What church do I go to?

I was raised methodist and I winnie the pooh hated that cuckold leftist church, the last time I looked at their website they were giving seminars on how to help migrants come to my country and get free jobs. My ancestors were mostly hardcore protestants and Southern Baptists, Mennonites and Lutherans but none of those churches or the demographics that attend them appeal to me (the Luthern churches around here all nothing but negroes and white girls with them). My ancestry is mostly Germanic, also some Scottish and Irish and French, but no one in my family attends church anymore so idk if this matters.

Was interested in Catholicism for a while, I have several rosaries and I've memorized the rosary and the chaplet of St. Michael, but I'm not going to a spic church and I refuse to donate money to a church that defends pedophiles and refugee rapists in my homeland of Europe.

Since its the only church that doesnt defend faggots or refugees the Eastern Orthodox church is pretty much the only one that interests me, but theres only one in my city and I dont know anything about the community or how they will feel about me attending. I also agree with their strict adherence to tradition and ritual. Anyone else whose not greek or converted to Orthodox can give me tips on what this is like?

You should know I am not really Christian, I just want to worship and attend a temple with like-minded people and be a part of the community, and I wish to be properly baptized and given a name. These were large parts of Germanic Paganism and I refuse to attend any of the Wiccan fagfests that make up most Pagan communities and "temples". I will not renounce my deities and Gods, nor cease their rites and sacrifices, but I will worship the Christ-god with my people if thats what they choose. And I do like certain parts of Christianity, and the parts about the one true creator and worshiping creatures over the creator being idolatry is probably right, and Odin was probably just a more militant version of the Judeo-Christian God, but I refuse to derive my spiritual wisdom from kikes, this is my biggest problem with Christianity. I realize large parts of it are derived from Zoroastrianism, Stoicism, Roman Paganism and other Aryan faiths, but the fact that it identifies most heavily with its Jewish roots has always bothered me.

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Are you actually interested in the Gospel or are you just looking to larp?

Read on Justin Martyr.

Exactly, why do you want to go to church if all you want is a social club? If you aren't genuinely interested in christianity, then why do you want to pretend to believe? "I don't like the demographics", please evaluate your priorities. The grace of God is open to all believers, regardless of race or ethnicity. Either start believing the gospel or stop trying to larp.

I've read your Gospels, yeah theyre neat. I'm looking to be part of a religious community, you faggots will call me a larper whatever I do.

youre turning me off from christianity user

That's not nearly enough.
Do you believe what they proclaim? Do you believe that they are inerrant? Do you want to carry this Word with you until your dying day, living it as much as you possibly can?

Is it because they proclaim and share the love of God and you want to be a part of that, or because they look like you?

Please seriously consider why you are doing this and what you are looking for. Pray to the Lord to guide you.

Yeah you can go back to Zig Forums bro

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where did that image come from? That's nifty.

I don't know sadly, I admit it looks really cool though.

said, nifty pic, explain to me whats wrong with not trusting kikes? your own Lord doesnt trust kikes, whats wrong with me not trusting them? that really makes me "/pol" tier? Ive noticed this board has pretty rampant leftism in it, if this is a common trend with christians I think I will stick to my idols thank you

isnt this what you wanted? pagans were forced to attend church and get baptised even if they didnt believe, and NOW you have a problem with it, now that I come willingly? This is why you're losing to Muslims and kikes lol

this tbh
i really dont know why you guys have such a hangup over this, every other race on the planet wants to worship with their own race. why do you think "black churches" are even a thing?

Because our hope is they don't remain Jews but repent and convert.

But we don't know that you are coming willingly, or at the very least for the right reasons.
Go through the Apostles Creed, and as you do, ask yourself if you believe in each of the articles there.

It's not who you worship with, it's Whom you worship. The hang-up is that you are putting your brother in the pews into a higher position than God.

Please take the Faith seriously.

your tasks is to find the church that matches up the best with historical/early christianity, the church that Christ actually started and the apostles promulgated.

If a church has no historical appearance until the year 1000 or 1500s or 1700s, just throw it the heck out of your "possibilities" list.

this is why Christianity in its current form is a failure; you seek to convert your enemies instead of destroy them. dumb faggots like you probably think that the refugee crisis in Europe is A-OKAY, as long as they convert to Christianity and renounce Islam, its completely fine that they turn our culture and homeland into trash and rape our race into a brown mongrel tribe.

