What is a soul?
How does it smell like?
What does it look like?
Is it made by the parents of a being or its always there eternally like the easterners say?
How do you know its true?
Does the soul remember the memories of the life he had before?
What is a soul?
How does it smell like?
What does it look like?
Is it made by the parents of a being or its always there eternally like the easterners say?
How do you know its true?
Does the soul remember the memories of the life he had before?
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The form of the body.
Nothing as it's not corporeal.
Nothing as it's not corporeal.
It's created directly by God the moment a person is conceived.
Because common sense leads me to conclude that there is a soul, and Christianity affirms it.
There is no pre-existence of the soul, it comes into existence when God creates it when you're conceived in the womb.
God's breath (a spirit) concatenated with a body formed from the dust of the earth.
The soul is the witness that smells, sees, and thinks. The ghost in the machine.
AI will never be conscious.
Slightly off topic but can anyone explain to me the difference between the more western view of a human being dualistic (that is a a soul and a body) in contrast to the popular Orthodox view that a human is more like a trinity (that being a soul, a body, and a spirit).
The "Western view" you're getting at is not the traditional one within Christianity and is actually due to Descartes, because he rather mashed body and spirit together in his own mechanistic philosophy. The traditional doctrine, e.g. within Catholicism, is that of a threefold decomposition of the person into body, vegetative soul and intellectual soul. In doing so, theologians followed Plato and Aristotle.
Thanks for posting this OP, it made me go off and research.
I read a gloss which was of the opinion that this points to the soul being mortal, or more or less inextricably bound up in the body which bears it. The idea connected to this view is soul-sleep. Asking about a soul outside the body like the eastern religions do is just erroneous in this view.
Although it is worth noting that this view, when strictly applied, results in disagreements between Catholics and Protestants. You can't have the intercession of the saints if everyone who has died is really dead and awaiting resurrection.
So there you go, there are two contradictory accounts in Christianity about the fate of the soul.
You can also use this view when you are in heaven or "heck"
Do bacterias have souls?
If i clone myself does it have a soul?
What do you mean by the form of the body?
Why do God put some souls into retards but not that retarded enough to know its retarded while other souls are born into 6'4 athletes?
Sounds very materialistic with an ounce of mumbo jumbo. If i kill myself then this would mean ill just experience nothing since i came from nothing. Unless ill get ressurrected.
How do you know this view is makes much more sense than easterners?
Why is that? Bacterias have lives. They have experiences of their own.
Because humans are meant to be eternal, unlike animals. Animals do have a rational soul, but it's not spiritual like ours. When they die, they cease to exist, while we live on.
Once again, everyone is confusing psyche with pneuma.
Poppycock! AI is one of the best ways to communicate with demons. Ouija has nothing on AI. why do you think the elite are so obsessed with AI?
who cares?
AI is fundamentally dependent on input and you can't get all magical on me.
Men's input into AI are sufficiently evil. Just take a look at social media. Facebook, tinder, Zig Forums etc.
I'm not an animal.
The eastern view is inelegant and deterministic that's why. By claiming you always existed, you are saying your parents had to conceive you and that God wouldn't suffer it to be otherwise. Unless you believe in reincarnation where any time you are out of a body and a conception occurs, God just tosses you back into a random life so long as it has a certain quotient of good fortune that you deserve because of past merits or something.
In short, my idea is just simpler, and allows free will to exist.
Literally any Christian, you retarded redditor.
you misunderstood me.
WHO CARES about what you say if you are unable to explain your point.
all you're doing is puffing yourself up with vain philosophy.
You're not using the bible.
You're barely even speaking in complete sentences.
You're demonstrating why nobody should listen to you.
It's IN the Bible, you ass.
Pneuma, or spirit, is the image of God recreated in man, setting us apart from all animal life. Animals possess psyche, but not pneuma.
You have to use an rng for demons.
These articles use Biblical passages. Calm down.
Yes, they have sensitive souls but not rational souls like humans. All living things have souls.
Yes the clone of you would be merely genetically identical but would be a different person and have a separate soul.
Read St. John of Damascus and Thomas Aquinas first bud.
Define "human"
Soul in Greek is psuché (ψυχή) i.e. psyche. It is distinct from spirit (pneuma, e.g. "pneumatics", Semitic: *ruħ-) which is a kind of wind. It appears that you can have multiple spirits, as in the case of people who had multiple unclean spirits cast out from them; but only one soul.
How do you know this?
Is God turning you into a starving soul in africs a better view?
How does original sin attaches itself to a new soul made by God?
What does it say? Quote them rathe than
That's a little laughable, original sin is attached to the body. If, as we've been elaborating, the soul comes into existence rather than being eternal, then it would have to be created by God and therefore it would be without sin. It must therefore be that the soul receives sin from admixture with the body.
