41k Measles outbreak raging in Europe coming to U.S,dying like flies,get yor kid the shot

A raging measles outbreak in Europe may be a warning sign of what could occur in the U.S. if something doesn’t change soon, experts say.

So far this year, there have been 41,000 cases in Europe and 40 deaths, according to the World Health Organization. The European experience may offer a window on how quickly things can go awry when parents choose not to vaccinate their children, doctors caution.

Because measles is relatively rare in the U.S., many Americans have no idea of the disease's frightening impact and its stunning contagiousness.
The reason, experts say, is that in Europe, many parents have opted to skip vaccinating their children. “It’s the main factor leading to the outbreaks,” said Anca Paduraru of the European Commission in Brussels. “It’s unacceptable to have in the 21st century diseases that should have been and could have been eradicated.”

At least 95 percent of the population must have received at least two doses of measles vaccine to prevent outbreaks, WHO said. Some parts of Europe are below 70 percent.

The measles vaccine has been available in the U.S. since 1963, and is now commonly administered to children in tandem with the vaccines for mumps and rubella. The effectiveness of the vaccine led federal officials to declare measles eradicated in the U.S. back in 2000. Before the vaccine, there were 3 million to 4 million cases annually, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

But the success of vaccines has at least in part been their undoing.

Many parents are unfamiliar with the havoc measles can wreak because there have been few cases in the U.S. since the vaccine became widely available

People don’t see them and so they forget about them or they think the diseases don’t exist anymore,” Klausner said. “They don’t realize their child is at risk for measles meningitis, encephalitis and permanent brain damage.”

he problem is the plethora of misinformation online, Hotez said. “The anti-vaccine groups have made very strategic use of the internet and social media,” he added. “It’s estimated that there are more than 400 anti-vaccine websites now, and when you put ‘vaccine’ into a search engine, it’s almost inevitable you’re going to get an anti-vaccine website popping up.”

And it’s not just the internet, Hotez said. “Now there are political action committees popping up in several states, including Texas,” he added.


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And that's a good thing.
Local population is already vaccinated, it's gonna be rapefuges who will die.

Guess where those measles are coming from. They were near extinct in Europe because generations got vaccinated as children, but those refugees never had that done, so they're carrying in all those diseases we already dealt with.

This is commie fascist scare mongering

I don't have any kids of my own, but I'd let them take their chances before putting this poison their littler pure bodies

40 or 50 kids dying or a few thousand brain damaged is a drop in the ocean as to what will happen with large scale vaccinations




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The big invaders brought the little invaders

Europeans brought smallpox and wiped out the majority on Native amercans, so karma

Fuck off you prepping fool
This is serious

Go hide in a hole in the ground with no electricity

You do realize those 41k cases are refugees? We're still vaccinating. Only the US will be under threat because they stopped with it or often simply refuse out of "ideological" reasons like

I don't know what's more shocking…the fact that the ones fighting for enforced vaccinations are highly likely also responsible for the deliberate spreading of the diseases, or that this doesn't even make me angry anymore?

Did you read the article?
Americans have reduced the vaccination of their children

at least 95 percent of the population must have received at least two doses of measles vaccine to prevent outbreaks,

I bet it's comparable to the european levels

C'mon, I had this when I was a child as well many other children around, and no one died. All the complications listed are rare.
And the best part is that once you got it, you remain immune for life.
This news is more fear and deception from the (((pharma oligarchs))) and ZOG.
Vaccinate your children only the minimal necessary, let them create their own natural defenses.

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I got it when I was like 5 or 6 years old in the 70's. Wasn't a big deal tbh.

And if you think about it, to be inoculated with substances promoted and produced by the same beings that want to genocide us, is suicidal.

