Hopping on the “blame the memes” bandwagon, UK researchers have sent a letter to Parliament warning that kids are learning poor health habits from the memes they share on social media.
The letter, sent by Loughborough University researchers to a Parliament committee investigating the impact of social media on teens, demonstrates a poor grasp of what exactly a meme is, though one need only read the New York Times’ latest think-piece on memes to see that academia has never really understood the finer points of internet culture.
UK blames memes for children becoming fat
Other urls found in this thread:
Children Grow Grotesquely Obese From Gluttonous Gorging On High Calorie Memes
Buy more! Eat more! Mmmmmm so good, go to your nearest mcdrive right now!.
Why people are obese, why people hoard stuff they dont need,we dont know, wink wink.
Kill all advertising.
advertising is brain washing
look up "the century of self" on utube, first ten minutes discuss its origin.
convincing women that they would be independent if they smoked was the first test for modern (((advertising)))
fucking plain packaging
After the the EU banned memes. Memes are bad because of all these
This whole study by "researchers" is a fraud, most likely a bunch of triggered SJWs. In reality its sitting in front of a computer or TV screen and eating all day that makes you fat.
I mean the're not technically wrong, advertising is memetic, and it is plastered all over 'the social medias'.
The government subsidizes sugar and other industries that make a fortune because of the profit margins being so insane.
I don't think most of the food is purposefully designed to be awful for you, it likely was just a product of finding the most cost effective ratio of ingredients.
We could be ubermensch if the government subsidized healthy produce and salads instead. I wouldn't even mind if some broccoli tycoons got rich off it.
The policies are not failing; they're working as intended. All this """news""" is about is prepping the field for censoring the voices they don't want the NPCs to hear.
And, as ever, it won't happen all at once. It will happen little by little, slowly but surely, one step at a time. So slowly you won't even notice it happening.
They should have
written across the package. But then again, they shouldn't
Let the fatties eat themselves to death.
Otherwise though, remove advertising and instil a basic fucking sense of national fitness
Whoa there! That word 'national' is highly problematic. It's redolent of nationalism i.e. fascism. Are you so some kind of alt-right white supremacist?
inb4 edge but,
I am tired, not only physically bc it's 7AM and I haven't slept, but also because I'm tired of this gay Earth. I took the "red" pill a billion years ago, but the rage never goes away. The left, the right, the republican, the democrat, it's all you hear about in the USA. They're all cattle, every one of them, 2 sides of the same coin. I just dislike the right leaning ones less because they try to be reasonable, but even they resemble the NPCs in the memes they push. Creativity is dead, and we live in a culture that revolves around who can regurgitate content at the appropriate time. The ideas are processed, the media is processed, the food is processed, and ultimately this leads to so called "opinions" being processed as well. The human spirit is dying, and if the renaissance doesn't come, and it never gets better, I hope it all comes crashing down harder than my cock will be when I see millions of brainwashed hambeasts and soyboys in horror when they realise that the world they helped create can't afford to give them gibs anymore because they screwed it up. I can't wait for the inevitable chaos, I don't care if I die at this point, it's better than living in their dystopia. Doesn't mean I won't try and make the world a better place though, but it's looking pretty fucked, Jim
please stop sliding my threads
if this continues I have no choice but to bump them back
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Why don't most of these links work?
Memes make children fat AND gay.
And ugly.