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Not since the War of 1812 has the United States faced the possibility of being militarily invaded. Can such an invasion succeed? What are the variables involved? This is a the first of a multi-part series which will address the topics of a military invasion and subsequent occupation.
American Forces Training to be Invaded
As I was driving on Interstate 8, about 60 miles east of Yuma, AZ., on Monday, I witnessed about 100 American troops who had established a temporary base right next to the border. I do have photos but I am running them by an expert before I release them. When we stopped to take photos, we definitely garnered the attention and when real attention was paid to us, discretion became the better part of valor and we left the scene.
On the way out to San Diego, last Friday, located 20 miles east of Yuma, along the same stretch of highway, I witnessed portable radar devices that were operational and they were accompanied by around 30 troops living in tents, next to the border fence with Mexico.
I was relating my observations to a friend and he said he saw the exact same thing near Ajo, AZ, which is adjacent to the border as he entered Mexico several weeks ago.
Trump Moves to Fortify the Border
We know that President Trump has begun to fortify the border and the was reported here on the CSS in April of 2018. However, it quite another to see the military build up on our southern border. These are not training exercises, as I pointed out last April. These troops are not apprehending illegal aliens crossing the border. This is not a drug interdiction exercise. And given the fact that these same kinds of activities were going on in late July near Ajo, AZ, we can conclude that these troops are not merely training, their presence is taking on a sense of permanence. From my detailed description, I have been told by a reliable military source that these are advance units whose primary mission is surveillance and that more than likely armored columns and combat troops are housed in disguised locations nearby. An ex-military officer (ARSOF) told me “these are very well your Red Dawn defense troops that you have written about”. Initially, I thought my source was mocking me, but he was deadly serious.
I have two fundamental questions: (1) Could the United States be successfully invaded; and (2) Could the United States be successfully occupied?
My ARSOF source agreed to an anonymous interview on this topic, but refused to come on my radio show. The topic of our interview consisted of a discussion what it would be like to be invaded and occupied by a foreign military.