As stupid as Tom King making Batman an atheist over Catwoman leaving Him. At least they show cuckholding and atheism goes hand to hand.
DC made Batman an atheist over Bane cucking
Marvel>DC confirmed
I thought he was already an atheist, didn't he say he was in one of the more recent justice league comics?
This. I don't recall Batman ever being a Christian or hinting at him being Christian.
Even the movie legion had a lot of Christian symbolism.
Batman even in post crisis was at most portrayed as a nons practicing Catholic but still believed in god and the supernatural. Wayne family bible still important to the Batman mythos.( the Bible Bruce Wayne makes the robins swear a oath of no killing on.) multiple storyline referencing the Wayne family catholic background and prayer being a important theme in frank miller the dark knight returns/Batman year one. The whole Batman an atheist thing came from shit retcons and le geek culture historical revisionism. There better arguments for Batman having occult or mystical elements than atheism.
All comics are dead except the Right-wing startups. Marvel and DC are cucked to the bone.
Batman was the only comicbook hero I ever liked because he wasn't some mutant or alieum, he was just a man. But Batman is dead and only exists in history now.
This. I’m still amazed marvel haven’t removed punisher from Continuity yet.
People think comics were always anti-christian. That’s not true. It really happen in the 2000s. With a few exceptions like some X-men. Believe it or not early Spawn use to portray Christianity in a positive light until it was turn into anti-christian late in the runs.( about the time spawn stop selling) before marvel turned johnny blaze into the biggest atheist in the marvel universe. Ghost rider was heading to the direction of Johnny blaze suspecting his fall was apart of god plan fight Mephisto.
The only sensible comment ITT
Nerd culture is cancer
Getting overly attached to fictional characters is indeed silly. Especially in the world of comics, where due to the nature of monthly comics going on and on for years and years, writers start resorting to ever more crazy and sensationalist stories to hold the attention of readers, that all eventually get retconned back to the status quo to not alienate said readers too much (I.e. the "Death" of Superman and too many other superheroes to count; Spider-Man being the clone all along; Captain America "turning evil"; Thor becoming a woman, etc.) Don't be surprised if these so-called "life-altering irreversible changes" to Batman" get set back to normalcy/explained away (i.e. Catwoman is under some kind of mind control or whatnot, Slade being Damian's father being a hoax by Bane to mentally and emotionally "Break the Bat") in a year or two.
However, by breaking free of the stigma associated with the comics medium since the "Seduction of the Innocent Fiasco" via motion pictures, superhero stories have proven themselves, despite the chagrin they may inspire in you, to be a hit among the masses in terms of entertainment, and are more than likely going to be that way in the foreseeable future. Intellectuals like Cronenberg and Moore (and some pretentious pseudo-intellectuals like Jodorowsky) may not like them, but it's not for them. Pop culture is low culture for the masses. Low, not necessarily imparting worthlessness; it has it's place, and in the past was heavily informed by High culture. George Lucas would be more accurate in describing the original Star Wars films as films suitable for all-ages rather than "films for children" (which is ironic, considering that the politics and issues introduced in the prequel trilogy heavily implied that Lucas, albeit in a clumsy manner, was trying to steer Star Wars in a more "adult" direction.)
The bottom line is, like it or not, Pop culture informs and is a mirror of the general culture. Completely ignore it at your own peril.
I have a Like/Annoyance attitude towards Batman. He's enjoyable and entertaining when he's written down to earth but when he's written as "Batgod"….
Honestly, being on a chan image board and whining about "nerd culture" is like being at a KKK rally and whining about racism: what are you doing here? I suspect you're going through the "self-hating nerd phase" that a lot of people on here go through. Speaking from personal experience: nerds desperately trying to prove their "anti-nerd cred" ironically end up just as fanatical and transparently pathetic as the very extreme nerds that they hate and don't want to be (and also tend towards narcissistic issues due to trying to overcompensate for their old extreme nerdy personality.) The sooner you come to peace with the fact that you can like some nerdy things, without being the stereotypical overweight neckbeard living in his mom's basement, with walls covered with animu girls and thousands of pvc figures, the better. (Then again, you might have to just work through this phase, before you see the light at the end of the tunnel, like I did.)
imagine my shock
I dont know about your definition of nerd, but judging by its traditional definition, you basically called large chunk of saints cancer.
The second most sensible comment ITT.
