SJWs are crying racism and islamophobia

Over Doom internal anti-Demon stance
Really makes you think.

Other urls found in this thread:

In retrospect the one thing I don't like about the Doom series is that they make killing demons so easy looking when they are really rather more insidious to deal with. That aside, it's a good series for the most part, this particularly problem you are mentioning OP is the insanity of the age. Good is evil and evil good.

Bunch of crafty little serpents aren't they?

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What does this have to do with christianity?


The thing about demons is they aren't flesh and blood, so you can't rip and tear them apart anymore than you could smoke

At this point I'm convinced that if demons began massively appear in the world, some SJW retards would start #notalldemons campaign

Deranged leftists trying to actively promote Satanism (the real kind, not the New Age rubbish kind that helps the real kind). Just people who love their permissiveness more than the Lord. A lot more, probably…

At this point the mainstream believes tolerance to be a Christian virtue. They’ve successfully turned mainstream Christianity into crypto-Satanism.

The only thing that matters if those who are working on the game will cave to internet leftism.

…how are you gonna remove demons from a game that's about killing (?) demons? That'd just turn it into a walking simulator.

How would you have black nazis in cod?




That was the plot of the Doom novels in the 90s. Not even kidding.

That's peculiar.

In the novel doomguy and doongirl joins up with milita groups made up of Christians and Mormon resisting the demons. Meanwhile most of world accept demons as refugees and victims of religious violence. Those who Oppose the demons are killed or brainwashed. Doom novels were shockingly pro religion.

>Christians and Mormons

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Well, the whole Sjw, is really just a showing of misguided Religious worship. Same thing with the Vegan crowd. But, i liked that gameplay trailer. Doom, and the new upcoming one. Are one of the few modern games that are actually worth playing/possibly pre ordering. In a world of Micro transactions, and slimeball companies. The only other game i'd say is worth a go out and get is pic, and this has been out for years now. But still worth it though especially with friends :)

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Dooms “daemons” are extra-dimensional invader and their home dimension is called “hell”. So basically, they are sci-fi aliens which happened to carry classical Earths hell motif.

Also aliens. in real life if there would actually be one, are actually daemons. So double coincidence?

That game makes me happy.

Speaking of the novel, pic related is some other implication i learned off /tg/.

"And in his conquest against the blackened souls of the doomed, his prowess was shown. In his crusade, the seraphim bestowed upon him terrible power and speed, and with his might he crushed the obsidian pillars of the Blood Temples.

He set forth without pity upon the beasts of the nine circles. Unbreakable, incorruptible, unyielding, the Doom Slayer, sought to end the dominion of the dark realm"

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I support this. Whatever it takes to destroy the cancer that is nu-doom. I rather see this franchise buried forever, than letting Bethesda having their degenerate ways with it.

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No. They worship capitalism, which follows no morals and can be changed at a whim. Those people are indoctrinated to follow a whistle and change their tunes to whatever is marketed towards them. Their common sense is overruled, they can't comprehend their own wrongdoings and they are being herded into suicide.

This thread actually makes me want to get Doom on steam now

Doom on steam worth it for brutal Doom alone.

I mean the book might say they are aliens but the demons from the original series are most certainly supernatural and very explicitly anti-Christian on top of it.

Eh, Brutal Doom itself's gone downhill over the last few years. The earlier versions and some of the forks based on those versions are still fine, though. Also if it's not too expensive consider getting a hardcopy that you really own off of a resale site, rather than giving Valve or CD Projekt money for something they did not make.

Are you even surprised, OP? The entirety of the left including Social Marxist Warriors are possessed by demons at this point. They want to turn not only America but also the whole entire westen world into squatopia where everyone is an anarchist squatter.
Hey, I have an Invidious link as well if you don't like the Diamond Brothers.

Thank god I stop watching that fag ages ago along with those other Game "Theorist" guys as well.

I need to read this Doom novel. This sound amazing from what you guys are talking about.

This meme needs to die, upside down crosses are Peter’s cross

Liberals do not care about this, it is progressives.

Most of them are hardcore socialists.

Why not just blend the worst of the two together and call it "State Capitalism"…oh, that name and idea's already taken…

Same thing

One feeds the other and both have to go.

I always liked doom guy helmet

Socialists in capitalist countries. Like prostitutes who are also celibate.

In my head canon the demons have used human servants to construct monstrous physical bodies they can posess. The "demons" you kill in Doom are then just like a sort of vehicle for the demons to ride in the physical realm. Remember when games used to leave things up to the player's imagination?

Please don't support DRM. Get it physically or get it from GOG if you want a digital copy.

Pretty sure you don't need original Doom to play Brutal Doom.

if only dealing with demons were as easy as blasting them with a double barrel shotgun

tbh, if God would say to me that I could have one wish and wish for anything, I would wish for satan to become fully material so that I could stone it.

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The DRM of steam is the least of the problems that it brings, it also sells your personal information, and you can't keep your games if you delete you account.

Struggle is good, but I think Doom's method is also good because it teaches you that you can overcome their large influence if you simply reject them. Gives a good message

Be glad that he didn't. He knows that leftists and moral relativists would demand for them to have rights.

This should be assumed by default of all proprietary software that's connected to the internet. To be fair, these days even Free Software is known to use Google Analytics, but at least that's something people can spot.
This is a direct consequence of the DRM. Can you even delete your account? Last time I checked I couldn't.

Well, in the case of the older Doom games, you just need the IWAD and a source port to run it. More of a problem for other games however.

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Sandy Petersen, one of the main guys behind Doom, is a Mormon.

Well, Black guys are Behemoths if you ask me XD

Isn't the New Age movement consider to be crypto-Satanism?

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Well, duh! Without of them, how did Muhammad get his "revelations"?

Liberal are in fact being consistent here

Nope. BD needs to be played with other WADs.

I forgot this isn't /v/.

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It's not anime so its okay.

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Reminder that these are levels of degeneracy that have never been seen before in recorded history

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Oh, I dunno. We did have the Flood and those two cities and all that. Not saying things are great but there's still a way to go.

In any pre-19th century society this person would be killed on sight by a well-meaning mob.

America and EU are the new sodom and Gomorrah

I think even people in the 1800s, even to be fair to my previous statement, would haven't reacted well at all to this much body modification. Actually, any point before (say) 1950-1970. When things go bad, they don't go bad slowly.