My girlfriend might be pregnant

Hey Zig Forums.

I've been with my girlfriend for about 6 months; we've been fornicating for 4. We've used contraceptives throughout, but she's a week late on her period. Classes start in about a week and we're both starting to get worried. Both of her parents have been clear that she shouldn't have children until after her schooling is finished. My parents feel a similar way.

I know what we've both done is a sin. Neither of us are confirmed within the Catholic Church, though we are on the road to confirmation. I'm just not sure what I should do, or what how to react if our fears are realized. I know that the Church teaches that we should spare the child's life, but I don't know if we can raise it together. I don't know if we're in a position to come out to both our parents and tell them that we're expecting a child.

I'm scared Zig Forums. More than anything else I've experienced. The uncertainty is killing me.

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man u gey

Burn in Hell degenerate. Your sins have caught up with you. You can’t run from god forever. You are unworthy of even thinking of yourself as a Christian, let along being confirmed by a church of god (I’m not catholic btw)(USER WAS WARNED FOR BREAKING RULE 2)

Can the Catholic Church refuse confirmation/marriage for having a kid? I think baptism for the kid is still ok though

Whatever you do, don't kill the kid, that will only make it a bigger sin user

One of my concerns is that she's going to pull closer to abortion. I really hope she doesn't, but it's a legitimate fear. I'm not sure I could handle being a father, but I don't think abortion is the solution.

Being a father is easy.
Just don't let your girlfriend raise them .

God will provide user. Don't be influenced by liberals and the mass media who regard having a kid as a complete loss of freedom. Think about it, for thousands of years your descendants always found the time and the money to have kids (several kids most likely).


honestly a week isn't that much. my ex was late almost 3 weeks or more even and it was nothing. and if you are pregnant that's all good have fun. and if she aborts well you can't do anything about it either.

Congladurations user.
Get married next week.

I'm pretty sure this is made up and you have no girlfriend because who would post a reaction image while they're freaking out

But assuming this isn't fake, don't murder your own child, at worst put them up for adoption, but never abortion

Being a week late is not a confirmation of pregnancy, but hopefully this will wake you up to what happens when you have sex so you can start preparing for the natural consequences, even if it didn't happen this time.
One of the worst memes in modernity is waiting until you're 25+ to start thinking about having kids. Otherwise faithful people will chomp all the way down on the secular bait of cavorting around and "having fun" for years on end instead of following God's natural plan here. Most people have the strength to be celibate until they're 19 or 20, when people used to get married, but a full decade or more after puberty? Ridiculous. Not to mention it's healthier to have kids earlier.
If she's pregnant, ask your priest to do a non-mass wedding, or, alternatively, just do a civil wedding and get it convalidated later on. Get both of your parents and a few good friends and go out to a nice dinner afterward.>>688817

We're mostly frightened by the idea that all our plans will be uprooted. I have no doubt that if we buckle down with our work and faith, we'll be able to make something happen. I'm just not sure what.

We've talked about stopping our fornicating because of this pregnancy scare. It's still unconfirmed, but it's an idea we're already thinking about.

I dont think your plans had much value, considering there seems to be no problem with degeneracy in them.

Maybe you should have looked for someone you would eventually marry, and not the first prostitute who would open her legs to you while "in the road to confirmation"

How is this not enough to stop you? Only to make you think about stopping? The fear of God clearly isn't in you.

It will be hard, but you have no idea how having a child will change both of you for the better, stronger, more appreciative.

Unironically congratulations.
Yeah you made a mistake, but a wonderful one. God took your sin amd bestowed it to the world as a gift. You are truly blessed. Both of your parents get to be grandparents now and they can help you with the baby as they should.

Truly OP I'm really happy for you. Marry that girl and make a good family in union with God. Don't worry about her studies either. She will actually be better off going to school after the kids arrive.

May God bless your union.

Play prot games, win prot prizes. Don't abort the baby, put it up for adoption at least. As far as the Church is concerned, if you fornicate and use contraception how the hell do you intend to be a Catholic? Go to confession every week to confess the use of condoms? Or confessing fornication, even though you fornicated knowing full well that the Church disallows it? The kinda sad thing is, the Church will confirm and marry you and whatever, but it never did that up until 30 years ago.

Also, considering the state of modern women, do a paternity test.

the church is in utter shambles. people use these dispensations from bishops like candy, well because the church gives it out to anyone. there are people flaunting around that they have a 'sacramental marriage' with a 'baptised atheist'. they literally think all of this stuff is totally fine.

if someone asks about getting married to a hindu, atheist, muslim, prot etc, everyone is like oh no problem just talk to your priest beforehand, there's no problem it's all great!

the state of the church sickens me, but how do we expect anything when these bishops giving dispensations like candy are raping children and having gay sex orgies themselves?

