Foreign Enemies Plan To Invade America, What You Need To Know

BE PREPARED: >>>/prepare/1 | https://

Not since the War of 1812 has the United States faced the possibility of being militarily invaded. Can such an invasion succeed? What are the variables involved? This is a the first of a multi-part series which will address the topics of a military invasion and subsequent occupation.

American Forces Training to be Invaded

As I was driving on Interstate 8, about 60 miles east of Yuma, AZ., on Monday, I witnessed about 100 American troops who had established a temporary base right next to the border. I do have photos but I am running them by an expert before I release them. When we stopped to take photos, we definitely garnered the attention and when real attention was paid to us, discretion became the better part of valor and we left the scene.

On the way out to San Diego, last Friday, located 20 miles east of Yuma, along the same stretch of highway, I witnessed portable radar devices that were operational and they were accompanied by around 30 troops living in tents, next to the border fence with Mexico.

I was relating my observations to a friend and he said he saw the exact same thing near Ajo, AZ, which is adjacent to the border as he entered Mexico several weeks ago.

Trump Moves to Fortify the Border

We know that President Trump has begun to fortify the border and the was reported here on the CSS in April of 2018. However, it quite another to see the military build up on our southern border. These are not training exercises, as I pointed out last April. These troops are not apprehending illegal aliens crossing the border. This is not a drug interdiction exercise. And given the fact that these same kinds of activities were going on in late July near Ajo, AZ, we can conclude that these troops are not merely training, their presence is taking on a sense of permanence. From my detailed description, I have been told by a reliable military source that these are advance units whose primary mission is surveillance and that more than likely armored columns and combat troops are housed in disguised locations nearby. An ex-military officer (ARSOF) told me “these are very well your Red Dawn defense troops that you have written about”. Initially, I thought my source was mocking me, but he was deadly serious.

I have two fundamental questions: (1) Could the United States be successfully invaded; and (2) Could the United States be successfully occupied?

My ARSOF source agreed to an anonymous interview on this topic, but refused to come on my radio show. The topic of our interview consisted of a discussion what it would be like to be invaded and occupied by a foreign military.

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Other urls found in this thread:

The Sheer Size of the Invasion Force

If NATO were to stand down and it was just Canada and United States, my source said it would take 100 million men to invade the United States. The Red Dawn route into the Southwest would be one preferred route. The Bering Strait entry into the United States would be another land route. However, a series of amphibious invasions would be required and that would be a daunting task if only convention weapons were to be used. Amphibious invasions are very difficult. However, American forces stationed around the world, in places like Africa, Syria, Iraq, and mostly in Afghanistan would be attacked to prevent re-deployment to the United States.

The feeling of my source is that it would take a combined force to attack the United States and that mostly likely would be China and Russia. However, it is possible that India would join in as well. Additionally, if America was fully intact, the task would be impossible. However, if America had been hit by a pandemic, an EMP, or was embroiled in a civil war, the job of invading the United States just got easier. Surprisingly, my source did not think the war would escalate to nuclear with the main reason being that there would be nothing left to occupy.

The Challenges of Size and Geography

It would be nearly impossible for a foreign military to successfully invade the United States. There are a number of reasons why this is true. The land mass, alone, makes this a daunting task. The United States has the fourth largest land mass in the world, behind only China, Russia and Canada. Contained within the lower 48 states are formidable geographical obstacles to invasion. The America people, compared to the rest of the world, are fiercely independent. The population, an estimated 330 million known residents makes occupation a nightmare for a foreign military.

In order to occupy and garrison the United States, an invading power would need a unsustainable number of troops to control the citizenry. According to my source, there are only a couple of different ways that enough manpower could be generated.

Even if the United States could defeated militarily, the issue of occupation is huge.

One Hundred Million Minutemen

Somewhere around 100 million hundred Americans own 300 million guns. Thanks to Obama’s police state tactics, the number of firearms purchased by Americans increased exponentially.

The United States civilian population is the most heavily armed civilian population in history. America has seven million veterans. This is an army to be contended with.

Conventional wisdom states that it takes one soldier to effectively garrison 50 citizens. That means that a fully intact United States would require 6 million occupation troops, alone. And when one enters the number of guns owned by Americans, an occupation force would easily have to increase to 20 million. However, there is a caveat, these numbers are predicated on prisoners being taken and citizens being being occupied.

