Do Christians consider Shia Muslims generally more tolerable and respectable than Sunnis?
Do Christians consider Shia Muslims generally more tolerable and respectable than Sunnis?
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I consider the most tolerable kind of Muslim one with an "ex-" at the front of the tag, and wearing a cross of some design.
Both need Christ equally tbh
Sunni, Shia, Ibadi … A Muslim is a Muslim.
Every unsaved person is lost. Every false prophet is a devil.
Half of us can even tell them apart.
If they're angry and smug, they're Sunni.
If they chop their own heads open at festivals, they're Shia.
If they dress like Bedouins and hate anything modern, they're Ibadi.
If they're vegetarian and consider Buddha to be a prophet, they're Ahmadi.
Lol true, but Muslims consider Ahmadi to be as Muslim as we consider Mormons to be Christian.
they're even more ridiculous and idiotic than Sunnis. ignorant people who don't know about their theology just seem to think they're better because they love to point out how Sunnis are terrorists and want to make out that they're the good guys, but it's all the same garbage
they believe the most wackiest things like wearing black shoes will make your penis weak and wearing yellow shoes will make it strong. seriously just google it you can find many Shias even asking on forums about wearing black shoes or yellow shoes. that's just scratching the surface of these crazy people. Islam is an idiotic religion made by idiots for idiots
They follow a child molester so…uh…
Yes but Muslim reasoning is dog shit.
Mormons deny the fundamental tenets of Christianity. They deny the Trinity, profess polytheism, consider the Bible to be at least partially corrupt, have extra scriptures, practice foreign rituals (endowment, baptism of the dead, etc.), believe in the validity of polygamy, believe in the pre-existence of souls, deny creation ex-nihilo, teach that God was a sinner, believe Jesus was artificially inseminated by God, teach that we can become gods and rule our own planets, and a whole host of over abominations to the point where they're not just heretics or heterodox but full on heathen non-Christians. It's not like they're just an odd sect like the Seventh-day Adventists. Seventh day-Adventists might be a little cooky but they affirm the basic tenets of the Christian faith and can be considered Christians.
On the other hand, Ahmadi's believe in pretty much the same exact thing as every other single Muslim. They affirm the five pillars of Islam including: Belief in the absolute oneness of Allah (Tahwid) and the profession that Muhammad is his final law giving messenger, they pray five times a day towards Mecca, they give at least 1/40 of their income in charity, they fast during the Islamic holy month of Ramadan, and they strongly desire to partake of the Hajj although currently the Saudi government does not allow them to but some do manage to sneak their way in. On top of all of this they also: Affirm the Qur'an as the ultimate and final revelation of Allah, cherish various Hadiths and Sunnahs such as Sahih al-Bukhari, follow halal dietary laws in the same exact way, pray in exactly the same way in mosques, affirm the standard Islamic belief in the day of judgment and resurrection of all the dead who will be judged by Allah and either sent to Jannah (heaven) or Jahnnam (hell), and affirm every single prophet of Islam including Adam, Noah, Abraham, Ishmael, Moses, David, Solomon, Elijah, John the Baptist, Jesus, and of course Muhammad the seal of the law giving prophets.
There are only two unique doctrines that Ahmadi hold to that differentiates them from other Islamic denominations: First, they believe that, since every seven millennia equals one cosmic week, at least one prophet will appear during every millennium; therefore, they affirm with other Muslims that Muhammad is the seal of all law giving prophets and that no other book after the Qur'an will be revealed, however they don't believe that Muhammad is the seal of all prophets, meaning they believe minor prophets can still come, such as Mirza Ghulam Ahmad in their case, but they affirm that every prophet after Muhammad will abide under Muhammad's authority and the final revelation of the Qur'an. They also takes the second coming of Jesus symbolically rather than literally since for them, after Jesus's crucifixion (some mainstream Shia and even Sunnis also believe Jesus was crucified) they believe he survived and fled to India to become a spiritual guru and lived out the rest of his days and died. They believe their prophet and founder, Mirza Ahmad, fulfills the second coming of Jesus symbolically as John the Baptist fulfilled the second coming of Elijah. These are literally the only two majors differences between Ahmadiyya Islam and the rest of Islam.
