Getting odd looks on the train, is it really that autistic to read Mosley?
Aiden Rivera
Ryder Ward
Depends on whether or not you're throeing up roman salutes every time you turn the page
Anthony Collins
Haven't started that yet.
Jayden Garcia
Right. How silly of me. He's the dragon guarding all of the world's stolen wealth. Of course.
Levi Jones
One dead already apparently
Brayden Turner
You're only as poor as you feel. Everything is relative, after all.
Jeremiah Baker
Anyone else completely indifferent about the France attack? I honestly could not give a toss tbh
Wyatt Gray
Yes, read Game of Thrones or something from the Star Wars expanded universe next time you freak or we'll have to revoke your book reading licence for dabbling in explicitly illegal materials.
honestly shit like this sends me into a rage, she helped cause it and now doesn't like what she see but it totally has nothing to do with scum like her teeeeeeeee heeeeeeeee
Thomas Rivera
Didn't he just tacitly acknowledge that men are superior to women by saying that?
I kind of want to see them outright outlaw competition. Just to see what would happen. Illegal underground games clubs where we gather to play illegal Scrabble sounds pretty cosy too.
>tfw me and the Slav he is also 6'3" right? fight for money and glory
Juan Johnson
Got a link to that?
Ian Thomas
umm akshulee it's the overrepresentation of white males in the community that overshadows the ability of women by forcing a patriarchal mindset of control and allowing toxic behaviour to grow which keeps women of greater ability from becoming a part of it.
Luis Miller
In the OP
el em ay oh
Anthony Adams
Fucking hell, still reckon I could take him if he is that tallmost of that height tend to be disabled
I'm beyond it. A few years ago I would have been watching the Zig Forums happening threads like a hawk. I just shrug and move on now. This is what happens now, and it's going to keep happening until things change.
Juan Russell
I only use reddit to browse interracial porn anyway so leftards triggered and BTFO epic style.
Gavin Mitchell
Not even close to what it used to, think back to 9/11 and the shock/horror. Yes, it was a much bigger incident, but even the attacks after that generated a lot of outrage, nowadays people seem to shrug it off. If I were to talk to someone about it there'd be "oh for fuck sake" and some general grumbling, but it'd end at that.
William Taylor
It was big but it also had major media coverage. Now terror attacks just get swept under the rug.
Charles Jones
There's some truth to that. The media programs the reaction to a large degree. Everyone forgets about these attacks a day later, but Grenfell Tower is the new holocaust.
James Lopez
The only people who even acknowledge Grenfell are the BBC and inner-city foreigners lad.
Carter Miller
Do people actually give a shit about grenfell? I don't know of anyone who gives a toss about it.
I wouldn't be surprised if the Frog shit was a false flag in order to strike-break tbh.
Dominic Long
This Russia shit is simply infuriating.
Jayden Cruz
I know lad stupid bots making us aware of the rape of young children at the hands of foreign invaders smh it's like they don't want us to have our multicultural paradise and for that we should nuke them
So this Russian bullshit is at least partially about raising up an enemy that we need to unite (under the auspices of the EU) to (((defend ourselves))) from.
Austin Morris
Isn't it great how you can just attach "toxic" to things and make them sound evil. Toxic virtue Toxic charity Toxic love Toxic peace Toxic productivity Toxic genius Toxic altruism Toxic reason
Levi Jones
Reminds me of that story about a bloke in Canada who died and left his estate to fund scholarships for poor students of British and French ethnic origins. It got shut down by the government.