Anime is for watching gook Jesus beat up alien Lucifer. Brown people are sent into America by Satan to sell drugs and lead children into sins.

You sound like someone who has some knowledge on the matter, I rather hope it isn't first hand. Furthermore, everything the person you replied to is objectively accurate and is a risk. Sodomic sex is quite a bit more risky than proper intercourse regardless of who it is with, no matter how much glorified WD40 you use to make it less dangerous. But since gays are walking disease factories…

Except when they don't because anti-theists, certainly worldly degenerate ones which most of them are, are rather more concerned about physical pleasure than public health.

It is an argument. You shitting on my carpet materially harms me, either in the time I need to spend cleaning it or the money I spend getting someone else to clean it. It directly affects me. You might as well talk about stealing my TV, that affects me in the same way, you've materially harmed me.

It is not analogous to someone else engaging in gay sex because it doesn't affect you at all, you lose nothing from it.

Then you get to call them out on it since they're going against objective scientific data that it's an unhealthy lifestyle. That's what makes it effective, it's not a matter of opinion and if they want to argue it then they have to go against the data which makes them hypocrites since they puff themselves up about basing their beliefs on "scientific" evidence.


Full of information homosexuals don't want the public to know.

No, it's not. Why do you need to spend time or money cleaning it up? Just walk around it or through it. It's just harmless poop sitting there. It's not going to bite you or something. Unless you care about this totally crazy concept called hygiene. I heard hygiene is doing things like ensuring things don't cause tears in your anal tissues and infecting you with HIV.

Nice link, thanks user.

Every post you've made in this thread has had something to do with defecating on rugs or using that act as an analogy. You do seem have to have a fixation on that, however surely there's a more germane way to argue your point.

It's a great point to use against faggot lovers because it subverts their subversion of the word "harm". If harm is whatever they want it to mean, then I also get to redefine harm to mean whatever I want it to.

Also, dude, talking about pooping harmed nobody :)))))))))))))))))))))))) this is totally not a shitpost deserving a shitpost response :))))))))))))))))))))))

Again you seem fixated on this analogy and it's very poor. What if I say hygene has nothing to do with it and I find the smell offensive? Then your entire point becomes irrelevant because people have gay sex in the next house doesn't affect your smell, sight, or any other senses.

I know you think you've got this amazing "Gotcha!" argument but it's really poorly thought out. Defecating on someones property has absolutely nothing to do with policing other peoples private behavior and if you bust this argument out against a secularist then you're going to get, ahem, shit on.

What if I find gay people living in my society offensive? Does that harm me? Besides, with the disinfectant, it'll actually smell like disinfectant.
I usually win because they end up realizing they're playing a word game and I just play it better than they do. Unlike wrestling pigs, secularists actually realize after a certain point that they don't like mud in their eyes after all.

It does though, unlike the things I mentioned.

So, is there no logic behind it? Just "God wills it", and that's all?

How do they hurt me?

Hamburgers might make you fat, and give you a hearth attack, is it wrong to eat burgers? Same logic.

I'm not saying I'm gay or anything, but what if I want someone to do that to me?


Winnie the pooh? What does that mean?

What's wrong with that?

But why even marry at all?

The risks are small if you do things the right way.


Sorry if I sound like I jerk, but I really don't get your logic. It's all very weird to me, and makes me confused.

I went out for a bit, sorry for not answering everything immediately.

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No offense but it's more likely that they realize they're arguing against a moron who thinks playing semantic word games is equivalent to making a well reasoned and supported argument.

Eating one burger doesn't harm you like shoving a dick in your bum does. So it's not the same logic. Not even close. Burgers dont have literal shit in them like a bum has.

It's actually as well-reasoned and supported as saying that gay sex is harmless. I note that you have so far failed to provide a compelling counter-argument to my point, and I wasn't even being serious.
Case in point:

No logic presented at all. He's just shitposting, so I literally shitposted in return and then you took me seriously and still failed to provide an useful counter-argument to the idea that shitting on the carpet is morally equivalent to gay people having anal sex. Moral relativism means everything is fair play, including shitting on the carpet. That you have trouble grasping this is exactly why you kept going and going despite going nowhere with your point. You couldn't understand that when someone makes a post like the OP, they're a moral relativist and that is a race to the bottom. There is no logic to their position beyond "because I want to", and the unspoken warrant behind their harm-based reasoning (which is actually just a flimsy "excuse" for justifying their emotional desire) is that harm means what they want it to mean and that their personal concept of "harm", which is nowhere to be found in the dictionary, is a valid measuring stick of logical validity.

All I did was taking that unspoken warrant and tearing it to pieces by using it as part of my own argument. It's simple reductio ad absurdum inb4 lol just pretending im retarded, which is actually a legitimate form of debate

But you go ahead, try to reason with this blatant shitposter until he sees the light and realizes that Christianity was right all along and that he was wrong about gay sex and jerking off and weed, and that everything he ever did in his life was wrong because it turns out that gay people other than him or his boyfriend were giving each other HIV, because he and his boyfriend got tested and obviously are special snowflakes that would never harm a fly and so would never harm anybody at all by having private gay sex in absolute privacy.

See, 54bc409? This is what the argument will always come down to. You're arguing with a moral relativist. You may as well just skip to the chase and start talking about shitting on their carpet because it has the same outcome.

Another user posted this here, but I'd ask you to read this:
…and then come back and see if a homosexual lifestyle is as low risk and indeed worth living as you believe it is. Also, I'd be curious to know what your overall impression is of that man's experience.

I'm going to make a general rule that, if you think that's too hard/long to read, you aren't really here in good faith.

Your other questions can be answered in time when you have this one out of the way. Also keep in mind we and most other boards on this site as a whole are quite readily able to supply you with secular and scientific information on the dangers of homosexuality. Here we can also argue on philosophical and theological grounds, as well.

I think i'm noticing a pattern here

I'm getting the distinct impression that you didn't come here to get your questions answered from a Christian perspective, but rather to argue your personal beliefs against Christianity.

One of the most convincing arguments against sodomy I've read yet. Long read but a good one I suppose. And disgusting.


Yeah, if you eat enough that they cause you to be unhealthy. Gluttony has been recognized as a sin for over a thousand years dummy.


1. You were made in God's image. You defile the body which was made by God for you.
2. Were affect others through your interactions in the world. If you masturbate naked on a public bench, others wouldn't want to sit on that bench or shake your hand. If you die masturbating in your bedroom, people don't want to smell your dead body or clean up the mess you left behind.

Sin affects you and everyone around you.

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Also this. You might come to learn these things OP.

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If you're harming yourself with that kind of bs, you're of no use to your community, which is sinful


God is

control. The ultimate authoritarian. His autority, is word, is law, unchangeable, unquestionable. A sexually-frustrated populace is easier to control and direct to your own ends.

Man, it would really be winnie the poohed up if it turned out that the people were just being controlled by other (((people))), wouldn't it?

Its not about being useful to community. God loves everyone and doesnt want His children to harm themselves, just like any parent wouldn't.