The Jews killed your Lord, and now they sacrifice children to the idol Moloch and destroy our nations with usury and corruption, and you still think theres hope for them? You must be clinically retarded. Your "hope" should be to see every kike wiped off the Earth.


Your faith is turning into a brown religion because you don't care who sits in a pew next to you. Look upon the works wrought by such apathy, now pedophiles run your most ancient of churches, and they prey upon your children while they worship. Youre just okay with that, because "its not about who you worship with"?

I got a different point of view

depends on the Christians. I'm antisemitic as winnie the pooh. My belief is the modern day Jews are Khazars seeking to bring forth the Antichrist. It's obviously the synagogue of Satan and we're watching the prophecies unfold before our eyes. As far as the zogging of Christianity that's warned about in the Bible as well. It's all true. Many of us know, trad caths, baptists, orthodox, Lutherans, they're out there.

What Christians should want is as many people as possible brought to the truth. That's the unfiltered truth. The kind of truth that will lead to persecution. The Bible says the way is narrow and we must endure persecution so we're going to be few and we will be hated. "Beware the leaven of the suddecees and pharisees" "know that if the world hates you first it hated me" It's all in there and it's all based if you the eyes and ears for it. Again the prophecies are unfolding before our eyes.

God split the world into different nations when he knocked down the tower of Babel. Here we are again with the kikes trying to rebuild it. My nation is white and our people have strayed far from God which is why we are enduring these curses and are being destroyed. The merchant can only sell what the goyim is buying. We must repent if we want to be saved. The book of Deuteronomy warned us about this. As for the other races, they do have souls and I do empathize with them as fellow human beings, even those born Jewish, but mixing us all together is no better for them than it is for us. We should all be in our own lands worshiping the true real Lord. It's not about hate it's about love and what's best for humanity.


there's no european culture worth saving besides european christian culture.
im absolutely against mass immigration, legal and illegal.
if we're engaged in wars we should build safe zones in those countries for refugees.

migrants aren't enemies worth killing, the answer is to close the borders like hungary and poland are doing, simple.

jesus and mary were jews, we don't have blanket animosity towards someone just because their parents were jews. makes no sense. there are plenty of "based jews" and plenty of evil/degenerate whites. actions and intentions determine character, race only provides a disposition or partial influence, it's not a predetermined and automatic outcome that if you're jewish you're gonna be an evil schemer or if you're white you're gonna be a moral angel.

Literally every time ive come to Zig Forums, I get told why "worshiping race is a sin" and all other kinds of leftist nonsense. You right-wing christians really need to be more vocal and start taking leadership positions in your churches, because this faggot shit is turning alot of right-wingers off.
I also know 3 former nationalists and fascists who were christian, and big surprise, they turned into sobbing liberal faggots, spouting the same shit you see on this board. it really doesnt please me to see the churches all so rotten, even as a heathen, but it doesnt make me too attracted to the religion either.

This commonfilth meme is winnie the pooh Jewish mindpoison and again, something that turns me off from christianity. 14 year old girls getting raped by muslims, then butchered and put in a wood chipper. thats okay, because God commanded it, because England is atheist now or whatever? winnie the pooh that faggot shit, youre a winnie the pooh cuckold if you justify the rape of your own women in any kind of way, especially in a spiritual sense. Youre being destroyed because youre weak and you let in foreigners, not because you "Strayed from God".

good logic there m8
I bet that I've read more of the Bible than you

Yes, because I wont bring crime and drugs into your community, or try to hit on all the underage white girls, like you will be getting with negro and arab converts. But you really showed me !


My people were a virtuous people who threw faggots into swamps and shaved the heads of whores, when the Jews were still sucking blood off infant cocks. winnie the pooh your "we all carry sin" faggot nonsense.

holy shit you are an insufferable faggot , I would have flayed you and stuffed your skin if I had the power to

Islam is the fastest growing religion, while Christianity is a withering corpse. Just a reminder.

yeah, youre really showing me ! have fun with your daughter getting sold by arabs to a sex-ring. At least theyre christians ! :^ )

you deserve to be flayed and raped , thats all I have to say to you

thanks for clearing that up, christians on Zig Forums seem to think otherwise

Zig Forums is fine on modern politics and news, but retarded on religion and everything else.

the foundation of culture is how a society relates to God and how it embodies its virtues; without Christ you have idolatry, self-worship and degeneracy. It's not about technology or food or dancing, those are all secondary decorations on the tree. First you need a solid tree, a solid foundation, then you can decorate it with pretty things.
But europe without christianity is just liberalism, paganism, marxism or nazism, or other forms of human deformation. Where man will never achieve the purpose of his being.

