as of lately more and more i have come to delight and love the idea of eternal hell. as time goes on it sounds sweet and beautiful to me actually. as i see my own sinfulness and wickedness, i see these traits also more deeply entrenched in other people as well. and for these unrepentant people nothing could be sweeter and more beautiful than eternal hell. to me it's not even the so called stereotypical evil type person that i think truly goes to hell and suffers but it's the lukewarm, the couldn't care less, the apathetic.
i've started to see more and more clearly how truly vile and disgusting being lukewarm is. how utterly evil being apathetic truly is, it is truly demonic and the devil rejoices in it. these people get so many chances to change their ways, and they respond with apathy and what's more than that, in some sort of a paradoxical way they actually propagate and proselytize apathy and lukewarmness. they seek to corrupt and destroy by this way, and they lie to themselves that they're doing nothing wrong, or worse that nothing really matters. they think they can do whatever they want, and it will be all good anyways. even the people who presume they will go to heaven, who are terrible in itself, the ones who are even worse are people who simply don't even care about any sort of afterlife, they are totally apathetic towards it. for as st. paul was zealous at least despite being wrong, at least he was hot or cold, not lukewarm, prior to his conversion. the most disgusting people are lukewarm and just don't give a pooh.
it's hard for many people to understand just truly how completely disgusting this is. it's like the most vile people in the world go behind your eyes every day and you don't notice it. According to St. Faustina, this is what our Lord said to her:
The last day intention, according to Jesus' message to St. Faustina, is the most difficult of all: to pray for the people who are lukewarm and indifferent. Jesus described those people as follows:
These souls cause Me more suffering than any others; it was from such souls that My soul felt the most revulsion in the Garden of Olives. It was on their account that I said: "My Father, if it is possible, let this cup pass Me by." The last hope of salvation for them is to flee to My Mercy."
I have increasingly been able to see this more and more clearly, and for these people, I am so grateful that there is an eternal hell. For God is Justice and this is beautiful. I think it's harder for people to accept when they are more blinded by such things, and probably I hope I will be able to see things even more clearly as time goes on, but I really think Hell is a beautiful and fitting judgement for these people. The cross is an open and free gift, and they don't care, and they think that nothing matters, because they want nothing to matter, so they can serve themselves. They will soon see what matters and what doesn't. The depressing thing to me is if so many people who live like this and so revoltingly deceive themselves that nothing matters and are drunk with the wine of apathy, will also truly get what they want at the expense of all justice and logic, to have nothing that matters, especially when they were showered with gifts and blessings, freely from the Lord, just somuch as they would lift a little finger to turn to Him. Hell is truly beautiful to the Saints, I am sure.