Deep State Collusion with Our Enemies

There is no question that the loony left wants to being an end to America as we know it. The Deep State is threatening elected representatives. There is total disdain for the American culture and the obvious desire of the left is destroy the Constitution. They will help the enemies of the United States.

After all, George Soros, a Jew, betrayed fellow Jews to the Nazis in WW II. Berandine Dorne and Bill Ayers supported North Vietnam and Castro’s Cuba. These were the two who launched Obama’s political career.

We have admitted MS-13, terrorists, drug cartel members and both Chinese and Russian troops. In retrospect, we have a significant 5th column which increases the odds of being conquered.


The task to take down the United States is daunting. Any invading force is going to need help from the inside and they are getting it from the Democratic Party. For the first time in history, there are elements of the Democratic Party that are actively engaged in treason. Previously, and on several occasions on the CSS, I have referenced Trevor Louden, former representative Cynthia McKinney and former Congressman Alan West who have all said that there 80 elected, Congressional Democrats who belong to front groups of the Muslim Brotherhood and the American Communist Party. Perhaps now, it makes more sense as to what the Kavanaugh nomination was really all about as these subversive behaviors of these communists were on full display for all to see.

The job of conquering America is difficult and occupation is even more difficult. Trump is to be commended for his work on the Space Force which he took away from the Air Force and it actively using the force to defend the United States. More on this in Part Two. However, there are other logistics to consider that can make this entirely possible and that will be the topic the next installment of The Common Sense Show.

The Japanese never considered invading America after the attack upon Pearl Harbor because there “would be an American with a gun behind every blade of grass”. However, the Americans were able to successfully occupy post-World War II Japan. This begs the question, is the following quote, true or false, when it comes to the United States?

It would be nearly impossible for an outside power to successfully invade the United States. /or would it? What about the resolve of the people? What are the motivations at work here?

Imagine if you will, you are an American, the invaders are in your street, you have your rifle and enough ammo and your children are in the house with you and you have heard these stories telling that Dallas has been burned to the ground by the invaders for the example. All the men were killed and the women abused. You hear Chinese being yelled from down the street. Would most reasonable and sane people be willing to surrender? How would most people respond in this situation.

The sheer brutality of the Chinese military would eventually preclude any capitulation. There are some fates worse than death and torture and death is all an invading Chinese military would offer. Subsequently, the resistance level against the Chinese grow exponentially.

I recently interviewed a number ex-military personnel including a former ARSOF high ranking commander and the consensus is the same among all parties. If an when the Chinese invade, they will have a tiger by the tail.

The Logistics of Land Mass

From a military perspective, the land mass off the United States is an invading power would need boots on the ground. The US has 350 million residents, both legal and illegal, but only has an average population density of only 38 people per square kilometer. Subsequently, an invading army would have to contend with both a massive geographic challenges, but they also have to contend with a large population base.

The experts I spoke with stated that it would take a minimum of 6 million soldiers to garrison the country and some thought it would take as many as 20 million. China, or China and Russia could field and army that big, but the economic costs of doing so would negate any economic advantage associated with conquering and occupying the assets of the United States. In short, from an economic perspective, it would be cost prohibitive.

No country in the world has an army that big. China could field one if it had a need, but it is the only country with a sufficient population to field that many soldiers and with enough wealth to not immediately suffer a catastrophic economic collapse due to the immediate contraction of the labor market that fielding the army would cause.

The Logistics of Necessary for An Invading Army

China does not have the logistics capability to get their army to North America, much less keep it in the field there. Even if China did develop the logistics with the support of several other nations, occupying the US would be an absolute nightmare.

Guerrilla Warfare

The new conflict that would soon emerge in post-war defeat of American conventional military forces would greatly favor the use of guerrilla tactics. History demonstrated that the the size of the United States was one of the major factors in Washington’s defeat of the British during the Revolution.

The British commanders never came to terms with just how the land mass of America was, and in particular with the American wilderness. British generals had a difficult time grasping how hard it was to maneuver their own troops to where they were needed, and how hard it was to find the enemy troops to bring them to battle. In Washington’s case, he was only found when he wanted to be found and even when he was trapped like his army was in New York, local fisherman helped his army escape during the night. The same principles would hold true in modern day America.

Washington’s forces also demonstrated that the American rebels could fight at a time of their choosing and then disappear into the vast woods. This is exactly what was done to George Washington’s command during the French and Indian War when Washington commanded a British army. Washington learned his lessons well. By the way, I was told by the experts that Jade Helm 16 practiced for this eventuality as well. These tactics are still very much alive and well and ar a part of a post-defeat American military strategy.