No they might refuse you communion until you make it right Confession and then Marriage. God and the Church want you to get married before having sex and children but they aren't going to kick you out for it in fact they will embrace you for coming to the church in this joyous and worrying time.

Are you without sin yourself? The Lord will forgive your sins no matter what and you may experience his Divine Mercy it may take 10 times or 100 times or even 1000 times but the Lord will bestow his Divine Mercy upon you and he will forgive every single time you need only ask.

Forgot video

Don't give me that crap, we're not talking about me, I asked specific and important questions. Excuses, excuses, excuses. As I said, 30 or 40 years ago the Church would've shown them the door and it was fully aware of what the Bible says. Newsflash, the more and more you condone and justify something, the more it happens. Aaaall will be forgiven, we all make mistakes, bla bla bla bla bla, what is the result? The majority of children being born out of wedlock, Catholics using contraception and fornicating and normally receiving communion every Sunday.

And that line you said how Christ will forgive 1000 times is not what the Church and the saints actually teach.

you're weak if you can't control your urges and aren't ready to be a husband yet, if she isn't pregnant you should break it off with her for her sake.
If she is pregnant you should marry her asap.

t. too beta to get pussy

why are you here?

Zig Forums is that way

I feel a lot of the people here still had sex pretty young and assume it’s easy to just wait when you aren’t an incel.

My father is a pastor and had sex with several women before meeting his wife/my mother and I’ve never dated for multiple reasons, but I’m resuming college this year and have no intentions of remaining completely inexperienced with women physically do I can marry some awful person just to get laid guilt free. The only (men) I’ve known to actually fall for the virgin marriage meme are miserable people

surprised your father is a pastor when you have such little understanding of why we are called to remain celibate until marriage.
Also it's not a meme, it's The Lords command, you shouldn't take it lightly.

Yeah, it is easy. You can't fall into someone's vagina on accident, it requires a deliberate act, it requires you being in a certain situation you put yourself in. But since you're a prot, it doesn't really matter, you have much bigger problems than fornication.

Chill out until you have confirmation, then own up to being a father. It's simple. We're nearly seven billion…shit like that happens all the time. Furthermore not only yourself but your family bond is being tested, so you should be happy about finding out so early in life if your family is a support or just a start up into your own life.

I would laugh but its horrifying that this is the standard. I want to scream.

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Even nu/pol/ would think this guy is retard.

Whatever you do. Don't murder that child.

You must not put your plans above God's plans. Plans are all well and good, but we are not the masters of our lives or destinies. He is. If you put your plans above your holiness, which is God's will and plan for you, you make yourself into your God.

This is no different from the mass murdering leader who puts his plan for empire above the call for justice.

Of course in the legal setting of the US, you have no say. If she seeks abortion against your will, you are not culpable for that murder. You must bout support get in it. No money, no car ride, no encouragement or reassurance.

What you've done is a sin. What you've created is a blessing and a gift from God. Be a man and put a ring on it and love this woman as Christ loves the Church.

Oh, and if you abort for fear it'll mess up your path to confirmation, don't even waste your time.

This is not your child it is God's child he giving to you on loan. He is trusting you and your girlfriend to protect, love and care for this child. I know if you're young this may seem like the end of the world, but abortion will result in her and you feeling tremendous pain and guilt. A year from now, if you guys have a baby I can promise you that will be all that matters.
We had a baby young and it motivated both of us to finish school sooner and work harder, before we were just both kinda screwing around doing a whole lot of nothing. It's truly something that lasts and is as close to heaven as you will ever get.
Your parents mya panic at first, but they will come around. All parents want to be grandparents. They won't choose isolating you and your girlfriend over not having a part in their grandbaby's life.

Unironically what do you suggest over school l? My family pressured me for school but after a series of misfortunes (got ill and couldn’t retain scholarship) I’ve spent three-four years doing essentially nothing. My family assigned my value to my degree status, and college was pushed so hard for me that I essentially gave up on anything but trying to finish it (to no avail for the past years because I refuse to take out loans but also couldn’t afford it even with working full time.
Now I’m finally able to go finish and should graduate by 25, but I feel like I’ve been played. I was going for engineering, but after all the hassle just trying to go back and finish as a B student with nothing to show for it, I feel like it’s time to just cut my losses.

My boss took one week off for his wife's kid. Go to school. Work hard. Get a job. Support your family. You can do this. It's worth it.

