Do you think science will ever independently confirm Christianity?

I was at the bookstore and saw a lot of people’s attempts to secularize the notion of an afterlife using a lot of theoretical physics babble or some such.

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Science by nature is confined to the material world, it can not detect anything immaterial, and to say that spiritual things are material (like if someone "confirmed" an afterlife by methods of science) is not Christian. Scientist will never detect God materially, nor angels, nor anything spiritual, nor is it supposed to. Science can never contradict Christianity, even though they may try with their inane reductionism.

Only if God wants it to. But he never will because he wants the air of mystery to weed out those who follow because they truly believe and those who follow because their is no other option but to believe.

What’s the difference? Both parties would still seek to do the same things

God doesn't want to rule by fear but by love. It's complicated and I am not the right person to discuss this.


I thought Aristotle believed in an impersonal (non-Christian) God or am I mixing him up with someone?


aquinas didn't

1 verse of Proverbs of all books proves me wrong

“There is no fear in love; but perfect love casts out fear, because fear involves punishment, and the one who fears is not perfected in love.” (1 John 4:18).

Fear of God is the beginning, but Love of God is the end of the foot-race.

the powers that be will try supress it or cast doubt over it, if we believe in (((conspiracies)))

Keep in mind that with scientific proof comes other issues. Remember that there are people who believe that God exists and hate him. While it would be insane to target an entity that created an entire universe with the energy levels Earth presently wields (fossil fuels? plz) I could see some people trying to destroy that universe or at least Humanity/Earth in a mad rage against heaven with their positions ascertained.


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I don't know if I can trust in that. I feel like I'm in the weird side of youtube when I look that shit up. please post some examples of what you're talking about that are confirmed.

I don't know what you mean by independently but there's a good book by Dr. Zugibe who scientifically proves the passion and the shroud of turim.

The Crucifixion of Jesus, Completely Revised and Expanded: A Forensic Inquiry

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it's only through Zugibe's physiological analysis that we can grasp the terrible suffering our Lord went through.

when it says fear it means "respect", God doesn't actually want us to be afraid of him like some serial killer, nor does he want us to think he's a joke and walk all over him

I hate people who say physics explains this and that.
99% of those people are the same people who can't solve a first grade equation.
As a physicist I hope they burn in hell for making my field of study a meme.

The Shroud of Turin is precisely the evidence to invoke among such people, given their fetish for scientism. The standard approach to such questions, however, should be as points out.

'27 And he said, 'Then I beg you, father, to send him to my father's house, 28 for I have five brothers, so that he may warn them, lest they also come into this place of torment.' 29* But Abraham said, 'They have Moses and the prophets; let them hear them.' 30* And he said, 'No, father Abraham; but if some one goes to them from the dead, they will repent.' 31 He said to him, 'If they do not hear Moses and the prophets, neither will they be convinced if some one should rise from the dead.'"'

You may be interested in some of pic related's links and information; I made that thread back when I was obsessed with the Holy Shroud. I am very blessed to have come across many signs confirming and reinforcing my faith.

Sancte Thoma, ora pro nobis!

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I am, thanks! Learned some new things about it. Saved.

Ad majorem Dei gloriam.

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Not when you have people like Dawkins saying that he would outright reject even obvious proof of God's existence because he would chalk it up to ayy lmaos instead.

funnily enough this is a fantastic argument to use on fedoras. next time they say there's no evidence of God, if you can get them to answer (most of them are cowards and will never answer) ask them what sort of evidence would be okay, even say you can show them but you want to know what would be acceptable first, based on their logic. You can even claim that you will pray to God and He could very well do it, but you need to figure out what to pray to God for first.

They literally cannot come up with anything that would convince them based on their logic. Your name in the sky? ayy lmaos are more likely than some all powerful being that I can communicate with right? money in your bank account? isn't it more likely i can hack into it than an omniscient all powerful being that exists that i can communicate with? and so on, they literally based on their idiotic logic, can come up with nothing that would actually convince them that God exists. So while you can (actually legitimately claim) that it's very possible you can get God to do a miracle for this person, they can not even come up with one thing that would definitely prove that God exists to them. So if they can't why would you waste your time (or God) to do something if nothing is good enough for them. God appearing - isn't it more likely it's an ayylmao, or I secretly drugged you?

Based on their "Facts and Logic" (tm) (also devoid of any basic philosophy) God cannot exist so literally any other explanation would be more suitable for them. Doesn't matter if you levitate and hadoken the living hell out of that person.

So yeah that Dawkins example is pretty good cause it proves how ridiculous the fedoras are. Believe me you won't even get halfway into this sort of discussion without them skydaddy-posting you out. Logic is the enemy of a fedora.

If "atheistic" scientists discovered detailed information on the nature of the Divine, they would either try to bend it to their will or destroy it out of rage. They would fail, of course, but they would bring ruination in the process.

how could you confirm that God incarnated as a man 2000 years ago, using science (or anything for that matter)??? it's just faith, we don't have to explain sh|t….

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I used to wonder when first reading the gospels why most of the pharisees continued to reject Christ, having seen these things first hand. Surely they had proof, and knew the risk they were taking by rejecting it? But it's no different to modern atheists. They aren't more logical/intelligent/skeptical etc, they're just more stubborn. Their pride is all they have going for them.

Supernatural world
Natural world.
Is this so hard to understand? If science could replicate Jesus miracles than he was an impostor and no truth abided in him. We know that He is the One He says He is because he made impossible things. It's impossible for a virgin to become pregnant, it's impossible for water to turn into wine, it's impossible to resurrect etc yet he did it.
In fact science proves Christianity exactly by saying the biblical miracles are impossible according to the laws of physics. Otherwise it wouldn't be a miracle.

Perhaps a million years from now they will be able to view history or visit history using some unknown scientific device. Maybe Jesus might get resurrected once more and oh what then?

They are one in the same.

If God wishes it, then it will. If God doesn't, then it won't.

However, every time I felt an impulse to wander from the faith I asked myself whether that came from legitimate reasoning or if that reasoning is just a rationalization of a desire not to believe. More often than not it was the later. And then I wondered if science already doesn't have the tools to confirm the faith but it is hidden because most, like me in my moments of weakness, just prefer not to believe.