Other religions

I was in church today (Baptist) and one of the brothers who was called to preach starting going on an angry tirade against all other world religions i.e. Buddhism, Hinduism etc saying "we know it's all from the devil!" etc. Is the the appropriate way to look at other religions? That they're all just Satanic lies and nothing more? I couldn't help but think how unproductive his preaching was while listening to him.

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There are some grains of truth in some of them, that makes it worse. Only thing more horrid than fullblown lie, is a lie mixed with truth, making it more believable.

Not every single "mystical" experience is from the devil. C'mon now. The atheist idea that religion is just a primitive way to explain the world is actually true in a lot of cases. Taoism is an attempt to reconcile order and chaos as philosophical concepts. Buddhism is an attempt to ascend mortal suffering by rejecting the world. Even the Greek/Roman gods corresponded mostly to natural forces beyond mortal reckoning at the time. And I don't even know how many of them are people attempting to explain hallucinations brought on either by illness or drugs, which they had no concept of either.

yes. quit being a faggot

I was trying to make a longer post, but I didn't like it. To boil it down the whole world knew the truth at one point and nature testifies to the truth so that no one has excuses, but we are fallen and can only understand truth not explicitly stated to a certain degree. On top of that demons actively try to hide and twist the truth. Only the Israelites were given the truth explicitly in Scriptures and protected, in the long run, from demons, so all other religions fell and didn't return to the fullness of the truth. These religions didn't necessarily lose all of the truth and often they lost the truth over time so you can see more of what truth they possessed in their ancient beliefs as opposed to their modern beliefs which usually have been altered significantly. Usually the truth most well preserved is the existence of good and evil spirits and a war between them. Monotheism usually hasn't been preserved, but often has been partially preserved with one god being a divine monarch over the others. Other things will also pop up such as faith being salvific, even if they don't have the right understanding of salvation. People always wan't to jump into either the all religions have no truth or all religions have equal truth camps, but theres more nuance to it

I'm very sympathetic to this view...even though I know it's heresy

I've read a bit on the subject. Was turned on to it by Tom Rowsell / Survive the Jive when he did a video about Rene Guenon (the father of Perrenialism) and his explanation of symbols & representations in religion. I don't think I agree with it in reality though. Mainly because I have studied and practiced Buddhism before becoming Christian and the core of the two religions are fundamentally incompatible. If you take a look at an elder Buddhist who has truly been enlightened and attained to Nirvana and compare his state of being with an elder Christian who has truly been saved and received the Holy Spirit- the metaphysical object of their practices are entirely at odds. It makes no sense to say that these two religions, for example, are getting at the same "metaphysical truth." Eastern enlightenment and Christian salvation are not seeing or saying the same thing in different ways. Perrenialists are always going on about metaphysical truth like the Gnostics go on about mystical wisdom. It's a whole lot of reactionary 3deep5u edge in my opinion.

Yep, that's heresy. Also what
Is saying. Or even Read father rose, he actually in his books. Gives a pretty detailed argument against Reincarnation. But if you're a christian. Then Reincarnation is Preposterous. The two idea, of Death, just don't go together. Perennialisms get serious issue. At what's presupposing. Pic related to the book, in one of which where, he actually gives a short talk on it in here. But also in his other works. And father rose being the famous Convert From Taoism. So makes for interesting read.

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Opinion discarded with extreme prejudice.

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Anthropocentric religions are not from demons because they are already acting as the demons want them to.
Why would they waste their time? Do the military stand the bulk of the forces facing friendly gorund?

This should be mandatory reading about the insidious danger of Hinduism and the "Religion of the Future"


Yes. Either they are satanic lies or man-made religions. The Catholic Church says that what those religions have of good (idk like not killing people and burning fags) are remains of things given by God (from our early parents probably) what they have of evil and against Christ is the work of man/Satan

Hinduism: Demonic. Look at some video of some of their rituals and the faces of the people practicing.
Buddhism: Demonic. People are told to open themselves up so that other things can get in. That's what enlightenment is.
Islam: Demonic. Mohammad was coaxed by a demon into starting this awful religion that succeeded in overrunning over 2/3 of Christendom in 400 years.