I dont think you know what a culture or a society is

can you answer me a question, if being christian is what matters when building a strong society, why was europe flourishing and more advanced than any other place on earth, even when they were pagan idolaters? why were the chosen people of God a bunch of desert savages who literally lived in caves? Why have African christians not advanced into a higher race, by the mere grace that they are now christian?

I dont expect answers, just mutterings and Biblical quotations, but feel free to try.

Even if you did, it doesn't matter since you clearly didn't understand a word of it.

But you don't believe, so no one cares. You are essentially the same as a Muslim.

Christianity is about saving souls, making spiritual progress and as this happens society becomes more virtuous and balanced and self-aware, [to the extent they practice the teachings properly].

the greeks and romans made progress insofar as their philosophy sought virtue and the source of creation, their best progress was in spreading a common tongue to people (latin/greek) and in preparing citizens for monotheism and the coming of Christ.

Your ancient ancestors readily threw away their stories about Odin drinking cum or Zeus winnie the pooh swans in favor of a religion based in history and centered around one all powerful God, not dozens of imperfect, malicious and petty "demi-gods".

while the germanic and slav pagans lived in mud huts and most lacked a written language during that time. so christians had to go and educate them, like St Cyril and his brother St Methodius, they basically invented a written alphabet for illiterate europagans

I understood it, I just didnt believe or accept it. Boo hoo, cry a winnie the pooh river over the fact that your book didnt convert me immediately with the power of the word.

In what ways? I was unaware that I beheaded anyone this morning, or raped a slave girl in the afternoon, or killed a Yazidi in the evening. The fact you think white pagans are just as much a problem as muslims is winnie the pooh hilarious, keep adding fuel to the "Christcuck" meme please.

Pretty sure it says right there, in your Bible, that the Kikes killed Jesus. I didnt have any part in it, and your attempts to make me feel guilty for something I never did comes across as very kikey.

Oh, thats not you though, thats a central flaw in christianity itself, my mistake.

Im serious, in a polite society a faggot like you should be lynched. Not trying to sound tough, im telling you what your destiny is.

And those converts are all Africans and Spics lol. Muslims are outbreeding you, and you think that youre winning because you got some jungle savage to wave his hands around and say "in dah name of dah fadda".

When did I defend modernism? Do you have zero reading comprehension?

A nonchristian europe is not worth saving, implying than a Christian Africa IS worth saving? Holy shit, you really are hopeless. I hope Muslims actually rape you, and your family, that the sorrows of our people are suffered unto you, so that you can rationalize it as "Gods will". winnie the pooh you people, youre winnie the pooh disgusting.

as ive said, winnie the pooh you faggots, you just lost a possible convert lol

you can't convert until God draws you and opens your eyes.
If you're looking into Christianity as a way to enhance your racism and bitterness towards your perceived enemies you're sorely mistaken. Keep studying.

yeah im done

yeah I realized my mistake in thinking that your faggot religion had anything to offer me

I will, but not your kike-tome, Jew-worshiper.


Do us all a favour, and don't ruin someone's Church with your retarded larping.

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If a man practices homosexuality, having sex with another man as with a woman, both men have committed a detestable act. They must both be put to death, for they are guilty of a capital offense.

absolutely nothing wrong with killing sodomites like you.

I see that you dont know your own religion too well

oh look a spic

how does it feel, knowing that literally every shred of your culture, everything even remotely redeemable, comes from MY people? How does it feel knowing that the only reason your Lord has the grace to tolerate your existence is because some Spaniard raped your great granny? I understand your aversion to Paganism, considering the form practiced by YOUR ancestors was nothing but a degenerate mockery, where brown savages danced in the skins of virgins. Oh wait, Mexicans still love to flay people and wear them like coats, I guess the whole conversion thing didnt really do much. Youre still nothing but shit-eating savages. Your existence does more to convince me against Christianity than anything else.

then stop being a hypocrite and go fly to Africa then, cuckold

Warhammer 40k isnt real user. Neither is that quote about Odin, written by a Jew.


