Young Commie Democrats Are Angry Because The Boomers Are Still In Control Of Their Party

Ambitious, young House Democrats have a problem: At a time when the party is calling for generational change, there are few opportunities to advance.

Leadership has long been static for Democrats in the House. Reps. Nancy Pelosi, Steny Hoyer, and Jim Clyburn, the top three Democrats, respectively, have all been at the top of the House Democratic ladder for more than a decade. And none have shown any signs of leaving; Pelosi has said she expects to be speaker if Democrats retake the House in November.

That stagnation has some Democrats worried that their caucus is bleeding talent, and it has left two options for the party’s rising stars — try to work their way up outside of the traditional leadership structure or head for the exits.

In conversations with BuzzFeed News over the last few months, Democrats have pointed to varying ways that newer members have sought relevance within a party that has traditionally prioritized experience and required members put in time before they get to run the show. Their solutions and complaints show a bubbling frustration with the current system, from who fills the top leadership posts to the party’s choice to prioritize seniority to fill high-ranking committee spots.

“I had been there for four years when I decided to run for the Senate, and I was at the point where I was either going to have to stick around for another 20 in order to become chairman of a committee or look to find another place to make a difference,” Sen. Chris Murphy told BuzzFeed News.

“I thought I was making a difference in the House, but it was not particularly appetizing to look at having to fight for relevance for the next decade before I even sniffed of a significant subcommittee chairmanship,” Murphy said.

He’s not alone in that sentiment. Massachusetts Rep. Seth Moulton, a frequent critic of his own party's leadership, said that promising Democrats are leaving the House “all the time” because they see no upward mobility. “They see no path forward, and they’re often not even respected for their contributions.”

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The irony here is that the democratic party is closer to death, than the geezer they want to replace.

I hope thats true, I really really do. Now we better keep our own party from being subverted by communists.

Seems these days like Lefties are living breathing walking contradictions.

out with the old
in with the new

look over your shoulder geezer

see the dark figure with the scythe?

All the health crap you eat aint gonna keep it away

20 yrs geezer

Worms be eating yor brain

Dems be laffin'

geezer post

No you don't. When I say the death of the democratic party, then I mean the death of democracy itself (which one could argue is already dead for a very long time). Also if by "our own party" you refer to the Republicans, then I also have bad news for you…they are not on your side at all, never were.

The death of the Democrat Party would be the birth of a new party, likely much better that what we have now (at least I'd hope).

As if

Would it be better for the Jews? They own both parties. Crashing one and giving rise to a grassroots party could scare them out of their wits if they gained enough traction. Traditional liberalism needs to be restored, back to the traditionalism of JFK.

news bump

There is no real grassroots movement possible in a corrupted political system. And even if, then the established parties would just block them off. What you have to realize is that political parties are not there anymore to govern a country, they just have to provide a circus for the masses. The ones controlling the shots are the ones controlling the money.

Young Communist. I support the death of the Democratic party and the death of the boomers in charge of it. When the Democrats lose power, there is a chance that real leftism can replace it. Hopefully when it dies, the two party system will die with it as well. Republicans have my vote simply because i want America to suffer from greedy government policies and corporate corruption, meanwhile the Communists have my voice because i want America to rally behind something new. The sooner this system falls apart, the better.
Also i voted Trump.

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When words had lost all meaning.

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communism and democracy aren't mutually exclusive, retard

Have you tried learning what words mean?

Except "US Democrats" and "Democracy" are different things, you drooling underage degenerate.

commies BTFO?

absolute buggy NPC behavior

Democrats used to be the party of freedom and progress. Now they are the party of censorship and regressive legislation. 50-80s democrats represent the current day republicans. Put simply, we got it right, then people with agendas just kept on pushing. Now were too far and need to dial it back a little bit.

I wish the Democrat party would be replaced with traditional liberalism (that used to mean in liberty, freedom and opportunity for all citizens).

Traditional liberalism died when the Americans sold their country out to megacorps.

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I remember even back in the 90s democrats actually fought a lot of the draconian policies like state bio-metric ID systems, Agenda 21, censorship, foreign interventions, etc. The party now resembles a neo-con takeover but with all the bad policies they supported intact with it (such as gun bans and abortion). Something clearly went wrong with the party since then. They now make the Republicans look like the good guys (and thats pretty bad).

Yep. Anti-trust suites should have been used a looong time ago to break up the consolidation of corporate power. Now we see monopolies running everything today.


real news