I cannot tell if you are meming

So then what’s the point of Redemption if you’re just going to be thrown out? We all make mistakes, good people just make up for them. I was very sinful in my past, but now I’m making up for it. Sure, I’m not perfect and fall sometimes, but not to the point I was before. If you’re saying that after x amount of sins you can’t be saved, then I don’t know how you can live your life. You might as well confess, do penance, and hope you die afterwards so you have a less likely chance to sin.

Negative. He loves his kids and wife. It's not easy, but they're happy.

What even is the parable of the Prodigal son?

But Jesus would not have shown them the door if they came searching for him and truly wished to have their sins forgiven. Instead he would dine with sinners while the Pharisees sneered at him. We do not worship the Saints or the Pope at the end of the Day we worship the one true Lord Jesus Christ. Don't ever forget that.

Do you realise how many lonely spergs on /pol would would convert instantly if they were given the chance YOU have?!

Don't screw this up.

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Don't have sex again, until you're married. You need to get married ASAP.

No. Raise it yourself.

I've been there user. My then-girlfriend (now wife) was pregnant, and we were not in a position to start a family just yet. When her parents found out, they demanded an abortion. I stood strong for the sake of my child, because he was not at fault for our sin of fornication, and was his sole advocate (my family lives far away). It was hard and I felt like everyone was ganging up on me, but the life of my child was more important than anything at the moment. I believe very firmly that my standing strong and never yielding to pressure made my wife respect me and understand that it wasn't a game and the life of our child wasn't disposable. If I wasn't so stubborn, I'm sure she would have been pressured by her mom to murder the child, as she bends very quickly under her mom's pressure.

So I urge you to do the same for the sake of your child if you are indeed pregnant. If this is the case, then be a man of honor and marry her, and become your child's protector.

Christanon, may God bless you for saving an innocent life.

How is your child now? How are you and your wife doing?

Unfortunately, I paid for my sin deeply and the child died in miscarriage 6 weeks into the pregnancy. I still married my girlfriend as we no longer wanted to live in sin. Been married for a year and a half and plan to have children in about three. I hope to meet my child in heaven hope it's possible to tell him how much we love him.

Stop fornicating. However, if she is pregnant, be a good father. DON'T MURDER THE BABY, NO MATTER WHAT. IT WILL BE YOUR BLOOD ON YOUR HANDS. IS IT REALLY WORTH A YEAR OF SCHOOLING TO KILL A BABY? Also get married as soon as possible. Be a good father.

1) Confess and repent.
2) Stop fornicating.
If she is indeed pregnant:
3) Don't murder your son/daughter.
4) Get married as soon as possible.

Gee m8. You're a real winnie the pooh intellectual. Like this is something new to us all, who could have ever seen this happening other than a confirmed genius.

Marry her and assume your responsabilities.
Did you expect anything else from this board? You are guilty of two mortal sins already. You two must go to confession and regret your sins and then marry.
And may this be a lesson to you. Learn to be a responsible adult and stop being a child that can't control his dick.

Checks out.

Heaven awaits you in the company of the saints.

if she does then you're a party to murder whether you approve or not. You knew you shouldn't be winnie the pooh her and you knew abortion is practiced in our society.

guy who hasn't realized yet that his gf had an abortion

this a meme push. catholics only “fornicate” with chilruns and then get covertly moved around after the fact.

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I don't get the meme. If someone thinks you're a pedo they want you dead. Of course you're not going to stay in the same parish lol. So everytime everyone claimed they were raped that means I should believe them unconditionally?
Innocent until proved otherwise but I guess this can't be applied to Catholic priests right?

Now would be a good time for you both to grow up. You freely chose to do what you did, the child did not. Take care of him and raise him up so he won't repeat your shortsightedness.

If she is pregnant, it truly is the best thing that has ever happened to you two. It is up to you two to realize it and act accordingly. If there is hell ahead, it is of your own doing.

I hate Boomers.

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Sin of fornication can be forgiven if you have good will.
You should keep the baby and marry, that will sanctify and clean what you did.

I'm sorry to hear than user. My mum had a miscarriage with her first child and she would have been my older sister. She went on to have four boys until she couldn't have anymore. Now that I think about it, my little brother wouldn't have been born if she didn't have a miscarriage becayse my mum nearly died I think having him (I'm the third son). Since she was a child, my mother's dream was to have children.
I've shared this with you so you may be strong in your faith. Pray brother.

You're part of the problem. You're essentially a sexual predator, a corrupter. May God have mercy on your soul.

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if she aborts, worst case you do not owe her 18-21 years of child support(since i assume you have not married her yet.

AND(bonus) you found out how much of a truly godless faithless feckless hypergamous gold digging grave digging slut she is and you can fling her over the wall and out of your life if she gets nasty about it.

Win win. Best case scenario, you marry her and enjoy the rest of your life after some prayer and confessing your sins and asking for forgiveness from the lord.

