Reddit's r/christianity is run by SRS

When this sub first started, there was a lot of criticism on here about reddit's Christianity board. It's basically a haven of lukewarm Christians who sound like the world and celebrate universalism, homosexuality, transsexuality and all sorts of other sin.

I was thinking about how it got this way? There are liberal christian forums, but none quite as messed up as this one.

I mean every single week there is some supposed gay or trans person crying about how they are bullied by Christians. Any criticism or questioning of them is instantly moderated away. Christians are allowed to be freely attacked and not only do the moderators not stop it, it seems they actively encourage it.

Well I think I figured out what's going on. The board is being actively managed by SRS. for those who don't know SRS is a far left wing board that is organized around attacking people that say anything that could be interpreted as homophobic, racist, sexist etc. They organized raids on other boards and raids against individuals. Really the definition of the regressive left.

I found a github post talking about shit reddit says and their activities and guess whose name I found?

brucemo - the top atheist mod of r/Christianity is actually a former SRS moderator under a new nick



picture related

Whenever anyone brings anything questioning Brucemo up on reddit - his answer is always "I'm the one defending conservatives"

He makes a show of this, but we all know that Christians aren't actually defended on that sub, they are actively and mercilessly attacked and hounded in the way that only the kind of people at SRS could take pleasure in.

Brucemo's actions also reveal SRS allegiances

For example recently there was mod drama on r/Christianity in which outsider was accused of being a homophobe for allowing Christians to share our views about gays there. A group of liberals made posts about it on subredditdrama repeatedly and called for attacks against outsider. This was allowed to stay up because subreddit drama is is closely linked to SRS


As a result Outsider appointed more neutral and conservative mods and took a leave of absence perhaps stepping down permanently.

Shortly thereafter Brucemo the SRS mod appointed 4 new mods - two of them are homosexuals, (Razar Turk who is bi and sowhatdiImiss who is gay


one more _entomo is a pro gay activist on the sub that consistently attacks Christian posters who post about homosexuality and trans issues



tanhan is a pro abortion far left 'christian'

Brucemo's (the SRS mod)'s actions on the sub have also led to lots of controversy and suggests SRS allegiances

for one he put a rainbow image in the sidebar which caused enormous backlash from the actual Christians who visit the community



Brucemo admitted it was done solely by him


his latest action was getting a top image banner of catholic rosaries which was done by an artist who collected them from stuff thrown away by illegal Mexican immigrants as a way of protesting immigration


r/Christianity is the way it is because one of the top mods is SRS and is influencing things in an SRS direction

Attached: Capture2.JPG (1007x348, 67.72K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Can't say I'm surprised

You care too much about Reddit autism, this might not be healthy for your salvation you know.
I also doubt anybody here is concerned with r/Christianity to begin with. That place is a dump, where being an unitarian or an Arian or pro-LGBT or a socialist gives you a better right to reply to threads than being a normal, practicing small-o orthodox Christian.

Can't say I'm surprised, thanks for the autism post though, this was pretty interesting

Very nice infodump user. You are a credit to the board.

That said, I'm not really too surprised over this, SRS has long been known to have their fingers in Leddit admin (let alone major communities there). I believe they also tried to make inroads onto other sites in the period before GG started, but my memory of exactly what they targeted is a bit hazy these days. They also seem to be less active these days of Reddit, but one must remain vigilant about them. They are Goons, and they have a nasty habit of ruining communities.

Attached: d9726b9225427a557fd488b33eedfae4a0d8b39ce9f77e3bb9cd26cb93a01de9.png (736x552, 618.3K)

Also, from my standpoint it's not really caring about Reddit, so much that it's caring about aggressively soc-jus Goons. They'd turn this site (let alone this board) into a right mess if they could get their way, so it's always good to stay a few steps ahead of them. Thank heavens that hasn't happened yet, as well!

As far as r/Christianity itself, while I'm not really hopeful of that place anyway due to the site it's on, I would admit that it would likely be much more possible for users there to have positive results there if it wasn't ran by SRS. Of course, since it is, bad pathways are strongly inculcated (even by Reddit's standards).

r/Catholicism, on the other hand, is surprisingly based sometimes

Thanks for writing this down OP. I have that vice myself, but it's sickening that they try to place sin at a high mantle. It should be always criticized.

This is a good post, so I capped it.

Attached: |r|christianity-is-SRS.png (1366x2064, 928.28K)

Yeah, it's reddit. But good work OP, even redditor Christians need a home.