Now, Ahmadis do also believe Mirza Ahmad was the Islamic Mahdi, but most Shia Muslims also believe the Mahdi has already come too as Muhammad ibn al-Hasan who they currently believe is in heaven and are awaiting a second coming; so really their affirmation about the Mahdi is really just a part of the standard Islamic discourse over who the Mahdi is and when he'll come with Sunni, Shia, Ibadi, and Ahmadi all believing in different things. Now Ahmadi also do affirm others like Buddha, Krishna, and Zoroaster as prophets, but could that really be said to be a difference? That's just an incorporation of non-Islamic/non-Abrahamic prophets into a larger Islamic/Abrahamic scheme. And in fact, many medieval Sunni and Shia Muslims appropriated non-Islamic figures too such as Zoroaster who many medieval Sunni and Shias considered to be a prophet. In fact both Sunni and Shia believe that there have been hundreds of thousands of prophets throughout history and it looks like the Ahmadi are just going by that logic and appropriating some Dharmic prophets into their own. Ahmadis are also pacifists and tend for veganism but so are many Sufis. Again, Ahmadis don't believe in literal creationism and accept evolution but so do many Sunni and Shia scholars and Imams. Even if these could be said to be differences, they're extremely minor and barely worth noting and really have barely to no impact on Islamic doctrine.
So really, Ahmadiyya Islam is in no way to Islam as Mormonism is to Christianity. Ahmadiyya are rather like the Seventh-day Adventists of Islam. Sure they have some cooky doctrines outside the mainstream, but they still affirm pretty much all of the basic tenets of Islam and there's literally no reason not to consider them Muslims.
de sinoples warned you about (((them))) and you cunts wouldn't listen.
tolerating "former" jews into your cult is how jesus was turned into a former yid as the hook-nosed menace encroached itself slowly but surely.
Damn, these are actually good posts
Yeah that's nice but why did you expend that much effort defending Muslims? I really don't care whether or not Ahmadi are True Muslims and this ain't the board to discuss it.
Its the same differences as between two piles of dung that been separated by a wheel
I am Lebanese, and I live in Lebanon, and so I come into contact with them everyday. Lebanese Sunnis and Shias are more "modern" than their counterparts that live in the Arabian Peninsula. Shias have more respect for Mary and Christ as compared to Sunnis, and they can be seen as less extreme. They also have more respect for our Saints and usually perform travel to these saints' monasteries to pray (that tells you something about their religion, doesn't it?). However, both, in my opinion, are dirty and inbred. Go to any Muslim (Sunni or Shia) majority area in this country, and you will find that place to be completely filthy and and just downright awful. Now, go to any Christian majority place, and you will find a world in difference. There is a reason they all love flocking to our areas. Shias love having kids, mainly to increase their population in the country. Each man will marry 3 wives, where each wife will pump out 5 kids. So that's ~15 kids per family. Yeah, it's that bad.
In essence, they are both Muslims and this ideology should be discarded and thrown in the trash. It's like asking whether I prefer a kick in the face or a kick in the balls. Yeah, no thanks.
Lebanon is a Christian country, inhabited by the descendants of the first Jewish Christian converts, trying to revive the language that Christ Himself spoke.
Non-arab muslims are more tolerable.
i don't get why people seem to put seventh day adventist's as just being "lol they're a little crazy but they're fine" when they still believe Jesus to be Michael the Archangel. Equating a creation with God is a grave blasphemy.
of course this isn't the place to go in depth about that but it's still worth pointing out.
On the subject of the Shia, all i know is they're where the Baha'i (they're like the Ahmadi but took worshiping their prophet and being liberal so far they're considered a new religion the youtube shooter was one of them if i recall correctly) and that the Ismali Shia are at least a little closer to Christianity in stating that Jesus had the Holy Spirit of God in him and that he died on the cross and was resurrected (although they engage in Docetism to make it fit the Quran, and they state that every prophet was an incarnation of God's Spirit, which is the same sort of sin I mentioned above)
Adventists believe Jesus is God, not a created being. They see Michael as just one of many titles for Christ, and interpret archangel as meaning 'leader of the angels', not that Christ is an angel himself. So it's not that big a deal, as errors go.
>"But the prince of the kingdom of Persia withstood me one and twenty days; but, lo, Michael, one of the chief princes, came to help me: and I remained there with the kings of Persia." (Daniel 10:13)
Is Jesus really one of many princes? also read this quote by Ellen White:
"To Christ had been given an exalted position. He has been made equal with the Father " (Testimonies vol. 8, p. 268)"
Color me surprised.
I don't know if you're calling me illiterate or not, but claiming Christ has been made equal implies that he was not eternally God and did not have all honor and glory from infinite past. Do you agree?