The Romans tortured and executed Jesus at the Jews' request. In giving Himself over to them willingly, Christ atoned for the sins of mankind. So yes, everyone involved sinned.

OK m8. Keep licking your wounds and crying about the Jews but doing absolutely nothing about it.

Nope :)

Our "rampant leftism" involves what exactly? This board is centre right to a tee, if you're not willing to listen to Christ when he said "those who live by the sword will die by the sword" then I suggest you try forgetting about the pagan larp and going all in on fascism.

If you also won't listen when He says "remove the beam from thine own eye, then you will see clearly to remove the mote from thy brother's eye" you will do excellently in the Nazi party, where you can complain about degeneracy all you like while not noticing how much of a degenerate you are in reality. While leftist degenerates indulge sex, you lot are neutered, cucked and angry, that doesn't mean you won't fawn over the leftists if they ever let you get some.

I dont get this, you know im quoting the Bible, right?

And again, I am not a 2000 year old Roman, nor a Jew, so no, I did not sin.

I see I've triggered you, spic. Please continue to be useless and irelevant, you can be as pious as you want back in your homeland of Mexico. Viva la Trumpo! 2020!

This board is centre right to a tee

you might as well be hippie queers to me then. and not really, from what I've seen just by this one visit alone. this hasnt been my first time here.

Honestly go join the Nazi party, you've already proven that you have far more affinity for it than you have with our Jew religion. You are so cucked and degenerate you don't even know but just because you get hard about men marching in straight lines makes you assume that you're alright.

Literally while the Mexicans were flaying virgins, your ancestors were throwing them in bogs, so what are you trying to prove? You're just another kind of savage, but Christianity ennobled your ancestors. All for naught I see

Go away and 1488 somewhere else, Christianity will never bow to your "race war now" bullshit. Please go off and get another swastika tattoo on your forehead so when the real Nazis come to power they will see that you are a subhuman waste of space useful idiot and will promptly gas you.

at last we see the leftist for who they truly are, begone vile rat !

dont dare equate the noble blood of the Germanii with your dirty, filthy mongrel-blood, Aztec savage. My ancestors threw FAGGOTS into bogs, because they were degenerate FAGGOTS like you, not VIRGINS, as was the practice of the Aztecs. the only human sacrifice that my people practiced, was basically a ritualized form of execution for murderers and rapists. but lol, feel free to continue drawing false equivalencies between my people and your people, because your people are just that winnie the pooh sad and pathetic. winnie the pooh off back to mexico, dirt sucking savage. you will never be white no matter how many Hail Maries you say.

and thats why its a dying religion, get with the winnie the pooh program.

Says the angry dickless man on the internet for the nth time. What's the matter Hans? Couldn't get a loan this time? I know what you should do, go to Zig Forums and blame the joos for all your failures as a human being and wait for the new Hitler to arise and give your dumb ass free shit and women because you are clearly such a specimen of Aryan perfection.

How does your trailer even have an internet connection?

lol you sure get triggered dont you spic? I repeat; YOU WILL NEVER BE WHITE

Old law is superceded. Try again.

This thread begs to differ.

lol. Face it. The White Race does not deserve to be saved :(


Your lack of whiteness is palpable, who is as insecure as you?

Come on, really? God would save Sodom so long as 10 good people lived within its walls but you can judge a whole race? Get bent

Adultery was punishable by death, yet Christ saved the adulterous women from death. More than this, He admonished her to sin no more.

The new law is a spiritual law, and only Christ can save us from our sins, the old law is a prefigurement for the new. So no, Homosexuality is still a complete abomination, but Christians do not have the authority to kill them, we must surrender them to secular authorities, and we are authorized to excommunicate them from the Church.

That society has instead turned on Christianity, is not an admonishment to us. Christ warned us the world would stand against us.

A little light shines through, sorry for calling you not white reflexively in the assumption that you're a troll.

We have our share of normies who don't get it yet and possibly shilling just like /pol. We're in the gutter of the internet here after all. I'm trying to do what I can.

