Most people who aren't indoctrinated by people using the "religion of the world" instead of "the religion of God" see it's just utter ramblings from a madman who wanted to save his people's way of living.
Back in time before that ehen the peoples began distancing themselves from nature around them, they distanced themselves from God . The cult of the Ego, or disconnection, if you will, began actualizing the bad behaviours of people abusing the good and kind human nature we're born out of, and thus began the corruption of earth and seed.
The Jews have roots to the more aggressive subspecies, the Neanderthals, and just look at what happened to the Abbos. Another race that have big percentages of neanderthal genes in them. They started the second-born ritual killing and ritualistic rape, like the Jews have done in Babylon with Moloch, and they have degenerated to the point where they forgot how to make fire before the Cro-magnons came.
Without the parasitic bahavious in the Ashkenazim the satanic church/occult black magic, wouldn't have been institutionalized. Christianity came as a counter-movement to this.
And Islam came as a counter-movement to Christianity. The Hindus always worked with the neutral workings of cosmic energies, saying nothing is worth judgement from man, but still lack a focus back to the Source of all things, God, to truly make it a force of creation, which inheriently is nature itself - in Chinese - that which comes by its own. Even a lot of buddhists say living is pure suffering. They haven't nessecarily seen how only serving the source can bring us back on track.
Christianity brought Jesus, the spiritual front figure to die and walk again among us, to lead us back to our father and creator to heal us and make us whole again because we strayed from our path along with the virgin Mary to love us unconditionally and nature us back to health.
Islam is litterally a winnie the poohed up repercussion of this spiritual awakening by maddened desert thieves and warlike entities. It's just a tool for people to enslave women and bring people into trances of war.
Even so, in times of peace and prosperity even nations ruled by Islam have brought people back to God. The Sufis, for instance, got back to the roots again.
Godspeed, anons.
Picture not related, but have a look at Israel's first lady in her smirkest of smirks.
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