He calls 7DAs illiterate, not you
Not you, but the Angel of the LORD and Michael are clearly outlined as separate beings in that particular passage, while SDA claim they are the same.
Is it Gabriel or Jesus though, since on one hand Gabriel is usually the one to show Daniel visions, while on the other hand the description seems to be directly quoted by John in Revelation 1 to be referring to Jesus.
The Angel of the LORD never corrects people when they worship Him, whereas Michael and Gabriel always tell people to get up when they do.
Interesting. thanks for the clarification.
It depends on the Christian, obviously, however I would assume that most Apostolics (i.e., Catholics & Orthodox) would respect them more, mysticism and all. That said, a Muslim is still a Muslim; many of their claims regarding Christ and Mary are completely illogical and absolutely contradict Christian tradition.
Naaaah, the Nation of Islam is the Mormonism of Islam. lol
Only non-meme answer so far…yes. Ali, his hadiths, the legacy of martyrdom of himself and family make the sect closer to Christianity in some respects.
They also never commit lone wolf terror attacks and whatever attacks they do commit are usually connected to state military objectives.
Only some Iraqi Shias do the head cutting thing, no Iranians or Lebanese perform it.
Oh those nutty Shi'a.
This is so wrong
Shia muslims are an historic ally to christians. They often took our side during the cruades for the holy land.
A Satanist is a Satanist. No practical reason to differentiate between different ways they wish to pay respects to Satan.
If the NOI is the Mormons the nuwaubians are like those fundimentalist compounds in Arizona.
They worship the God of Abraham
No, they claim to worship the God of Abraham. The God of Abraham is the triune God. It's like saying that you love the Beatles, and your favorite song of theirs is Moonlight Sonata. Your idea of the Beatles does not match the reality of the Beatles.
Per Jesus in Matthew 12:30:
Any religion that does not proclaim Jesus as the Christ, Son of God, preexisting with the Father and Spirit therefore worships Satan.
A Unitarian isn't worshiping Satan. They're just confused.
So righteous Jews before Jesus who had no idea of the Trinity were worshiping Satan?
This The Church considered Arians Christians, as shown by the fact that their baptisms were accepted. Unitarians don't automatically worship demons they're either just ignorant or have been deceived.
We the church don't consider them christian, but yes they are confused and don't worship Satan. Trinity is foundational to being christian.
The exact opposite is true. Arabs and Persians are the only people who have an excuse for being muslims, the rest needs to be gassed.
Shiites are less orthodox than Sunnis. If you join a religion it should be the most orthodox and traditional form. Shiites have poor arguments to defend the infallibility of their 12 imams.
Be that as it may both shiite and sunni think muhammad is the epitome of moral excellence, yet he was having sex with underage children, Aisha was still playing with dolls when he desecrated her.
Arabs are crazy bastards (especially since they were prophesied to be dumb per Baruch). The less arab in arab the better arab you get (Syrians, Iraqis, Maghrebi and Jemeni are more chill than pure blood arabs). Then there are Asians and Turks. Then Persians. Then Central Asians. Then Azeris. And finally Polish Tatars.
All Muslims shall be purged
Larper is not the new edgy.
Was Jesus lying then? Do you know better than Him? None of these people knowingly worship Satan, but by rejecting Christ, the result is Satan worship because Satan is the one who leads people astray. OT Jews did not reject Christ, because He had not revealed Himself explicitly. Now that the standard has been set, according to Christ, anything that rejects Him is Satanic.
A true crusader doesn't care about different types of infidels.
All must be converted to Christ in order to be saved.
Not everyone rejects Christ. They just don't know better, . rejecting and being ignorant are different
Stop LARPing
You realize it's the Sunnis (hadiths) who claim Aisha was 9 years who when married and not the Shi'ites and the Shi'ites hate Aisha.
Daily reminder that Anal Cunt is a Christian band, and Seth Putnam is a saint
All Muslims are my enemy because Islam was started by a sex craved pervert who blasphemied God and twisted the scriptures to suit him. Anyone who follows that is truly lost.
Islam fails because literally the first thing that Muslims are taught is that God has no son and that the trinity is wrong.
Yes, this has been true since the crusades. Many authors of the time said the Shiites are better. They never really invaded us or went into a world rampage.
They still need to convert anyway but at least they are not our physical enemies, they mostly stay on their own.
t. qadiani
actual muslim here, we consider you apostates because you believe in mizra ghulam (LA) the liar
as we say the nation of kufr is one