Most surviving religions are demonic in nature.

I would add to Buddhism chronical depression of their founder.
The classic "I hate the world therefore I want to be alone forever waiting for death to take me (aka nirvana).

what's wrong with this face?

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Pretty much.>>690042
No, you're right, there's a lot of human invention and aspirational fantasy thrown in, too. It's just the devil knows how to tickle those wants expertly, I guess.
What, you'd prefer he espouses how we're all one religion, really, y'know, at the core of things, and how we all worship, y'know, ultimately, the same God? That kind of thing?
If so, pic related

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Lack of iodine, probably.

She doesn't seem to show any of the characteristic symptoms

what about these faces

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Nothing, really. I think what he was talking about was the facial expressions made by the graveyard-dwelling devotees of Shiva.

really makes you think

Absolutely this.

OP let us imagine all religions were true.
How could it be since every religion contradicts another one? They contradict each other in faith and sometimes in History.
It's not even the same God. Every religion says something completely different about Him. Asians believe in pantheist shit (God is the universe meme). Muslims and Jews say Jesus isn't God while Christianity says that Jesus of Nazareth is God All Powerful.
How can we possibly conciliate this contradictory statements? We can't. That means that either they are all wrong (in this case it would mean Jesus, may Jesus forgive to say this, was an impostor) that one of them is right but not Christianity or that christianisty is the True which from all religions is the only one that has a solid historical basis and its Founder was predicted clearly by phophecies written a long time ago.

Watch this op

esotericism is banned here so your only going to get answers like its demonic or false


Meditation without spirituality is good. I'm not denying it.
But believing in their demons is a mortal sin.


Educate yourself on the nature of God and learn what immanence means

These are posed pictures, not mid-ritual. People in the middle of the serious Hindu rituals look possessed.

They're incredibly valuable for getting people possessed. 'Empty yourself and let the world in?' Can you think of a better way to set up a non-believer for possession? Buddhist and Hindu meditation are about as Godly as a blood orgy.

Where the winnie the pooh did you get that stupid ass retarded cliché from?
Meditation is literally focusing your attention to a singular purpose. Meditating on the name of Jesus for example is one of the best contemplative methods.

Look up the works of father Irénée Hausherr before you talk shit about meditation and religious contemplation.

Or if you're Orthodox look up the works of Saint Nicodemos of Athos, called Enkheiridion.

They worship the universe (creation), Brahma, through his thousands of separate incarnations with thousands of different faces. Christians worship God, the eternal creator OF the universe, who has only one incarnation. We are not the same.


yeah because God never got mad at anybody for worshipping the idols of the heathens

I think talking about other religions being Satanic is the kind of hyperbole nobody needs. This post is criminally underrated though

It all depends on how you view the world, since these religions in the east do not rely on revelation, they are better considered as philosophies with ritual elements. If the world is basically good, these eastern religions hold some truth, if the world is neutral, these religions are 50/50 and if the world is evil these religions are basically evil.

Also you have to consider what your view of people is. Since no-one is righteous but as Christians we suppose that the world is orderly and regular to a certain degree, I would say eastern religions, being based entirely on the world and without revelation probably hold mankind in too high esteem while holding the world in too low esteem, which is the inverse of the Christian way of seeing things in which the people are sinners but the world is more orderly than not.

I'd say that when the Buddhists suggest one should flee this world like a burning building and to eliminate all desire, they betray that they think the world is evil. When the Buddhists say we are reincarnating in a karmic fashion and becoming better with each iteration, eventually reaching a state of perfect renunciation, they err by implicitly rejecting original sin.

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Are you a Christian by any chance?
Hinduism is the most incompatible religion with Christianity and the divergences come from the definition of God.

Pray tell, what is their definition of God? I want to understand this heresy.

Absolutely the same guys

Moreover if religions would be good just because their description of God is close to the truth then Islam and Judaism would be preferential by miles than a cheap rip-off of brahamism.

Totally false. Look up the Saguna and Nirguna Brahman to see the error of your lies.
Brahman is the ultimate creator of everything and not a created being.