Local Support for America’s Version of the Viet Cong

During the Vietnam War, defeating the enemy was not the real challenge. America failed to eliminate popular and covert support for an enemy that always lived on the edge of defeat. For the United States to have won the Vietnam War, virtual genocide would have to have been applied and even that would not have produced a guaranteed outcome. The Chinese, for example, would have no hesitation at employing genocidal tactics of occupation. However, the thinking of the group of experts that I spoke with is that these efforts would never be enough.

Once Washington figured out that he didn’t actually need to engage the British in a major battle and that the definition of victory would change to simply keep fighting, America would de-evolve into a century of revolution. The American insurgents would be supported by the local population. and that winning just meant keeping the American army intact and in the field, the war was all but won; it was just a matter of time before the impossible logistics of the situation would force the British out. It forced the American out of Vietnam. The only hope for an invading army would be to successfully set up a puppet government that put on a friendly fact to the conquered. One that would

The German Occupation of France In World War II

One theme occurred during the discussions that would favor an occupying force. If the invaders destroyed the American economy and US infrastructure, and then followed up with prolonged bombing of civilian targets and populations, a Chinese-controlled American, puppet government MIGHT convince the majority of the US to submit. However, the consensus was that development was highly unlikely.


The universal conclusion of whether a revolution could be successful rested on a few other factors. We have 100 million citizens that control 300 million guns. We have over seven million citizens who are veterans of fighting age and 4 times that many who are older but can still shoot straight. Although a an armed American populace cannot be counted on in combat operations, they would provide a logistic nightmare for an invading force.

The consensus of my sources was that it would far easier to destroy America from within, although it would take considerable time. Bribe the politicians, send in 5th column forces to create a permanent atmosphere of perpetual terrorism, fund opposition forces (eg George Soros organizations), undermine the education system and debase the currency. If I am not mistaken, this paragraph more accurately describes the present strategy being used to destroy America.

My gut tells me India will become the greatest threat to US. They have the second largest Muslim population, a history which praises kicking out white British colonists, and advanced technology from Microsoft, Google and other tech companies that have offshored American software development jobs there. Plus Google has refused to continue helping the US military with its AI for tracking terrorism; instead helping the Indian government with its initiatives. Ever deal with Indians who immigrated to California? All Indian nationalists, who dream of India overtaking the USA, and very chummy with pro-jihadi Muslims.
Russian and Chinese immigrants never behave like this. In fact, China has a growing white population, and did not try to eject white people after losing the opium wars, even though the red Chinese army outgrew the British after World War Two.
Maybe China would save some white South African farmers? They have one family farming already:


(too paranoid - didn't read)

but I got the gist of it
gawd dayum, kilcen

you've been 'warning people' and
'prepping them' for decades now

you're going to look ridiculous
on your deathbed, laying there
telling the doctors to 'prepare'

your DAVE HODGES COMMON SENSE SHOW webpage is literally riddled with typos.

lol @ somebody trying to be 'convincing and persuasive' but they can't even spell


you've wasted your entire adult life
'warning people' that the End Is Near

do the world a favor: ZIP IT

Attached: PicsArt_10-14-11.53.14.jpg (1621x1080, 232.18K)

you're an intelligent man, kilcen

what a STUPID way to waste the
short time you had here on Earth

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It feels like

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Your welcome.

What do you mean?

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This is not some wild conspiracy. The UN has openly talked about the confiscation of firearms from American civilians before. We've seen pictures and footage before of UN MRAPs being allocated to various locations around the country with eyewitnesses. CHINA openly encouraged the Obama administration in their press releases during his presidency to "do something about our gun culture." Democrats were caught on hidden camera during undercover stings set up by Project Vertitas behind the scenes admitting "gun control is just another way to confiscate guns" and even joking about how "yes, our intent is for total confiscation someday soon." That footage was leaked back during the Obama era too.

Its not a "conspiracy" anymore. They are pissed the fuck off we are still well armed and have the right to defend ourselves and loved ones. That flies in the face of everything tyrannical they are pushing for!

Their NEW updated strategy to ban guns is to deliberately lie now, claiming semi-auto rifles are "assault weapons" so watch out for that propaganda tactic. Any news article claiming as semi-auto is "assualt" then DISCARD IT, because they are blatantly lying and pushing an agenda.

