Go to Mass today and pray the Rosary. The Mother of God has been assumed into heaven where she reigns as Queen in the Kingdom of God.
Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary
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What a meme Gerald, gotta share this one win the grandkids, they’ll love it hahah.
P.S. do you have any of the red velvet cake left over from last Saturday’s get together?
Curious Protestant here, I want to make sure I have a correct idea of what you believe: the Assumption of Mary was her (incorruptible) body being apported to Heaven after her physical death, right?
She died a natural death with all the surviving Apostles present. Tradition gets a bit murky from their but after her soul entered heaven St. Thomas who was late and witnessed her soul entering heaven had them open her tomb to find it empty. The Apostles filled with the Holy Spirit understood that God has also take her body up as well. That is the basis of it Catholics say one thing Orthodox say another but at the end of the day we know she was taken body and soul into heaven.
I'm being punished
Very tempted to fap as a bit depressed about this. I mean, I'm free to go find a catholic waifu now, but still, this is shit.
What do frens, I already have one fap I need to confess before I can take communion again
Ave Maria
Don't do it.
I actually don't really want to now
I figure if this isn't punishment for degeneracy, it's a test to see if the crutch can be removed (i.e. a sex partner) and I still prevent myself from masturbating.
Keep the streak going, don't do it.
And she broke up by text? Utter cowardice on her part, sounds like you dodged a bullet.
Nah wasn't quite her fault, she cancelled on a date saying she didn't have time. I had a feeling she was going to break it off anyway, so I asked if she just didn't have time for this one, or in general.
Turned out to be the latter.
Now that's what I call heresy are you a JW or something?
Remember: the central messages of Job and Ecclesiastes is that you should never assume anything about what happens to you or anyone else: it's all part of God's plan regardless.
What are the main historical sources for this? I mean something like the Didache or letters of Justin Martyr.
Fair point
I'm more thinking of Augustine's line that a Christian should consider any bad that befalls him to be punishment for wrongdoing or a test to strengthen faith
If you have no faith that the Lord God can do such a small thing then what faith do you have at all.
Because I am not the right person to be talking about this with you.
Go away heretic.
Have fun in hell then. :)
Then who should the inquiring mind go to?
Find your Christ-Chan user, try not to let this dishearten you
C'mon lad…
OP here.
Mods, please clean this thread up. Please delete all heretical posts.
Heretics OUT OUT OUT!
And where did Juvenal get this information?
If it's the Apostles, then why don't we believe that Christ died around the age of 60, as one 2nd century father relates it?
I mean, if Thomas Aquinas could deny the Immaculate Conception before its official dogmatization, what's the deal?
You only came here to bait and mock Catholics. You are committing sin and causing others to commit sin in defending THE HEAVENLY MOTHER OF OUR GOD JESUS CHRIST who was made Queen of Heaven when God the the Father with the power of the Holy Spirit conceived in her Our Lord the King of Kings Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ who on the cross looked to his Mother and the Apostle present and told him this is your mother take care of her clearly saying that Mary is the Mother of our Church as well as our Lord.
You mock the statues that represent our dearly departed brothers and sisters in Christ who are in heaven as we speak who have conquered death itself through the power of Jesus Christ. Who through the Power of the Lord God and Jesus Christ we ask them like you would ask them to pray to Jesus that we may also be allowed to sit with them before the father. All these things which were made possible through the Sacrifice Jesus made on the cross for us.
You are a sinner and you antagonize other calling them to follow you into sin. I pray the Lord has mercy on you and I pray that he may enlighten you to what you seek. But you will not find it here.
Assumption of Mary was celebrated in the Eastern Church since the beginning, but it was only limited to certain regions who kept the tradition alive. The western Church did not adopt it until the 4th or 5th century when it became more widespread. The earliest text we have on this oral tradition about the Assumption in the East comes from the 3rd century "The Book of Mary's Repose", but we may even have something earlier known as the "Crossing Over of Mary" which many scholars date to the late 2nd century. However, it seems that Revelation 12 also makes a heavy allusion to the Assumption.
That's refuted here: catholic.com
Now please leave heretic, or have a ban.
Thank you. I'm just waiting for the mods to ban these heretics who are causing so many to sin and themselves are sinning.