It's not hyperbolic if it's true. The 'It's a philosophy, not a religion' is the same kind of brainlet-tier apologetic used to trick people into Scientology, and it mostly stems from the fact that people in the West, when pressed, don't actually believe in demons.

This. Its sad that even among Catholics some people dont believe in angels and demons, although believing in them is an article of Faith to be held by all catholics no exception.

Well, I suppose you've got me there, although I meant to be disparaging nonetheless. I've never been a skeptic of hell, or arguably Satan. Demons and angels have never been of interest to me personally.

I too don't have an special interest in them, but that they exist they do, otherwise the gospels would be wrong in some verses.

I just take them as messengers and false gods. It is a beautiful concept, and angels depicted in stained glass in a Church or Cathedral are top notch, but that's the extent of my opinion on them.

Oh boy, if you liked that you are gonna love this thread OP.

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Do you believe in general revelation?
Do you believe that the Law of God is written on every human heart?

I've been looking into eastern stuff including a bit of Hinduism over the recent past with a view to understanding what it would be I would be implicitly rejecting if I were to commit myself to Jesus. Thing is hinduism really isn't one thing, there's so many schools of thought which radlically differ in their undertanding of the world including all the epistemology and ontology which has huge implications for everything. Second the way this has developed in terms of relating it to their gods is seemingly very fluid and changing..there are so many scriptures each trying to aim for the truth (and versions or their mythologies) but there's so much to sift through in order to understand which is the most viable and robust in terms of a worldview. Christianity with it's simple, common sense foundation and central message and reliance on the historicity of the ressurection is one of the things that lends it credibility to being the truth to be honest.

I'm not saying you're wrong but like I did say there's so many interpretations and takes on hindu thought and the pantheon that my understanding is contrary to what you say: Brahma is one of the three central gods (along with Shiva the destroyer and Vishnu the sustainer) and is indeed the creator 'god' (little g). However as far as I remember he actually only creates on the order of Vishnu who really is the big boss when it comes to these three gods. I'm not aware of any of Brahma's incarnations (not saying he didn't incarnate as it seems to be a popular thing in their mythology) but am aware he had four faces each of which was the source of one of the four vedas which I understand as being the four central and earliest scriptures. And like said, Brahman (not Brahma) is the ultimate reality, the source of all and from which everything comes. And like user made reference to their are two versions of this, one conceivable, and in someway decribable (and as a result is not really the true Brahman) and another wholly incomprehesible, impersonal force (and the true Brahman) (and maybe kinda like the two difference Tao's spoken of in Taoism).

There are some hindus who are monotheists and who also speak of the Ishvara, which, sometimes, is something akin to a Abrahamic monotheist's conception of God, corresponding to the Saguna Brahman the big G behind the littlle g's, but also at the same time correspond to one of the other gods like vishnu, or shiva depending on the school or sect or time…meanwhile iirc there is no concrete consistent understanding of Ishvara between the schools (or maybe even within) the schools of thought or across time. Then there's the fact that (at least according to my understanding) most practicing hindus couldn't give a monkeys whether their gods and the stories about them are real, historically but rather appreciate them symbolically and metaphoricially.

What do you mean by revelation? As in special revelation that we ascribe to our scriptures? I don't know if it's relevant to your point when saying this but I've been made aware that broadly speaking scriptures are secondary when it comes to spirituality in the east, like I said, they are there as a take, a snapshot of one guy's attempt at getting to the truth, you can take it apart and keep some bits you agree with and leave others out and sythesise with things from other philosphies or scriptures if you want - the proposistional statements of scripture and doctrine therein are not the focus of eatern spirituality, the focus is instead on mystical experience (hence meditation, yoga etc.) - which arguably equals to a heavy emphasis on revelation on the understanding it would be of the personal, experiential kind

That's partly because Hinduism is the religion of "I believe in wtv I want".
It's a degeneration of brahamism,basically a religion corrupted by the people and has taken great influences from nearby religions specially Islam and later Anglicanism from the brits.
Its a demonic and gay religion.