If I choose to enlist in the US army and end up killing people, is it a sin?

If I choose to enlist in the US army and end up killing people, is it a sin?

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State-sanctioned violence is still violence.
what kind of question is this?
unless of course you actually want to go fight for faux Israel
Do you want to go fight for faux Israel, user?

Israel and the USA have lateral interests. Not really sure we are only specifically fighting for Israel. Jihadists are bad

this is a very flawed thing to say
what interests do I personally as someone who is inevitably identified as an American share with Israel?
None. The answer is none.
Therefore I'm not going to go to a remote area relative to where I live and go blow up brown people for fiat currency and oil exchange
you're almost as bad as that guy in the pope thread who said "would it make you happy if the pope went wbc" because the pope is both a f4g-lover and a f4g enabler
ANY state-sanctioned violence is bad
just have your own gun and be prepared to protect your God-given rights if someone tries to tread on you.
if jihadists are a problem in your country, maybe look into what your politicians are doing to cause that problem before you consider fighting to enable them.
cool thread
really made me think

you seem like a faggot irl

you seem like jidf irl

The US has not once fought a just war, and I doubt they will ever. Anything done in a non-just war (regarding killing, drafting, taking of property, destruction, removing people from where they live, any and all mental trauma to any and everyone involved, all spiritual damage, all souls murdered before they could receive forgiveness if they could've received it, all women made widows, all children made orphans, all food and resources wasted, etc) is a sin. A grave one. So I wouldn't risk it (being in the army and supporting it by obeying the orders during an unjust war implicates you in ALL of the sins of that.)

Zionists completely control US foreign policy. The ultimate goal of the US middle eastern policy is to destabilize any government that poses a threat to Israel. This is why Saddam had to go and why they now want Assad gone as well. Nevermind that some of these leaders are secularists who protect christian minority populations.

One only needs to look at the wikipedia page for neoconservativism to see that jews such as Bill Kristol and Paul Wolfowitz were the people behind disasterous things like the Iraq War.

As someone who used to want to join the military, it was hard for me to accept that I would just be doing the bidding of an ethnoreligious group that would only further sow chaos in an already chaotic region. Dont forget that many of these "rebel groups" America and Israel support against legitimate middle eastern governments are radical jihadists who would kill you for being a christian. The US military is the greatest force for evil on Earth today.

Lol America is literally the Great Satan. If you want to join up with the Big Gay Mulatto Army and go blow up brown farmers for Israel then go ahead, but just know that if you die you'll go straight to Hell.


As a personal question, OP, have you asked yourself why you need to enlist?

God will provide what you need, money isn't a concern.
You're joining the Kingdom of Heaven, and owe no allegiance to your secular state.
Seeking honour for yourself leads to ruin and small reward. Honouring the Name of God reaps rewards ten, twelve, and hundredfold.

There's no cause to join an army right now. If you need to wander, do so, but there are more holy ways to find your place.

And if you crave the structure, firefighting is always a thing. It's great fun, and you get to help people of all stripes.
Or, the world could always use less corrupt tax coll—slave patr—-I mean police officers. Those concerned with righteousness more than the law.

(And it sucked. I literally fought for the man next to me, because everything else about it was bankrupt. And this is before I became renewed in faith. The best thing about it was free lodging.)

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St Basil the Great and St John Chrysostom considered any form of killing a sin. However, killing by murder and killing in war do not receive equal penances, as the latter, even if sinful, can be done for certain noble reasons.
Basil's canon says:
John was much more harsh about it though, although I can't remember what his suggested penance was.

Pointless question, because you're not going to do it anyway, pussy. You're going to go to MEPS, you're going to get cold feet, and you're going to tell all your friends that they denied you because you were "flat-footed" or "asthmatic" or whatever winnie the pooh excuse you use to play off why they didn't want you.

As for "sin", murder is a sin. Killing people who are trying to kill you is not a sin. Probably why military policy is "go into enemy territory and wait for them to try to kill you".

Legitimately good advice. One of my best friends is a firefighter, and he wanted to join the military before he realized he was doing much more good as a firefighter and EMT, actually helping people.

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Not necessarily. Research the Catholic "Just War Doctrine" to learn more.


fyi: note that EWTN sometimes promotes heresy, so be careful and double check where needed.

Depends on who you're killing. Killing filthy Jihadists? You're doing everyone else a favor. Also, .

ZOGbot detected

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Shut up queer

Nice boomer-post retard. Next you'll praising the war in Iraq because Saddam was becoming a "threat" to Israeli interests and muh freedom.
I unironically can't wait for Russia to drive a stake in the heart of this godless fag-worshipping country and kill it before our poz becomes med-resistent.

Do something. You won’t.

This board is full of literal faggots. The commandment if translated properly is thou shalt not murder, meaning an illegal killing. Something is not a sin because it makes you feel queezy. Choosing man-made morality above God’s is original sin.

Was anything I said wrong, though?
Why would I defend a war that killed someone who defending Christianity in the Middle east? Just because I'm not some super woke™ self-hating faggot, doesn't mean I'm some diehard war-mongering RINO.
wew, okay larper.

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If you killed moon worshipping pedophiles, then no

but they're not even really discussing it

I am genuinely curious. Can you provide a biblical justification for a legal killing?
Because, from where I'm sitting, the laws of man don't matter. And things that caesar made permissable are not always right.

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Just becoming a Zogbot is sin already.