This is a very well written post. I don't hate pop culture of mass entertainment when it's well done (I recently liked Cobra Kai and Mission Impossible 6 very much), super heroes movies are another beast altogether because they're prone to create idolatry among the masses (like plenty of mangas mind you)
You just need to watch the hysteria and the drama surrounding black panther, infinity war and all other things. Good (low) pop culture should nonetheless give valuable lessons to consumers or, at the very least, not trap them into a fictional world.
There's literally nothing wrong with ignoring it. In fact, I'd say it's the right think to do (as long as you don't become pedantic), the last superhero movie I've watched was Deadpool 2 and I felt sick at the end of the movie. It's pure nihilism masquerading behind a mask of virtue (at least the first one didn't try to be anything else than a big "winnie the pooh you"!
Saints weren't nerds at all. Pic related
Batman is gamer now? Ok this is epic
I definitely agree with steering clear of the extreme idolatry and hysteria that can be found in the superhero fandom. There isn't anything wrong with enjoying the occasional Batman movie or comic, but dedicating hours of research to determine whether Batman is a lapsed Catholic or Episcopalian, like the link in this post is just ridiculous.
I can also sympathize with the monastic attitude of completely ignoring pop-culture period. Nevertheless, if one is laity, as one's goal as laity is to be in the world, but not of the world, rather than being wrapped up in pop culture, I don't think it would hurt to at least keep casual tabs on it in the manner of a weather vane or a canary in the coal mine. The SJW shenanigans at Marvel, as well as the drama of Gamergate, being the obvious product of the wider culture being infected with the mind virus of Marxism.
Also thanks for that pic. It reminds me of a quote by Sir William Francis Butler: "The nation that will insist on drawing a broad line of demarcation between the fighting man and the thinking man is liable to find its fighting done by fools and its thinking done by cowards."
Also, the more I think I about it, though I can't condone it, I can somewhat understand and sympathize with why the Black Panther hysteria happened. The Black Community as a whole is obviously desperate for positive portrayals and role models in pop culture media, as well as media that gives them hope and something to strive for. However, they should be expending this energy on Christ, rather than LARPing as members of a fictional idealization of what Africa might have supposedly been like without "muh legacy of colonialism" (and a convenient asteroid that magically hands out far future technology on a silver platter) in the manner of Trekkies.
I wonder if DC suits are freaking out over the batcuck meme.
Doubt it. Their goal is subversion over profit it seems. We're reaching the talmudic endgame.
It'd be best if people stopped caring about pop culture anyway so this could have a positive effect.
I always thought that Batman was symbolic for an anti-christ warrior (because of his devil horns) or some "those in power" super hero since is a richman. Regardless comic books (for the majority) are going to keep getting worse and worse, there are better things to waste time on, and more productive things to do.
Ummm… about that….(pic related.)
What's worse is that this is even after Spider-Man literally talked to God (pics related.)
I worry about who ever wrote this, it's so childish and spiteful.
the mathematical equation is:
1+1 = 3
Didn't he sell his unborn child's soul to Satan (or Marvel's non-union legally-acceptable counterpart) to resurrect his aunt?
Is it wrong that I think One above All is a god name for God?
Bullshit. This retcon probably ordered by SJWs at marvel to downplay kree being space jihadists.(Which strangely got passed the censors in the guardians of the galaxy movie.)
I just imagined some sweaty, fat neckbeard typing all this while reaching new levels of euphoria
Grow up.
He sold his marriage to Marvel's "Original Character; Do not Steal!" version of Satan. Marvel has since seemingly kind've quietly gone about as if this had never happened now while nervously whistling and twiddling their thumbs.
Eh, like Mephisto mentioned above, "The One Above All" is just their "Original Character; Do Not Steal!" name for God. In the pages posted he even undergoes Transfiguration in front of Peter (no, not THAT Peter.). It's pretty obvious who they're referencing.
This inspires an interesting question: do kids even read comic books anymore?
I remember when I was young, you couldn't throw a rock without hitting one of those tall mini-merry-go-round racks full of Marvel And Dcs in grocery stores, newsstands, etc. Nowadays, outside of comic specialty shops, the only place you actually see physical comic books is either a handful smooshed in amongst the magazine racks at the local Barnes and Noble (along with the collected editions in the graphic novel section), or those Archie Digests that will probably be sold at grocery store check out lanes until the second coming.
Do they read them digitally on iPads and such now? Honestly, particularly Marvel and DC, have been getting increasingly try hard edgy since about the mid to late 80s, and it's only gotten worse in modern times. That's not even including garbage like this . In terms of shock and exploitative violence and sexuality, I honestly would not want my children reading modern cape stuff. Now that I think of it, I do remember Toys R Us (when they were still in business) having a small Marvel/DC comic rack. I remember passing by one of those with Batman comics when they were going with the "Joker cutting off his own face" shtick, and literally physically wincing and cringing at the concept of them putting that out for children to read.
