Can Australia be saved?
Can Australia be saved?
Not when our clergy is full pearl clutchers, degenerates, and double digit IQs. The greatest conviction and virtue I ever see are from other young people. Not all young people mind you, just a minority.
t. Australian
Can Atheists be saved?
Unfortunately no. Secularism has well and truly got its tendrils into Australian culture. People don't care, they're materialistic, hedonistic and they look down on people who still adhere to traditional Christian values.
No,Australia is an atheist nation that Mkther Teresa even herself described as a mission country.
M8 Australian "culture" is fundamentally secular. It was all trash from the start.
“The weather is going to be very bad here (in Australia).”
Man… Who'd ever think that a bunch of Godless criminals would create a Godless nation?
I don't even bring up that im Christian. Few churches i have attended are just full of oldies.
Is not a fallacy to put all people of one group into one category?
Sounds just like Europe and the United States in 20 years.
Sounds like Europe now. At least western Europe
Australia's anti-authoritarian spirit combined with its intense trust of the state makes it a country somewhat averse to religion. Combine this with material prosperity, and they will always reject the Lord.
As Peter Hitchens has said, Christian peoples generally create prosperous societies. Prosperity degrades religious faith as people become more materialistic. Hence victory has defeated us.
Australian here. I've read from many studies that we are one of the least religious countries in the world, and the influence of Christianity diminishes with each passing year. Christianity in general Australian public discourse is a thing of cringiness and mockery. I have no hope for this country.
I realize this is part and parcel of the Liberal mindset… but the inherent paradox still boggles my mind. They're like spoiled ungrateful children: "Winnie the Pooh you Mom and Dad! Give me money!"
Just remember folks
… with the Libs self-destructing, we've got ten years of Penny Wong, Tanya Pilbesek and all the other nuff-nuffs dictating to us how we should behave, arresting us for our "make me a sandwich, woman" jokes or for our sympathetic psychological views ("they need help") of gays and trannys … the new (antitheist) puritanism is back in town and in force!
… with the Libs self-destructing without giving us the Religious Freedom bill, we've got no recourse in the courts. Ready your anu$. This will be a land of convicts, once again!
>implying you know the first thing about the convicts and their crimes, Australian immigration history, and who makes up this country
t. Australian
I highly doubt it. A new study released today has found that only 17% of people under 18 are actively religious (and that includes other faiths than Christianity). Considering how 'diverse' our youth is, it means that roughly 9-13% of our youth are actively Christian.
Also, have a look at the census results over time and notice the trend, and how the Christian population is at the edge of freefall.
you don't need to believe in creationism to believe in God, though
creationism isn't merely: "God did it", but entails a lot of literalist interpretations on possibly figurative and metaphorical speech in scripture
God can create the world however He wants. The Big Bang theory implies creation ex nihilo, which is more than Christian.
I don't know if I'd describe it as an intense trust of the state. In practice it is, but Australians will badmouth their government any chance they get. I think it's the belief in a "fair go" and equality that causes Australians to fall back on the state every time.
Pretty much. People are so "tolerant" that they won't openly mock Christians and they will pay lip service to religious tolerance. But if you believe too strongly, people will start to turn on you. It's okay to believe there is a God, but just don't believe it too much is the kind of thinking I come across on a daily basis.
You basically go to a pentecostal church with hip music that targets young people or you basically just get used to hanging out with old people. And for those non-Australians here, we're not talking about just people in their 40s or boomers. Basically over 70. It's sad.
I know, that wasn't I posted that excerpt. I only posted the link because that's the source of my text; I wasn't intending to talk about creationism, I only wanted to point out that Australia has a long history of not being particularly religious.
I completely agree with your post, though.
This reprobate nation deserves castigation.
why I posted*