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it be too late

your seed shall lie barren on the ground, swine

Spoken by someone with no young children

have some jewish seed

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Nothing to do with the millions of third world biological weapon disease vector illegal immigrants then.
Apart from all outbreaks can be traced to immigrant hotspots.
Same applies for tuberculosis, mumps and several other previously "nearly extinct in europe" diseases.
Death to Merkel and her cabal.

karma would be you being beaten to death by a pack of feral niggers

Trillions were spent on europe-wide vaccinations of all sorts of diseases.
Massive amounts of animals were culled and incinerated to eliminate various other diseases.
All that effort and resources, and Merkel the cunt invites all her nog pets in to wipe out 100 years of work.

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No, because it wasn't done on purpose. The Europeans were still thinking in terms of the Miasma theory, you historically-illiterate faggot.

Considering the Western yuropoors I've met, good riddance.

This is how it was back in the 1800s. People are pathetically weak.

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Yes but that 95% applies to populations not countries. Refugees live clustered together forming a distinct population from that of the native population.

The meme makes no sense. It is an oxymoron.
The kikes and their lackeys are behind the vaccine industry and ZOG's programs promoting to inoculate the plebs with substances that only them know about their effectiveness and ulterior motives. There is a really good chance that these substances are trojan horses to unreleased pathogens designed to terminate us once and for all.
I don't bite the kike's offer.

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And the Immigrants are doing it on purpose?

you just plain ignorant faggot

retard alert

By the way.
I am sure that some "smart and well intended" faggot will argument that vaccines are safe and under the scientific community scope to inspect and try.
However, reality begs to differ; what scientists have at hand to inspect are the called "scientific papers" handed over by the (((labs))) and not the real research in the laboratory.
In other words, the so called scientists only repeat the finds and conclusions stated by a printed paper handed over by the (((pharma companies))), and nothing else.
Go figures why Whites outside the cities (that it is where the brainwashing is more intensive) are the ethnic group most resistant to be inoculated.
And if you don't believe the paranoid goyim, then believe the paranoid kike (screenshot related).

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this is jsut the non active measles already in the european population attacking the shitskins coming in who havent had it. i wasnt never vaxxed never will. let viruses run their course

Yea, a few dead or damaged kids, no prob,

I can hardly wait for the big one, like the ww1 Spanish flu virus to hit.

A good culling and we be rid of all the fools like you

This is a Zig Forums kike
This is not me
Although I agree with everything but the hurt children


(((Judith L. Schaechter)))

>(((Judith L. Schaechter)))
Yup. A certified kikess.

who is u?

nobody, just another board lolcow

I had the measles, chicken pox and the mumps when I was a kid

The mumps were the worse
My neck swelled up and I had trouble e, but was ok in a week

None of the kids around me today have never had any

You must have been a kid in the 60's, boomer

That's when a lot of these shots were starting to be used

At the beginning of the 1960s, it was clear that a vaccine against measles would soon be available. Although measles was (and remains) a killer disease in the developing world, in the United States and Western Europe this was no longer so. Many parents and many medical practitioners considered measles an inevitable stage of a child’s development. Debating the desirability of measles immunization, public health experts reasoned differently. In the United States, introduction of the vaccine fit well with Kennedy’s and Johnson’s administrations’ political commitments. European policymakers proceeded cautiously, concerned about the acceptability of existing vaccination programs. In Sweden and the Netherlands, recent experience in controlling polio led researchers to prefer an inactivated virus vaccine. Although in the early 1970s attempts to develop a sufficiently potent inactivated vaccine were abandoned, we have argued that the debates and initiatives of the time during the vaccine’s early history merit reflection in today’s era of standardization and global markets.


yep and no skin of your back right you stupid nigger kike faggot ass bitch

Measles affects about 20 million people a year,[3] primarily in the developing areas of Africa and Asia.[6] No other vaccine-preventable disease causes as many deaths.[12] In 1980, 2.6 million people died of it,[6] and in 1990, 545,000 died; by 2014, global vaccination programs had reduced the number of deaths from measles to 73,000

Any and all "refugees" should have been vaccinated in the 1st week

Nah I'm good on the latest dose of kike poison. Daily reminder that Seth Rogan is a rapist but Jews hire PR teams to bury this info because Calliing out Jewish rapists is EVIL!!!

An anti-vaxxer die-off would be most welcome.