I'm going to be visiting a friend's house today, my friend has a very large collection of Orthodox iconography, and I'm going to be taking photos of as much of his collection as he'll let me. I'll be dumping the photos afterwards. Anyone have any advice for taking pictures of icons? I'm no photographer, and I'll be just using my phone's camera, but I want to take the best photos I can.
Don’t use flash, icons have a reflective surface and flash will turn into a bright white light on the picture. Try also not to have any other light shining directly at the icon Here are three pictures of the same icon. One has no flash and the light is coming from another room. The other has flash causing a white light at Mary’s feet. The third has the light on in the same room as the icon, and it’s shining directly at it It’s best to use natural light from a window, which won’t be directly shined into the icon. If you can’t do that, have light on in the room but don’t shine it directly at the icon The icon I took a picture of was specially commissioned by my dad, who knows an icon artist. All the saints (including Mary) on this icon are the patron saints of my parents, my siblings, and me
A shame, as someone who is I would suggest any kind of decent camera body (Canon, Nikon, Olympus, Sony) paired with a fast lens, a circular polarizer and a lens hood. Maximum image definition and minimal glare and reflections.
That said you can get some of these abilities on your phone as well. There's small lenses that attach to phone cameras these days that might have some of the abilities I am talking about but I doubt you can get them on short notice.
Anyway as said, don't use flash due to reflection issues. If it's too dark to get good images, I would suggest you get some VERY bright lights and put some material on it to diffuse it, make it a "soft white" light that doesn't cause a lot of glare. If you can get very bright LED lights (which would not heat up much), I would suggest wax paper over the front of them if you can find nothing else. Otherwise there are professional materials that can be used for those purposes.
Jason Stewart
Take a hammer with you, and punsh holes in the faces. this increases the quality of the image
Parker Rivera
Alright, I'm back. I tried to take the best photos I could, but unfortunately he keeps a lot of them in a low light area and I didn't have the luxury of moving them or access to my own light sources. So I apologize if any of these photos are blurry or for any strange lighting or glare.
These icons are all from Russia imported to the USA before the current laws restricting the export of religious iconography. A few are damaged, but most are museum quality.
You anons were right by the way, these icons were so reflective that I doubt I'd have been able to get anything but glare with my flash on. Even without the flash I still got a lot of glare.
Naw, man. They're gorgeous. I'd love to learn more about Iconography, am looking for a nice small store from which to buy a history, theology, and technical book.
Any recommendations? I've been wanting to try it for a good minute, but upon learning more about the process (fasting, prayer, vision), I am quite suddenly compelled to be precise—even in a first attempt.
(I know this picture is a joke, but I had a dumb idea about doing the Itasha thing, except using my patrons. Especially since I learnt that John invented iconography. Maybe do the personal one, and start a hobby-charity. Did you know there's literally zero car decals depicting saints online? Not even the Fate GO bastardized versions.)