I don't know about that. Common Filth's doctrine is absolute shit don't get me wrong, but he was right when he said "the merchant can't sell what the goyim isn't buying". White people have to take their part in accountability for their own subversion. It we weren't complacent it wouldn't have happened. All "tolerance" is is tolerance of evil. That victim mentality of the modern age is at the heart of all this depravity and needs to be done away with. We can chose. That's what this religion is about however, the utterly sinful nature of the human being. I have a total lack of faith in mankind so chose to place my devotion to that which is beyond it. It's the attempt to harmonize oneself with something better than human and the material. The infinite mystery. We are the children of our maker and as such owe him our obedience knowing through his wisdom not our own we can thrive. This is why the Jews want us to be materialistic atheists like they are. That's the true religion of this world which is ruled by Satan. All children of pride are the children of Satan. That's not who you really are. You're not the body, you are the soul, a child of God. The western world has abandoned that, called itself "God" and we're not as great as our ancestors because of it. Our ancestors humbled themselves before the Lord and because of that not in spite of it built empires. That's why we have this zog cesspit we do now. We must and we can repent. We have nothing left to lose.

Again back to the book of Deuteronomy, the blessing and the curse, we have the curse just as it was warned we would if we turned our back on God's law. Of course those rapes should be met with violence and had we kept the doctrine they'd had never happened. Rapists are executed by the old law, as are sodomites, as are adulterers. This religion in its true form is winnie the pooh harsh. It's intolerable but what are a majority of people doing now? Burying their heads in the sand. The difference between my thinking now and as it was white nationalist only is I asked "what have we done wrong?" and I realize what made us weak was turning our backs on the true God. The Bible is a survival guide for mankind and the Jews don't want you to read it. They want you to hate Jesus Christ as much as they do. Read it for yourself, study it, you'll see. It's all in there.

I, being a fedora-tipping pagan, am that secular authority, since the true authorities have failed you to uphold even the smallest of your laws. And I say, death to all faggots.

The world does not stand against you, it stands against the white race, who just so happens to be associated with you. Nobody gives a shit about Jose
over here and his Aztec death cults.

what white race? do you mean, anglo saxons? that's what "White race" used to mean, now it extends to anyone who's even vaguely pale

Well that's retarded, even if I were some Aztec, wouldn't the other Aztecs find the idea that human sacrifice is a sin just a reason why I should be sacrificed? The reason people don't like Christianity, you moron, is because it provides these irritating things called standards.

Even the asshole contractor who tries to cut corners building a bridge hates standards. What he would really like is to build a shit bridge which will fall down in less than 5 months and get paid in full for it. People would prefer to sin, simply put.

whites sure do seem to exist when someone wants to whine about us. Suddenly we don't when one wants to talk about White self determination.

You can point at someone and say "that's a white person" just like you can someone who's black or asian. Obviously we exist.

This is unnecessary, what happened to France for the French, England for the English and Germany for the Germans? We don't even need to talk about whether white people exist until we start talking about America. For most nations the best slogan is "winnie the pooh off we're full."

I can agree with this much, but I know people in Europe, lots of girls mostly, and they dont deserve the sorts of things that are happening there. To say that such is God's punishment is vile, and I dont want part in such a deities worship. The younger generations of Europeans, and the girls, I cant hold any hate for because theyre just being swept up in a tide, and many of them hold resentment for it (more than you would think) but the older generations, and the men, I despise utterly, they have wrought utter hell on their own people and dont even care, they deserve the worst of deaths.

If by "strayed from God" you mean "forgot natures laws", then I agree. Those that forget the sacred and holy laws of nature are doomed to perish, this is the way of things.

I think this is unhealthy, as damned as we are in our current state, I think humanity can accomplish great things and work great wonders, but currently our potentials are wasted on trying to uplift subhumans and cowtowing to Jews.

We have been building empires since the dawn of our Race, since the Indo-Aryans first spilled across the Central Asian Steppes many thousands of years ago. Millennia before the Old Testament was written, and when we worshiped the primordial gods of the Aryan tribes, The Shamanic Sky-Fathers and War-Gods, we spread across the world and spread our seed to many lesser races. We had conquered India, Persia, Assyria, Greece, parts of China and Europe at the time the Jews were still idol-worshipers of Yahweh and Ishtar. Our sons and daughters are many, though scattered now in this dark age. Why do us Aryans need your Bible? We conquered when we had it; we conquered when we lacked it. Truly we are the children of God, do we really need Jewish prophets from the past to instruct us on anything? We need alot of things besides your Bible; a love for our own people, a strong and militant ideology, and a harsh hatred of all others. If your Bible has this, then present it. My pagan faiths always had it.