Strangely new 52 jokers one of the very few things people liked about new 52. Death of the family was so dark DC edited it when it was released on trade. When an edgy reboot like new 52 tones down something. It pretty hardcore. Death of family heavily implied joker might be immortal. Joker might be a demonic entity. ( which the TV show Gotham plays around with.) The Original dialogue in the death of the family issues was very homoerotic and sexual. Joker knows Bruce Wayne and his family secret identities. Joker mocks Bruce Wayne for not killing him by accusing Batman of being in love with him. Plus Dialogue hinting that the joker Kills people for sexual gratification. Self-mutilating himself was pretty tame compared what he did to Barbara Gordon mother.( Joker perform a mock wedding between him and Batgirl with her mother ring. Which her mother ring finger was in the red box.)
No they don't. Not at all. I don't even think highschool kids read them
Comics from the big two publishers tend to have both pro and anti religious stories depending on the writer. Sometimes an edgelord will come in and try to turn a character with an established religion into an atheist. It happened with Daredevil and now again with Batman. Worst and most ignorant case I ever heard of was Chuck Austen's X-Men run. He had an evil anti-mutant Christian cult try to get Nightcrawler (an established Catholic character who has a devilish appearance) elected as pope. He would be disguised as a human with a holographic image inducer and then when it failed suddenly and people saw his true form everyone would think he was the antichrist and blame mutants. Then they would initiate a false Rapture by feeding some Catholics communion wafers that were tampered with to kill them and make their bodies instantly disappear. Because, you know, a secret silent Rapture in which true Christians suddenly disappear is such a long-held Catholic belief.
On the bright side both Marvel and DC have it as canon that an ultimate true God exists (beyond the various lesser pantheons of Greek, Norse, etc. 'gods' who also exist). Also Marvel has had Jesus explicitly appear in the past although that was later retconned.
It was alright imo. Good art, edgy Batman stuff, some detectivey bits. I just didn't like how he was basically Iron-man with a bat on his chest, but otherwise it was fine. Admittedly I didn't read much of it, just the Court of Owls and Joker stories but they didn't seem bad.
Crashing this marriage with no child support!
It funny because Batman already raising slade son.
Remember when Breast wasn’t written as Richard Dawkins?
Every time
So in other words, American comics, especially the big two, are slowly going down the same drain as Japanese animation: catering and marketing to hyper niche audiences (in the case of American comics, extreme nerds who are still stuck in the "boobs, blood and edge = adult and mature" phase of their lives), instead of a wide range of age demographics. It would be nice to someday see American comics break out of the superhero-opoly, that was ironically the product of the comics code, and become a more varied medium like manga or Francoi-Belgian/European comics.
Also just realized something…
I've seen articles online about Catwoman leaving Batman at the altar due to the machinations of Bane from behind the scenes. I've even seen articles about Damian possibly being Deathstroke's son. But I have literally seen nothing on Catwoman specifically leaving Batman FOR Bane. Was this a mistype or a deliberate meme?
What else do you expect from a guy who makes glorified New Age/fringe/ exploitation films LARPing as spiritual/philosophical films. Which include themes of giving up all your money and possession for enlightenment, in spite of being some of the most expensive indie films of their era, and being fawned over by Cannes, and the usual Liberal circles in New York and San Francisco (Lennon and Ono even ponied up cash for the production costs of "The Holy Mountain.") Show me a major Liberal artist/figure whining about the United States, and I'll show you a Liberal artist making money because of the United States .
Edgy joker is the worst joker
Posting the best joker
I mean a REAL wide range of demographics,. like television, movies and books. Marvel's catering to the, ironically virtually nonexistent judging by sales, SJW demographic is also what's killing it.
Have we started the alimony?
That Joker is pretty homo, fam.
Why would you post anything other than the real best?
You mean the Arkham Games?
No, I mean the one and only, irreplaceable Clown Prince of Crime in pic related.
Although the Arkham Joker is voiced by Mark Hamill which is good.
That whole show was the height of Batman. Glad to have been a kid during that time. Beyond was decent as well.
Based marvel. A shame its now ran by sodomites.
Is it wrong that I am okay with Jesus being a biker?
In all honesty, appearing as a homeless man sounds like something Jesus would do. Or did.
I don't get it