Indulge me if you will. I attempt to believe in God and behave like a theist purely for the sake of offsetting deep rooted nihilistic tendencies which I see is inching me closer to a suicidal conclusion. However, I am a very cautious person and will even opt to suffer for the sake of rationality and security. The only reason I don't kill myself is basically because of Pascal's wager. So for that reason I believe in God. The language of God I feel is most reasonable is the Catholic Church, but personally it is all meaningless to me, (I abhor the character of God and his thinking regardless). Anyways, my question is if I live a life that appeases God (follow his rules) but inherently despise his very essence, may I be placed in a "location" where he is neither fully present or absent. Sort of like a continuation of here, I clearly don't want a gratuitously cruel infinity and I cannot have an inverse of dishonestly living in a sequacious paradise. Is this possible or should I just end this now and ask that despot in person?
Neither Heaven Nor Hell
What did Jesus say to make you hate him?
Chocolate cake, everyone loves chocolate cake, it has a good taste, it has a a good smell, but it's not good to eat.
Yes, go to church, pray when you have free time and before every meal, use the prayer given in the bible for contacting the holy spirit, remove sin from your life for at least month during all of this. Getting the creator of the universe to "talk" to you is much better than an empty life in sin.
Well most people scoff when I tell them why. My point sounds juvenile initially but from experiential knowledge its profoundly accurate. As a black person I have realized my legacy as a member of the most inferior race, whether you believe that is true is irrelevant however. My granular data of our experiences and observations of our relation to human history validates every reason to believe God is as indifferent and utilitarian as they come. He's joker in his own game. This is all fun. I can't love that type of love. To me love is death. Jesus didn't die on a cross. Death died on a cross. And you know who killed him? The cross, that's us, not you, but my people. We are a reflection of the worse, the bottom of the spectrum and all its treachery. Aha this is such a dumb conversation to have with people who haven't digested this black a pill, it's not your fault. But yea anyways can I find a nice pad for myself and other's? (Not purgatory thanks.)
prayer my friend does not work in the slightest, it almost enrages me when i do it, my inquiry is a mathematical one, is there a place or not that i may exist under those terms given, if not, death has a scheduled visit lol period, there is no chance of salvation in this life, not even the slightest
You come across as a LARPing pretentious retard. I recommend you rewrite this mess in a way that doesnt look like a machine trying to generate a random text with fancy words.
Romans 9:18 Therefore God has mercy on whom he wants to have mercy, and he hardens whom he wants to harden.
>He's joker in his own game. This is all fun. I can't love that type of love. To me love is death. Jesus didn't die on a cross. Death died on a cross. And you know who killed him? The cross, that's us, not you, but my people.
The jews were not black.
You're messed up, bro. Read Ecclesiastes and Job. And the Brothers Karamazov.
granular (fine detail)
sequacious (intellectually servile)
two words that are uncommon the rest is common speak, relax you winnie the pooh smegma guzzler
why did you bring up kikes lol? kk..
God doesn't harden anything, he lets things fail so they will come crawling back to him like like the manipulative coward he is, if he has a fetish for desperation and violence this bad he should have programmed me weaker and with less of an intellect, this level of absurdity cannot be overridden, God is a comedian, and life is a paradox, we live, to die, every day, because like Friday, it's good.
And there is your true voice. Childish insults. Good job.
>Jesus didn't die on a cross. Death died on a cross. And you know who killed him? The cross, that's us, not you, but my people.
Because you mentioned them.
Why do you think God wants you to fail? The whole point of Christianity and sacrificing his only son is so we'd have a chance to find him and have him help us. He doesn't manipulate people into choosing him like Satan, you always have a choice. Your concept of God is inverted.
You sound like a Zig Forumsack pretending to be black mawn with some entertaining pretentiousness sprinkled in.
Anselm is responsible for this
You don't know what purgatory is.
is that like the catholic toll house?
You either believe or you don't; you trust or you don't. Having faith is not an exercise or an action, it is a state of being.
This is logically equivalent to saying, "I abhor the character of goodness," or, "I abhor the character of truth." It's something a stupid thirteen year-old atheist would say.
It is what is in your heart that matters. If in your heart you hate God, your external actions mean absolutely nothing, for you are merely pretending, like an actor in a play. Ergo, if you die in a state of hatred of God, you are granted your desire of eternal separation, i.e., Hell.
If you aren't LARPing, then you're a self hating mess and you need to see someone instead of seeking help online. Hopefully God's love and a shrink can fix your retardation, but we can only pray.
The Screwtape letters has a really good chapter on prayer. The point the high Demon makes is that you can't stop some one from praying, but they try to focus what they're praying to. It starts with a simple misunderstanding, then it is exacerbated, and it's in question whether or not you are truly praying to God.
