One of the things the Hungarian military does well is organizing military themed summer camps for kids to increase the number of young people who have an interest in military affairs. Most kids fucking love it. A lot of them ask their parents to sign them up next year as well, because - as it turns out - being outdoors, wearing camo and learning about weapons is fun. Much to the surprise and dismay of Hungary's small,but vocal 'progressive' segment, who see the military as an antiquated institution that has no place in this world and who would rather send the kids to a LGBT tolerance camp
Would you send your spawn to Hungarian Army Summer Camp? Imagedump is a-go.
10/10 would send my hypothetical spawn to kamp again. What's with Eastern European nations having all these child militia camps though? AFAIK, Poland has one, Ukraine has one, and so does Russia; is it a com-bloc thing or is it a "we live next to people who might invade us tomorrow" thing? I wonder if I can get Útlevél if I can prove that my paternal great grand-father was Hungarian and I learned Magyar
Matthew Sanders
Actually, that reminds me, we had kids going into junior reservists in Australia; totally forgot about that. It certainly isn't a thing in Japan though, for shame.
Austin Nelson
If you're not Muslim, have some education, have some kind of a skill and have a basic grasp of Magyar, they'd probably grant you a passport.
The reason for such camps is that since we stopped conscripting people, we have to resort to other methods to make young people develop an interest in the military.
*out of nowhere, a wild Northern Hungarynewfag appears.
Carter Stewart
How do Hung-aryans view the modern Austrians and the Austro-Hungarian empire? Do Jews or leftists ever bitch about 1956 being a bad thing?
Dominic Clark
Our relations are good for the most part. Also, we wish to be as well-organized as they are. Some nostalgy. We were strong, but we were not free. Personally, I wouldn't object to bringing the band back together. Not really. About 1956? Nobody would even THINK about implying that 1956 was somehow evil. Personally, I don't even think it was entirely a failure; Hungary was remarkably "free" for a communist society after the early sixties and this wasn't without a reason. Anyway, our Jews are pretty tame for the most part. A good number even acknowledge it that they were overrepresented in the higher ranks of the ÁVH, I spoke to one a while back who even brought the topic up himself. Anyway, Jewish ÁVH-ers were absolutely merciless towards ordinary Jews just like they were towards everyone else.
Gabriel Bailey
At one time an American journalist did a report on one of the camps and took some photos. The photos are pretty decent, but I'm under the impression that he was trying to convey the message that the camp is a bad thing.
Jews have no problem sacrificing jews if it means jews remain in power.
Jace Rivera
We, Eastern Europeans have some truly abominable music with atrociously bad excuses of musicians and 'celebrities' whom our completely out-of-touch medias push down our throats on a regular basis. Think of a blasphemous mixture of Gypsy music, pop, synthesizers and elements from traditional folk music. Most of these countries have their own variations of this, lakodalmas, turbofolk, chalga, manele and so forth. A way we usually piss each other off is that we remind the other one that we are aware of how shitty their music is and the other party retaliates in kind. Kis Grófó is a good example of the aforementioned musician; him and anyone who likes his music should be shot on sight.
My advice, don't look up this kind of music. Stay away from Eastern European musical trash. This rabbit hole runs very, very deep.
Slovakia, I know you are lurking here. You must also post your shit music or I will personally violate you after the inevitable reconquest of the Felvidék.
Now you've reminded of that whole different genre of ironically shit music.
Daniel King
Ironically shitty music is acceptable. But fucking lakodalmas musicians tend to take themselves very seriously…
Kayden Baker
Any ÖMT reservist here? Is it better than ÖTT or is it the same shit? Asking because I'm thinking about switching to it.
John Foster
Just pick any suggested "Greek" song in jewtube.
Jeremiah Wood
You surprised? I wish these fuckers would stay out.
Ethan Richardson
Sometimes I think that journos might even be worse than politicians.
Benjamin Price
ok. we have our fair share of shit… basically anything that isn't our lovable alcoholic known as Brano Mojsej, that we all ironically love. and michal david (oik he's czech, kill me)
Looking up Maduar is a mistake that I will never make again.
Adrian Hall
Imagine being so shit at everything that you can't even spin your story correctly without rubbing a teabag all over it
Ian Murphy
It's one thing commies did right for change. Someone, somewhere realized that shiieeeeeeeet, you actually need to give kids some challenge so that they will grow as humans(and conscripts of the future), so they had these pioneer camps and stuff, where parents could send their kids for free during summer holidays.
Yeah, you'd need neo-shogunate for that.
Jason Adams
We actually had such a movement since the 1920s, because conscription was banned. The scout movement was also quite strong here during the interwar period, mostly for the same reason.
Nicholas Cook
Based Magyar Honvédelmi Szövetség. One of the very few things the commies got VERY right. Now of course, they didn't do this out of the kindness of their hearts; it was needed to have lots of young men (and women) with technical skills for the military. Still, it should be brought back.
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I wonder how the Olympics would've ended up had Hitler won.
Alexander Clark
Here is something that speaks volumes about Comm…I mean, Socialism.
Good on you, join the MHSZ, we've got lots of motorsport opportunities for you. LOL PAY 1000 KILOGRAMS OF GRAIN OR PUT ASIDE A LOT OF MONEY TO AFFORD ONE MHSZ, young man. Learn how to mend engines, do basic repair, learn how to drive and you might even get to race! We've got racing teams! STUDY HARD, GET A GOOD JOB, KISS A LOT OF ASS, GET A BETTER JOB, PUT A SHITLOAD OF MONEY ASIDE ASSHOLE, PAY FOR THE CAR AND FUCKING WAIT FOR YEARS LOL Swell, kid. MHSZ. There is a gliding club in any town with at least three two-floor buildings and a bus stop. Gliding is not your thing? Parachuting. You can parachute for a nominal fee. You'll even get to enter competitions and championships if you like! Do you really like to fly? There are flying clubs with actual Zlin planes! Earn your fucking wings for a nominal fee! Oh, the catch is that you have to be a reliable comrade. You are not someone suspicious, are you? Also, the medical check takes two years and we'll mercilessly probe your asshole. Do you have bad teeth? Do you have glasses? No flying for you. LOL PRIVATE OWNERSHIP OF AIRCRAFT IS FORBIDDEN, YOU CAN'T EVEN AFFORD A PLANE, FAGGOT. NOPE
My late maternal grandfather paid 1000 kilograms of grain for his bike, according to grandma.
Did he pay an equivalent amount of money or did he have to bring them actual grain like some mediaeval peasant would pay taxes?
Adrian Williams
Carson Nelson
Actual fucking grain. Like a medieval peasant. Money would also have been acceptable though. I'll ask Grandma further next time I visit her. Anyway, when she was 17 in 1949, she made a remark that she doesn't give a shit about celebrating Stalin's 70th birthday and another young girl (a cousin of her suitor who later became my maternal Grandpa) was enough of a zealous activist to report this to the proper authorities. Fortunately the local prosecutor had enough common human decency to realize that he didn't study law to get young people into prison for meaningless bullshit and Grandma was acquited.
Said cousin died a nobody, the party never acknowledged her zeal.