I've been doing more reserach into who Brucemo is and what is history is

Apparently there was a sub a few years back called AntiSRS that was made to challenge and oppose SRS. The top mod there was someone named Beezlebubs barriester and these people were not that interested in taking down SRS, they just wanted to hit at it's most extreme elements.

As the AntiSRS userbase became more hardline the mods concocted a plan to just hand over the sub to SRS. They put the sub in private for a white and made the changes.

After the sub was handed over to SRS, guess who ended up in charge - Brucemo - and no one knew how he ended up a mod there. Brucemo basically refused to hand over the sub to someone the community supported, handed it over to someone the community hated and this caused the destruction of the sub.

As you can see from the copied comments a lot of people in the anti-SRS community don't trust him and believe he is conneted with SRS.

One user of SRS sucks even points to Brucemo as the only person who could possibly have doxed him.

I think it's pretty clear that Brucemo is working with SRS.

I know a lot of people are like, "why should we care about r/Christianity"

The answer is you're right, we shouldn't. It's a terrible sub ruled by Satan.

But I know some r/Christianity users also use this sub and there are conservative users on r/Christianity. I want to organize what I have about Brucemo in a coherent form like an infographic and try and warn the few actual Christian users there. I think if I can spread the word around somehow just to the conservative users I may be able to get something going.

What I want is for r/Christianity to be wiped off the face of the planet - and I think this is possible.

My theory is that it's possible to bring down r/Christianity. See for r/Christianity to work, they need at least some conservative and true believing users who participate in earnest. This is what gives them an air of validity and attracts Christians there. ie. Their Christian sub has to look Christian and that's not something SRS can do on their on.

My theory is if I can get rid of their actual Christian userbase, or reduce them to people protesting against the mods I can make that sub into a place indistinguishable from a leftist circlejerk about trannies and Christian hate, which will result in the subs inevitable decline. I think that's a fun side project/short term hobby if nothing else and exposing SRS is never a bad thing if nothing else comes out of it.

Attached: brucemo5.JPG (876x206 92.27 KB, 40.35K)

This pisses me off so much…

Leftists generally have targets and goals set for them when they join groups. I have seen infiltrating Christian groups as a goal set for some people.

A couple of big left wing groups on the internet currently have IB infiltration as an important goal because they are obsessed with the idea that IBs helped Trump win.

The organization of left wing groups is incredible and right wing organizations are considered a huge joke in leftist circles.

Genesis 9:13-16

The rainbow is a Christian symbol.

i'm down for literally anything to take down that sub. i just don't know if that's the right method to take. people will keep flocking there because of the name. we need to expose brucemo though.

do you have any ideas on how to do some work in this area? how do we "infiltrate" r/christianity and take it down? how do they even do this stuff. we don't have enough users here or with any dedication to upvote and downvote stuff. can we petition the higher up mods above brucemo to give control of the sub? they won't really i guess. i have no idea what to do, but i'm down to work with any suggestions. i guess we could bot the sub, i doubt r/christianity is that big of a target that the site admins would care.

Still looking into it - turns out that thing from github about brucemo being an alt for an SRS mod comes from something someone posted on SRSsucks

I posted the links below but mainly it asserts that there is a private locked sub run by SRS insiders and that brucemo is a part of that sub.

Well I managed to break into it because reddit security sucks and yes I did find Brucemo posting there - picture related - so he's definitely an SRS insider - it's confirmed at this point - pic related

post is removed but drama reupped it

so this guy leaked modmail conversations here

Attached: gameofdlls.JPG (948x645, 85.51K)

Can someone explain to me why what happens on r/Christianity should matter to 8/christian/? We're a completely different site with completely different rules.

Not OP but I care about Christian teachings. r/christianity gives new meaning to the word heretical, stopping this sub would be a good thing.

All things being equal…but it would be disingenuous not have in mind how it's been subverted by homosexual deviants; one can tell by the color scheme if its authentic or corrupted (usually).

Please post your research somewhere archived, I'm not sure about the feasibly of your goals but more data on SRS is never a bad thing.

It's not directly an issue but they are (to the best of my knowledge) aware of us, anons here have tried to spread the good word there in the past; all attempts there were unsuccessful, of course. As opposed to OP, who seems to think this is directly actionable data, I'm more along the lines of viewing all this as a cautionary issue since we might be on their radar. The price of peace is eternal vigilance, and all that.

That's why I try not to call myself a conservative. It means nothing anymore. Many people on the internet who I used to watch such as Alex Jones call themselves conservative and are okay with homosexuality. Conservatives are the liberals of 2 decades ago. Only the Lord's word doesn't change.

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