You seem to not know at all what God is. God is ultimate good, and while you may not understand God, it doesn't mean his will is not for the best. His will must be for the best, he is ultimate good.
You can not please God yet hate God. God seeks faith in you. But you must also understand Faith doesn't end at belief, to follow God's law is faith. Try to humble yourself and learn to trust in God.
Isn't God the one that works faith in us? " for flesh and blood hath not revealed it unto thee, but my Father which is in heaven." … So if a person is hardened to God then what does that mean? It's not his time yet. So why polish a rock trying to turn it into a diamond when it literally takes a miracle for this to happen, not manly effort.
We were given free will. You have to understand that God is beyond time, so from his perspective the past from yours may not be your "time", but from your perspective any time can be your time, now and until death. You have to accept and trust God, if you reject God in this life you will meet an eternity with out God.
Another important thing is the Holy Spirit will call to you, but you can not be fruitful in prayer alone. You can not face temptation alone, you can not trust in God alone, you can not have faith in God alone, you can do nothing with out God. You must pray even to pray better, for with out the grace of God you will never get anywhere.
Pray for humility, pray for faith, pray that the lord may enter your heart, ask for the holy spirit to come to you. It is always your time.
no you didnt call me a retard right, i think jesus called it taking the wodd out of your own eye you scum winnie the pooh
good friday should be everyday, that would be peace of mind to know that God is taking responsibility for the sequences of the world, like a parent who claims his childrens misbehavior, some dead beat parents are better here in my opinion, they don't have the awareness like God does and still outperform him in presence.
God and Satan are two faces on the same coin, two means to a final result, they both want you dead, one is brutally honest about how things are, the other uses a placebo to get you to override, the placebo of heaven works for most but not a realist, an analytical black man is the most nihilistic creature in society but the chances you find a product like him in nature, uncontaminated by populism, is divinely rare, like finding satans own son.
Jews are funny because they are like the brothers of blacks in thier supposed history of "persecution", yet they ended on top and blacks on the bottom, a stolen blessing like esau's, they are birthed from scum, not their fault though, i cant blame humanity only divinity
ah a sarah, a wise man, albeit not a practicing one, unfortunately smuggled into judaism 2.0, he would have been an excellent leader for our people back home, but i dont blame him, you cannot refuse against the man who writes tragedies
calling god goodness and truth is the peak of laziness and the mark of a inferior mind because you know rationally saying that to someone holds no grounds, faith inst shared, you have to explain something of that level of obscurity, if i believe in essence the world is vile and you think not, then i believe the inverse of what you said, you moron, if anything the thirteen y.o would slobber on your amateurish postulating
self hating? i dont hate myself, i hate god IF anything, im actually quie indifferent to him by choice, but by nature im programmed to find in some way then i boil, but i dont hate myself at all then i would have no argument and belive my thesis is inherently wrong, he is at fault not me, you mindless arrogant moron
thats what faith is though, it must manifest, works, like the two sons, the winnie the pooh up and the dilgent one, the diligent one did all the right things but was not repaid, he hated his father deep down and fater wasnt even vindicated, since there is no progress from this quandry, then it is only a matter of time, before he kills me, becuase i nkow its impossible to kill him, hes great at it though, he wont even admit to knowing it happened
Or even the Bible, teebeequeaitch.
oh yeah aha i forgot about those aha your right aha no one has ever told me about them aha i nnver read them aha XD thatll solve my lifelong intellectual probing aha ur smart man aha plz aha do more for mena aha
Retardation: an abnormal slowness of thought or action; especially : mental retardation.
Describes you perfectly.
You hate yourself. You see yourself as not only inferior, but the most inferior (That kind of thinking is what keeps you and your race decades behind).
You have also have zero understanding of the Bible because if you did, you would realize that God loves all of his creation. He sent his son to bring salvation to both the Jew and the gentile; that even includes you with your inferiority complex.
i am most certainly not a sufferer of an inferiority complex nor cognitive dissonance, i am in fact ostracized in my community because i am a staunch opposer to the victim mentality and am a strict conservative, the irony is you vindicated me when you said "this is the kind of thinking keeping your race decades behind", why would we think this way for no reason brohter tell me? you are a morron who lives in a dainty illusion, you dont know what hell is, you are a hypocrite charlatan and as far as i am concerned emotionally and intellectually barren. Even jesus tried to understand our issue by doing something morbidly stupid, but it was futile and he knew it, he was just doing what he taught the jews to do, be a lawyer, he lawyered his way out of sin, by saying haha shit happens look what i went through bro, except he never went through racial malignment or oppression psychologically and classification, Im talking about PARTICULAR suffering, not suffereing in general, he made a bold claim of being god and reasonably got killed for it, if he is half as retarded as you then i fear i was right in my earlier thinking and this whole thing is in vain, you are scum, dont forget that brother aha regards
trips confirms, satan is busy today
double the orders today i guess ;)
Why would you come here with questions, and when people answer them (albeit bluntly), you become defensive and insult them?
