How much actual theology does he know?

How much actual theology does he know?

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Enough to fool thousands of people.

More than the Pope.

This is the dude who got offended by John 1 calling the Son the Word.
"What kind of name is the Word? Don't tell me about the Greek the logos…What kind of name is the Word lol, yo yo I'm the Word" basically said this then went on to say "the bible is YOUR GOD"…."this is the Word" and he started waving the bible around and slamming his podium.

Anyone got a webm of that?

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He is the foremost theologian of our day

Baptist style preaching is about the fire and brimstone Protestant rhetoric, not so much about the iron-clad theology.

Enough to get him banned from many places. Hes makes some awful mistakes, but hes a fearless pastor, he made an entire doc about how anti-Semite Christianity is. I'm surprised hes doing okay, with how many places hes been banned from.

So basically

Pretty much.

Yup, all show and no substance

As a Catholic I have to say I kinda like him. He speaks clearly about sexual morality unlike 99% of Protestants

Hardly Andersons congregation puts considerable amounts of time into proselytising (actually going door to door and not just dropping tracts or street preaching) and consistently takes a biblical stance on matters even when its deeply unpopular and detrimental to them personally. Likewise it actually enforces church discipline.Baptists might not have an Aquinas or Calvin but they are far from just show. It takes far more substance to take a firm stand and act on your christian beliefs than to hide ones inaction behind the mere existence of theologians and martyrs

Rather, how anti-Christian Judaism is. A broken clock is right twice a day, and all that.

Literally this guy.

And catholics.

He is right though (except gays can repent)

Granted, gays are scum, but race mixing is clearly against the bible's teachings.

His problem isn't theology, his problem is ego. Sure, he's deeply committed to the universal Christian heresy, i.e. the bible is the complete and infallible word of God, but you can believe all sorts of retard bullshit and be misled by all sorts of nonsensical dogma and still make it into heaven (mark 16:18)

can a catholic confirm if this is true? does anderson know more than francis?

Pope Francis said he didn’t realize how big The Church is outside of Argentina and he hires yes men that he likes into his inner circle without considering if they are qualified or if they might work to undermine him and preach heresy.

Now I'm a half chan Zig Forums users so I think it's preferable to marry within your own race. But for anyone who think's it's sinful or contrary to the bible read Exodus 2:18 and Numbers 121-10

both were examples of Moses intermarrying and the one in Numbers is an example of God getting angry and Moses' brother and sister for opposing his mixed marriage on grounds that his wife was of a different race.

I think it's better to marry within your own race because of cultural similarities and common background. However not only is mixed marriage not sinful, God actually got mad at Moses brothers and sisters for opposing it.

Does this mean that white nationalism is incompatible with Christianity? No you can want restrictive immigration laws and still be a Christian. However if you hate someone on the basis of race alone, it's a good sign that you haven't been touched by the gospel. Also, a Christian will allow people to marry whomever they choose and if someone wants to have a mixed marriage, the bible shows that we should not oppose it. Pastor Anderson is correct in his theology except the fact about the possibility of homosexual repentance, even Paul says that some early Christians practiced homosexuality before repenting

picture related, Moses and his Ethiopian wife

Attached: moses-and-his-ethiopian-wife-zipporah-jacob-jordaens-.jpg (802x900, 117.73K)


While this is true of many Baptist preachers, it's certainly not true of Pastor Anderson. He places a good deal of emphasis on "intellectual Christianity" and has many sermons preaching against "watered-down preaching".

Not much at all.

all of which is rhetoric and bluster. his stance on disregarding the rest of 2,000 history of the Church means he automatically throws out "intellectual" christianity

In most churches you would be lucky to hear anyone preaching against even one of: fornication, pride, the deceitfulness of riches, sodomy, the perfidy of Jews, gluttony, and women usurping authority – let alone all like Anderson does. People listen to him because he rebukes sin and exhorts believers like church leaders are commanded to do, not because they agree on the finer points of Baptist theology.

Oh, it shows Anderson, it shows.

I bet you're fun at fellowship gatherings.

underrated post

Proverbs 24:24-25
He that saith unto the wicked, Thou art righteous; him shall the people curse, nations shall abhor him:

But to them that rebuke him shall be delight, and a good blessing shall come upon them.

I'm no Andersonite or Baptist for that matter but I would say if you're at church for fun and fellowship, and not to save people's souls from the fires of Hell, you need to reexamine your priorities. Being a Christian isn't fun nor is it supposed to be, look at the saints and martyrs, particularly those from the early church period. They accepted torment in the name of the Lord, their actions are remembered and will be remembered for time immemorial.

Because of their actions, you are blessed to be born into a period where you aren't fed to lions in a Roman area or burnt on a stake by pagans, although it looks like that may soon change. If there were more prelets and preachers admonishing the world rather than being a part of it and leading their flock with them, and casting out the wolves amongst the sheep, we probably wouldn't be in the position we will probably soon be faced with once again.