Good. Harsh religions are what this world needs, not soft ones like
advocates for. I will read more of the Bible on your recommendation, but still consider my arguments. You should study your own history as well, read about the Indo-Europeans, and the Macedonian Empire, and the Romans. It is a shame that every white child in the world isnt forced to sit down and study such histories.

oh winnie the pooh off with that bullshit, you dont even know what anglo saxon means. You want me to stop using white, Jew? Fine, I will use a much more appropriate word


Anyway, all you're asking for, is usually just making the horseshoe meme theory sound vaguely legit, basically your motto is "socialism but without tiggers," or "no standards should apply to me, but they all apply to you spics."

This even extends to your treatment of abortion law and welfare law. All is right in the world if white women are getting subsidies for making children irresponsibly, and blacks are having forced abortions. Little do you know, soon the white women would have the single motherhood problem and would be raising all the criminals. We can talk about racial IQ all we want, fact remains most people will behave retarded anyway because 100 IQ average versus 80 IQ average is literally a battle between two potatoes in the grand scheme of intelligence, and also half of all whites are sub 100IQ and that fact should be remembered before you start racist social engineering schemes like the democrats tried but with blacks.

you seem to be arguing from the position that I hold no morals or standards because I am heathen. this just tells me you dont know much about the history of pagan europe or that you assume im a neopagan, because they read nothing of history or lore and thus dont know any sort of moral law, and assume paganism was the same, and preach this to others, spreading their vile filth and ignorance. I recommend you read the Havamal from the Poetic Edda, and the Meditations of Marcus Aurelius to clear up this error.

I had a long response but if you're willing to do some Bible study that's enough. It converted me all by itself. You'll even find it argues for itself.

I do study European history. Very fond of the Roman empire. There's allot of BS circulating about it trying to discredit it. I don't fully understand it, but I believe there's a reason God chose the Roman empire to spread his word then fall.

Typical atheist mentality (modern paganism is usually atheism with a fig leaf). God doesn't require your worship, and hell will be full of people triggered by the 'audacity' of the creator of all things daring to judge the nations for their wickedness.

I've read the whole new testament before, but I have forgotten most of it so I will reread. How much of the old testament is useful?

Romans were very fascinating people, and I too believe that there was something divine about their empire, and this is the reason so many of their customs and organizations have been preserved down the millennia.

what sort of BS have you heard? I know the gay thing has been around for a while even though Romans punished sodomy with death, and its only ever spoken of with disdain and accusation in Roman history.

I've read the Meditations, Stoicism is fine, but its also merely defiant, it is correct that the world is imperfect, but it comes to the conclusion that there is nothing else but the world to do about these problems than defy degeneracy.

I snapped though and became a Christian when I realized that without the intervention of God, the idea that the world was somehow wrong was merely an errant opinion which SJWs are free to sweep away without concern. The SJWs are right about the world, everything is relative (without God) so it became apparent to me that God must exist or I wouldn't know any better.

I haven't read the Poetic Edda however, I read a lot of Hellenic pagan stuff because I went to school to study the Romans and Greeks.

so your God supports child rape as a punishment, is what youre saying? I dont think "triggered" are appropriate words when are talking about the rape and sex-slavery of our own women. You are just as much to blame for such hells.
what does this even mean? I havent read enough of the bible to get this one yet

I like the Hellenic pagan stuff but the Germanic material hits closer to home, and I think they had a much more concrete and harsh moral system, the lawful-good of paganisms IMO, very pure. Hellenic religion was pure at its core beliefs but its society was corrupt, and as consequence the religion was in some ways as well, importing all kinds of foreign and degenerate cults from the East, such as the eunuch priests of Cybele. Germanic pagans had no such cultural corruption, and what little there possibly is (the Vanir cult has been theorized to be an older european cult or a cult from Scythia) is suppressed under the heel of the Aesir Gods, as it should be, for all Gods are inferior to those of the Highest Heavens.

they also threw faggots into swamps and drowned them, and stripped whores naked before chasing them out of the village with whips. They married only once and considered marriage a sacred union of souls, not of flesh. They did not make images of their gods as they considered it an abomination to imprison the gods within temples and idols. Very primitive and harsh laws, but truly the right way for humanity. I find it interesting that many of the morals and laws of christianity are congruent to Germanic Paganism. Even many of the rituals are the same, such as baptism, the sprinkling of water, the laying on of hands and the idea of the Heavenly Hosts. At first all of this seemed a little odd to me and I assumed it was due to Christianization of Germanic history, but there are attestations of it going back to Roman records such as Tacitus, 1000 years before the Sagas were compiled.