Incorrect. God being goodness, truth and beauty itself is basic positive theology – a topic which you are clearly ignorant regarding. Your dismissal of St. Thomas’ work (>>685994) is further evidence that you have not investigated God intellectually in any substantial manner. You should remedy this when you have the opportunity. It would be a better way to spend your time rather than blustering on an anonymous imageboard.
God, by His very nature, cannot be “wrong” about anything. It is a contradiction in terms to say, “God is wrong,” much like saying, “The small thing is large” is an illogical statement.
Jesus then rose from the dead, proving His claim, you blasphemous cretin.
lol you are the purest form of scum mate, but too idiotic and engorged of cowardice to admit that, jesus doesnt think you are a good follower so no need to act for the proverbial camera, you claaimg god is good and yadda yadda and cant do this or that like a militant dog you are doesnt prove anything you slack jawed monkey, the same argument can be made in inverse with actual metrics of human behavior to prove it, moron, you are simpleton level, like scraping the remains of a used anus
You are LARPing, or just unwilling to listen even though people are answering your questions.
unless you are retarded, those arent mutually exclusive, both of those are sound, however im here to speak on a certain point and some retard tried to pan so i nullified his stupidity, you are a joke, an embarrassment to your kind
why do you keep saying im larping, it is you who is not listening, i listened to shit points and i responded, juvenile to the juvenile for some, my main question was only answered bye ONE person, the rest tried to ask different probes, so stfu you moron, the only one who is larping is you, the fraud of the hour
Based on what you described about yourself, I think buddhism can give you exactly what you want. Buddhists don't try going to heaven. They basically use the eightfold path to avoid playing the game of God by not playing it.
I know that this is a cliche but, God allows evil to test good. He made humanity with freewill to choose either good or evil.
Not really, God created Satan, and allows him, God not only wants to help you, but gives you the choice to love him or follow satan. Satan wants to build a global goverment with an anti-christ and enslave you (with vices or otherwise) to follow him without choice. They're simmilar yeah, but in the same way that counterfeits are, but with vastly different purposes.
That's such a simplistic view of it.
Satan is no brutally honest, hes is deception, if you actually looked into Satanism you'd know the dangers of tapping into the source or calling on the force of Satan. Heaven is difficult to prove, but so is God, Satan, yet there is a lot of evidence surrounding it. If Satan is real (because the people in power worship him) then God is real (because Christians have found him) then heaven must also be real. If all these entities are just thought forms that we create (in this case the artificial creation spirit of a Godform, which wouldn't be dependent on power from us and wouldn't give us a choice.)
Blacks caused a lot of problems for themselves, like being the first to enslave their own people, choosing enslavement instead of fighting/death, it's not just the groups at the top, you also have to look at the smaller groups on the way to the top. The compromised Black people have been able to trick the others very effectively. You sound like a pretty smart black man, i would recommend this interesting black New Ager for his work on exposing mass media
Even if you're right, that's actually how it is with black communities, when one of them tries to be better himself, the rest want to bring him down, it happens with Latinos as well.
It's pretty simple dude. God will not force you to be with Him if you don't want to be with him. Sadly, for you, the only other alternative is hell. You pouting at God for not stopping evil or whatnot will not save you from hell, yelling it's not faaaaaaaair will not save you from hell.
Plenty fought and were killed, but blacks weren't largely Christian until cultural osmosis converted them several generations inward, and few peoples would choose extinction over hoping their blood is free somewhere down the line.
i wish but buddism doesnt add up ontologically with the world and that is just one factor, i think catholicism hold up the best in my opinion
the theory means nothing when its put in practice, i dont really give a winnie the pooh if God created satan, they are the same to my senses, one is honest the other isnt, my hate for god is mathematical because it is my programming, if i dont love him i hate him, if i could pick an emotion it would be indifferent because its neutral but its not possible but i try anyways, i am a christian nihilist and thats the true manifestation of my rational mind, i believe in paradox period.
it must add how funny it is that blacks heroes are always people who have to prove were human and fight oppression, as if we couldn't understand the point nature is telling us lol king kike is a funny guy
im not pouting, im asking if there is a theological concept that is tailored for my situation, i am not critical of suffering, i am critical of UNIQUE suffering, specifically for ONE group of people, and its of those worse kind of spiritual demons, the ones that deplete dignity, this is above your capacity brother, no offense
lol nature has a way of distinguishing the void and the tragic, thanks mate, your input is remarkably worthless
You have to realize that it's with God or with out. If you reject God and refuse his love, why would you not end up eternally devoid of his love? Your criteria for what you see as a suitable eternity for you does not exist, it's contradictory. Those who end up in purgatory will be in Heaven with God. Those who refuse God will spend an eternity with out.