Worst case she aborts the kid, you skip getting married, eject that (now proven) toxic woman from your life, run to confessional, confess your sins to god and *best case scenario* you shall be good to go and back in gods grace in no time at all and have LEARNED YOUR LESSON, like you were supposed to in the bible.

Proverbs 5:1-13 I especially take note of this statement: For the lips of an adulteress drip honey And smoother than oil is her speech;4 But in the end she is bitter as wormwood,Sharp as a two-edged sword.5 Her feet go down to death,Her steps take hold of Sheol. (OUCH!!!!)

Ecclesiastes 7:26-28 – 26 And I discovered more bitter than death the woman whose heart is snares and nets, whose hands are chains. One who is pleasing to God will escape from her, but the sinner will be captured by her.

27 “Behold, I have discovered this,” says the Preacher, “adding one thing to another to find an explanation, 28 which I am still seeking but have not found. I have found one man among a thousand, but I have not found a woman among all these. (Slam dunk by Solomon, he basically says out of 1000 women, he has not found one who is upright. LMAO)

I Corinthians 7:8 – 8 But I say to the unmarried and to widows that it is good for them if they remain even as I.(Paul wasn’t married)

I Corinthians 7:32-34 – 32 But I want you to be free from concern. One who is unmarried is concerned about the things of the Lord, how he may please the Lord; 33 but one who is married is concerned about the things of the world, how he may please his wife, 34 and his interests are divided.

I Corinthians 7:38 – 38 So then he who marries his betrothed does well, and he who refrains from marriage will do even better. (Notice the last statement, “will do even better”)

Proverbs 21:9 – It is better to live in a corner of the housetop than in a house shared with a quarrelsome wife. (can’t get much clearer than that)

Proverbs 27:15-16 – A continual dripping on a rainy day and a quarrelsome wife are alike; 16 to restrain her is to restrain the wind or to grasp oil in one’s right hand. (in other words, it’s (restrain) impossible, so avoid even going there, it’s a recipe for failure)

Proverbs 30:20 – This is the way of an adulteress:she eats and wipes her mouth and says, “I have done no wrong.” (Solomon identified the Western Woman thousands of years ago…what a hoot!)

Don't judge or you will be judged!
Love the sinner, hate the sin!

I have made the same mistake when I was very young. I confessed this sin today to the priest (again, I think..)
I was 17 and she was 15 and she had an abortion.
Please, do not kill your child… Please spare his/her life…
Having that child would have ruined my life, but it got ruined regardless.
I'm really really sorry for what I did… please do not follow in my footsteps.
I'm praying for you, brother.

Has she taken a pregnancy test? If her period is a week late, why in the world hasn’t she taken a pregnancy test by now? It’s really silly to be waiting and wondering without testing, if that’s what’s been happening.

If your period is late due to pregnancy, a test will be positive.

It amazes me how little people understand about human fertility and reproduction. The reason the period doesn’t start when a woman is pregnant is because her body is producing hcg, the pregnancy hormone. This is the hormone that the drugstore urine tests check for.

If her period is late but her pregnancy tests are negative, she probably just ovulated late.

t. old married mom of three

Oh, well that's too bad son. People brought in kids in WAY WORSE situations than you find yourselves in, like 99% percent of humanity pre-1950. You shouldn't have banged in the first place, but what is done is done. Get orientated on family affairs and get a ring. Synthetic diamonds are pretty high quality stuff these days and also cheap.

Oh, one last thing. If you support aborting the kid, you are a murderer.


Normies and sinners eternally and irrevocably btfo.
Based God is punishing you, and I shouldn't feel glad about it but I do. Now marry the bitch and raise the child, or you're going straight to hell m8.

This makes me misty man. I was an unplanned pregnancy between two twenty something college students who miraculously ignored the spirit of the times and let me live anyway.

Maybe you can't raise the lil guy yourself, but let future christanon have a shot guys!!

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The secret to my peoples survival

[SPOILER]Well, at least it used to be :'S [/Spoiler]

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user, it's time to grow up

That’s such a bizarre criticism. You say that as if no prot or ortho has ever continued sinning despite knowing they shouldn’t.

a week late isn't such a big deal.
some cycles are longer than others, diet, exercise and stress can affect them.
wait a week then take a pregnancy test.

Would you rather be raised by inexperienced people or to be murdered before your birth? Come on user, I know this will be a really big leap but you know what you have to do. Step up and raise the child if it's on the way, and raise it as morally as possible

Time to become a man op and stop being an effeminate scared baby only concerned about yourself. You have a child now that you need to put first. Stop fornicating, you must be in a state of grace to get confirmed, and get married.