FACT: the only "assault weapons" out there are full-auto and they are ALREADY heavily restricted. Less than 1% of the total US population actually owns a real assault rifle!

Just got back from India.
Can assure you the vast majority of India is not down with the Mohommedans.

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you actually made me smile

Q: who is that piece of ass in the pic?

Nice source for your article, kilcen!
Please try harder next time.
While I do agree that (((they))) are coming for our guns, your 'joke' articles help no more than 'Red Dawn' did.

that little slice of pussy pie is smokin' hot!

who the fuck is she?

I hate Britney Spears, because Britney Spears is ugly as fuck!… However, the girl in that picture looks like a mixture between Britney Spears and that hot as fuck little u.s. Olympic gymnast that got molested by dr. Nassar

somehow, that combination works for me right now

This is not some wild conspiracy. The UN has openly talked about the confiscation of firearms from American civilians before. We've seen pictures and footage before of UN MRAPs being allocated to various locations around the country with eyewitnesses. CHINA openly encouraged the Obama administration in their press releases during his presidency to "do something about our gun culture." Democrats were caught on hidden camera during undercover stings set up by Project Vertitas behind the scenes admitting "gun control is just another way to confiscate guns" and even joking about how "yes, our intent is for total confiscation someday soon." That footage was leaked back during the Obama era too.

Its not a "conspiracy" anymore. They are pissed the fuck off we are still well armed and have the right to defend ourselves and loved ones. That flies in the face of everything tyrannical they are pushing for!

only an idiot would deny that there is a particular percentage of Americans who would be easily manipulated (and in fact, who HAVE BEEN easily manipulated) into the idea of gun control in the United States

and only an idiot would suggest that there isn't a certain element of government that wishes to modify, amend , or do away with the constitutional right to bear arms…


if they wanted to take away guns, they could have already done it a long time ago, and trust me, they don't need to fabricate elaborate multi-stage sequential false flag Manchurian Candidate scenarios with kids going into schools, etc etc etc

because they don't need to 'pretend' that there are a large number of crazy fucking idiots like Elliot Rodger and other unstable disenfranchised confused mentally ill young men become frustrated and angry over their own self-imposed failures (almost always social and sexual) desire to blame others, then decide to lash out and punish the World by going into a school and opening fire.

those scenarios do not need to be manufactured by the government, because there is no shortage of mentally ill losers out there, who simply repeat and mimic the behavior they have already seen on the news….

human beings are very predictable, and the news will hype those stories, continuing Around the Clock coverage needlessly, plastering the names and faces of the psychotic disenfranchised shooters, and giving them a certain level of anti-hero celebrity status….

of course, this appeals to similar disenfranchised mentally ill young men, so it's not a giant leap for them to decide they're going to mimic the behavior.

anyone who tells give me the government is creating and manufacturing these scenarios is denying the downward spiral of society and the increasing madness, the exponential insanity…

if the government wanted to take away your guns, they wouldn't need to manipulate any public opinion, because that's not required….

it would be a bumpy process no matter what, public opinion or not… It wouldn't be easy or fast, but it would be accomplished, one way or another, because that's the way the military does things…

if they wanted to take away your guns, they wouldn't need a reason why. they would simply instill martial law, divide areas into vectors, compartmentalize people, and one by one deal with the situation.

if you think they're not prepared to deal with paramilitary survivalist gun gun enthusiasts, you would be fooling yourself…

they could handle it easily

simultaneously, they would simply pass laws, making it punishable by life in prison to withhold and hide firearms, and over the course of 20 years or so, they would easily chisel it down to almost nothing….

but that's not going to happen

because that's all paranoid conspiracy stuff

if they were going to do it, they would have done it a long time ago

The US govt would not have the resourced to deal with such a massively disgruntled population that turns against them and fights back. Sure they could make things hard for everyone but they'd be hated even more and half the military would DEFECT within 2 months and refuse to comply. It would be another civil war scenario.

only an idiot would deny that there is a particular percentage of Americans who would be easily manipulated (and in fact, who HAVE BEEN easily manipulated) into the idea of gun control in the United States

and only an idiot would suggest that there isn't a certain element of government that wishes to modify, amend , or do away with the constitutional right to bear arms…


if they wanted to take away guns, they could have already done it a long time ago, and trust me, they don't need to fabricate elaborate multi-stage sequential false flag Manchurian Candidate scenarios with kids going into schools, etc etc etc

because they don't need to 'pretend' that there are a large number of crazy fucking idiots like Elliot Rodger and other unstable disenfranchised confused mentally ill young men become frustrated and angry over their own self-imposed failures (almost always social and sexual) desire to blame others, then decide to lash out and punish the World by going into a school and opening fire.