I think you've been reading too much Zig Forums. Inferiority must be understood in context of a catalog. There are things black people do better than white people on average and things white people do better than black people on average, but that doesn't mean anything with respect to overall, spiritual superiority/inferiority. All that matters is that God loves you, regardless of what you are, and that you can return that blessing by being the best person that God wants you to be. It may take time, but I pray that you will read the Bible and find wisdom there, and put it into practice in your own life. If nothing else, you may find calmness and comfort there that gives you the right framework to reassess everything and climb out of your rut.
You sound like you're playing some character, regardless i'd recommend reading the my previous post, even though you've deflected every piece of advice given to you.
Yes, yes, "prayer doesn't work" give it a shot for at least 2 months, comeback and tell us the results.
Also Just because you're different racially doesn't mean you can't be successful, your race actually makes more money than latinos do. Stay away from Black oriented mass media, that looks to teach you submission/defeatism.
i get that in theory but in practice the life we live now also exists, i am wondering if i can get assurance that after death i get a continuation of this without a second death, i will deal with the rages here and there on my own. i am asking the great lawyer for a contract, to see if its possible
brother i've done everything from theological research and investment to live months on end with monks to reconcile Gods work, what he did is blasphemous ironcially, the unforgivable sin he speaks of in the bible he commited himself becuase only he can truly know what it is, its to desecrate something of unfathomable value, blacks have been desecrated since birth, this is a vantage point only a black can TRULY understand, to be depleted of value and to be permanently postponed from security of knowing who you are in the grand scheme, our group has two factions, those who realize this and accept it subconsciously and live a life of hedonism and those who are deeply desperate for it not to be true, we pick our poison from the cobra himself, the snake who entered the garden is the one who created the garden itself lol its all a play, anyways thanks, and good luck to yourself
the black race has the worst legacy of all races, we lost the "race", why everyone else tied.
im not prematurely saying prayer doesnt work, i actually tested this, i lived with monks for months, i almost killed myself in a monastery ironically enough but i persevered for the sake of truth. you dont have acess to this type of knowledge the experential kind, its my mistake to share this realm with you lol good luck with your candidacy, btw jesus will tell ya most wont make it lol so bottoms up
In some areas, yeah, in other areas no. Did you know that blacks and Latinos can create muscle mass more easily than the whiter skin races? Because of Apocrine sweat gland, blacks can hold more water in their body, and are more resistant to the sun. This is exactly what I'm talking about though, don't be defeatist, you cannot afford to, those in power that want to remove whites from society, also want to invalidate minorities, or change them into inversions of their strengths. One example of this is how Hip hop culture offers masculinity, and instead gives you adolescent homosexuality.
For what it's worth, It worked for me, and i found the presence of God. Now i feel his presence in my body
I suggest you watch Fr Ripperger's 4 last things things video on YouTube to learn more and realise what afterlife really entails. As for your desire to be cut off from God yet not suffer as much, the best way to do that is not sin. Sinning increases how much one suffers in hell. You will still feel constant regret at your sins and not being in heaven though. Unbaptised babies for example go to the highest level of hell called limbo where they do not suffer at all due to not having sinned but do not see God. Obviously this is out of the question.
My advice to you is to repent and subjugate your will to love God. It will be very painful and difficult but the prize is eternal happiness vs eternal damnation. The final judgment sounds absolutely exhausting and horrific for the damned…
I was under the impression that that was an idea, but not necessarily true?
False. Whites are the physically strongest race. Look at all the competitions.
Do white people have wet ear wax or chalky ear wax like Asians?
im sorry but this is some tigger level thinking if you think that is a prized evolutionary advantage, and its not even at a degree where it is much more significant than whites, also your are getting into the shit flinging section of comparing genetics, i dont give a rats ass about that, we couldn't sustain a sophisticated flourishing society thats all that matters, if we are going to value metrics, and sadly prayer makes the indignant man more convicted in his cause
i used to watch his videos when i realized he is just a rad trad like many potential traitors out there. limbo is not a supported concept anymore, its dead,
you dont have to die to go to hell, its already here, heaven and hell is in the heart, just later you may see it with your eyes
refer to ..>>686468
devil = aggressive
jesus = passive aggressive
same shit different jew