As to the first bit, I don't know what you're on about, I specifically said reincarnation was a cumbersome device which leads to determinism.
Also, this is typical secularist talk. Perfection in God's eyes would be total acceptance, humility and obedience to Him. God doesn't give two shits about the fact that you wanted to be born a 6'4" Chad. Only your moral actions on a metaphysical level matter to Him, you're whining, and btw Satan had similar objections before his fall, so by complaining you are dabbling in metaphysical evil.
Good job. If that cripple guy with a tumor on his face growing day by day as he looks at the mirror is maybe Gods plan.
I guess its supposed to make us accept life even though its just shit.
How does reincarnation lead to determinism anyways?
So God just creates us just for us to experience original sin.
That pic reminded me of this old thing.
The reason why God created people such as yourself is that you might yet reach salvation.
I think Gods plan for you is for me to feel better about myself
Precisely, although the fact that you still object means that you have a ways to go to said acceptance, but you will have to be accepting in the end or you embark on the road of anger and hate. To quote Yoda, the dark side.
Reincarnation doesn't, but the doctrine of an immortal and eternal soul does lead to determinism unless you also accept reincarnation. If your soul always existed, then God has been interfering in the universe to make sure you exist here and now, if this is the only life you get. But if you get many lives, then God doesn't have to care so much.
But reincarnation has another problem, namely there are more human souls on earth now than there ever existed at one time in the past, so where do we get the additional souls from?
Once again, you have to take it on faith that when God saw that His creation was good in Genesis, he actually meant it. Despite all the suffering it contains, God has blessed it. The leap of faith you haven't taken is that the world is fair.
Umm, I don't know
How much Ayn Rand have you read? lol
Yeah. I know deep inside me that God is ultimately just and loving but i just cant make it reasonable somehow.
Karma plays role in what type of world you live in. I still find this concept absurd. What do i have to do to become a zebra or what does the zebra have to doto become me?
Re incarnation also believes in multiverse but theres no proof souls from other universes goes here.
Akushually animals doesnt have a rational soul, only a sensitive one. Plants have vegetative souls.
Like the pentagon has everything that a square has and something more, the rational soul has everything that the animal soul has, and something more
Aristotle defines the soul as the act of a natural body with the capacity for life; and as the first act of a natural organic body. Soul is thus the formal cause of the animal, the efficient cause of its motions, as well as its final cause. The body cannot be the principle that accounts for life, since a body, when deprived of life, is still a body, but not alive. The body is matter to the soul, and soul is form or act to the potentiality of the body. Moreover, the matter, i.e. the constituents that make up the body, are constantly changing while the animal persists. The animal's form or functional organization, i.e. organization of material parts by which an animal accomplishes its vital functions, remains the same. This form is the animal's soul.
There is a hierarchy of vital functions, and thus of different kinds of souls. First of all, there is the vegetative soul which accounts for the functions of nutrition and reproduction. Plants have only this kind of soul. Next, there is the sensitive soul, by which higher animals perceive and respond to their environment. This kind of soul, for some animals, also includes the power of local motion. Finally, there is the rational soul, by which humans are able to use speech and have abstract thoughts. In all of the higher kinds of organisms, the functions that were performed by lower kinds of souls are performed by the higher. Thus, there is only one soul in any particular animal even though it is has the same vegetative capacities as plants. The vegetative functions, which are performed by a plant's soul without sensitive functions, are also performed by the sensitive soul. Likewise, the rational soul is the principle also of sensitive and vegetative functions of human beings. Thus there is a hierarchy of souls and of vital functions, such that the higher souls subsume the lower, but the lower vital functions are necessary for there to be higher ones. The higher are never found without the lower, but the lower are found without the higher. Moreover, there is an interaction between the capacities that characterize higher and lower souls: a lion uses sight to find food, and moves toward the lamb it spies, which it then eats and digests so that it may chase other prey.
I don't know about all the metaphysical ins and outs man, I just have faith.
You might as well ask what the number 5 tastes like.
why would a 6'4 athlete be more valuable or worthy than a retard? Why would it matter?
I always thought the soul is the person (at least in the mental, mind/perceptive, relfective and cognative sense, I suppose all three spirit soul and body make up the person in reality), while the spirit is the thing that animates the person, like their will or volition, which when you're a Christian is of God
"Soul" is usually translated from the Greek Psyche, which is more or less what you describe. The spirit is the image of God recreated in man, and more or less the second thing you describe in your post. Pnuema, meaning breath or wind, would mean "unseen force causing change".
I see, I'm aware of the connotations of the spirit of God as breath or wind, but the 'image of God' is usually likened to the intellect, our rational factuties capable of conceptualising and reflecting on abstract things, no?