those scenarios do not need to be manufactured by the government, because there is no shortage of mentally ill losers out there, who simply repeat and mimic the behavior they have already seen on the news….

human beings are very predictable, and the news will hype those stories, continuing Around the Clock coverage needlessly, plastering the names and faces of the psychotic disenfranchised shooters, and giving them a certain level of anti-hero celebrity status….

of course, this appeals to similar disenfranchised mentally ill young men, so it's not a giant leap for them to decide they're going to mimic the behavior.

anyone who tells give me the government is creating and manufacturing these scenarios is denying the downward spiral of society and the increasing madness, the exponential insanity…

if the government wanted to take away your guns, they wouldn't need to manipulate any public opinion, because that's not required….

it would be a bumpy process no matter what, public opinion or not… It wouldn't be easy or fast, but it would be accomplished, one way or another, because that's the way the military does things…

if they wanted to take away your guns, they wouldn't need a reason why. they would simply instill martial law, divide areas into vectors, compartmentalize people, and one by one deal with the situation.

if you think they're not prepared to deal with paramilitary survivalist gun gun enthusiasts, you would be fooling yourself…

they could handle it easily

simultaneously, they would simply pass laws, making it punishable by life in prison to withhold and hide firearms, and over the course of 20 years or so, they would easily chisel it down to almost nothing….

but that's not going to happen

because that's all paranoid conspiracy stuff

if they were going to do it, they would have done it a long time ago

This is not some wild conspiracy. The UN has openly talked about the confiscation of firearms from American civilians before. We've seen pictures and footage before of UN MRAPs being allocated to various locations around the country with eyewitnesses. CHINA openly encouraged the Obama administration in their press releases during his presidency to "do something about our gun culture." Democrats were caught on hidden camera during undercover stings set up by Project Vertitas behind the scenes admitting "gun control is just another way to confiscate guns" and even joking about how "yes, our intent is for total confiscation someday soon." That footage was leaked back during the Obama era too.

Its not a "conspiracy" anymore. They are pissed the fuck off we are still well armed and have the right to defend ourselves and loved ones. That flies in the face of everything tyrannical they are pushing for!

OOOOPS!! I didn't mean to post that twice, my bad…

and you're wrong….

you're completely wrong

if they wanted to do it, THEY COULD DO IT

And they would lose a lot of their workers in the process due to defection. Not to mention, they'd lay ruin to the country and more than half of Americans would hate the federal government and no longer trust them ever again. Try it.

who has that sketch of the US where it makes a ]– sign around different regions and details what each would be like, for example, the south west would say it would be like a march through Afghanistan and then mountain warfare, and the south east would say "invade here to re enact vietnam, the north east would say "urban warfare hell" or something, and the north west would say invade here for jungle warfare

i think it was on Zig Forums, dont remember exactly where i saw it but i could recognize it


Think Tank corporations like RAND and others are continually working on multi-level contingencies under contract of the United States Department of Defense

they have already think tanked every conceivable possible variation of any scenario you could ever dream up, and thousands of others that you could never possibly dream of…..

as time and technology advances, they have continuously updated and repeated these exact same Think Tank scenarios

trust me…………….

if they wanted to do it, they could certainly accomplish the task, knowing that it would be a process and not an event

but it would be a process they could handle, even though it certainly would not be a piece of cake…..

if they were going to do it, of course they would be aware of how people would react, of the negative image and ramifications it would have between the citizens and the government

(and they wouldn't care)

but that's not going to happen, because that's not the government's plan

once again, this is all paranoid conspiracy theory stuff, with absolutely no evidence to back it up, and people like you have been 'warning everybody' and 'rapping everybody' about this scenario for decades, and it's always 'right around the corner' as people like you insist 'it's going to happen any day now'….

but it hasn't

and it's not going to

so relax……………….

nobody needs to be prepared
nobody needs to be warned
everybody already knows
you're not helping anybody
they are all already aware
they've all been warned for years

'THIS' is as 'prepared' as they have chosen to be, and they have no intention of going into a downward spiral of paranoia, and diminishing the quality of their life, the same way you decided to do

nobody cares. that's YOUR paranoia, not ours…. you overthink everything way too much, and that's why yesterday you admitted that you don't even relate to being happy anymore….