Church has more purpose than just throwing rebukes at everyone. A preacher is more than just someone who wears a suit and yells at everyone. He's a church leader, a community leader, and a fisher of men. When Jesus preached, he preached with "Blessed are the …" not "Damned are the …"

Someone who aggressively informs a man of error, or warns of error, is not simply "a guy who yells at everyone". To be a community leader (as you put it), you by necessity have to correct (or rebuke) those things which are harmful to it, as clearly as possible. These problems will constantly come up, forever, and each time the defense falters the leadership and the vitality of the community is harmed. When no correction is offered at all, evil simply takes hold. How many places have we talked about here over the years that read like the backend of Romans 1? They no longer offer correction (if some of them ever did), and then they become the stumbling block.

Blessed are the …
Damned are the …

Take your pick. One is like Christ - be ye perfect - and one is like man.

I had a short stint in a southern baptist school actually, aside from ranting about Jews, they did all that

btw, fulton sheen did it way better :)

You seem to be conflating any kind of moral correction as someone damning another to Hell. If some woman came up to you and was adamant about getting an abortion for her unborn child, what you do? Would be accepting, or would you…what, exactly? I am curious to hear what you would do.

He that saith unto the wicked, Thou art righteous; him shall the people curse, nations shall abhor him:

Zero. See this refutation of Anderson for instance. It's way more than a thousand Anderson sermons

Anyone who dresses up in Pagan/Jewish clothing is automatically suspect to me. By the way, how many men of God in the Bible were smooth talkers compared to how many were hard preachers? Oh, what's that? None of them?

so.. lying about people for making drama hog pep rallies?
he is a pathological liar.

No it isn’t, LARPer.

hey, does steven anderson endorse masturbation? I mean, I know he doesn't "endorse" masturbation, but if it's not listed in the Bible, he cannot say it is that bad, right? If he does, then he sounds like the wicked catholic church!

Jesus Christ wore robes, doth this rageth you?

but hey, stevie does preach against contraception, good for him

I think you’re missing the point

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yeah okay so he rode on a donkey sitting on the side like a wammin?
yeah I'm sure it's God's will for you to wake up in the middle of the night covered in your own seed.

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Can someone explain how "this is my blood" leads to the Eucharist and "I am the vine" doesn't lead to doing something in church with vines?

Do Baptists actually partake in Holy Communion or do they just listen to their pastor give a sermon and then go home?

Never mind that short hair for 1st century Jews was shoulder length, right?
Never mind that literally all men at the time wore robes, right?

They take communion.

They call it "the Lord's Supper" and consider it an "ordinance", not a "sacrament". In other words, they do it because Jesus said to do it in remembrance of Him and because it shows their faith and expresses their membership in the church – in itself it has no special presence of Jesus or spiritual value.

How does it work without a liturgy? Do people queue and receive it one by one like in Anglican/Catholic/Orthodox churches?

Even if they don't believe in the Real Presence, there must be some sort of ceremony to respect the symbolism of the event, like the Anglicans have, but I can't imagine Anderson doing anything of the kind given how much he shouts about the wrongness of liturgical churches. Is there any video footage of his congregation taking Communion?

Most I've been to will either pass the bread ad wine around (at least with smaller congregations), or they line up at the altar. This is typically done after reading from a passage narrating the institution of the Lord's supper. I've seen more Baptist congregations beginning to use actual wine, most don't seem to worry about what sort of bread is used.

It's also worth noting that this is typically only done once a month and that all this applies to the majority of evangelical and "non-denominational" churches.

None of them wore only robes. That's like walking around in only a trenchcoat. The ones that did had working clothes on so they could gird up their loins like men if needed.

I've seen truly revolting depictions with longer than that hair. Which is truly a disgrace to see according to 1 Corinthians.

baptist: nope lol

the OT makes provisions for night emissions tho

No its more along the lines of kicking unrepentant fornicators out

I'm just posting to make sure I wasn't V& by the cucks on this board.

I'm sorry what now

A lot more than you and your priest or pastor.

He got offended at the idea the Word is just a name or a title of the Son.

I don’t get how gays are automatically sum, or transgenders for that matter. I’m not thinking about the activists, but people who really struggle with it and want to change (some do). I have some sympathy for them because our society has made it very difficult to change. There’s social pressure to be gay now which is weird.

I feel sorry for transgenders who aren’t raging activists reading books to kids in libraries. I think about what their childhood must have been like, and how something must have happened. I just feel sorry for them.

You are assuming gays are just like straights except they're attracted to the same sex. They're not. The lifestyle they lead is incredibly depraved and dangerous. The vast majority of fags and trannies hearts are hardened.

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Pure races don't exist, God is aware of the big picture and can see humanity from an objective perspective. All Christians are baptized into the new Isreal

I'm not Catholic, but only advocates of the Prosperity-Gospel/Easy-Believism don't think it's a bad thing. That includes Mr. Prosperity Baptist in the OP.

The hellfire and brimstone stuff is to scare people into accepting Jesus as their savior.