IF God is punishing Europe and its not mere stupidity of present day Europeans, then I'm sure there's a reason, but I think that guy is just larping as the Spanish Inquisition for some reason right now.

Consider the following: Greece had plenty of faggotry going on in pagan times, but now it is illegal. So you see paganism could be more correct in one place, yet err greatly somewhere else with different still pagan myths. Christianity, until it was subverted however was consistent throughout its domain on such issues.

Pretty much the same stuff about Romans, orgies, homosexuality etc. What most of that is based on is political slander from the time which proves the exact opposite, they were highly concerned with sexual morality even though the rules may have been a little different than what ours were. Adultery could get a woman banished for example. They were actually prudish by today's standards but every kike documentary insists the Roman empire somehow stood while they were fornicating like monkeys and it just isn't true. Our empire won't stand either if we keep this shit up. I notice too nowdays suddenly academia wants to play down the fall of Rome. It mirrors our own decline too closely I think and the goy are getting wise.

Of course all scripture is useful but what stuck out to me in the OT was Exodus and Deuteronomy. I felt like there was so much more meaning than what was on the surface when I read it. Example not sewing your field with diverse seeds, wearing clothes of different cloth, plowing your field with an ox and an ass, it all screamed to me about truth and simplicity of purpose. All the people I've met in life I've admired were honest and simple.

Also Proverbs. It beats the Tao Te Ching all to hell. It's just a book of excellent advice. I've actually tried to apply it day to day and it works. "A fool speaks all his mind a wise man keeps it in til afterward", simple, practical, smart. It got me thinking about how wisdom could bring me closer to God if I can only grasp it and I re read it all the time. I'm closer to the fool described than the wise man.

And the book of Job. Job blew my mind. This is a completely misunderstood story imo about the most holy man in the world still having to repent before God. It teaches us why we suffer and why we all need God's forgiveness. Even Job who was as close to perfect as any mortal got. Only Jesus Christ lived without sin.

You may of course come to different conclusions just when I went through it all and got to the NT and it said "Do you now believe" I had to say "yes" otherwise I was lying to myself, and that was it. I became a Christian. That book spoke. I didn't go into it expecting that, I was an atheist but I got obsessed with it and then I realized it's obvious and has always been obvious God exists.

chr*sti(ns)anity is irredeemable, let these retarded faggots get anally raped by /\/iggers like they deserve
man I winnie the pooh hate them so much. If I could push a button that would make every chr*stian on Earth die, I'd slap that thing immediately

I unironically have more respect for a kike than a chr*stian. why? jews further the interests of their race, they attack the other races (specifically the strongest race), they are like a hyper-efficient international beehive of racial supremacy. I hate the fact that they exist and I hope they all die, but the individual jew is just doing what's best for his race. that's not morally wrong. it's a tremendous inconvenience that they exist and they must be destroyed, but their individual actions are not wrong and if I were a jew, I'd do the same thing. chr*stians? they are race traitors, cucks. they dedicate their lives to destroying their own people, and for that, they are worse than jews

wow… gets the ol thinking machine going…

Sage for troll thread. You’re an anti-Semitic and a racist dickhead, but you want to be a part of a religious group that has a Jewish background and you hate other people who are made in the image of God?

Take your larping, pagan ass back to >>>Zig Forums

Man this is a gay ass thread
I mean I didn't expect this thread to be good considering quality posters wouldn't put the time and effort into it by gosh dang.

Yes you will. You’re just like a Muslim, pretending to be all cultured and stuff but in actuality using Neitzche and anachronistic readings of Indo-European myths to justify you bashing people’s heads in, doing drugs, and raping girls. You even prove this when you talk about how your ancestors took pleasure in torturing sluts and faggots. You’re white trash, and Christianity doesn’t want you if you don’t give up your trashy ways.

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