you flushed your perception of Happiness down the toilet, just so you could enjoy your fixation on being unhappy… And in the process, you keep telling yourself that you are going to make a difference by trying to convince other people to be just as unhappy and paranoid as you have been

that's not helping anybody

you're trying to destroy the quality of other people's lives, proving the age-old axiom 'misery loves company' really is true after all.

lol @ 'it'….. as if there's only one such map, or one such study

speech to text typo

PREPPING* everybody

(they don't want to be warned and they don't need to be prepared, because they are busy enjoying their life, unlike you)

did you actually think that YOU are the only person who's given this any thought?

Attached: IMG_20181014_145943.jpg (1076x146, 32.6K)

right now, you remind me of a white Kanye West


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Obviously SOMEONE DOES CARE because they are sliding the living HELL out of all the bombshell news. They want it buried for no one to see. YES, THEY DO CARE! A LOT.

Whatever, I don't know who he is. I did ask someone before but no one answered me! Likely because no one can see the news anymore because of the ASSHOLE sliding it!!!

the difference between you and I:

I'm happy

I'm enjoying my life

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Keep laughing it up.

nigger it was just a meme picture that i had found a long time ago on some Zig Forums esque page, i dont know what the fuck your talking about

oh, Trust Me……

I indeed WILL

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I bet you're all excited and amped up, eager for the day that you actually find somebody who you've 'saved'…..

I bet you don't even know who your ranting to anymore Johnny. Go ahead keep laughing. Thats what average sheep do.

if you REALLY wanted to 'help people'

you'd have more success
being a traffic guard

Attached: PicsArt_10-14-03.25.12.jpg (1633x1080, 238.09K)

it's YOU who obviously
hasn't figured out who
my intended audience is

no matter who I'm 'talking to',
that person is just a STAGE PROP

because my REAL audience is everybody else who's watching me talk to the stage prop

Anti-slide bump

if you wanted to TRULY help people

become a librarian

at least they serve a purpose

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anti bump slide

your a fucking retard nigger, i literally made a request for a meme i saw and you go off on some schizo rant, get fucked


I don't give a fuck about
those stupid concepts

this isn't a chess game

those concepts are almost as
stupid as thinking there's such
a thing as a 'containment thread'

I shit wherever I want to, whenever I want to, with no regard for bumps or sages

I'll shit in a good thread, a bad thread, an interesting thread, a boring thread, in this thread, in that thread, in any motherfuking thread I feel like taking a shit into.

it's like telling a serial rapist who does home invasions that you're going to bump, sage, or slide a house he's broken into while he's busy raping someone inside.


who cares about grammar?

Ever notice the increasing desperation to slide all the great bombshell news?

There IS a reason they do this.

Ever notice the increasing desperation to slide all the great bombshell news?

There IS a reason they do this.

sliden, bumped

ever notice that this is NOT bombshell news?

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why slide this asshole?

what are you trying to hide?

ever notice that this is boring as shit, and this type of thread has become a stereotypical parody of itself, and people laugh at the entire concept?

Attached: The-Sky-Is-Falling-600x450.jpg (588x408, 40.56K)

ever notice how paranoid uneducated people have been convincing themselves that they are somehow more knowledgeable than others for centuries, warning everyone that the end of the world is right around the corner, and every time they are proven to be mistaken, they point the finger at others, accusing them of being part of the 'conspiracy' that is leading us to the end of the world?

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Nope. The thread is not about the end of the world nor is it some conspiracy.

The UN has openly talked about the confiscation of firearms from American civilians before. We've seen pictures and footage before of UN MRAPs being allocated to various locations around the country with eyewitnesses. CHINA openly encouraged the Obama administration in their press releases during his presidency to "do something about our gun culture." Democrats were caught on hidden camera during undercover stings set up by Project Vertitas behind the scenes admitting "gun control is just another way to confiscate guns" and even joking about how "yes, our intent is for total confiscation someday soon." That footage was leaked back during the Obama era too.

Its not a "conspiracy" anymore. They are pissed the fuck off we are still well armed and have the right to defend ourselves and loved ones. That flies in the face of everything tyrannical they are pushing for!


