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This is self-evident.
I think they also found that letting foreign fighting age males into your country is great and that the world is overpopulated so you should have less children goy. black is beautiful
People aren't Allowed to show support for Trump. The smarter you are, the more aware you are of this fact.
>(((New reasearch)))
>(((Tel Aviv)))
You can't make this shit up.
Why would I show support for Trump? Is it because there are only two answers to every question?
It's not terribly difficult to imagine supporting someone where their policy or strategy aligns with your own.
Unless your society is a game of Simon says where Simon says don't support Trump ever, right?
OR you can disregard this
I don't even like Trump but wew lad
Whatever policy you’re referring to doesn’t seem to align with my interests. I’m still paying huge taxes, still servicing loans for a worthless education, still have a low wage crap job I hate, still see my city browning, still bump up against globalist civic religion, still have nothing to look forward to but watching it all burn. And that’s a silly dream if Blump is going to end petroshekels in the near future so we have yet another decade of mass unemployment. Oh, and everything is still about Israel.
Tell us more about how much of a failure you are.
Always taking the easy way out of the discussion, and you call me a failure.
i still can't believe that it hasn't occured to the mainstream left that this is reverse psychology, unless they all literally just want everyone to vote for Trump
At this point, why even have an election ? Or even talk about election meddling ?
You would show support for Trump if you were involved in mining or manufacturing in the US.
Fucking facebook shills all over the place.
Goldman Sachs: Curing Cancer Is Not A Sustainable Business Model, Goyim!
Thanks To FACEBOOK, Hackers Stole Personal Info Of 14 Million People
Indoctrination, Brainwashing and Politically Correct Stupidity Continues To Fester In US Colleges
Foreign Enemies Plan To Invade America, What You Need To Know
Massive, coordinated social media PURGE silences hundreds of conservative, libertarian channels
Wikileaks Begins To Leak Highly Confidential Internal Documents From Amazon
Geo-engineered Terrorstorm Michael Crippled Tyndall Air Force Base, F-22s Scattered Everywhere
just news total
No surprise. Racists are less intelligent as well.
Tards gonna tard.
Jews are smarter than most other whites.
This was always self-evidently true, they just had to prove it in a quantitative manner.
all me
Woman fired after blocking black man from entering his apartment building
A COGNITIVELY CHALLENGED Trumpeteer postd this in that thread
Keep up the good work!!!!!!
Oy vey
at least post the paper ffs
so basically since you have no drive, are a loser stuck in a dead end job and not willing to do anything about it, now, for some odd reason, thats all trumps fault, befpre him you were making an extra 40k a year, had 3 loving kids and a smoking hot wife but now, now that hes in power, the world just crumbles huh?
sure they are
But I thought Jews were supposed to be smart :^)
Trump has such a wide and diverse support base it would obviously range from the cognitively challenged, to genuises and everyone in between.
He enjoys support from every race, creed, ethnicity and orientation. The only thing all Trump supporters have in common is that they are based.
So … an IQ test then
based in dumbfuckistan
This study fits in the category 'duh, yes, the sky is blue.'
Here is Clinton's margin over Trump broken down by county education level: Orange, NC 56 percent college degree, +51 percent Clinton; Rockingham Co., NC., 13 percent college degree, -30 percent.
Nor is HS or less = Trump any surprise. A decent job today takes brains rather than brawn, and counties powered by the latter (red) are sucking swamp waster while places powered by brains (blue) are doing just the fine, thank you.
This study fits in the category 'duh, yes, the sky is blue.'
Here is Clinton's margin over Trump broken down by county education level: Orange, NC 56 percent college degree, +51 percent Clinton; Rockingham Co., NC., 13 percent college degree, -30 percent.
Nor is HS or less = Trump any surprise. A decent job today takes brains rather than brawn, and counties powered by the latter (red) are sucking swamp waster while places powered by brains (blue) are doing just fine, thank you.
lot of credit to this study lol
You're making a false equivalence there Abraham. The more (((higher education))) you have the less intelligent you are.
Trump said educated, not intelligent.
Someone's level of education in the west is inversely proportional to their intelligence.
65% of UNEDUCATED white males voted Chump
35% of EDUCATED white males voted Chump
Literally fake news.
Another lie by the commies we have here. Trump won both groups, you damn commie roastie.
Imagine being a soulless leftist. Imagine having 80 IQ like this leftist cunt.
They also say that about people that use all caps in titles.
lets see
1 drawn content-immature pedo detected(faps to pixs of furried juveniles)
2 incel and virgin(autism?fat?-no mention of weigh in his idiots chart)
3Doesn't watch capeshit, but plays capeshit
4Trannies trigger his cock-no self insight at all
5appreciates non-corporeal beauty(thinks nazis ghosts are beutiful)
6 paranormal-nutbar
Analysis:loner teen virgin gamer who will off himself or others
Trump loves you