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this is the EXACT SAME PARANOID BULLSHIT that people have been saying for thousands of years…..

back then, the end of the world was validated by a lunar eclipse, or the discovery of electricity or whatever…

now it's (complete bullshit) chemtrails, false flag shooters, imaginary planned invasions by foreign Invaders, blah blah blah blah

B O R I N G ! ! ! ! !

you're literally flushing your life down the toilet, wasting your precious time fixating I'm far-fetched hypothetical doomsday scenarios that have never happened, and are never going to happen.


what a stupid ass shit wait to spend your existence

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I only do it because it makes you mad.

do the world a favor and neck yourself because you are literally one of the most boring repetitive motherfuckers I've ever seen, and I thought I was the most boring repetitive motherfuker on Earth… You actually make me look exciting and original

nope… You've been doing this your entire life, and you drove away your ex-wife, and you drove your daughter away from you


Not true either.

Stop sliding my threads deliberately and I'll stop having to bump them all the time!


perhaps it's not true… I really don't know

but what I do know is you are not a happy person, because there's no way you could possibly be happy spending every minute of your life focusing on how bad everything is

if you're so unhappy, and you're so eager for the end to come, why not just go ahead and kill yourself and fulfill your own prophecy?


by everything going bad, so you can pat yourself on your back, and tell yourself "I told you so"


since the end isn't right around the corner, and none of these things are actually going to happen, you're never going to have the opportunity to feel validated or pat yourself on the back.

TRANSLATION: you have intentionally designed and created an existence of complete and utter futility.

FACT: today's list of 'immediate imminent threats' are going to be added to your existing endless list of previous 'immediate imminent threats' that never came true…..

and just like todayoh, you're not going to have the balls to admit you were wrong about all of them

and kilcen ?

I don't dislike you

All I'm doing is spreading the news. Nothing more. And when my threads get deliberately sliden (aka attacked) then don't expect me to sit back and watch it happen like some good goyim!

I'm trying to 'prepare You' for reality

I'm prepared for the worst of the worst. I my house is ever raided I can blow the whole damn thing up and kill anyone surrounding the area. So really, I could give a damn about outside threats.

I'll tell the whole world now, make my fucking day.

spreading WHAT 'news' ?

this isn't news

this is bullshit from 'Dave Hodges Common Sense Show', which is nothing more than a blog (full of misspelled words and flawed opinions)

it's NOT news

Yes it is news. Its real news!


so you freely admit that you're SO delusional and paranoid, that you're prepared to do a (completely insane school shooter style) suicide scenario "if they ever try coming to your house"

your house, where you live completely isolated, no family, no friends, because your paranoia and propensity to throw your life into a psychotic downward spiral turns people off….

and you actually think you can 'help people' by trying to make them think and behave like you?

If they try to kill or harm me, which I'm sure a lot on this board would LOVE to do, I would yes. Look how hostile they are, sliding all these news threads I make! Well OK, if they want hostility, then they'll get it right back too!

true news

You have no idea just how good it is to be white, fam. White men are the pinnacle of sexuality and are always presumed to be playboys. That's my problem with getting a virgin. But it's ok, Zyzz would be

what a wonderful world it would be if EVERYONE was also a paranoid shut in, prepared to kill themselves, waiting for 'them' (whoever the fuck 'they' are) to come and try to 'silence' everyone




news they hate sliden and bumped

*extinguishes a lit cigarette on the top of your head*

could not bother to read or link to the rest..

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Such is life.

I'm not a shut-in or recluse even today. I live a happy life. I only get mad when THE NEWS gets sliden!! Why is that so hard to understand?

stop sliding the news please


(whispers in your ear)

"there's a bunch of 'men in black' outside on your porch. this might be a good time to detonate your homemade doomsday device and blow your house to smithereens"

I'd know when they stepped food on my property. Trust me.

You mean black women? I grew up in the city, it's where I learned to turn down such large numbers of flirtatious whores. I wouldn't be surprised if there was a bunch of them on my porch, actually. They just shrug it off, "I don't date black girls." but the fact of the matter is that it's so memetically venomous that men like me spawned the "I don't date white boys" movement: They failed at pulling a white man and rebel against the first real man they were sexually attracted too. It's "white boy" for the same reason they're so keen on calling white men daddy, and inverse insult intended to be equally as venomous as they perceived my rejection of them.

It's pathetic but also expected of women. I don't blame them.

legit news

The BO must have deleted all my posts. My threads are being ruthlessly slid and I can't even comment on half the time. What a fucking shame!

I hate the asshole who is sliding the news on this board so much. Uncalled for.

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